Bug #21983 » 13283_v7.patch
t3lib/class.t3lib_stdgraphic.php (Arbeitskopie) | ||
* @param string The relative (to PATH_site) image filepath, input file (read from)
* @param string The relative (to PATH_site) image filepath, output filename (written to)
* @param string ImageMagick parameters
* @param string Refers to which frame-number to select in the image. '' or 0 will select the first frame, 1 will select the next and so on...
* @param int Optional, Refers to which frame number to select in the image, starting with
* "0" as the first frame. If no frame number is given, the parameter is omitted.
* If a PDF is used as input file and no frame is used, it will always set the frame parameter
* @return string The result of a call to PHP function "exec()"
function imageMagickExec($input,$output,$params,$frame = 0) {
if (!$this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK) {
$frame = $frame ? '['.intval($frame).']' : '';
$cmd = t3lib_div::imageMagickCommand('convert', $params.' '.$this->wrapFileName($input).$frame.' '.$this->wrapFileName($output));
function imageMagickExec($input, $output, $params, $frame = -1) {
if (!$this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK) {
$frame = intval($frame);
// if a PDF is used as the input file, a frame number must always be added
// to select the first page of the PDF
if (strtolower(substr($input,-3)) == 'pdf') {
$frame = '[' . ($frame > 0 ? $frame : '0') . '] ';
// add the frame number only if there is a frame used (starting by frame 0), add the frame
} else if (!$this->noFramePrepended && $frame >= 0) {
$frame = '[' . $frame . '] ';
} else {
$frame = ' ';
$cmd = t3lib_div::imageMagickCommand('convert', $params . ' ' . $this->wrapFileName($input) . $frame . $this->wrapFileName($output));
$this->IM_commands[] = array($output,$cmd);
$ret = exec($cmd);