


Bug #20786 » 11587-alt.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-11-05 14:15

View differences:

t3lib/config_default.php (working copy)
'setMemoryLimit' => 0, // Integer, memory_limit in MB: If more than 16, TYPO3 will try to use ini_set() to set the memory limit of PHP to the value. This works only if the function ini_set() is not disabled by your sysadmin.
'forceReturnPath' => 0, // Boolean: Force return path to be applied in mail() calls. If this is set, all calls to mail() done by t3lib_htmlmail will be called with '-f<return_path> as the 5th parameter. This will make the return path correct on almost all Unix systems. There is a known problem with Postfix below version 2: Mails are not sent if this option is set and Postfix is used. On Windows platforms, the return path is set via a call to ini_set. This has no effect if safe_mode in PHP is on.
'serverTimeZone' => 1, // Integer, GMT offset of servers time (from time()). Default is "1" which is "GMT+1" (central european time). This value can be used in extensions that are GMT aware and wants to convert times to/from other timezones.
'phpTimeZoneDefault' => 'CET', // String: timezone which is used for functions like date() and mktime() in case if "date.timezone" is not set in php.ini
'phpTimeZoneForce' => '', // String: timezone to force for all date() and mktime() functions. If this is set, php.ini "date.timezone" setting is ignored. A list of supported values can be found at
'systemLog' => '', // String, semi-colon separated list: Defines one or more logging methods. Possible methods: file,<abs-path-to-file>[,<level>];mail,<to>[/<from>][,<level>];syslog,<facility>,[,<level>];error_log[,,<level>]. "file" logs to a file, "mail" sends the log entries via mail, "syslog" uses the operating system's log, "error_log" uses the PHP error log. The level is the individual logging level (see [SYS][systemLogLevel]. Facility may be one of LOCAL0..LOCAL7, USER (on Windows USER is the only valid type).
'systemLogLevel' => 0, // Integer: Only messages with same or higher severity are logged; 0 is info, 1 is notice, 2 is warning, 3 is error, 4 is fatal error.
'enableDeprecationLog' => 1, // Boolean: Enables the logging of deprecated methods and functions. The log file will be written to typo3conf/deprecation_[hash-value].log
if (!@is_file(PATH_typo3conf.'localconf.php')) die('localconf.php is not found!');
// Set timezone
if (!empty($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['phpTimeZoneForce'])) {
if (date_default_timezone_get() == '') {
// Defining the database setup as constants
define('TYPO3_db', $typo_db);
define('TYPO3_db_username', $typo_db_username);
$ACCESS_TIME = $EXEC_TIME - ($EXEC_TIME % 60); // $ACCESS_TIME is a common time in minutes for access control
$SIM_ACCESS_TIME = $ACCESS_TIME; // if $SIM_EXEC_TIME is changed this value must be set accordingly