


Feature #22554 » 14260.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-04-30 15:40

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_install.php (working copy)
* @param array $line_array the localconf.php file exploded into an array by linebreaks. (see writeToLocalconf_control())
* @param string $variable The variable name to find and substitute. This string must match the first part of a trimmed line in the line-array. Matching is done backwards so the last appearing line will be substituted.
* @param string $value Is the value to be insert for the variable
* @param boolean $quoteValue Whether the given value should be quoted before being written
* @return void
* @see writeToLocalconf_control()
function setValueInLocalconfFile(&$line_array, $variable, $value) {
public function setValueInLocalconfFile(&$line_array, $variable, $value, $quoteValue = TRUE) {
if (!$this->checkForBadString($value)) return 0;
// Initialize:
$mainparts = explode($variable,$v,2);
if (count($mainparts)==2) { // should ALWAYS be....
$subparts = explode('//',$mainparts[1],2);
$line_array[$k] = $mainparts[0].$variable." = '".$this->slashValueForSingleDashes($value)."'; ".('//'.$comment.str_replace($comment,'',$subparts[1]));
if ($quoteValue) {
$value = '\'' . $this->slashValueForSingleDashes($value) . '\'';
$line_array[$k] = $mainparts[0] . $variable . " = " . $value . "; " . ('//' . $comment . str_replace($comment, '', $subparts[1]));
$this->touchedLine = count($line_array)-$k-1;
$found = 1;
$mainparts = explode($varDoubleQuotes, $v, 2);
if (count($mainparts) == 2) { // should ALWAYS be....
$subparts = explode('//', $mainparts[1], 2);
$line_array[$k] = $mainparts[0] . $variable . " = '" . $this->slashValueForSingleDashes($value) . "'; " . ('//' . $comment . str_replace($comment, '', $subparts[1]));
if ($quoteValue) {
$value = '\'' . $this->slashValueForSingleDashes($value) . '\'';
$line_array[$k] = $mainparts[0] . $variable . " = " . $value . "; " . ('//' . $comment . str_replace($comment, '', $subparts[1]));
$this->touchedLine = count($line_array) - $k - 1;
$found = 1;
$line_array[] = $commentKey.$this->localconf_editPointToken;
$line_array[] = '';
$line_array[] = $variable." = '".$this->slashValueForSingleDashes($value)."'; // ".$comment;
if ($quoteValue) {
$value = '\'' . $this->slashValueForSingleDashes($value) . '\'';
$line_array[] = $variable . " = " . $value . "; // " . $comment;
$this->touchedLine = -1;
if ($variable == '$typo_db_password') {
$this->messages[] = 'Updated ' . $variable;
} else {
$this->messages[] = $variable . " = '" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "'";
$this->messages[] = $variable . " = " . htmlspecialchars($value);
$this->setLocalconf = 1;
typo3/sysext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php (working copy)
// Let DBAL decide whether to load itself
include($this->backPath . 'sysext/dbal/class.tx_dbal_autoloader.php');
if($this->redirect_url) {
* @return array List of available databases
function getDatabaseList() {
public function getDatabaseList() {
$dbArr = array();
if ($result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_pconnect(TYPO3_db_host, TYPO3_db_username, TYPO3_db_password)) {
$dbArr = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_get_dbs();
* @param integer $keyLength Desired key length
* @return string The encryption key
protected function createEncryptionKey($keyLength = 96) {
public function createEncryptionKey($keyLength = 96) {
$bytes = t3lib_div::generateRandomBytes($keyLength);
return substr(bin2hex($bytes), -96);