


Bug #22410 » 14050_cleaning_t3lib_loadmodules.patch

Administrator Admin, 2010-11-24 13:02

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_loadmodules.php (revision )
* Copyright notice
* (c) 1999-2010 Kasper Sk?rh?j (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Copyright notice
* (c) 1999-2010 Kasper Sk?rh?j (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* This document provides a class that loads the modules for the TYPO3 interface.
* 79: class t3lib_loadModules
* 99: function load($modulesArray,$BE_USER='')
* 99: function load($modulesArray,$BE_USER='')
* 370: function checkExtensionModule($name)
* 370: function checkExtensionModule($name)
* 389: function checkMod($name, $fullpath)
* 389: function checkMod($name, $fullpath)
* 471: function checkModAccess($name,$MCONF)
* 471: function checkModAccess($name,$MCONF)
* 495: function checkModWorkspace($name,$MCONF)
* 495: function checkModWorkspace($name,$MCONF)
* 519: function parseModulesArray($arr)
* 519: function parseModulesArray($arr)
* 548: function cleanName ($str)
* 548: function cleanName ($str)
* 559: function getRelativePath($baseDir,$destDir)
* 559: function getRelativePath($baseDir,$destDir)
* (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval")
* Load Backend Interface modules
* Typically instantiated like this:
* $this->loadModules = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadModules');
* $this->loadModules = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_loadModules');
* $this->loadModules->load($TBE_MODULES);
* $this->loadModules->load($TBE_MODULES);
* @author Kasper Sk?rh?j <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage t3lib
class t3lib_loadModules {
var $modules = Array(); // After the init() function this array will contain the structure of available modules for the backend user.
var $modules = array(); // After the init() function this array will contain the structure of available modules for the backend user.
var $absPathArray = array(); // Array with paths pointing to the location of modules from extensions
var $absPathArray = array(); // Array with paths pointing to the location of modules from extensions
var $modListGroup = Array(); // this array will hold the elements that should go into the select-list of modules for groups...
var $modListUser = Array(); // this array will hold the elements that should go into the select-list of modules for users...
var $modListGroup = array(); // this array will hold the elements that should go into the select-list of modules for groups...
var $modListUser = array(); // this array will hold the elements that should go into the select-list of modules for users...
* The backend user for use internally
* @var t3lib_beUserAuth
var $BE_USER;
var $observeWorkspaces = FALSE; // If set true, workspace "permissions" will be observed so non-allowed modules will not be included in the array of modules.
var $observeWorkspaces = FALSE; // If set true, workspace "permissions" will be observed so non-allowed modules will not be included in the array of modules.
* Contains the registered navigation components
* @param object Optional backend user object to use. If not set, the global BE_USER object is used.
* @return void
function load($modulesArray,$BE_USER='') {
function load($modulesArray, $BE_USER = '') {
// Setting the backend user for use internally
if (is_object($BE_USER)) {
if (is_object($BE_USER)) {
$this->BE_USER = $BE_USER;
} else {
$modulesArray might look like this when entering this function.
Notice the two modules added by extensions - they have a path attached
$modulesArray might look like this when entering this function.
Notice the two modules added by extensions - they have a path attached
[web] => list,info,perm,func
[file] => list
[user] =>
[tools] => em,install,txphpmyadmin
[help] => about
[_PATHS] => Array
[tools_install] => /www/htdocs/typo3/32/coreinstall/typo3/ext/install/mod/
[tools_txphpmyadmin] => /www/htdocs/typo3/32/coreinstall/typo3/ext/phpmyadmin/modsub/
[web] => list,info,perm,func
[file] => list
[user] =>
[tools] => em,install,txphpmyadmin
[help] => about
[_PATHS] => Array
[tools_install] => /www/htdocs/typo3/32/coreinstall/typo3/ext/install/mod/
[tools_txphpmyadmin] => /www/htdocs/typo3/32/coreinstall/typo3/ext/phpmyadmin/modsub/
$this->absPathArray = $modulesArray['_PATHS'];
$theMods = $this->parseModulesArray($modulesArray);
Originally modules were found in typo3/mod/
User defined modules were found in ../typo3conf/
Originally modules were found in typo3/mod/
User defined modules were found in ../typo3conf/
Today almost all modules reside in extensions and they are found by the _PATHS array of the incoming $TBE_MODULES array
Today almost all modules reside in extensions and they are found by the _PATHS array of the incoming $TBE_MODULES array
// Setting paths for 1) core modules (old concept from mod/) and 2) user-defined modules (from ../typo3conf)
$paths = array();
$paths['defMods'] = PATH_typo3.'mod/'; // Path of static modules
$paths['defMods'] = PATH_typo3 . 'mod/'; // Path of static modules
$paths['userMods'] = PATH_typo3.'../typo3conf/'; // local modules (maybe frontend specific)
$paths['userMods'] = PATH_typo3 . '../typo3conf/'; // local modules (maybe frontend specific)
// Traverses the module setup and creates the internal array $this->modules
foreach($theMods as $mods => $subMod) {
foreach ($theMods as $mods => $subMod) {
$path = NULL;
$extModRelPath = $this->checkExtensionModule($mods);
if ($extModRelPath) { // EXTENSION module:
if ($extModRelPath) { // EXTENSION module:
$theMainMod = $this->checkMod($mods,PATH_site.$extModRelPath);
$theMainMod = $this->checkMod($mods, PATH_site . $extModRelPath);
if (is_array($theMainMod) || $theMainMod!='notFound') {
if (is_array($theMainMod) || $theMainMod != 'notFound') {
$path = 1; // ... just so it goes on... submodules cannot be within this path!
$path = 1; // ... just so it goes on... submodules cannot be within this path!
} else { // 'CLASSIC' module
} else { // 'CLASSIC' module
// Checking for typo3/mod/ module existence...
$theMainMod = $this->checkMod($mods,$paths['defMods'].$mods);
$theMainMod = $this->checkMod($mods, $paths['defMods'] . $mods);
if (is_array($theMainMod) || $theMainMod!='notFound') {
if (is_array($theMainMod) || $theMainMod != 'notFound') {
$path = $paths['defMods'];
} else {
// If not typo3/mod/ then it could be user-defined in typo3conf/ ...?
$theMainMod = $this->checkMod($mods,$paths['userMods'].$mods);
$theMainMod = $this->checkMod($mods, $paths['userMods'] . $mods);
if (is_array($theMainMod) || $theMainMod!='notFound') {
if (is_array($theMainMod) || $theMainMod != 'notFound') {
$path = $paths['userMods'];
// if $theMainMod is not set (false) there is no access to the module !(?)
if ($theMainMod && !is_null($path)) {
if ($theMainMod && !is_null($path)) {
$this->modules[$mods] = $theMainMod;
// SUBMODULES - if any - are loaded
if (is_array($subMod)) {
if (is_array($subMod)) {
foreach($subMod as $valsub) {
foreach ($subMod as $valsub) {
$extModRelPath = $this->checkExtensionModule($mods.'_'.$valsub);
$extModRelPath = $this->checkExtensionModule($mods . '_' . $valsub);
if ($extModRelPath) { // EXTENSION submodule:
if ($extModRelPath) { // EXTENSION submodule:
$theTempSubMod = $this->checkMod($mods.'_'.$valsub,PATH_site.$extModRelPath);
$theTempSubMod = $this->checkMod($mods . '_' . $valsub, PATH_site . $extModRelPath);
if (is_array($theTempSubMod)) { // default sub-module in either main-module-path, be it the default or the userdefined.
if (is_array($theTempSubMod)) { // default sub-module in either main-module-path, be it the default or the userdefined.
$this->modules[$mods]['sub'][$valsub] = $theTempSubMod;
} else { // 'CLASSIC' submodule
} else { // 'CLASSIC' submodule
// Checking for typo3/mod/xxx/ module existence...
// FIXME what about $path = 1; from above and using $path as string here?
// FIXME what about $path = 1; from above and using $path as string here?
$theTempSubMod = $this->checkMod($mods.'_'.$valsub,$path.$mods.'/'.$valsub);
$theTempSubMod = $this->checkMod($mods . '_' . $valsub, $path . $mods . '/' . $valsub);
if (is_array($theTempSubMod)) { // default sub-module in either main-module-path, be it the default or the userdefined.
if (is_array($theTempSubMod)) { // default sub-module in either main-module-path, be it the default or the userdefined.
$this->modules[$mods]['sub'][$valsub] = $theTempSubMod;
} elseif ($path == $paths['defMods']) { // If the submodule did not exist in the default module path, then check if there is a submodule in the submodule path!
} elseif ($path == $paths['defMods']) { // If the submodule did not exist in the default module path, then check if there is a submodule in the submodule path!
$theTempSubMod = $this->checkMod($mods.'_'.$valsub,$paths['userMods'].$mods.'/'.$valsub);
$theTempSubMod = $this->checkMod($mods . '_' . $valsub, $paths['userMods'] . $mods . '/' . $valsub);
if (is_array($theTempSubMod)) {
if (is_array($theTempSubMod)) {
$this->modules[$mods]['sub'][$valsub] = $theTempSubMod;
} else { // This must be done in order to fill out the select-lists for modules correctly!!
} else { // This must be done in order to fill out the select-lists for modules correctly!!
if (is_array($subMod)) {
if (is_array($subMod)) {
foreach($subMod as $valsub) {
foreach ($subMod as $valsub) {
// FIXME path can only be NULL here, or not?
// FIXME path can only be NULL here, or not?
$this->checkMod($mods . '_' . $valsub, $path . $mods . '/' . $valsub);
* @param string Module name
* @return string If found, the relative path from PATH_site
function checkExtensionModule($name) {
function checkExtensionModule($name) {
if (isset($this->absPathArray[$name])) {
if (isset($this->absPathArray[$name])) {
return rtrim(substr($this->absPathArray[$name],strlen(PATH_site)), '/');
return rtrim(substr($this->absPathArray[$name], strlen(PATH_site)), '/');
* Here we check for the module.
* Return values:
* 'notFound': If the module was not found in the path (no "conf.php" file)
* 'notFound': If the module was not found in the path (no "conf.php" file)
* false: If no access to the module (access check failed)
* false: If no access to the module (access check failed)
* array(): Configuration array, in case a valid module where access IS granted exists.
* array(): Configuration array, in case a valid module where access IS granted exists.
* @param string Module name
* @param string Absolute path to module
* @return mixed See description of function
function checkMod($name, $fullpath) {
function checkMod($name, $fullpath) {
if ($name == 'user_ws' && !t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('version')) {
return FALSE;
$modconf = array();
$modconf = array();
$path = preg_replace('/\/[^\/.]+\/\.\.\//', '/', $fullpath); // because 'path/../path' does not work
if (@is_dir($path) && file_exists($path.'/conf.php')) {
if (@is_dir($path) && file_exists($path . '/conf.php')) {
$MCONF = array();
$MLANG = array();
include($path.'/conf.php'); // The conf-file is included. This must be valid PHP.
include($path . '/conf.php'); // The conf-file is included. This must be valid PHP.
if (!$MCONF['shy'] && $this->checkModAccess($name,$MCONF) && $this->checkModWorkspace($name,$MCONF)) {
if (!$MCONF['shy'] && $this->checkModAccess($name, $MCONF) && $this->checkModWorkspace($name, $MCONF)) {
$modconf['name'] = $name;
// language processing. This will add module labels and image reference to the internal ->moduleLabels array of the LANG object.
if (is_object($GLOBALS['LANG'])) {
if (is_object($GLOBALS['LANG'])) {
// $MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'] is for modules the reference to the module icon.
// Here the path is transformed to an absolute reference.
if ($MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab']) {
if ($MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab']) {
// Initializing search for alternative icon:
$altIconKey = 'MOD:'.$name.'/'.$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab']; // Alternative icon key (might have an alternative set in $TBE_STYLES['skinImg']
$altIconKey = 'MOD:' . $name . '/' . $MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab']; // Alternative icon key (might have an alternative set in $TBE_STYLES['skinImg']
$altIconAbsPath = is_array($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$altIconKey]) ? t3lib_div::resolveBackPath(PATH_typo3.$GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$altIconKey][0]) : '';
$altIconAbsPath = is_array($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$altIconKey]) ? t3lib_div::resolveBackPath(PATH_typo3 . $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$altIconKey][0]) : '';
// Setting icon, either default or alternative:
if ($altIconAbsPath && @is_file($altIconAbsPath)) {
if ($altIconAbsPath && @is_file($altIconAbsPath)) {
$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'] = $this->getRelativePath(PATH_typo3, $altIconAbsPath);
} else {
// Setting default icon:
$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'] = $this->getRelativePath(PATH_typo3, $fullpath . '/' . $MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab']);
// Finally, setting the icon with correct path:
if (substr($MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'],0,3)=='../') {
if (substr($MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'], 0, 3) == '../') {
$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'] = PATH_site.substr($MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'],3);
$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'] = PATH_site . substr($MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'], 3);
} else {
$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'] = PATH_typo3.$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'];
$MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'] = PATH_typo3 . $MLANG['default']['tabs_images']['tab'];
// If LOCAL_LANG references are used for labels of the module:
if ($MLANG['default']['ll_ref']) {
if ($MLANG['default']['ll_ref']) {
// Now the 'default' key is loaded with the CURRENT language - not the english translation...
$MLANG['default']['labels']['tablabel'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($MLANG['default']['ll_ref'].':mlang_labels_tablabel');
$MLANG['default']['labels']['tablabel'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($MLANG['default']['ll_ref'] . ':mlang_labels_tablabel');
$MLANG['default']['labels']['tabdescr'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($MLANG['default']['ll_ref'].':mlang_labels_tabdescr');
$MLANG['default']['labels']['tabdescr'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($MLANG['default']['ll_ref'] . ':mlang_labels_tabdescr');
$MLANG['default']['tabs']['tab'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($MLANG['default']['ll_ref'].':mlang_tabs_tab');
$MLANG['default']['tabs']['tab'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($MLANG['default']['ll_ref'] . ':mlang_tabs_tab');
$GLOBALS['LANG']->addModuleLabels($MLANG['default'], $name . '_');
} else { // ... otherwise use the old way:
} else { // ... otherwise use the old way:
$GLOBALS['LANG']->addModuleLabels($MLANG['default'], $name . '_');
$GLOBALS['LANG']->addModuleLabels($MLANG[$GLOBALS['LANG']->lang], $name . '_');
// Default script setup
if ($MCONF['script']==='_DISPATCH') {
if ($MCONF['script'] === '_DISPATCH') {
if ($MCONF['extbase']) {
$modconf['script'] = 'mod.php?M=Tx_' . rawurlencode($name);
} else {
$modconf['script'] = 'mod.php?M=' . rawurlencode($name);
} elseif ($MCONF['script'] && file_exists($path.'/'.$MCONF['script'])) {
} elseif ($MCONF['script'] && file_exists($path . '/' . $MCONF['script'])) {
$modconf['script'] = $this->getRelativePath(PATH_typo3,$fullpath.'/'.$MCONF['script']);
$modconf['script'] = $this->getRelativePath(PATH_typo3, $fullpath . '/' . $MCONF['script']);
} else {
$modconf['script'] = 'dummy.php';
// Default tab setting
if ($MCONF['defaultMod']) {
if ($MCONF['defaultMod']) {
$modconf['defaultMod'] = $MCONF['defaultMod'];
// Navigation Frame Script (GET params could be added)
if ($MCONF['navFrameScript']) {
$navFrameScript = explode('?', $MCONF['navFrameScript']);
$navFrameScript = $navFrameScript[0];
if (file_exists($path.'/'.$navFrameScript)) {
if (file_exists($path . '/' . $navFrameScript)) {
$modconf['navFrameScript'] = $this->getRelativePath(PATH_typo3,$fullpath.'/'.$MCONF['navFrameScript']);
$modconf['navFrameScript'] = $this->getRelativePath(PATH_typo3, $fullpath . '/' . $MCONF['navFrameScript']);
// additional params for Navigation Frame Script: "&anyParam=value&moreParam=1"
if (is_array($this->navigationComponents[$name])) {
$modconf['navigationComponentId'] = $this->navigationComponents[$name]['componentId'];
} else return false;
} else $modconf = 'notFound';
} else {
return FALSE;
} else {
$modconf = 'notFound';
return $modconf;
* @param array MCONF array (module configuration array) from the modules conf.php file (contains settings about what access level the module has)
* @return boolean True if access is granted for $this->BE_USER
function checkModAccess($name,$MCONF) {
function checkModAccess($name, $MCONF) {
if ($MCONF['access']) {
if ($MCONF['access']) {
$access = strtolower($MCONF['access']);
// Checking if admin-access is required
if (strstr($access,'admin')) { // If admin-permissions is required then return true if user is admin
if (strstr($access, 'admin')) { // If admin-permissions is required then return true if user is admin
if ($this->BE_USER->isAdmin()) {return true;}
if ($this->BE_USER->isAdmin()) {
return TRUE;
// This will add modules to the select-lists of user and groups
if (strstr($access,'user')) { $this->modListUser[]=$name; }
if (strstr($access,'group')) { $this->modListGroup[]=$name; }
if (strstr($access, 'user')) {
$this->modListUser[] = $name;
if (strstr($access, 'group')) {
$this->modListGroup[] = $name;
// This checks if a user is permitted to access the module
if ($this->BE_USER->isAdmin() || $this->BE_USER->check('modules',$name)) {return true;} // If admin you can always access a module
if ($this->BE_USER->isAdmin() || $this->BE_USER->check('modules', $name)) {
return TRUE;
} // If admin you can always access a module
} else return true; // If conf[access] is not set, then permission IS granted!
} else {
return TRUE;
} // If conf[access] is not set, then permission IS granted!
* @param array MCONF array (module configuration array) from the modules conf.php file (contains settings about workspace restrictions)
* @return boolean True if access is granted for $this->BE_USER
function checkModWorkspace($name,$MCONF) {
function checkModWorkspace($name, $MCONF) {
if ($this->observeWorkspaces) {
if ($this->observeWorkspaces) {
$status = TRUE;
if ($MCONF['workspaces']) {
if ($MCONF['workspaces']) {
$status = FALSE;
if (($this->BE_USER->workspace===0 && t3lib_div::inList($MCONF['workspaces'],'online')) ||
if (($this->BE_USER->workspace === 0 && t3lib_div::inList($MCONF['workspaces'], 'online')) ||
($this->BE_USER->workspace===-1 && t3lib_div::inList($MCONF['workspaces'],'offline')) ||
($this->BE_USER->workspace === -1 && t3lib_div::inList($MCONF['workspaces'], 'offline')) ||
($this->BE_USER->workspace>0 && t3lib_div::inList($MCONF['workspaces'],'custom'))) {
($this->BE_USER->workspace > 0 && t3lib_div::inList($MCONF['workspaces'], 'custom'))) {
$status = TRUE;
$status = TRUE;
} elseif ($this->BE_USER->workspace===-99) {
} elseif ($this->BE_USER->workspace === -99) {
$status = FALSE;
return $status;
} else return TRUE;
} else {
return TRUE;
* Parses the moduleArray ($TBE_MODULES) into a internally useful structure.
* @param array moduleArray ($TBE_MODULES)
* @return array Output structure with available modules
function parseModulesArray($arr) {
function parseModulesArray($arr) {
$theMods = Array();
$theMods = array();
if (is_array($arr)) {
if (is_array($arr)) {
foreach($arr as $mod => $subs) {
foreach ($arr as $mod => $subs) {
$mod = $this->cleanName($mod); // clean module name to alphanum
$mod = $this->cleanName($mod); // clean module name to alphanum
if ($mod) {
if ($mod) {
if ($subs) {
if ($subs) {
$subsArr = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $subs);
foreach($subsArr as $subMod) {
foreach ($subsArr as $subMod) {
$subMod = $this->cleanName($subMod);
if ($subMod) {
if ($subMod) {
$theMods[$mod][] = $subMod;
* @param string String to clean up
* @return string
function cleanName ($str) {
function cleanName($str) {
return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i','',$str);
return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $str);
* @param string Destination directory
* @return string The relative path of destination compared to base.
function getRelativePath($baseDir,$destDir){
function getRelativePath($baseDir, $destDir) {
// By Ren? Fritz
// a special case , the dirs are equals
if ($baseDir == $destDir){
if ($baseDir == $destDir) {
return './';
$baseDir = ltrim($baseDir, '/'); // remove beginning
$baseDir = ltrim($baseDir, '/'); // remove beginning
$destDir = ltrim($destDir, '/');
$found = true;
$found = TRUE;
$slash_pos = 0;
do {
$slash_pos = strpos ($destDir, '/');
$slash_pos = strpos($destDir, '/');
if (substr($destDir, 0, $slash_pos) == substr($baseDir, 0, $slash_pos)){
if (substr($destDir, 0, $slash_pos) == substr($baseDir, 0, $slash_pos)) {
$baseDir = substr($baseDir, $slash_pos+1);
$baseDir = substr($baseDir, $slash_pos + 1);
$destDir = substr($destDir, $slash_pos+1);
$destDir = substr($destDir, $slash_pos + 1);
} else {
$found = false;
$found = FALSE;
} while($found == true);
} while ($found == TRUE);
$slashes = strlen ($baseDir) - strlen (str_replace('/', '', $baseDir));
$slashes = strlen($baseDir) - strlen(str_replace('/', '', $baseDir));
for($i=0;$i < $slashes;$i++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $slashes; $i++) {
$destDir = '../'.$destDir;
$destDir = '../' . $destDir;
return t3lib_div::resolveBackPath($destDir);
if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_loadmodules.php']) {
if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_loadmodules.php']) {