


Bug #20656 » 11386_v2.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-11-05 15:44

View differences:

t3lib/cache/backend/class.t3lib_cache_backend_filebackend.php (Arbeitskopie)
public function __construct(array $options = array()) {
if (TYPO3_OS === 'WIN') {
$this->root = '';
if (empty($this->cacheDirectory)) {
$cacheDirectory = 'typo3temp/cache/';
public function setCacheDirectory($cacheDirectory) {
$documentRoot = PATH_site;
// resetting if an absolute path is given
if ($cacheDirectory{0} == '/') {
$documentRoot = '/';
if (($open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir'))) {
if (TYPO3_OS === 'WIN') {
$delimiter = ';';
$cacheDirectory = str_replace('\\', '/', $cacheDirectory);
if (!(preg_match('/[A-Z]:/', substr($cacheDirectory,0,2)))) {
$cacheDirectory = PATH_site . $cacheDirectory;
} else {
$delimiter = ':';
if ($cacheDirectory{0} != '/') {
// relative path to cache directory.
$cacheDirectory = PATH_site . $cacheDirectory;
$basedirs = explode($delimiter, $open_basedir);
$cacheDirectoryInBaseDir = FALSE;
foreach ($basedirs as $basedir) {
if (TYPO3_OS === 'WIN') {
$basedir = str_replace('\\', '/', $basedir);
if ($basedir{strlen($basedir) - 1} !== '/') {
$basedir .= '/';
if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($cacheDirectory, $basedir)) {
$documentRoot = $basedir;
$cacheDirectory = str_replace($basedir, '', $cacheDirectory);
$cacheDirectoryInBaseDir = TRUE;
if (!$cacheDirectoryInBaseDir) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
'Open_basedir restriction in effect. The directory "' . $cacheDirectory . '" is not in an allowed path.'
} else {
if ($cacheDirectory{0} == '/') {
// absolute path to cache directory.
$documentRoot = '/';
if (TYPO3_OS === 'WIN') {
$documentRoot = '';
if ($cacheDirectory{strlen($cacheDirectory) - 1} !== '/') {
$cacheDirectory .= '/';
if (!is_writable($documentRoot . $cacheDirectory)) {
$this->cacheDirectory = $documentRoot . $cacheDirectory;
$this->root = $documentRoot;
$this->cacheDirectory = $cacheDirectory;
$expirytime = $this->calculateExpiryTime($lifetime);
$expirytime = $this->calculateExpiryTime($lifetime);
$cacheEntryPath = $this->renderCacheEntryPath($entryIdentifier);
if (!is_writable($cacheEntryPath)) {
$absCacheEntryPath = $this->root . $cacheEntryPath;
if (!is_writable($absCacheEntryPath)) {
try {
} catch(Exception $exception) {
if (!is_writable($cacheEntryPath)) {
if (!is_writable($absCacheEntryPath)) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
'The cache directory "' . $cacheEntryPath . '" could not be created.',
'The cache directory "' . $absCacheEntryPath . '" could not be created.',
$data = $expirytime->format(self::EXPIRYTIME_FORMAT) . $data;
$cacheEntryPathAndFilename = $cacheEntryPath . uniqid() . '.temp';
$cacheEntryPathAndFilename = $absCacheEntryPath . uniqid() . '.temp';
if (strlen($cacheEntryPathAndFilename) > $this->maximumPathLength) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
'The length of the temporary cache file path "' . $cacheEntryPathAndFilename . '" is ' . strlen($cacheEntryPathAndFilename) . ' characters long and exceeds the maximum path length of ' . $this->maximumPathLength . '. Please consider setting the temporaryDirectoryBase option to a shorter path. ',
'The length of the temporary cache file path "' . $cacheEntryPathAndFilename .
'" is ' . strlen($cacheEntryPathAndFilename) . ' characters long and exceeds the maximum path length of ' .
$this->maximumPathLength . '. Please consider setting the temporaryDirectoryBase option to a shorter path. ',
$result = file_put_contents($cacheEntryPathAndFilename, $data);
if ($result === FALSE) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$result = rename($cacheEntryPathAndFilename, $cacheEntryPath . $entryIdentifier);
$result = rename($cacheEntryPathAndFilename, $absCacheEntryPath . $entryIdentifier);
if ($result === TRUE) {
protected function setTag($entryIdentifier, $tag) {
$tagPath = $this->cacheDirectory . 'tags/' . $tag . '/';
if (!is_writable($tagPath)) {
$absTagPath = $this->root . $tagPath;
if (!is_writable($absTagPath)) {
t3lib_div::mkdir_deep($this->root, $tagPath);
if (!is_writable($tagPath)) {
if (!is_writable($absTagPath)) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
'The tag directory "' . $tagPath . '" could not be created.',
'The tag directory "' . $absTagPath . '" could not be created.',
$tagPathAndFilename = $tagPath . $this->cache->getIdentifier()
$tagPathAndFilename = $absTagPath . $this->cache->getIdentifier()
. self::SEPARATOR . $entryIdentifier;
if (strlen($tagPathAndFilename) > $this->maximumPathLength) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
'The length of the tag path "' . $tagPathAndFilename . '" is ' . strlen($tagPathAndFilename) . ' characters long and exceeds the maximum path length of ' . $maximumPathLength . '. Please consider setting the temporaryDirectoryBase option to a shorter path. ',
'The length of the tag path "' . $tagPathAndFilename . '" is ' . strlen($tagPathAndFilename) .
' characters long and exceeds the maximum path length of ' . $this->maximumPathLength .
'. Please consider setting the temporaryDirectoryBase option to a shorter path. ',
* @author Karsten Dambekalns <>
public function get($entryIdentifier) {
$pathAndFilename = $this->renderCacheEntryPath($entryIdentifier) . $entryIdentifier;
$pathAndFilename = $this->root . $this->renderCacheEntryPath($entryIdentifier) . $entryIdentifier;
return ($this->isCacheFileExpired($pathAndFilename)) ? FALSE : file_get_contents($pathAndFilename, NULL, NULL, self::EXPIRYTIME_LENGTH);
* @author Robert Lemke <>
public function has($entryIdentifier) {
return !$this->isCacheFileExpired($this->renderCacheEntryPath($entryIdentifier) . $entryIdentifier);
return !$this->isCacheFileExpired($this->root . $this->renderCacheEntryPath($entryIdentifier) . $entryIdentifier);
* @author Robert Lemke <>
public function remove($entryIdentifier) {
$pathAndFilename = $this->renderCacheEntryPath($entryIdentifier) . $entryIdentifier;
$pathAndFilename = $this->root . $this->renderCacheEntryPath($entryIdentifier) . $entryIdentifier;
if (!file_exists($pathAndFilename)) {
return FALSE;
$path = $this->cacheDirectory . 'tags/';
$pattern = $path . $tag . '/'
. $this->cache->getIdentifier() . self::SEPARATOR . '*';
$path = $this->root . $this->cacheDirectory . 'tags/';
$pattern = $path . $tag . '/' . $this->cache->getIdentifier() . self::SEPARATOR . '*';
$filesFound = glob($pattern);
if ($filesFound === FALSE || count($filesFound) === 0) {