


Bug #22614 ยป 14341.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-05-09 17:49

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php (working copy)
* Logs a call to a deprecated function.
* The log message will b etaken from the annotation.
* The log message will be taken from the annotation.
* @return void
public static function logDeprecatedFunction() {
} else {
$function = new ReflectionFunction($trail[1]['function']);
if (!$msg) {
if (preg_match('/@deprecated\s+(.*)/', $function->getDocComment(), $match)) {
$msg = $match[1];
$msg = '';
if (preg_match('/@deprecated\s+(.*)/', $function->getDocComment(), $match)) {
$msg = $match[1];
// trigger PHP error with a short message: <function> is deprecated (called from <source>, defined in <source>)
// trigger PHP error with a short message: <function> is deprecated (called from <source>, defined in <source>)
$errorMsg = 'Function ' . $trail[1]['function'];
if ($trail[1]['class']) {
$errorMsg .= ' of class ' . $trail[1]['class'];
$errorMsg .= ' is deprecated (called from '.$trail[1]['file'] . '#' . $trail[1]['line'] . ', defined in ' . $function->getFileName() . '#' . $function->getStartLine() . ')';
// Temporary disabled until error handling is implemented (follows later this week...)
if (defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED')) {
trigger_error($errorMsg, E_USER_DEPRECATED); // PHP 5.3
} else {
trigger_error($errorMsg, E_USER_NOTICE); // PHP 5.2
// write a longer message to the deprecation log: <function> <annotion> - <trace> (<source>)
// write a longer message to the deprecation log: <function> <annotion> - <trace> (<source>)
$logMsg = $trail[1]['class'] . $trail[1]['type'] . $trail[1]['function'];
$logMsg .= '() - ' . $msg.' - ' . self::debug_trail();
$logMsg .= ' (' . substr($function->getFileName(), strlen(PATH_site)) . '#' . $function->getStartLine() . ')';