


Bug #23437 ยป 15541.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-08-24 01:03

View differences:

t3lib/config_default.php (Arbeitskopie)
'loginCopyrightWarrantyProvider' => '', // String: If you provide warranty for TYPO3 to your customers insert you (company) name here. It will appear in the login-dialog as the warranty provider. (You must also set URL below).
'loginCopyrightWarrantyURL' => '', // String: Add the URL where you explain the extend of the warranty you provide. This URL is displayed in the login dialog as the place where people can learn more about the conditions of your warranty. Must be set (more than 10 chars) in addition with the 'loginCopyrightWarrantyProvider' message.
'loginCopyrightShowVersion' => FALSE, // Boolean: If set, the current TYPO3 version is shown.
'curlUse' => FALSE, // Boolean: If set, try to use Curl to fetch external URLs
'curlUse' => FALSE, // Boolean: If set, try to use cURL to fetch external URLs
'curlProxyServer' => '', // String: Proxyserver as http://proxy:port/.
'curlProxyTunnel' => FALSE, // Boolean: If set, use a tunneled connection through the proxy (usefull for websense etc.).
'curlProxyUserPass' => '', // String: Proxyserver authentication user:pass.
'secureFormmail' => TRUE, // Boolean: If set, the internal "formmail" feature in TYPO3 will send mail ONLY to the recipients that are defined in the form CE record. This protects against spammers misusing the formmailer.
'formmailMaxAttachmentSize' => 250000, // Integer: Sets the maximum allowed size (in bytes) of attachments for the internal "formmail" feature.
'compressionLevel' => 0, // Integer: Determines output compression of FE output. Makes output smaller but slows down the page generation depending on the compression level. Requires zlib in your PHP installation. Range 1-9, where 1 is least compression and 9 is greatest compression. 'true' as value will set the compression based on the PHP default settings (usually 5). Suggested and most optimal value is 5.
'pageNotFound_handling' => '', // How TYPO3 should handle requests for non-existing/accessible pages. false (default): The 'nearest' page is shown. TRUE or '1': An TYPO3 error box is displayed. Strings: page to show (reads content and outputs with correct headers), eg. 'notfound.html' or ''. If prefixed "REDIRECT:" it will redirect to the URL/script after the prefix (original behaviour). If prefixed with "READFILE:" then it will expect the remaining string to be a HTML file which will be read and outputted directly after having the marker "###CURRENT_URL###" substituted with REQUEST_URI and ###REASON### with reason text, for example: "READFILE:fileadmin/notfound.html". Another option is the prefix "USER_FUNCTION:" which will call a user function, eg. "USER_FUNCTION:typo3conf/pageNotFoundHandling.php:user_pageNotFound->pageNotFound" where the file must contain a class "user_pageNotFound" with a method "pageNotFound" inside with two parameters, $param and $ref
'pageNotFound_handling' => '', // How TYPO3 should handle requests for non-existing/accessible pages. false (default): The 'nearest' page is shown. TRUE or '1': An TYPO3 error box is displayed. Strings: page to show (reads content and outputs with correct headers), eg. 'notfound.html' or ''. If prefixed "REDIRECT:" it will redirect to the URL/script after the prefix (original behaviour). If prefixed with "READFILE:" then it will expect the remaining string to be a HTML file which will be read and outputted directly after having the marker "###CURRENT_URL###" substituted with REQUEST_URI and ###REASON### with reason text, for example: "READFILE:fileadmin/notfound.html". Another option is the prefix "USER_FUNCTION:" which will call a user function, eg. "USER_FUNCTION:typo3conf/pageNotFoundHandling.php:user_pageNotFound->pageNotFound" where the file must contain a class "user_pageNotFound" with a method "pageNotFound" inside with two parameters, $param and $ref
'pageNotFound_handling_statheader' => 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', // If 'pageNotFound_handling' is enabled, this string will always be sent as header before the actual handling.
'pageNotFoundOnCHashError' => FALSE, // Boolean: If true, a page not found call is made when cHash evaluation error occurs. By default they will just disable caching but still display page output.
'pageUnavailable_handling' => '', // How TYPO3 should handle requests when pages are unavailable due to system problems. false (default): A static error message is displayed. Strings: page to show (reads content and outputs with correct headers), eg. 'unavailable.html' or ''. If prefixed "REDIRECT:" it will redirect to the URL/script after the prefix (original behaviour). If prefixed with "READFILE:" then it will expect the remaining string to be a HTML file which will be read and outputted directly after having the marker "###CURRENT_URL###" substituted with REQUEST_URI and ###REASON### with reason text, for example: "READFILE:fileadmin/unavailable.html". Another option is the prefix "USER_FUNCTION:" which will call a user function, eg. "USER_FUNCTION:typo3conf/pageUnavailableHandling.php:user_pageUnavailable->pageUnavailable" where the file must contain a class "user_pageUnavailable" with a method "pageUnavailable" inside with two parameters, $param and $ref. If the client matches TYPO3_CONF_VARS[SYS][devIPmask], this setting is ignored and the page is shown as normal.
'pageUnavailable_handling' => '', // How TYPO3 should handle requests when pages are unavailable due to system problems. false (default): A static error message is displayed. Strings: page to show (reads content and outputs with correct headers), eg. 'unavailable.html' or ''. If prefixed "REDIRECT:" it will redirect to the URL/script after the prefix (original behaviour). If prefixed with "READFILE:" then it will expect the remaining string to be a HTML file which will be read and outputted directly after having the marker "###CURRENT_URL###" substituted with REQUEST_URI and ###REASON### with reason text, for example: "READFILE:fileadmin/unavailable.html". Another option is the prefix "USER_FUNCTION:" which will call a user function, eg. "USER_FUNCTION:typo3conf/pageUnavailableHandling.php:user_pageUnavailable->pageUnavailable" where the file must contain a class "user_pageUnavailable" with a method "pageUnavailable" inside with two parameters, $param and $ref. If the client matches TYPO3_CONF_VARS[SYS][devIPmask], this setting is ignored and the page is shown as normal.
'pageUnavailable_handling_statheader' => 'HTTP/1.0 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable', // If 'pageUnavailable_handling' is enabled, this string will always be sent as header before the actual handling.
'pageUnavailable_force' => FALSE, // Boolean: If true, pageUnavailable_handling is used for every frontend page. If the client matches TYPO3_CONF_VARS[SYS][devIPmask], the page is shown as normal. This is useful during temporary site maintenance.
'userFuncClassPrefix' => 'user_', // This prefix must be the first part of any function or class name called from TypoScript, for instance in the stdWrap function.