


Bug #21307 » 12273.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-10-19 16:02

View differences:

typo3/ (working copy)
// Record navigation is added to the beginning and end of the table if in single table mode
// Record navigation is added to the beginning and end of the table if in single table mode
if ($this->table) {
$pageNavigation = $this->renderListNavigation();
$iOut = $pageNavigation . $iOut . $pageNavigation;
} else {
// show that there are more records than shown
if ($this->totalItems > $this->itemsLimitPerTable) {debug($this->itemsLimitSingleTable);
$countOnFirstPage = $this->totalItems > $this->itemsLimitSingleTable ? $this->itemsLimitSingleTable : $this->totalItems;
$hasMore = ($this->totalItems > $this->itemsLimitSingleTable);
$iOut .= '<tr><td colspan="' . count($this->fieldArray) . '" style="padding:5px;">
<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($this->listURL() . '&table=' . rawurlencode($table)) . '">' .
'<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/pildown.gif', 'width="14" height="14"') .' alt="" />'.
' <i>[1 - ' . $countOnFirstPage . ($hasMore ? '+' : '') . ']</i></a>
// The header row for the table is now created:
$out .= $this->renderListHeader($table,$currentIdList);
// The list of records is added after the header:
$out .= $iOut;
// ... and it is all wrapped in a table: