


Bug #21749 ยป fix_hr_tags_RTE.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-11-30 15:05

View differences:

tests/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/tslib_content_testcase.php (Arbeitskopie)
return $imageResource;
* Tests whether method "encapsLines" works properly
* @test
public function check_encaps_lineSplit() {
$testValues = array(
// A single wrapped line should stay the same
1 => array(
'before' => '<p>Some text</p>',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<p>Some text</p>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>',
// Multiple properly wrapped lines should stay the same
2 => array(
'before' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
// Check if single unwrapped line gets wrapped
3 => array(
'before' => 'Some text',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<P>Some text</P>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>',
// Check if multiple unwrapped lines gets wrapped
4 => array(
'before' => 'Some text'.chr(10).'Another Text',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<P>Some text</P>'.chr(10).'<P>Another Text</P>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
// Check if empty lines get wrapped properly
5 => array(
'before' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<P></P>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<p></p>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
// Check if empty lines and non wrapped lines get wrapped properly
6 => array(
'before' => 'Some text'.chr(10).chr(10).'Another Text',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<P>Some text</P>'.chr(10).'<P></P>'.chr(10).'<P>Another Text</P>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<p></p>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
// Check if empty lines and non wrapped lines get wrapped properly
7 => array(
'before' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).chr(10).'Another Text',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<P></P>'.chr(10).'<P>Another Text</P>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<p></p>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
// Check if <div> gets changed to <p>
8 => array(
'before' => '<div>Some text</div>'.chr(10).chr(10).'Another Text',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<P></P>'.chr(10).'<P>Another Text</P>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<p></p>'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
// Check if single-tag is handled correct
20 => array(
'before' => '<hr />',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<hr />',
'conf2' => '<hr class="changed" />',
'singleTag' => true,
// Check if single-tag is handled correct
21 => array(
'before' => '<hr/>',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<hr />',
'conf2' => '<hr class="changed" />',
'singleTag' => true,
// Check if single-tag is handled correct
22 => array(
'before' => '<hr />',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<hr />',
'conf2' => '<hr class="changed" />',
'singleTag' => true,
// Check if single-tag is handled correct
23 => array(
'before' => '<hr class="test" />',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<hr class="test" />',
'conf2' => '<hr class="changed" />',
'singleTag' => true,
// Check if multiple unwrapped lines gets wrapped / Single-Tag
24 => array(
'before' => 'Some text'.chr(10).'<hr />'.chr(10).'Another Text',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<P>Some text</P>'.chr(10).'<hr />'.chr(10).'<P>Another Text</P>',
'conf2' => '<p>Some text</p>'.chr(10).'<hr class="changed" />'.chr(10).'<p>Another Text</p>',
'singleTag' => true,
// A single wrapped line should stay the same / Single-Tag
25 => array(
'before' => '<p><hr /></p>',
'after' => array(
'conf1' => '<p><hr /></p>',
'conf2' => '<p><hr /></p>',
// Configurations for testing encaps_lineSplit
$conf = array(
'conf1' => array(
'encapsTagList' => 'div, p, hr',
'remapTag.' => array(
'DIV' => 'P',
'wrapNonWrappedLines' => '<P>|</P>',
'conf2' => array(
'encapsTagList' => 'div, p, hr',
'remapTag.' => array(
'DIV' => 'P',
'addAttributes.' => array(
'HR.' => array(
'class' => 'changed',
'nonWrappedTag' => 'P',
// Running defined test-values using above configuration
foreach ($testValues as $key => $test) {
foreach ($conf as $confKey => $confArr) {
// Test new method
$result = $this->cObj->encaps_lineSplit($test['before'], $confArr);
// Test original method
$result_orig = $this->encaps_lineSplit($test['before'], $confArr);
// Check if new method delivers expected result
$this->assertEquals($result, $test['after'][$confKey], 'Error #1 for test #'.$key.' using conf "'.$confKey.'" !');
// If this is a "singleTag" testcase old and new implementation have to differ
if ($test['singleTag']) {
$this->assertNotEquals($result, $result_orig, 'Error #2 for test #'.$key.' using conf "'.$confKey.'"');
} else {
$this->assertEquals($result, $result_orig, 'Error #3 for test #'.$key.' using conf "'.$confKey.'"');
* Original encaps_lineSplit method prior to "singleTag" patch. Remove in TYPO3 4.5
* @param string The input value
* @param array TypoScript options
* @return string The processed input value being returned; Splitted lines imploded by chr(10) again.
* @access private
* @link[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=323&cHash=a19312be78
function encaps_lineSplit($theValue, $conf) {
$lParts = explode(chr(10),$theValue);
$encapTags = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',strtolower($conf['encapsTagList']),1);
$nonWrappedTag = $conf['nonWrappedTag'];
if (!strcmp('',$theValue)) return '';
foreach ($lParts as $k => $l) {
if (substr($l,0,1)=='<' && substr($l,-1)=='>') {
$fwParts = explode('>',substr($l,1),2);
$backParts = t3lib_div::revExplode('<', substr($fwParts[1],0,-1), 2);
$attrib = t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes('<'.$fwParts[0].'>');
list($tagName) = explode(' ',$fwParts[0]);
$str_content = $backParts[0];
$sameBeginEnd = (substr(strtolower($backParts[1]),1,strlen($tagName))==strtolower($tagName));
if ($sameBeginEnd && in_array(strtolower($tagName),$encapTags)) {
$uTagName = strtoupper($tagName);
$uTagName = strtoupper($conf['remapTag.'][$uTagName]?$conf['remapTag.'][$uTagName]:$uTagName);
} else {
$uTagName = strtoupper($nonWrappedTag);
$str_content = $lParts[$k];
// Wrapping all inner-content:
if (is_array($conf['innerStdWrap_all.'])) {$str_content = $this->cObj->stdWrap($str_content,$conf['innerStdWrap_all.']);}
if ($uTagName) {
// Setting common attributes
if (is_array($conf['addAttributes.'][$uTagName.'.'])) {
foreach ($conf['addAttributes.'][$uTagName.'.'] as $kk => $vv) {
if (!is_array($vv)) {
if ((string)$conf['addAttributes.'][$uTagName.'.'][$kk.'.']['setOnly']=='blank') {
if (!strcmp($attrib[$kk],'')) $attrib[$kk]=$vv;
} elseif ((string)$conf['addAttributes.'][$uTagName.'.'][$kk.'.']['setOnly']=='exists') {
if (!isset($attrib[$kk])) $attrib[$kk]=$vv;
} else {
// Wrapping all inner-content:
if (is_array($conf['encapsLinesStdWrap.'][$uTagName.'.'])) {$str_content = $this->cObj->stdWrap($str_content,$conf['encapsLinesStdWrap.'][$uTagName.'.']);}
// Default align
if (!$attrib['align'] && $defaultAlign) $attrib['align']=$defaultAlign;
$params = t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attrib,1);
if ($conf['removeWrapping']) {
} else {
$str_content='<'.strtolower($uTagName).(trim($params)?' '.trim($params):'').'>'.$str_content.'</'.strtolower($uTagName).'>';
if ($nWrapped && $conf['wrapNonWrappedLines']) {$str_content = $this->cObj->wrap($str_content,$conf['wrapNonWrappedLines']);}
$lParts[$k] = $str_content;
return implode(chr(10),$lParts);
t3lib/class.t3lib_parsehtml.php (Arbeitskopie)
$tagContent = substr($tok,$endTag,$tagEnd-$endTag);
$tagParts = preg_split('/\s+/s',$tagContent,2);
$tagName = strtolower($tagParts[0]);
$singleTag = 0;
if (isset($tags[$tagName])) {
if (is_array($tags[$tagName])) { // If there is processing to do for the tag:
if (substr($tagParts[1], -1) == '/') {
$singleTag = 1;
if (!$endTag) { // If NOT an endtag, do attribute processing (added dec. 2003)
// Override attributes
if (strcmp($tags[$tagName]['overrideAttribs'],'')) {
if ($setTag) {
// Setting the tag
$newContent[$c++]=$this->processTag($lt.($endTag?'/':'').trim($tagParts[0].' '.$tagParts[1]).$gt,$addConfig,$endTag,$lt=='&lt;');
$newContent[$c++]=$this->processTag($lt.($endTag?'/':'').trim($tagParts[0].' '.$tagParts[1]).($singleTag?' /':'').$gt,$addConfig,$endTag,$lt=='&lt;');
} else {
$newContent[$c++]=$this->processTag($x = '<'.($endTag?'/':'').$tagContent.'>',$addConfig,$endTag);
} elseif ($keepAll) { // This is if the tag was not defined in the array for processing:
if (!strcmp($keepAll,'protect')) {
t3lib/class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php (Arbeitskopie)
class t3lib_parsehtml_proc extends t3lib_parsehtml {
// Static:
var $blockElementList = 'PRE,UL,OL,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,HR,ADDRESS,DL,DD'; // List of tags for these elements
var $blockElementList = 'PRE,UL,OL,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,ADDRESS,DL,DD'; // List of tags for these elements
var $singleTagPatterns = '/(<hr\s*\/>)/i'; // List of single-tag patterns which should not get wrapped for _rte transformation
// Internal, static:
var $recPid = 0; // Set this to the pid of the record manipulated by the class.
// Wrapping the line in <$dT> is not already wrapped:
$testStr = strtolower(trim($parts[$k]));
if (substr($testStr,0,4)!='<div' || substr($testStr,-6)!='</div>') {
if (substr($testStr,0,2)!='<p' || substr($testStr,-4)!='</p>') {
// Only set p-tags if there is not already div or p tags:
// Do not wrap single-tags like <hr/> with <div> or <p> tags
if (!preg_match($this->singleTagPatterns, $testStr)) {
if (substr($testStr,0,4)!='<div' || substr($testStr,-6)!='</div>') {
if (substr($testStr,0,2)!='<p' || substr($testStr,-4)!='</p>') {
// Only set p-tags if there is not already div or p tags:
// Implode result:
return implode(chr(10),$parts);
typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_content.php (Arbeitskopie)
foreach ($lParts as $k => $l) {
$singleTag = 0;
if (substr($l,0,1)=='<' && substr($l,-1)=='>') {
$fwParts = explode('>',substr($l,1),2);
$backParts = t3lib_div::revExplode('<', substr($fwParts[1],0,-1), 2);
$attrib = t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes('<'.$fwParts[0].'>');
list($tagName) = explode(' ',$fwParts[0]);
$str_content = $backParts[0];
$sameBeginEnd = (substr(strtolower($backParts[1]),1,strlen($tagName))==strtolower($tagName));
list($tagName, $tagParams) = explode(' ',$fwParts[0], 2);
if (!$fwParts[1]) {
if (substr($tagName, -1) == '/') {
$tagName = substr($tagName, 0, -1);
if (substr($fwParts[0], -1) == '/') {
$sameBeginEnd = 1;
$singleTag = 1;
$attrib = t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes('<'.substr($fwParts[0], 0, -1).'>');
} else {
$backParts = t3lib_div::revExplode('<', substr($fwParts[1],0,-1), 2);
$attrib = t3lib_div::get_tag_attributes('<'.$fwParts[0].'>');
$str_content = $backParts[0];
$sameBeginEnd = (substr(strtolower($backParts[1]),1,strlen($tagName))==strtolower($tagName));
if ($sameBeginEnd && in_array(strtolower($tagName),$encapTags)) {
if ($sameBeginEnd && in_array(strtolower($tagName), $encapTags)) {
$uTagName = strtoupper($tagName);
$uTagName = strtoupper($conf['remapTag.'][$uTagName]?$conf['remapTag.'][$uTagName]:$uTagName);
} else {
// Wrapping all inner-content:
if (is_array($conf['innerStdWrap_all.'])) {$str_content = $this->stdWrap($str_content,$conf['innerStdWrap_all.']);}
if (is_array($conf['innerStdWrap_all.'])) {$str_content = $this->stdWrap($str_content, $conf['innerStdWrap_all.']);}
if ($uTagName) {
// Setting common attributes
foreach ($conf['addAttributes.'][$uTagName.'.'] as $kk => $vv) {
if (!is_array($vv)) {
if ((string)$conf['addAttributes.'][$uTagName.'.'][$kk.'.']['setOnly']=='blank') {
if (!strcmp($attrib[$kk],'')) $attrib[$kk]=$vv;
if (!strcmp($attrib[$kk],'')) {
} elseif ((string)$conf['addAttributes.'][$uTagName.'.'][$kk.'.']['setOnly']=='exists') {
if (!isset($attrib[$kk])) $attrib[$kk]=$vv;
if (!isset($attrib[$kk])) {
} else {
// Wrapping all inner-content:
if (is_array($conf['encapsLinesStdWrap.'][$uTagName.'.'])) {$str_content = $this->stdWrap($str_content,$conf['encapsLinesStdWrap.'][$uTagName.'.']);}
if (is_array($conf['encapsLinesStdWrap.'][$uTagName.'.'])) {
$str_content = $this->stdWrap($str_content,$conf['encapsLinesStdWrap.'][$uTagName.'.']);
// Default align
if (!$attrib['align'] && $defaultAlign) $attrib['align']=$defaultAlign;
if (!$attrib['align'] && $defaultAlign) {
$params = t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attrib,1);
if ($conf['removeWrapping']) {
if ($conf['removeWrapping'] && !($singleTag && $conf['removeWrapping.']['keepSingleTag'])) {
} else {
$str_content='<'.strtolower($uTagName).(trim($params)?' '.trim($params):'').'>'.$str_content.'</'.strtolower($uTagName).'>';
if ($singleTag) {
$str_content='<'.strtolower($uTagName).(trim($params)?' '.trim($params):'').' />';
} else {
$str_content='<'.strtolower($uTagName).(trim($params)?' '.trim($params):'').'>'.$str_content.'</'.strtolower($uTagName).'>';
if ($nWrapped && $conf['wrapNonWrappedLines']) {$str_content = $this->wrap($str_content,$conf['wrapNonWrappedLines']);}
if ($nWrapped && $conf['wrapNonWrappedLines']) {
$str_content = $this->wrap($str_content,$conf['wrapNonWrappedLines']);
$lParts[$k] = $str_content;