


Bug #22410 » 14050_cleaning_t3lib_compressor.patch

Administrator Admin, 2010-11-24 10:16

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_compressor.php (revision )
$filenameFromMainDir = substr($filename, strlen($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']));
// if $options['baseDirectories'] set, we only include files below these directories
if ((!isset($options['baseDirectories'])
|| $this->checkBaseDirectory($filenameFromMainDir, array_merge($options['baseDirectories'], array($this->targetDirectory))))
&& ($fileOptions['media'] === 'all')
|| $this->checkBaseDirectory($filenameFromMainDir, array_merge($options['baseDirectories'], array($this->targetDirectory))))
&& ($fileOptions['media'] === 'all')
) {
$filesToInclude[] = $filenameFromMainDir;
if (count($filesToInclude)) {
$targetFile = $this->createMergedCssFile($filesToInclude);
$concatenatedOptions = array(
'rel' => 'stylesheet',
'rel' => 'stylesheet',
'media' => 'all',
'media' => 'all',
'compress' => TRUE,
'compress' => TRUE,
$targetFileRelative = $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'] . '../' . $targetFile;
// place the merged stylesheet on top of the stylesheets
$filepath = t3lib_div::resolveBackPath(PATH_typo3 . $filename);
$unique .= $filename . filemtime($filepath) . filesize($filepath);
$targetFile = $this->targetDirectory . 'merged-'. md5($unique) . '.css';
$targetFile = $this->targetDirectory . 'merged-' . md5($unique) . '.css';
// if the file doesn't already exist, we create it
if (!file_exists(PATH_site . $targetFile)) {
* Compress multiple css files
* @param array $cssFiles The files to compress (array key = filename), relative to requested page
* @return array The CSS files after compression (array key = new filename), relative to requested page
* @return array The CSS files after compression (array key = new filename), relative to requested page
public function compressCssFiles(array $cssFiles) {
$filesAfterCompression = array();
if (!file_exists(PATH_site . $targetFile) || ($this->createGzipped && !file_exists(PATH_site . $targetFile . '.gzip'))) {
$contents = t3lib_div::getUrl($filenameAbsolute);
// Perform some safe CSS optimizations.
$contents = str_replace("\r", '', $contents); // Strip any and all carriage returns.
$contents = str_replace("\r", '', $contents); // Strip any and all carriage returns.
// Match and process strings, comments and everything else, one chunk at a time.
// To understand this regex, read: "Mastering Regular Expressions 3rd Edition" chapter 6.
$contents = preg_replace_callback('%
(/\*[^/]++(?:(?<!\*)/(?!\*)[^/]*+)*+/(?<=(?<!\\\\)\*/)) | # or...
# Group 8: Match regular non-string, non-comment text.
%Ssx', array('self','compressCssPregCallback'), $contents); // Do it!
%Ssx', array('self', 'compressCssPregCallback'), $contents); // Do it!
$contents = preg_replace('/^\s++/', '', $contents); // Strip leading whitespace.
$contents = preg_replace('/^\s++/', '', $contents); // Strip leading whitespace.
$contents = preg_replace('/[ \t]*+\n\s*+/S', "\n", $contents); // Consolidate multi-lines space.
$contents = preg_replace('/[ \t]*+\n\s*+/S', "\n", $contents); // Consolidate multi-lines space.
$contents = preg_replace('/(?<!\s)\s*+$/S', "\n", $contents); // Ensure file ends in newline.
$contents = preg_replace('/(?<!\s)\s*+$/S', "\n", $contents); // Ensure file ends in newline.
// we have to fix relative paths, if we aren't working on a file in our target directory
if (!is_int(strpos($filename, $this->targetDirectory))) {
$filenameRelativeToMainDir = substr($filename, strlen($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']));
* @return string the compressed string
public static function compressCssPregCallback($matches) {
if ($matches[1]) { // Group 1: Double quoted string.
if ($matches[1]) { // Group 1: Double quoted string.
return $matches[1]; // Return the string unmodified.
return $matches[1]; // Return the string unmodified.
} elseif ($matches[2]) { // Group 2: Single quoted string.
} elseif ($matches[2]) { // Group 2: Single quoted string.
return $matches[2]; // Return the string unmodified.
return $matches[2]; // Return the string unmodified.
} elseif ($matches[3]) { // Group 3: Regular non-MacIE5-hack comment.
} elseif ($matches[3]) { // Group 3: Regular non-MacIE5-hack comment.
return "\n"; // Return single space.
return "\n"; // Return single space.
} elseif ($matches[4]) { // Group 4: MacIE5-hack-type-1 comment.
} elseif ($matches[4]) { // Group 4: MacIE5-hack-type-1 comment.
return "\n/*\\T1*/\n"; // Return minimal MacIE5-hack-type-1 comment.
return "\n/*\\T1*/\n"; // Return minimal MacIE5-hack-type-1 comment.
elseif ($matches[5]) { // Group 5,6,7: MacIE5-hack-type-2 comment
elseif ($matches[5]) { // Group 5,6,7: MacIE5-hack-type-2 comment
$matches[6] = preg_replace('/\s++([+>{};,)])/S', '$1', $matches[6]); // Clean pre-punctuation.
$matches[6] = preg_replace('/\s++([+>{};,)])/S', '$1', $matches[6]); // Clean pre-punctuation.
$matches[6] = preg_replace('/([+>{}:;,(])\s++/S', '$1', $matches[6]); // Clean post-punctuation.
$matches[6] = preg_replace('/;?\}/S', "}\n", $matches[6]); // Add a touch of formatting.
$matches[6] = preg_replace('/;?\}/S', "}\n", $matches[6]); // Add a touch of formatting.
return "\n/*T2\\*/" . $matches[6] . "\n/*T2E*/\n"; // Minify and reassemble composite type2 comment.
} elseif (isset($matches[8])) { // Group 8: Non-string, non-comment. Safe to clean whitespace here.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/^\s++/', '', $matches[8]); // Strip all leading whitespace.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/^\s++/', '', $matches[8]); // Strip all leading whitespace.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/\s++$/', '', $matches[8]); // Strip all trailing whitespace.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/\s++$/', '', $matches[8]); // Strip all trailing whitespace.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/\s{2,}+/', ' ', $matches[8]); // Consolidate multiple whitespace.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/\s{2,}+/', ' ', $matches[8]); // Consolidate multiple whitespace.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/\s++([+>{};,)])/S', '$1', $matches[8]); // Clean pre-punctuation.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/\s++([+>{};,)])/S', '$1', $matches[8]); // Clean pre-punctuation.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/([+>{}:;,(])\s++/S', '$1', $matches[8]); // Clean post-punctuation.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/;?\}/S', "}\n", $matches[8]); // Add a touch of formatting.
$matches[8] = preg_replace('/;?\}/S', "}\n", $matches[8]); // Add a touch of formatting.
return $matches[8];
return $matches[0] . "\n/* ERROR! Unexpected _proccess_css_minify() parameter */\n"; // never get here
* @param array $jsFiles The files to compress (array key = filename), relative to requested page
* @return array The js files after compression (array key = new filename), relative to requested page
public function compressJsFiles(array $jsFiles) {
$filesAfterCompression = array();
foreach ($jsFiles as $filename => $fileOptions) {
// we must not rewrite paths containing ":", e.g. data URIs (see RFC 2397)
if (strpos($match, ':') === FALSE) {
$newPath = t3lib_div::resolveBackPath('../../' . TYPO3_mainDir . $oldDir . $match);
$contents = str_replace($matches[1][$matchCount], '(\'' . $newPath . '\')', $contents);
$contents = str_replace($matches[1][$matchCount], '(\'' . $newPath . '\')', $contents);
return $contents;