


Bug #22854 ยป 14681_v1.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-06-10 08:28

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_spritemanager.php (working copy)
function __construct($regenerate = TRUE) {
// we check for existance of our targetDirectory
if (!is_dir(PATH_site . t3lib_SpriteManager::$tempPath)) {
t3lib_div::mkdir(PATH_site . t3lib_SpriteManager::$tempPath);
if (!is_dir(PATH_site . self::$tempPath)) {
t3lib_div::mkdir(PATH_site . self::$tempPath);
// create a fileName, the hash includes all icons and css-styles registered and the extlist
$this->tempFileName = PATH_site . t3lib_SpriteManager::$tempPath .
$this->tempFileName = PATH_site . self::$tempPath .
md5(serialize($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['spritemanager']) .
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extList']) . '.inc';
// if no cache-file for the current config ist present, regenerate it
} else {
// use old file if present
list($this->tempFileName) = t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(PATH_site . t3lib_SpriteManager::$tempPath, 'inc', 1);
list($this->tempFileName) = t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(PATH_site . self::$tempPath, 'inc', 1);
$fileContent = '<?php $GLOBALS[\'TBE_STYLES\'][\'spriteIconApi\'][\'iconsAvailable\'] = unserialize(stripslashes(\'' . $cacheString . '\')); ?>';
// delete old cache files
$oldFiles = t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(PATH_site . t3lib_SpriteManager::$tempPath, 'inc', 1);
$oldFiles = t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(PATH_site . self::$tempPath, 'inc', 1);
foreach ($oldFiles as $file) {
t3lib/utility/class.t3lib_utility_http.php (working copy)
* @param string The target URL to redirect to
* @param string An optional HTTP status header. Default is 'HTTP/1.1 303 See Other'
public static function redirect($url, $httpStatus = t3lib_utility_Http::HTTP_STATUS_303) {
public static function redirect($url, $httpStatus = self::HTTP_STATUS_303) {
header('Location: ' . t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl($url));
t3lib/class.t3lib_parsehtml.php (working copy)
$between = substr($content, $startAM, $stop-$startAM);
if ($recursive) {
$after = t3lib_parsehtml::substituteSubpart(
$after = self::substituteSubpart(
public static function substituteSubpartArray($content, array $subpartsContent) {
foreach ($subpartsContent as $subpartMarker => $subpartContent) {
$content = t3lib_parsehtml::substituteSubpart(
$content = self::substituteSubpart(