


Bug #21102 » typo3core_bugfix_15400_trunk.patch

Administrator Admin, 2011-01-11 22:50

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms.php (copie de travail)
$inlineParent = $this->inline->getStructureLevel(-1);
if (is_array($inlineParent) && $inlineParent['uid']) {
if ($inlineParent['config']['foreign_table'] == $table && $inlineParent['config']['foreign_unique'] == $field) {
$uniqueIds = $this->inline->inlineData['unique'][$this->inline->inlineNames['object'] . '[' . $table . ']']['used'];
$PA['fieldChangeFunc']['inlineUnique'] = "inline.updateUnique(this,'" . $this->inline->inlineNames['object'] . '[' . $table . "]','" . $this->inline->inlineNames['form'] . "','" . $row['uid'] . "');";
$uniqueIds = $this->inline->inlineData['unique'][$this->inline->inlineNames['object'] . t3lib_TCEforms_inline::Structure_Separator . $table]['used'];
$PA['fieldChangeFunc']['inlineUnique'] = "inline.updateUnique(this,'" . $this->inline->inlineNames['object'] . t3lib_TCEforms_inline::Structure_Separator . $table . "','" . $this->inline->inlineNames['form'] . "','" . $row['uid'] . "');";
// hide uid of parent record for symmetric relations
if ($inlineParent['config']['foreign_table'] == $table && ($inlineParent['config']['foreign_field'] == $field || $inlineParent['config']['symmetric_field'] == $field)) {
$inlineParent = $this->inline->getStructureLevel(-1);
if (is_array($inlineParent) && $inlineParent['uid']) {
if ($inlineParent['config']['foreign_table'] == $table && $inlineParent['config']['foreign_unique'] == $field) {
$objectPrefix = $this->inline->inlineNames['object'] . '[' . $table . ']';
$objectPrefix = $this->inline->inlineNames['object'] . t3lib_TCEforms_inline::Structure_Separator . $table;
$aOnClickInline = $objectPrefix . '|inline.checkUniqueElement|inline.setUniqueElement';
$rOnClickInline = 'inline.revertUnique(\'' . $objectPrefix . '\',null,\'' . $uid . '\');';
t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php (copie de travail)
'inline.domAddRecordDetails(\'' . $domObjectId . '\',\'' . $objectPrefix . '\',' . ($expandSingle ? '1' : '0') . ',;',
if ($config['foreign_unique']) {
$jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = 'inline.removeUsed(\'' . $objectPrefix . '\',\'' . $record['uid'] . '\');';
$this->getCommonScriptCalls($jsonArray, $config);
// Collapse all other records if requested:
if (!$collapseAll && $expandSingle) {
t3lib/jsfunc.inline.js (copie de travail)
// alert(objectId+'/'+table+'/'+uid+'/'+recordUid);
this.setUnique(objectId, recordUid, uid);
// Remove all select items already used
// from a newly retrieved/expanded record
removeUsed: function(objectId, recordUid) {
if ( &&[objectId]) {
var unique =[objectId];
if (unique.type == 'select') {
var formName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseObjectId('parts', objectId, 3, 1, true);
var formObj = document.getElementsByName(formName);
var recordObj = document.getElementsByName(this.prependFormFieldNames+'['+unique.table+']['+recordUid+']['+unique.field+']');
var values = $H(unique.used).values();
if (recordObj.length) {
var selectedValue = recordObj[0].options[recordObj[0].selectedIndex].value;
for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
if (values[i] != selectedValue) {
this.removeSelectOption(recordObj[0], values[i]);
// this function is applied to a newly inserted record by AJAX
// it removes the used select items, that should be unique
setUnique: function(objectId, recordUid, selectedValue) {
if ( &&[objectId]) {
var unique =[objectId];
if (unique.type == 'select') {
// remove used items from each select-field of the child records
if (!(unique.selector && unique.max == -1)) {
var formName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseObjectId('parts', objectId, 3, 1, true);
var fieldObj = document.getElementsByName(elName);
var formObj = document.getElementsByName(formName);
var recordObj = document.getElementsByName(this.prependFormFieldNames+'['+unique.table+']['+recordUid+']['+unique.field+']');
var values = $H(unique.used).values();
if (fieldObj.length) {
var selector = $(objectId+'_selector');
if (selector.length) {
// remove all items from the new select-item which are already used in other children
for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++) this.removeSelectOption(fieldObj[0], values[i]);
// set the selected item automatically to the first of the remaining items if no selector is used
if (!unique.selector) {
selectedValue = fieldObj[0].options[0].value;
fieldObj[0].options[0].selected = true;
this.updateUnique(fieldObj[0], objectId, formName, recordUid);
this.handleChangedField(fieldObj[0], objectId+'['+recordUid+']');
if (recordObj.length) {
for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
this.removeSelectOption(recordObj[0], values[i]);
// set the selected item automatically to the first of the remaining items if no selector is used
if (!unique.selector) {
selectedValue = recordObj[0].options[0].value;
recordObj[0].options[0].selected = true;
this.updateUnique(recordObj[0], objectId, formName, recordUid);
this.handleChangedField(recordObj[0], objectId+'['+recordUid+']');
for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
this.removeSelectOption(selector, values[i]);
if (typeof[objectId].used.length != 'undefined') {[objectId].used = {};
}[objectId].used[recordUid] = selectedValue;
// remove the newly used item from each select-field of the child records
if (formObj.length && selectedValue) {
var records = formObj[0].value.split(',');
for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
recordObj = document.getElementsByName(this.prependFormFieldNames+'['+unique.table+']['+records[i]+']['+unique.field+']');
if (recordObj.length && records[i] != recordUid) {
this.removeSelectOption(recordObj[0], selectedValue);
} else if (unique.type == 'groupdb') {
// add the new record to the used items: