


Bug #23498 » chrome7.txt

Administrator Admin, 2010-09-03 17:06

[HTMLArea::init]: Editor url set to: sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea.css?1281085704
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor content skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1281085704
[HTMLArea::initEditor]: Initializing editor with editor Id: data[tt_content][13290][bodytext].
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin EditorMode was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefaultInline was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 1 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 2 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 3 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 4 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key n was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key TAB was registered for toolbar item Indent.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key SHIFT-TAB was registered for toolbar item Outdent.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key l was registered for toolbar item JustifyLeft.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key e was registered for toolbar item JustifyCenter.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key r was registered for toolbar item JustifyRight.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key j was registered for toolbar item JustifyFull.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockElements was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerButton]: A toolbar item with the same Id: Indent already exists and will be overidden.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with the same key TAB already exists and will be overidden.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key TAB was registered for toolbar item Indent.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerButton]: A toolbar item with the same Id: Outdent already exists and will be overidden.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with the same key SHIFT-TAB already exists and will be overidden.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key SHIFT-TAB was registered for toolbar item Outdent.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefinitionList was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockStyle was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin CharacterMap was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin Acronym was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Image was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Link was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Color was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TextIndicator was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin Language was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin FindReplace was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin RemoveFormat was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 0 was registered for toolbar item CleanWord.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3HtmlParser was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TableOperations was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin ContextMenu was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key z was registered for toolbar item Undo.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key y was registered for toolbar item Redo.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin UndoRedo was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key c was registered for toolbar item Copy.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key x was registered for toolbar item Cut.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin CopyPaste was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Iframe baseURL set to:
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1281085704
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Override CSS set to: ../typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/defaultPageStyle_ab79b3b912f9367850e8.css?1282211975
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Content CSS set to: ../fileadmin/templates/wiwinf-default/complete.css?1282210991
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Editor iframe document head successfully built.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded (TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssRules' of undefined). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded (TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssRules' of undefined). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded (TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssRules' of undefined). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded (TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssRules' of undefined). Retrying...
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets not yet loaded (TypeError: Cannot read property 'cssRules' of undefined). Retrying...