


Bug #22410 » 14050_cleaning_t3lib_admin.patch

Administrator Admin, 2010-11-23 23:34

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_admin.php (revision )
* Copyright notice
* (c) 1999-2010 Kasper Sk?rh?j (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Copyright notice
* (c) 1999-2010 Kasper Sk?rh?j (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Contains a class for evaluation of database integrity according to $TCA
* Most of these functions are considered obsolete!
* 93: class t3lib_admin
* 128: function genTree($theID, $depthData, $versions=FALSE)
* 128: function genTree($theID, $depthData, $versions=FALSE)
* 217: function genTree_records($theID, $depthData, $table='', $versions=FALSE)
* 217: function genTree_records($theID, $depthData, $table='', $versions=FALSE)
* 292: function genTreeStatus()
* 292: function genTreeStatus()
* 315: function lostRecords($pid_list)
* 315: function lostRecords($pid_list)
* 346: function fixLostRecord($table,$uid)
* 346: function fixLostRecord($table,$uid)
* 367: function countRecords($pid_list)
* 367: function countRecords($pid_list)
* 395: function getGroupFields($mode)
* 395: function getGroupFields($mode)
* 429: function getFileFields($uploadfolder)
* 429: function getFileFields($uploadfolder)
* 452: function getDBFields($theSearchTable)
* 452: function getDBFields($theSearchTable)
* 480: function selectNonEmptyRecordsWithFkeys($fkey_arrays)
* 480: function selectNonEmptyRecordsWithFkeys($fkey_arrays)
* 569: function testFileRefs ()
* 569: function testFileRefs ()
* 620: function testDBRefs($theArray)
* 620: function testDBRefs($theArray)
* 658: function whereIsRecordReferenced($searchTable,$id)
* 658: function whereIsRecordReferenced($searchTable,$id)
* 695: function whereIsFileReferenced($uploadfolder,$filename)
* 695: function whereIsFileReferenced($uploadfolder,$filename)
* (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval")
* This class holds functions used by the TYPO3 backend to check the integrity of the database (The DBint module, 'lowlevel' extension)
* @subpackage t3lib
class t3lib_admin {
var $genTree_includeDeleted = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes deleted pages. This is default.
var $genTree_includeDeleted = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes deleted pages. This is default.
var $genTree_includeVersions = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes verisonized pages/records. This is default.
var $genTree_includeVersions = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes verisonized pages/records. This is default.
var $genTree_includeRecords = FALSE; // if set, genTree() includes records from pages.
var $genTree_includeRecords = FALSE; // if set, genTree() includes records from pages.
var $perms_clause = ''; // extra where-clauses for the tree-selection
var $perms_clause = ''; // extra where-clauses for the tree-selection
var $genTree_makeHTML = 0; // if set, genTree() generates HTML, that visualizes the tree.
var $genTree_makeHTML = 0; // if set, genTree() generates HTML, that visualizes the tree.
// internal
var $page_idArray = Array(); // Will hod id/rec pais from genTree()
var $rec_idArray = Array();
var $page_idArray = array(); // Will hod id/rec pais from genTree()
var $rec_idArray = array();
var $getTree_HTML = ''; // Will hold the HTML-code visualising the tree. genTree()
var $getTree_HTML = ''; // Will hold the HTML-code visualising the tree. genTree()
var $backPath = '';
// internal
var $checkFileRefs = Array();
var $checkSelectDBRefs = Array(); // From the select-fields
var $checkGroupDBRefs = Array(); // From the group-fields
var $checkFileRefs = array();
var $checkSelectDBRefs = array(); // From the select-fields
var $checkGroupDBRefs = array(); // From the group-fields
var $recStats = Array(
var $recStats = array(
'allValid' => array(),
'published_versions' => array(),
'deleted' => array(),
var $lRecords = Array();
var $lRecords = array();
var $lostPagesList = '';
* @param boolean Internal variable, don't set from outside!
* @return void
function genTree($theID, $depthData, $versions=FALSE) {
function genTree($theID, $depthData, $versions = FALSE) {
if ($versions) {
if ($versions) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'uid,title,doktype,deleted,t3ver_wsid,t3ver_id,t3ver_count,t3ver_swapmode' . (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('cms') ? ',hidden' : ''),
'pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid='.intval($theID).' '.((!$this->genTree_includeDeleted)?'AND deleted=0':'').$this->perms_clause,
'pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid=' . intval($theID) . ' ' . ((!$this->genTree_includeDeleted) ? 'AND deleted=0' : '') . $this->perms_clause,
} else {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'uid,title,doktype,deleted' . (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('cms') ? ',hidden' : ''),
'pid='.intval($theID).' '.((!$this->genTree_includeDeleted)?'AND deleted=0':'').$this->perms_clause,
'pid=' . intval($theID) . ' ' . ((!$this->genTree_includeDeleted) ? 'AND deleted=0' : '') . $this->perms_clause,
// Traverse the records selected:
$a = 0;
$c = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res);
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
// Prepare the additional label used in the HTML output in case of versions:
if ($versions) {
if ($versions) {
$versionLabel = '[v1.'.$row['t3ver_id'].'; WS#'.$row['t3ver_wsid'].']';
$versionLabel = '[v1.' . $row['t3ver_id'] . '; WS#' . $row['t3ver_wsid'] . ']';
} else $versionLabel='';
} else {
$versionLabel = '';
$newID = $row['uid'];
// Build HTML output:
if ($this->genTree_makeHTML) {
if ($this->genTree_makeHTML) {
$this->genTree_HTML.=LF.'<div><span class="nobr">';
$this->genTree_HTML .= LF . '<div><span class="nobr">';
$PM = 'join';
$LN = ($a==$c)?'blank':'line';
$LN = ($a == $c) ? 'blank' : 'line';
$BTM = ($a==$c)?'bottom':'';
$BTM = ($a == $c) ? 'bottom' : '';
$this->genTree_HTML.= $depthData.
$this->genTree_HTML .= $depthData .
'<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/ol/'.$PM.$BTM.'.gif','width="18" height="16"').' align="top" alt="" />'.
'<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath, 'gfx/ol/' . $PM . $BTM . '.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' align="top" alt="" />' .
$versionLabel .
t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord('pages', $row) .
t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord('pages', $row) .
htmlspecialchars($row['uid'].': '.t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs(strip_tags($row['title']),50)).'</span></div>';
htmlspecialchars($row['uid'] . ': ' . t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs(strip_tags($row['title']), 50)) . '</span></div>';
// Register various data for this item:
$this->page_idArray[$newID] = $row;
$this->recStats['all_valid']['pages'][$newID] = $newID;
# if ($versions) $this->recStats['versions']['pages'][$newID] = $newID;
# if ($versions) $this->recStats['versions']['pages'][$newID] = $newID;
if ($row['deleted']) $this->recStats['deleted']['pages'][$newID] = $newID;
if ($row['deleted']) {
$this->recStats['deleted']['pages'][$newID] = $newID;
if ($versions && $row['t3ver_count']>=1) {
if ($versions && $row['t3ver_count'] >= 1) {
$this->recStats['published_versions']['pages'][$newID] = $newID;
if ($row['deleted']) {$this->recStat['deleted']++;}
if ($row['hidden']) {$this->recStat['hidden']++;}
if ($row['deleted']) {
if ($row['hidden']) {
// Create the HTML code prefix for recursive call:
$genHTML = $depthData.'<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/ol/'.$LN.'.gif','width="18" height="16"').' align="top" alt="" />'.$versionLabel;
$genHTML = $depthData . '<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath, 'gfx/ol/' . $LN . '.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' align="top" alt="" />' . $versionLabel;
// If all records should be shown, do so:
if ($this->genTree_includeRecords) {
if ($this->genTree_includeRecords) {
foreach($GLOBALS['TCA'] as $tableName => $cfg) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['TCA'] as $tableName => $cfg) {
if ($tableName!='pages') {
if ($tableName != 'pages') {
$this->genTree_records($newID, $this->genTree_HTML ? $genHTML : '', $tableName);
$this->genTree($newID, $this->genTree_HTML ? $genHTML : '');
// If versions are included in the tree, add those now:
if ($this->genTree_includeVersions) {
if ($this->genTree_includeVersions) {
$this->genTree($newID, $this->genTree_HTML ? $genHTML : '', TRUE);
* @param [type] $versions: ...
* @return [type] ...
function genTree_records($theID, $depthData, $table='', $versions=FALSE) {
function genTree_records($theID, $depthData, $table = '', $versions = FALSE) {
global $TCA;
if ($versions) {
if ($versions) {
// Select all records from table pointing to this page:
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid='.intval($theID).
'pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid=' . intval($theID) .
(!$this->genTree_includeDeleted ? t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($table) : '')
} else {
// Select all records from table pointing to this page:
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'pid=' . intval($theID) .
(!$this->genTree_includeDeleted ? t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($table) : '')
// Traverse selected:
$a = 0;
$c = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res);
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
// Prepare the additional label used in the HTML output in case of versions:
if ($versions) {
if ($versions) {
$versionLabel = '[v1.'.$row['t3ver_id'].'; WS#'.$row['t3ver_wsid'].']';
$versionLabel = '[v1.' . $row['t3ver_id'] . '; WS#' . $row['t3ver_wsid'] . ']';
} else $versionLabel='';
} else {
$versionLabel = '';
$newID = $row['uid'];
// Build HTML output:
if ($this->genTree_makeHTML) {
if ($this->genTree_makeHTML) {
$this->genTree_HTML.=LF.'<div><span class="nobr">';
$this->genTree_HTML .= LF . '<div><span class="nobr">';
$PM = 'join';
$LN = ($a==$c)?'blank':'line';
$LN = ($a == $c) ? 'blank' : 'line';
$BTM = ($a==$c)?'bottom':'';
$BTM = ($a == $c) ? 'bottom' : '';
$this->genTree_HTML.= $depthData.
$this->genTree_HTML .= $depthData .
'<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/ol/'.$PM.$BTM.'.gif','width="18" height="16"').' align="top" alt="" />'.
'<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath, 'gfx/ol/' . $PM . $BTM . '.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' align="top" alt="" />' .
$versionLabel .
t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord($table, $row, array('title'=> $table)) . htmlspecialchars($row['uid'] . ': ' . t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle($table,$row)) . '</span></div>';
t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord($table, $row, array('title' => $table)) . htmlspecialchars($row['uid'] . ': ' . t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle($table, $row)) . '</span></div>';
// Register various data for this item:
$this->rec_idArray[$table][$newID] = $row;
$this->recStats['all_valid'][$table][$newID] = $newID;
# $this->recStats[$versions?'versions':'live'][$table][$newID] = $newID;
# $this->recStats[$versions?'versions':'live'][$table][$newID] = $newID;
if ($row['deleted']) $this->recStats['deleted'][$table][$newID] = $newID;
if ($row['deleted']) {
$this->recStats['deleted'][$table][$newID] = $newID;
if ($versions && $row['t3ver_count']>=1 && $row['t3ver_wsid']==0) {
if ($versions && $row['t3ver_count'] >= 1 && $row['t3ver_wsid'] == 0) {
$this->recStats['published_versions'][$table][$newID] = $newID;
# if ($row['deleted']) {$this->recStat['deleted']++;}
# if ($row['hidden']) {$this->recStat['hidden']++;}
# if ($row['deleted']) {$this->recStat['deleted']++;}
# if ($row['hidden']) {$this->recStat['hidden']++;}
// Select all versions of this record:
if ($this->genTree_includeVersions && $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) {
$genHTML = $depthData.'<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/ol/'.$LN.'.gif','width="18" height="16"').' align="top" alt="" />';
$genHTML = $depthData . '<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath, 'gfx/ol/' . $LN . '.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' align="top" alt="" />';
$this->genTree_records($newID, $genHTML, $table, TRUE);
* @return [type] ...
function genTreeStatus($root=0) {
function genTreeStatus($root = 0) {
$this->genTree_includeDeleted = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes deleted pages. This is default.
$this->genTree_includeDeleted = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes deleted pages. This is default.
$this->genTree_includeVersions = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes verisonized pages/records. This is default.
$this->genTree_includeVersions = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes verisonized pages/records. This is default.
$this->genTree_includeRecords = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes records from pages.
$this->genTree_includeRecords = TRUE; // if set, genTree() includes records from pages.
$this->perms_clause = ''; // extra where-clauses for the tree-selection
$this->perms_clause = ''; // extra where-clauses for the tree-selection
$this->genTree_makeHTML = 0; // if set, genTree() generates HTML, that visualizes the tree.
$this->genTree_makeHTML = 0; // if set, genTree() generates HTML, that visualizes the tree.
$this->genTree($root, '');
return $this->recStats;
* Fills $this->lRecords with the records from all tc-tables that are not attached to a PID in the pid-list.
* @param string list of pid's (page-record uid's). This list is probably made by genTree()
* @return void
function lostRecords($pid_list) {
function lostRecords($pid_list) {
global $TCA;
$this->lostPagesList = '';
if ($pid_list) {
if ($pid_list) {
foreach ($TCA as $table => $tableConf) {
$pid_list_tmp = $pid_list;
if (!isset($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) || !$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) {
if (!isset($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) || !$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) {
// Remove preceding "-1," for non-versioned tables
$pid_list_tmp = preg_replace('/^\-1,/','',$pid_list_tmp);
$pid_list_tmp = preg_replace('/^\-1,/', '', $pid_list_tmp);
$garbage = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery (
$garbage = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'uid,pid,' . $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label'],
'pid NOT IN ('.$pid_list_tmp.')'
'pid NOT IN (' . $pid_list_tmp . ')'
$lostIdList = array();
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($garbage)) {
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($garbage)) {
$this->lRecords[$table][$row['uid']]=Array('uid'=>$row['uid'], 'pid'=>$row['pid'], 'title'=> strip_tags($row[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label']]) );
$this->lRecords[$table][$row['uid']] = array('uid' => $row['uid'], 'pid' => $row['pid'], 'title' => strip_tags($row[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label']]));
$lostIdList[] = $row['uid'];
if ($table=='pages') {
if ($table == 'pages') {
$this->lostPagesList = implode(',', $lostIdList);
* @param integer The uid of the record which will have the PID value set to 0 (zero)
* @return boolean True if done.
function fixLostRecord($table,$uid) {
function fixLostRecord($table, $uid) {
if ($table && $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table] && $uid && is_array($this->lRecords[$table][$uid]) && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['admin']) {
if ($table && $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table] && $uid && is_array($this->lRecords[$table][$uid]) && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['admin']) {
$updateFields = array();
$updateFields['pid'] = 0;
if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']) { // If possible a lost record restored is hidden as default
if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']) { // If possible a lost record restored is hidden as default
$updateFields[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled']] = 1;
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery($table, 'uid='.intval($uid), $updateFields);
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery($table, 'uid=' . intval($uid), $updateFields);
return TRUE;
} else return FALSE;
} else {
return FALSE;
* Counts records from $TCA-tables that ARE attached to an existing page.
* @param string list of pid's (page-record uid's). This list is probably made by genTree()
* @return array an array with the number of records from all $TCA-tables that are attached to a PID in the pid-list.
function countRecords($pid_list) {
function countRecords($pid_list) {
global $TCA;
$list = array();
$list_n = array();
if ($pid_list) {
if ($pid_list) {
foreach ($TCA as $table => $tableConf) {
$pid_list_tmp = $pid_list;
if (!isset($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) || !$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) {
if (!isset($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) || !$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) {
// Remove preceding "-1," for non-versioned tables
$pid_list_tmp = preg_replace('/^\-1,/','',$pid_list_tmp);
$pid_list_tmp = preg_replace('/^\-1,/', '', $pid_list_tmp);
$count = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTcountRows('uid', $table, 'pid IN ('.$pid_list_tmp.')');
$count = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTcountRows('uid', $table, 'pid IN (' . $pid_list_tmp . ')');
if ($count) {
$list[$table] = $count;
$count = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTcountRows('uid', $table, 'pid IN ('.$pid_list_tmp.')' . t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($table));
$count = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTcountRows('uid', $table, 'pid IN (' . $pid_list_tmp . ')' . t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($table));
if ($count) {
$list_n[$table] = $count;
* @param string $mode = file, $mode = db, $mode = '' (all...)
* @return array An array with all fields listed that somehow are references to other records (foreign-keys) or files
function getGroupFields($mode) {
function getGroupFields($mode) {
global $TCA;
$result = Array();
$result = array();
foreach ($TCA as $table => $tableConf) {
$cols = $TCA[$table]['columns'];
foreach ($cols as $field => $config) {
if ($config['config']['type']=='group') {
if ($config['config']['type'] == 'group') {
if (
((!$mode||$mode=='file') && $config['config']['internal_type']=='file') ||
((!$mode || $mode == 'file') && $config['config']['internal_type'] == 'file') ||
((!$mode||$mode=='db') && $config['config']['internal_type']=='db')
((!$mode || $mode == 'db') && $config['config']['internal_type'] == 'db')
) {
) {
$result[$table][] = $field;
if ( (!$mode||$mode=='db') && $config['config']['type']=='select' && $config['config']['foreign_table']) {
if ((!$mode || $mode == 'db') && $config['config']['type'] == 'select' && $config['config']['foreign_table']) {
$result[$table][] = $field;
if ($result[$table]) {
if ($result[$table]) {
$result[$table] = implode(',',$result[$table]);
$result[$table] = implode(',', $result[$table]);
return $result;
* @param string Path to uploadfolder
* @return array An array with all fields listed that have references to files in the $uploadfolder
function getFileFields($uploadfolder) {
function getFileFields($uploadfolder) {
global $TCA;
$result = Array();
$result = array();
foreach ($TCA as $table => $tableConf) {
$cols = $TCA[$table]['columns'];
foreach ($cols as $field => $config) {
if ($config['config']['type']=='group' && $config['config']['internal_type']=='file' && $config['config']['uploadfolder']==$uploadfolder) {
if ($config['config']['type'] == 'group' && $config['config']['internal_type'] == 'file' && $config['config']['uploadfolder'] == $uploadfolder) {
$result[] = array($table, $field);
* @param string Table name
* @return array
function getDBFields($theSearchTable) {
function getDBFields($theSearchTable) {
global $TCA;
$result = Array();
$result = array();
reset ($TCA);
foreach ($TCA as $table => $tableConf) {
$cols = $TCA[$table]['columns'];
foreach ($cols as $field => $config) {
if ($config['config']['type']=='group' && $config['config']['internal_type']=='db') {
if ($config['config']['type'] == 'group' && $config['config']['internal_type'] == 'db') {
if (trim($config['config']['allowed'])=='*' || strstr($config['config']['allowed'],$theSearchTable)) {
if (trim($config['config']['allowed']) == '*' || strstr($config['config']['allowed'], $theSearchTable)) {
$result[] = array($table, $field);
} else if ($config['config']['type']=='select' && $config['config']['foreign_table']==$theSearchTable) {
} elseif ($config['config']['type'] == 'select' && $config['config']['foreign_table'] == $theSearchTable) {
$result[] = array($table, $field);
* @return void
* @see getGroupFields()
function selectNonEmptyRecordsWithFkeys($fkey_arrays) {
function selectNonEmptyRecordsWithFkeys($fkey_arrays) {
global $TCA;
if (is_array($fkey_arrays)) {
if (is_array($fkey_arrays)) {
foreach ($fkey_arrays as $table => $field_list) {
if ($TCA[$table] && trim($field_list)) {
if ($TCA[$table] && trim($field_list)) {
$fieldArr = explode(',',$field_list);
$fieldArr = explode(',', $field_list);
if(t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('dbal')) {
if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('dbal')) {
$fields = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_get_fields($table);
$field = array_shift($fieldArr);
$cl_fl = ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'],$table) == 'I' || $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'],$table) == 'N' || $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'],$table) == 'R') ?
$cl_fl = ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'], $table) == 'I' || $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'], $table) == 'N' || $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'], $table) == 'R') ?
$field.'!=0' : $field.'!=\'\'';
$field . '!=0' : $field . '!=\'\'';
foreach ($fieldArr as $field) {
$cl_fl .= ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'],$table) == 'I' || $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'],$table) == 'N' || $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'],$table) == 'R') ?
$cl_fl .= ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'], $table) == 'I' || $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'], $table) == 'N' || $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->MetaType($fields[$field]['type'], $table) == 'R') ?
' OR '.$field.'!=0' : ' OR '.$field.'!=\'\'';
' OR ' . $field . '!=0' : ' OR ' . $field . '!=\'\'';
else {
$cl_fl = implode ('!=\'\' OR ',$fieldArr). '!=\'\'';
$cl_fl = implode('!=\'\' OR ', $fieldArr) . '!=\'\'';
$mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid,'.$field_list, $table, $cl_fl);
$mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid,' . $field_list, $table, $cl_fl);
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
foreach ($fieldArr as $field) {
if (trim($row[$field])) {
if (trim($row[$field])) {
$fieldConf = $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['config'];
if ($fieldConf['type']=='group') {
if ($fieldConf['type'] == 'group') {
if ($fieldConf['internal_type']=='file') {
if ($fieldConf['internal_type'] == 'file') {
// files...
// files...
if ($fieldConf['MM']) {
if ($fieldConf['MM']) {
$tempArr = array();
$dbAnalysis = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadDBGroup');
$dbAnalysis->start('', 'files', $fieldConf['MM'], $row['uid']);
foreach ($dbAnalysis->itemArray as $somekey => $someval) {
if ($someval['id']) {
if ($someval['id']) {
$tempArr[] = $someval['id'];
} else {
$tempArr = explode(',',trim($row[$field]));
$tempArr = explode(',', trim($row[$field]));
foreach ($tempArr as $file) {
$file = trim($file);
if ($file) {
if ($file) {
$this->checkFileRefs[$fieldConf['uploadfolder']][$file] += 1;
if ($fieldConf['internal_type']=='db') {
if ($fieldConf['internal_type'] == 'db') {
// dbs - group
// dbs - group
$dbAnalysis = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadDBGroup');
$dbAnalysis->start($row[$field],$fieldConf['allowed'],$fieldConf['MM'],$row['uid'], $table, $fieldConf);
$dbAnalysis->start($row[$field], $fieldConf['allowed'], $fieldConf['MM'], $row['uid'], $table, $fieldConf);
foreach ($dbAnalysis->itemArray as $tempArr) {
$this->checkGroupDBRefs[$tempArr['table']][$tempArr['id']] += 1;
if ($fieldConf['type']=='select' && $fieldConf['foreign_table']) {
if ($fieldConf['type'] == 'select' && $fieldConf['foreign_table']) {
// dbs - select
// dbs - select
$dbAnalysis = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadDBGroup');
$dbAnalysis->start($row[$field],$fieldConf['foreign_table'],$fieldConf['MM'],$row['uid'], $table, $fieldConf);
$dbAnalysis->start($row[$field], $fieldConf['foreign_table'], $fieldConf['MM'], $row['uid'], $table, $fieldConf);
foreach ($dbAnalysis->itemArray as $tempArr) {
if ($tempArr['id']>0) {
if ($tempArr['id'] > 0) {
$this->checkGroupDBRefs[$fieldConf['foreign_table']][$tempArr['id']] += 1;
* @return array Report over files; keys are "moreReferences", "noReferences", "noFile", "error"
function testFileRefs () {
function testFileRefs() {
$output = array();
// handle direct references with upload folder setting (workaround)
$newCheckFileRefs = array();
foreach ($this->checkFileRefs as $folder => $files) {
$this->checkFileRefs = $newCheckFileRefs;
foreach ($this->checkFileRefs as $folder => $fileArr) {
$path = PATH_site.$folder;
$path = PATH_site . $folder;
if (@is_dir($path)) {
if (@is_dir($path)) {
$d = dir($path);
while($entry=$d->read()) {
while ($entry = $d->read()) {
if (@is_file($path.'/'.$entry)) {
if (@is_file($path . '/' . $entry)) {
if (isset($fileArr[$entry])) {
if (isset($fileArr[$entry])) {
if ($fileArr[$entry] > 1) {
if ($fileArr[$entry] > 1) {
$temp = $this->whereIsFileReferenced($folder,$entry);
$temp = $this->whereIsFileReferenced($folder, $entry);
$tempList = '';
foreach ($temp as $inf) {
$tempList.='['.$inf['table'].']['.$inf['uid'].']['.$inf['field'].'] (pid:'.$inf['pid'].') - ';
$tempList .= '[' . $inf['table'] . '][' . $inf['uid'] . '][' . $inf['field'] . '] (pid:' . $inf['pid'] . ') - ';
$output['moreReferences'][] = Array($path,$entry,$fileArr[$entry],$tempList);
$output['moreReferences'][] = array($path, $entry, $fileArr[$entry], $tempList);
} else {
// contains workaround for direct references
if (!strstr($entry, 'index.htm') && !preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileadminDir'], '/') . '/', $folder)) {
$output['noReferences'][] = Array($path,$entry);
$output['noReferences'][] = array($path, $entry);
$tempCounter = 0;
foreach ($fileArr as $file => $value) {
// workaround for direct file references
if (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileadminDir'], '/') . '/', $folder)) {
$file = $folder . '/' . $file;
$folder = '';
$path = substr(PATH_site, 0, - 1);
$path = substr(PATH_site, 0, -1);
$temp = $this->whereIsFileReferenced($folder,$file);
$temp = $this->whereIsFileReferenced($folder, $file);
$tempList = '';
foreach ($temp as $inf) {
$tempList.='['.$inf['table'].']['.$inf['uid'].']['.$inf['field'].'] (pid:'.$inf['pid'].') - ';
$tempList .= '[' . $inf['table'] . '][' . $inf['uid'] . '][' . $inf['field'] . '] (pid:' . $inf['pid'] . ') - ';
$output['noFile'][substr($path,-3).'_'.substr($file,0,3).'_'.$tempCounter] = Array($path,$file,$tempList);
$output['noFile'][substr($path, -3) . '_' . substr($file, 0, 3) . '_' . $tempCounter] = array($path, $file, $tempList);
} else {
$output['error'][] = Array($path);
$output['error'][] = array($path);
return $output;
* @param array Table with key/value pairs being table names and arrays with uid numbers
* @return string HTML Error message
function testDBRefs($theArray) {
function testDBRefs($theArray) {
global $TCA;
foreach ($theArray as $table => $dbArr) {
if ($TCA[$table]) {
if ($TCA[$table]) {
$idlist = array_keys($dbArr);
$theList = implode(',',$idlist);
$theList = implode(',', $idlist);
if ($theList) {
if ($theList) {
$mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid', $table, 'uid IN ('.$theList.')'.t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($table));
$mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid', $table, 'uid IN (' . $theList . ')' . t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($table));
while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
if (isset($dbArr[$row['uid']])) {
if (isset($dbArr[$row['uid']])) {
unset ($dbArr[$row['uid']]);
} else {
$result.='Strange Error. ...<br />';
$result .= 'Strange Error. ...<br />';
foreach ($dbArr as $theId => $theC) {
$result.='There are '.$theC.' records pointing to this missing or deleted record; ['.$table.']['.$theId.']<br />';
$result .= 'There are ' . $theC . ' records pointing to this missing or deleted record; [' . $table . '][' . $theId . ']<br />';
} else {
$result.='Codeerror. Table is not a table...<br />';
$result .= 'Codeerror. Table is not a table...<br />';
return $result;
* @param integer Uid of database record
* @return array Array with other arrays containing information about where references was found
function whereIsRecordReferenced($searchTable,$id) {
function whereIsRecordReferenced($searchTable, $id) {
global $TCA;
$fileFields = $this->getDBFields($searchTable); // Gets tables / Fields that reference to files...
$fileFields = $this->getDBFields($searchTable); // Gets tables / Fields that reference to files...
$theRecordList = array();
foreach ($fileFields as $info) {
$table=$info[0]; $field=$info[1];
$table = $info[0];
$field = $info[1];
$mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'uid,pid,' . $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label'] . ',' . $field,
$field.' LIKE \'%'.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($id, $table).'%\''
$field . ' LIKE \'%' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($id, $table) . '%\''
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
// Now this is the field, where the reference COULD come from. But we're not garanteed, so we must carefully examine the data.
$fieldConf = $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['config'];
$allowedTables = ($fieldConf['type']=='group') ? $fieldConf['allowed'] : $fieldConf['foreign_table'];
$allowedTables = ($fieldConf['type'] == 'group') ? $fieldConf['allowed'] : $fieldConf['foreign_table'];
$dbAnalysis = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadDBGroup');
$dbAnalysis->start($row[$field],$allowedTables,$fieldConf['MM'],$row['uid'], $table, $fieldConf);
$dbAnalysis->start($row[$field], $allowedTables, $fieldConf['MM'], $row['uid'], $table, $fieldConf);
foreach ($dbAnalysis->itemArray as $tempArr) {
if ($tempArr['table']==$searchTable && $tempArr['id']==$id) {
if ($tempArr['table'] == $searchTable && $tempArr['id'] == $id) {
$theRecordList[] = array('table' => $table, 'uid' => $row['uid'], 'field' => $field, 'pid' => $row['pid']);
* @param string Filename to search for
* @return array Array with other arrays containing information about where references was found
function whereIsFileReferenced($uploadfolder,$filename) {
function whereIsFileReferenced($uploadfolder, $filename) {
global $TCA;
$fileFields = $this->getFileFields($uploadfolder); // Gets tables / Fields that reference to files...
$fileFields = $this->getFileFields($uploadfolder); // Gets tables / Fields that reference to files...
$theRecordList = array();
foreach ($fileFields as $info) {
$table=$info[0]; $field=$info[1];
$table = $info[0];
$field = $info[1];
$mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'uid,pid,' . $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['label'] . ',' . $field,
$field.' LIKE \'%'.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($filename, $table).'%\''
$field . ' LIKE \'%' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($filename, $table) . '%\''
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
// Now this is the field, where the reference COULD come from. But we're not garanteed, so we must carefully examine the data.
// Now this is the field, where the reference COULD come from. But we're not garanteed, so we must carefully examine the data.
$tempArr = explode(',',trim($row[$field]));
$tempArr = explode(',', trim($row[$field]));
foreach ($tempArr as $file) {
$file = trim($file);
if ($file==$filename) {
if ($file == $filename) {
$theRecordList[] = array('table' => $table, 'uid' => $row['uid'], 'field' => $field, 'pid' => $row['pid']);
if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_admin.php']) {
if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_admin.php']) {