


Bug #20786 » 11587.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-11-04 20:03

View differences:

t3lib/config_default.php (Arbeitskopie)
'setMemoryLimit' => 0, // Integer, memory_limit in MB: If more than 16, TYPO3 will try to use ini_set() to set the memory limit of PHP to the value. This works only if the function ini_set() is not disabled by your sysadmin.
'forceReturnPath' => 0, // Boolean: Force return path to be applied in mail() calls. If this is set, all calls to mail() done by t3lib_htmlmail will be called with '-f<return_path> as the 5th parameter. This will make the return path correct on almost all Unix systems. There is a known problem with Postfix below version 2: Mails are not sent if this option is set and Postfix is used. On Windows platforms, the return path is set via a call to ini_set. This has no effect if safe_mode in PHP is on.
'serverTimeZone' => 1, // Integer, GMT offset of servers time (from time()). Default is "1" which is "GMT+1" (central european time). This value can be used in extensions that are GMT aware and wants to convert times to/from other timezones.
'phpDateTimeZone' => 'CET', // String: PHP default timezone which is used for functions like date() and mktime(). Only required with PHP 5.3 and higher. This value will overwrite the value for "date.timezone" from php.ini. (List of supported timezones:
'systemLog' => '', // String, semi-colon separated list: Defines one or more logging methods. Possible methods: file,<abs-path-to-file>[,<level>];mail,<to>[/<from>][,<level>];syslog,<facility>,[,<level>];error_log[,,<level>]. "file" logs to a file, "mail" sends the log entries via mail, "syslog" uses the operating system's log, "error_log" uses the PHP error log. The level is the individual logging level (see [SYS][systemLogLevel]. Facility may be one of LOCAL0..LOCAL7, USER (on Windows USER is the only valid type).
'systemLogLevel' => 0, // Integer: Only messages with same or higher severity are logged; 0 is info, 1 is notice, 2 is warning, 3 is error, 4 is fatal error.
'enableDeprecationLog' => 1, // Boolean: Enables the logging of deprecated methods and functions. The log file will be written to typo3conf/deprecation_[hash-value].log
typo3/init.php (Arbeitskopie)
if (!defined ('TYPO3_db')) die ('The configuration file was not included.');
// Set default timezone
if ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['phpDateTimeZone']) {
// *********************
// Autoloader
// *********************
typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/index_ts.php (Arbeitskopie)
if (!defined ('TYPO3_db')) die ('The configuration file was not included.'); // the name of the TYPO3 database is stored in this constant. Here the inclusion of the config-file is verified by checking if this var is set.
if (!t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('cms')) die('<strong>Error:</strong> The main frontend extension "cms" was not loaded. Enable it in the extension manager in the backend.');
// Set default timezone
if ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['phpDateTimeZone']) {
if (!defined('PATH_tslib')) {
define('PATH_tslib', t3lib_extMgm::extPath('cms').'tslib/');