


Bug #23425 » 15528.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-08-22 22:37

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* Copyright notice
* (c) 2010 Helmut Hummel <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Testcase for the prepared statement database class
* @author Helmut Hummel <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage tests
class t3lib_db_PreparedStatementTest extends tx_phpunit_testcase {
* Backup of TYPO3_DB database object
* @var t3lib_DB
private $backupTypo3Db;
* Mock object of t3lib_db
* @var PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
private $databaseStub;
* Create a new database mock object for every test
* and backup the original global database object.
* @return void
protected function setUp() {
$this->backupTypo3Db = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
$this->databaseStub = $this->setUpAndReturnDatabaseStub();
* Restore global database object.
* @return void
protected function tearDown() {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'] = $this->backupTypo3Db;
// Utility functions
* Set up the stub to be able to get the result of the prepared statement.
* @return PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
private function setUpAndReturnDatabaseStub() {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'] = $this->getMock('t3lib_DB', array('exec_PREPAREDquery'), array(), '', FALSE, FALSE);
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->link = $this->backupTypo3Db->link;
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
* Create a object fo the subject to be tested.
* @param string $query
* @return t3lib_db_PreparedStatement
private function createPreparedStatement($query) {
return new t3lib_db_PreparedStatement($query, 'pages');
// Tests for the utility functions
* Checks if setUpAndReturnDatabaseStub() really returns
* a mock of t3lib_DB.
* @test
* @return void
public function setUpAndReturnDatabaseStubReturnsMockObjectOf_t3lib_DB() {
// $this->assertTrue($this->setUpAndReturnDatabaseStub() instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject);
$this->assertTrue($this->setUpAndReturnDatabaseStub() instanceof t3lib_DB);
* Checks if createPreparedStatement() really returns an instance of t3lib_db_PreparedStatement.
* @test
* @return void
public function createPreparedStatementReturnsInstanceOfPreparedStatementClass() {
$this->assertTrue($this->createPreparedStatement('dummy') instanceof t3lib_db_PreparedStatement);
// Tests for t3lib_db_PreparedStatement
* Data Provider for two tests, providing sample queries, parameters and expected result queries.
* @see parametersAreReplacedInQueryByCallingExecute
* @see parametersAreReplacedInQueryWhenBoundWithBindValues
* @return array
public function parametersAndQueriesDataProvider() {
return array(
'one named integer parameter' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=:pid', array(':pid' => 1), 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=1'),
'one unnamed integer parameter' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=?', array(1), 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=1'),
'one named integer parameter is replaced multiple times' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=:pid OR uid=:pid', array(':pid' => 1), 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=1 OR uid=1'),
'two named integer parameters are replaced' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=:pid OR uid=:uid', array(':pid' => 1, ':uid' => 10), 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=1 OR uid=10'),
'two unnamed integer parameters are replaced' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=? OR uid=?', array(1,1), 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=1 OR uid=1'),
'php bool true parameter is replaced with 1' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE deleted=?', array(TRUE), 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE deleted=1'),
'php bool false parameter is replaced with 0' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE deleted=?', array(FALSE), 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE deleted=0'),
'php null parameter is replaced with NULL' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE deleted=?', array(NULL), 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE deleted=NULL'),
'string parameter is wrapped in quotes' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE title=?', array('Foo bar'), "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE title='Foo bar'"),
'string single quotes in parameter are properly escaped' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE title=?', array("'Foo'"), "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE title='\'Foo\''"),
* Checking if calling execute() with parameters, they are
* properly relpaced in the query.
* @test
* @dataProvider parametersAndQueriesDataProvider
* @param string $query Query with unreplaced markers
* @param array $parameters Array of parameters to be replaced in the query
* @param string $expectedResult Query with all markers replaced
* @return void
public function parametersAreReplacedInQueryByCallingExecute($query, $parameters, $expectedResult) {
$statement = $this->createPreparedStatement($query);
* Checking if parameters bound to the statement by bindValues()
* are properly replaced in the query.
* @test
* @dataProvider parametersAndQueriesDataProvider
* @param string $query Query with unreplaced markers
* @param array $parameters Array of parameters to be replaced in the query
* @param string $expectedResult Query with all markers replaced
* @return void
public function parametersAreReplacedInQueryWhenBoundWithBindValues($query, $parameters, $expectedResult) {
$statement = $this->createPreparedStatement($query);
* Data Provider with invalid parameters.
* @see invalidParameterTypesPassedToBindValueThrowsException
* @return array
public function invalidParameterTypesPassedToBindValueThrowsExceptionDataProvider() {
return array(
'integer passed with param type NULL' => array(1, t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_NULL),
'string passed with param type NULL' => array('1', t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_NULL),
'bool passed with param type NULL' => array(TRUE, t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_NULL),
'null passed with param type INT' => array(NULL, t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_INT),
'string passed with param type INT' => array('1', t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_INT),
'bool passed with param type INT' => array(TRUE, t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_INT),
'null passed with param type BOOL' => array(NULL, t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_BOOL),
'string passed with param type BOOL' => array('1', t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_BOOL),
'integer passed with param type BOOL' => array(1, t3lib_db_PreparedStatement::PARAM_BOOL),
* Checking if an exeption is thrown if invalid parameters are
* provided vor bindValue().
* @test
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
* @dataProvider invalidParameterTypesPassedToBindValueThrowsExceptionDataProvider
* @param mixed $parameter Parameter to be replaced in the query
* @param integer $type Type of the parameter value
* @return void
public function invalidParameterTypesPassedToBindValueThrowsException($parameter, $type) {
$statement = $this->createPreparedStatement($query);
$statement->bindValue(1, $parameter, $type);
* Checking if formerly bound values are replaced by the values passed to execute().
* @test
* @return void
public function parametersPassedToExecuteOverrulesFormerlyBoundValues() {
$query = 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=? OR uid=?';
$expectedResult = 'SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=30 OR uid=40';
$statement = $this->createPreparedStatement($query);
$statement->bindValues(array(10, 20));
$statement->execute(array(30, 40));
* Data Provieder for invalid marker names.
* @see passingInvalidMarkersThrowsExeption
* @return array
public function passingInvalidMarkersThrowsExeptionDataProvider() {
return array(
'using other prefix than colon' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=#pid', array('#pid' => 1)),
'using non alphanumerical character' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE title=:straße', array(':straße' => 1)),
'no colon used' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=pid', array('pid' => 1)),
'colon at the end' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=pid:', array('pid:' => 1)),
'colon without alphanumerical character' => array('SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pid=:', array(':' => 1)),
* Checks if an exception is thrown, if parameter have invalid marker named.
* @test
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
* @dataProvider passingInvalidMarkersThrowsExeptionDataProvider
* @param string $query Query with unreplaced markers
* @param array $parameters Array of parameters to be replaced in the query
* @return void
public function passingInvalidMarkersThrowsExeption($query, $parameters) {
$statement = $this->createPreparedStatement($query);