


Bug #22957 » 14814.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-06-22 05:27

View differences:

typo3/install/index.php (working copy)
$markers = array(
'styleSheet' => $stylesheet,
'javascript' => $javascript,
'title' => 'The install tool is locked',
'title' => 'The Install Tool is locked',
'content' => '
To enable access to the install tool, you have the following option<span class="t3-install-locked-user-settings">s</span>:
To enable the Install Tool, the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL must be created.
Create a file named <strong>ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL</strong>
and put it into the folder <strong>typo3conf/</strong>.<br />
This file may simply be empty.
In the typo3conf/ folder, create a file named ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL. The file name is
case sensitive, but the file itself can simply be an empty file.
<li class="t3-install-locked-user-settings">
Go to <a href="../sysext/setup/mod/index.php">User tools &gt; User settings</a> and let TYPO3 create this file for you.
Alternatively, in the Backend, go to <a href="../sysext/setup/mod/index.php">User tools &gt; User settings</a>
and let TYPO3 create this file for you. When you\'re finished, you can also visit
<a href="../sysext/setup/mod/index.php">User tools &gt; User settings</a> and delete the file from there.
For security reasons, it is highly recommended to rename or
delete the file after the operation is finished.
For security reasons, it is highly recommended that you either rename or delete the file after the operation is finished.
If the file is older than 1 hour TYPO3 has automatically deleted
it, so it needs to be created again.
As an additional security measure, if the file is older than one hour, TYPO3 will automatically delete it.
typo3/sysext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php (working copy)
// Define the markers content
$markers = array(
'stepHeader' => $this->stepHeader(),
'notice' => 'Skip this wizard (for powerusers only)',
'notice' => 'Skip this wizard (for power users only)',
'skip123' => $this->scriptSelf
Host: <em>' . TYPO3_db_host . '</em>,
Using Password: YES)
<br />
Go to Step 1 and enter a proper username/password!
Go to Step 1 and enter a valid username and password!
$error_missingDB = '
There is no access to the database (<em>' . TYPO3_db . '</em>)!
<br />
Go to Step 2 and select an accessible database!
Go to Step 2 and select a valid database!
$templateFile, '###STEP1###'
// Add header marker for main template
$markers['header'] = 'Welcome to the TYPO3 installation process';
$markers['header'] = 'Welcome to the TYPO3 Install Tool';
// Define the markers content for the subpart
$step1SubPartMarkers = array(
'llIntroduction' => '
TYPO3 is an enterprise content management system
that is very powerful and yet easy to install.
that is powerful, yet easy to install.
Choose your database, import some data and
you\'re done!
In three simple steps you\'ll be ready to add content to your website.
'step' => $this->step + 1,
'password' => TYPO3_db_password,
'labelHost' => 'Host',
'host' => TYPO3_db_host ? TYPO3_db_host : 'localhost',
'continue' => 'Continue'
'continue' => 'Continue',
'llDescription' => 'If you have not already created a username and password to access the database, please do so now. This can be done using tools provided by your host.'
// Add step marker for main template
$markers['step'] = t3lib_parsehtml::substituteMarkerArray(
// Define the markers content
$step3SubPartMarkers = array(
'step' => $this->step + 1,
'llOptions' => 'You have two options in this step.',
'llOptions' => 'You have two options:',
'action' => htmlspecialchars($this->action),
'llOption1' => 'Create new database (recommended):',
'llRemark1' => 'Enter your desired name for the database.',
'llOption1' => 'Create a new database (recommended):',
'llRemark1' => 'Enter a name for your TYPO3 database.',
'llOption2' => 'Select an EMPTY existing database:',
'llRemark2' => 'All tables used by TYPO3 will be overwritten in step 3.',
'llRemark2' => 'Any tables used by TYPO3 will be overwritten.',
'continue' => 'Continue'
// Add step marker for main template
case 4:
// Add header marker for main template
$markers['header'] = 'Import the database sql-file';
$markers['header'] = 'Import the Database Tables';
// There should be a database host connection at this point
if ($result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_pconnect(
TYPO3_db_host, TYPO3_db_username, TYPO3_db_password
// Check if default database scheme "database.sql" already exists, otherwise create it
if (!strstr(implode(',',$sFiles).',', '/database.sql,')) {
array_unshift($sFiles,'Create default database tables');
array_unshift($sFiles,'Default TYPO3 Tables');
foreach ($sFiles as $f) {
if ($f=='Create default database tables') $key='CURRENT_TABLES+STATIC';
if ($f=='Default TYPO3 Tables') $key='CURRENT_TABLES+STATIC';
else $key=htmlspecialchars($f);
// Define the markers content for database type subpart
$step4DatabaseTypeOptionMarkers = array(
'llNumberTables' => 'Number of tables:',
'numberTables' => count($whichTables),
'action' => htmlspecialchars($this->action),
'llDatabaseType' => 'Please select a database dump:',
'llDatabaseType' => 'Select database contents:',
'label' => 'Import database'
// Add step marker for main template
case 'go':
// Add header marker for main template
$markers['header'] = 'You\'re done!';
$markers['header'] = 'Congratulations!';
// There should be a database host connection at this point
if ($result = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_pconnect(
TYPO3_db_host, TYPO3_db_username, TYPO3_db_password
// Define the markers content
$stepGoSubPartMarkers = array(
'messageBasicFinished' => $this->messageBasicFinished(),
'llImportant' => 'Important',
'llImportant' => 'Important Security Warning',
'securityRisk' => $this->securityRisk(),
'llSwitchMode' => 'Enter
'llSwitchMode' => '
<a href="' . $this->scriptSelf . '">
Change the Install Tool password here
mode for the Install Tool to change this!
// Add step marker for main template
'.(count($tables)?'':'- You haven\'t imported any tables yet.
.($beuser?'':'- You haven\'t created an admin-user yet.
.($beuser?'':'- You haven\'t created an admin user yet.
You you\'re about to import a database with a complete site in it, these three points should be met.
You\'re about to import a database with a complete site in it, these three points should be met.
function securityRisk() {
return '
This script is a
<strong>great danger to the security of TYPO3</strong>
if you don\'t secure it somehow.
<br />
We suggest one of the following:
<strong>An unsecured Install Tool presents a security risk.</strong>
Minimize the risk with the following actions:
Change the password as defined by the md5-hash in
Change the Install Tool password.
Delete the folder \'typo3/install/\' with this script in or
just insert an \'exit;\' line in the script-file there
Delete the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file in the /typo3conf folder. This can be done
manually or through User tools &gt; User settings in the backend.
Password protect the \'typo3/install/\' folder, eg. with a
.htaccess file
For additional security, the /typo3/install/ folder can be
renamed, deleted, or password protected with a .htaccess file.
The TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][installToolPassword] is always active,
but choosing one of the other options will improve security and
is recommended highly.
function messageBasicFinished() {
return '
Apparently you have completed the basic setup of the TYPO3 database.
<br />
Now you can choose between these options:
You have completed the basic setup of the TYPO3 Content Management System.
Choose between these options to continue:
<a href="' . $this->scriptSelf . '">Configure TYPO3</a> (Recommended)
<br />
This will let you analyze and verify that everything in your
installation is in order. In addition, you can configure advanced
TYPO3 options in this step.
<a href="../../index.php">
Go to the frontend pages
Visit the frontend
<a href="../index.php">
Go to the backend login
Login to the backend
<br />
(username may be: <em>admin</em>, password may be: <em>password</em>.)
(Default username: <em>admin</em>, default password: <em>password</em>.)
<a href="' . $this->scriptSelf . '">
Continue to configure TYPO3
</a> (Recommended).
<br />
This will let you analyse and verify that everything in your
PHP installation is alright. Also if you want to configure
TYPO3 to use all the cool features, you <em>must</em> dig
into the this!
typo3/sysext/install/Resources/Private/Templates/StepOutput.html (working copy)
<!-- ###STEP1### end -->
<!-- ###STEP2### begin -->
<form method="post" action="###ACTION###">
<fieldset class="t3-install-form-label-width-7">