3006: NOT PORTED: FLOW3 specific
3120: DONE: Changed string character access from {} to []
3189: DONE: Fixed method parameter documentation found by new reflection service checks
3210: DONE: Fixed memcache (and APC) backend to use the cache identifier in their prefix in order to not overwrite entries from different caches having the same entry identifier
3229: NOT PORTED: Solved differently in v4
3248: DONE: Modified the way the md5 hash is created for the APC cache entry prefixes.
3286: NOT PORTED: Not a problen in v4
3290: DONE: Some optical cleanup in APC cache backend test.
3300: NOT PORTED: FLOW3: Moved all unit tests to new subdirectory, added directory for system tests.
3322: NOT PORTED: Not a problem in v4
3345: DONE: Added @api annotations on class level.
3380: NOT PORTED: Done with rev. 3345
3487: NOT PORTED: No systemlogger in v4
3523: NOT PORTED: Done with rev. 3210
3528: PARTIALLY DONE: Some other changes and optimizations (not ported: pdo changes)
3544: NOT PORTED: pdo only
3545: NOT PORTED: pdo only
3548: NOT PORTED: FLOW3 specific
3616: NOT PORTED: pdo only
3643: NOT PORTED: FLOW3 specific
3758: NOT PORTED: php cache implementation
3805: NOT PORTED: php cache implementation
3837: NOT PORTED: FLOW3 specific
3845: ALREADY DONE in v4
3847: ALREADY DONE in v4
3906: DONE: findTagFilesByEntry() now returns an array even if glob() fails.
4336: ALREADY DONE in v4
4443: DONE: Renamed the resource stream wrapper's scheme from "package://" to "resource://"