


Bug #20883 » 11718_v4.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-08-14 15:14

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_iconworks.php (Arbeitskopie)
public static function skinImg($backPath, $src, $wHattribs = '', $outputMode = 0) {
static $cachedSkinImages = array();
$imageId = md5($backPath . $src . $wHattribs . $outputMode );
if (isset($cachedSkinImages[$imageId])) {
return $cachedSkinImages[$imageId];
// Setting source key. If the icon is refered to inside an extension, we homogenize the prefix to "ext/":
$srcKey = preg_replace('/^(\.\.\/typo3conf\/ext|sysext|ext)\//', 'ext/', $src);
#if ($src!=$srcKey)debug(array($src, $srcKey));
#if ($src!=$srcKey)debug(array($src, $srcKey));
// LOOKING for alternative icons:
if ($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$srcKey]) { // Slower or faster with is_array()? Could be used.
if ($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$srcKey]) { // Slower or faster with is_array()? Could be used.
list($src, $wHattribs) = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$srcKey];
} elseif ($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']) { // Otherwise, test if auto-detection is enabled:
} elseif ($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']) { // Otherwise, test if auto-detection is enabled:
// Search for alternative icon automatically:
$fExt = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['forceFileExtension'];
$scaleFactor = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['scaleFactor'] ? $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['scaleFactor'] : 1; // Scaling factor
$lookUpName = $fExt ? preg_replace('/\.[[:alnum:]]+$/', '', $srcKey).'.'.$fExt : $srcKey; // Set filename to look for
$scaleFactor = ($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['scaleFactor'] ? $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['scaleFactor'] : 1); // Scaling factor
$lookUpName = ($fExt ? preg_replace('/\.[[:alnum:]]+$/', '', $srcKey) . '.' . $fExt : $srcKey); // Set filename to look for
if ($fExt && !@is_file($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['absDir'] . $lookUpName)) {
// fallback to original filename if icon with forced extension doesn't exists
$lookUpName = $srcKey;
// If file is found:
if (@is_file($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['absDir'].$lookUpName)) { // If there is a file...
$iInfo = @getimagesize($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['absDir'].$lookUpName); // Get width/height:
if (@is_file($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['absDir'].$lookUpName)) { // If there is a file...
$iInfo = @getimagesize($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['absDir'] . $lookUpName); // Get width/height:
// Set $src and $wHattribs:
$src = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['relDir'].$lookUpName;
$wHattribs = 'width="'.round($iInfo[0]*$scaleFactor).'" height="'.round($iInfo[1]*$scaleFactor).'"';
$src = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['relDir'] . $lookUpName;
$wHattribs = 'width="' . round($iInfo[0] * $scaleFactor) . '" height="' . round($iInfo[1] * $scaleFactor) . '"';
// In anycase, set currect src / wHattrib - this way we make sure that an entry IS found next time we hit the function, regardless of whether it points to a alternative icon or just the current.
// In any case, set currect src / wHattrib - this way we make sure that an entry IS found next time we hit the function,
// regardless of whether it points to a alternative icon or just the current.
$GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$srcKey] = array($src, $wHattribs); // Set default...
// DEBUG: This doubles the size of all icons - for testing/debugging:
# if (preg_match('/^width="([0-9]+)" height="([0-9]+)"$/', $wHattribs, $reg)) $wHattribs='width="'.($reg[1]*2).'" height="'.($reg[2]*2).'"';
# if (preg_match('/^width="([0-9]+)" height="([0-9]+)"$/', $wHattribs, $reg)) $wHattribs='width="'.($reg[1]*2).'" height="'.($reg[2]*2).'"';
// rendering disabled (greyed) icons using _i (inactive) as name suffix ("_d" is already used)
$matches = array();
$srcBasename = basename($src);
if (preg_match('/(.*)_i(\....)$/', $srcBasename, $matches)) {
$temp_path = dirname(PATH_thisScript).'/';
if(!@is_file($temp_path.$backPath.$src)) {
$srcOrg = preg_replace('/_i'.preg_quote($matches[2]).'$/', $matches[2], $src);
$src = t3lib_iconWorks::makeIcon($backPath.$srcOrg, 'disabled', 0, false, $temp_path.$backPath.$srcOrg, $srcBasename);
$temp_path = dirname(PATH_thisScript) . '/';
if (!@is_file($temp_path . $backPath . $src)) {
$srcOrg = preg_replace('/_i' . preg_quote($matches[2]) . '$/', $matches[2], $src);
$src = t3lib_iconWorks::makeIcon($backPath . $srcOrg, 'disabled', 0, false, $temp_path . $backPath . $srcOrg, $srcBasename);
$output = '';
switch($outputMode) {
case 0:
$output = ' src="'.$backPath.$src.'" '.$wHattribs;
$output = ' src="' . $backPath . $src . '" ' . $wHattribs;
case 1:
$output = $backPath.$src;
$output = $backPath . $src;
case 2:
$output = $wHattribs;
$cachedSkinImages[$imageId] = $output;
return $output;