


Bug #21776 » 12889.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-12-02 16:45

View differences:

typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/media/scripts/ (working copy)
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf['parseValues.'])) {
$listOfCommands = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$theValue,1);
while(list(,$cmd)=each($listOfCommands)) {
$cmdParts = split('\[|\]',$cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$cmdParts = preg_split('/\[|\]/', $cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
switch($theCmd) {
case 'int':
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['evalValues.'])) {
$listOfCommands = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$theValue,1);
while(list(,$cmd)=each($listOfCommands)) {
$cmdParts = split('\[|\]',$cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$cmdParts = preg_split('/\[|\]/', $cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$theCmd = trim($cmdParts[0]);
switch($theCmd) {
case 'uniqueGlobal':
if (!is_array($this->dataArr)) {
$this->dataArr = array();
$markerArray = $this->cObj->fillInMarkerArray($this->markerArray, $this->dataArr, '', TRUE, 'FIELD_', $this->recInMarkersHSC);
if ($this->conf['create.']['preview'] && !$this->previewLabel) {$markerArray['###HIDDENFIELDS###'].= '<input type="hidden" name="preview" value="1" />';}
$content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($templateCode, $markerArray);
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf[$this->cmdKey.'.']['evalValues.'])) {
$listOfCommands = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$theValue,1);
while(list(,$cmd)=each($listOfCommands)) {
$cmdParts = split('\[|\]',$cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$cmdParts = preg_split('/\[|\]/', $cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$theCmd = trim($cmdParts[0]);
switch($theCmd) {
case 'twice':
while(list($theField,$theValue)=each($this->conf['parseValues.'])) {
$listOfCommands = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$theValue,1);
while(list(,$cmd)=each($listOfCommands)) {
$cmdParts = split('\[|\]',$cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$cmdParts = preg_split('/\[|\]/', $cmd); // Point is to enable parameters after each command enclosed in brackets [..]. These will be in position 1 in the array.
$theCmd = trim($cmdParts[0]);
switch($theCmd) {
case 'multiple':
function sendHTMLMail($content,$recipient,$dummy,$fromEmail,$fromName,$replyTo='') {
if (trim($recipient) && trim($content)) {
$parts = spliti('<title>|</title>',$content,3);
$parts = preg_spliti('/<title>|</title>/', $content, 3);
$subject = trim($parts[1]) ? trim($parts[1]) : 'TYPO3 FE Admin message';
$Typo3_htmlmail = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_htmlmail');