


Feature #23688 » stdWrap.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-10-07 18:42

View differences:

typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_content.php (working copy)
'center', 'right', 'left'
* stdWrap functions in their correct order
* @see stdWrap()
var $stdWrapOrder = array(
'stdWrapPreProcess' => 1, // this is a placeholder for the first Hook
'setContentToCurrent' => 1,
'setContentToCurrent.' => 1,
'setCurrent' => 1,
'setCurrent.' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'lang.' => 1,
'data' => 1,
'data.' => 1,
'field' => 1,
'field.' => 1,
'current' => 1,
'current.' => 1,
'cObject' => 1,
'cObject.' => 1,
'numRows' => 1,
'numRows.' => 1,
'filelist' => 1,
'filelist.' => 1,
'preUserFunc' => 1,
'preUserFunc.' => 1,
'stdWrapOverride' => 1, // this is a placeholder for the second Hook
'override' => 1,
'override.' => 1,
'preIfEmptyListNum' => 1,
'preIfEmptyListNum.' => 1,
'ifEmpty' => 1,
'ifEmpty.' => 1,
'ifBlank' => 1,
'ifBlank.' => 1,
'listNum' => 1,
'listNum.' => 1,
'trim' => 1,
'trim.' => 1,
'stdWrap' => 1,
'stdWrap.' => 1,
'stdWrapProcess' => 1, // this is a placeholder for the third Hook
'required' => 1,
'required.' => 1,
'if' => 1,
'if.' => 1,
'fieldRequired' => 1,
'fieldRequired.' => 1,
'csConv' => 1,
'csConv.' => 1,
'parseFunc' => 1,
'parseFunc.' => 1,
'HTMLparser' => 1,
'HTMLparser.' => 1,
'split' => 1,
'split.' => 1,
'prioriCalc' => 1,
'prioriCalc.' => 1,
'char' => 1,
'char.' => 1,
'intval' => 1,
'intval.' => 1,
'numberFormat' => 1,
'numberFormat.' => 1,
'date' => 1,
'date.' => 1,
'strftime' => 1,
'strftime.' => 1,
'age' => 1,
'age.' => 1,
'case' => 1,
'case.' => 1,
'bytes' => 1,
'bytes.' => 1,
'substring' => 1,
'substring.' => 1,
'removeBadHTML' => 1,
'removeBadHTML.' => 1,
'cropHTML' => 1,
'cropHTML.' => 1,
'stripHtml' => 1,
'stripHtml.' => 1,
'crop' => 1,
'crop.' => 1,
'rawUrlEncode' => 1,
'rawUrlEncode.' => 1,
'htmlSpecualChars' => 1,
'htmlSpecualChars.' => 1,
'doubleBrTag' => 1,
'doubleBrTag.' => 1,
'br' => 1,
'br.' => 1,
'brTag' => 1,
'brTag.' => 1,
'encapsLines' => 1,
'encapsLines.' => 1,
'keywords' => 1,
'keywords.' => 1,
'innerWrap' => 1,
'innerWrap.' => 1,
'innerWrap2' => 1,
'innerWrap2.' => 1,
'fontTag' => 1,
'fontTag.' => 1,
'addParams' => 1,
'addParams.' => 1,
'textStyle' => 1,
'textStyle.' => 1,
'tableStyle' => 1,
'tableStyle.' => 1,
'filelink' => 1,
'filelink.' => 1,
'preCObject' => 1,
'preCObject.' => 1,
'postCObject' => 1,
'postCObject.' => 1,
'wrapAlign' => 1,
'wrapAlign.' => 1,
'typolink' => 1,
'typolink.' => 1,
'TCAselectItem' => 1,
'TCAselectItem.' => 1,
'space' => 1,
'space.' => 1,
'spaceBefore' => 1,
'spaceBefore.' => 1,
'spaceAfter' => 1,
'spaceAfter.' => 1,
'wrap' => 1,
'wrap.' => 1,
'noTrimWrap' => 1,
'noTrimWrap.' => 1,
'wrap2' => 1,
'wrap2.' => 1,
'dataWrap' => 1,
'dataWrap.' => 1,
'prepend' => 1,
'prepend.' => 1,
'append' => 1,
'append.' => 1,
'wrap3' => 1,
'wrap3.' => 1,
'outerWrap' => 1,
'outerWrap.' => 1,
'insertData' => 1,
'insertData.' => 1,
'offsetWrap' => 1,
'offsetWrap.' => 1,
'postUserFunc' => 1,
'postUserFunc.' => 1,
'postUserFuncInt' => 1,
'postUserFuncInt.' => 1,
'prefixComment' => 1,
'prefixComment.' => 1,
'editIcons' => 1,
'editIcons.' => 1,
'editPanel' => 1,
'editPanel.' => 1,
'stdWrapPostProcess' => 1, // this is a placeholder for the last Hook
'debug' => 1,
'debug.' => 1,
'debugFunc' => 1,
'debugFunc.' => 1,
'debugData' => 1,
'debugData.' => 1
* Holds ImageMagick parameters and extensions used for compression
$GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('Cached from DB', 0);
// Substitution/Merging:
// Merging content types together, resetting
$valueArr = array_merge($markContentArray, $subpartContentArray, $wrappedSubpartContentArray);
$wSCA_reg = array();
$content = '';
// traversing the keyList array and merging the static and dynamic content
foreach ($storeArr['k'] as $n => $keyN) {
$content .= $storeArr['c'][$n];
if (!is_array($valueArr[$keyN])) {
$content .= $valueArr[$keyN];
} else {
$content .= $valueArr[$keyN][(intval($wSCA_reg[$keyN]) % 2)];
// Substitution/Merging:
// Merging content types together, resetting
$valueArr = array_merge($markContentArray, $subpartContentArray, $wrappedSubpartContentArray);
$wSCA_reg = array();
$content = '';
// traversing the keyList array and merging the static and dynamic content
foreach ($storeArr['k'] as $n => $keyN) {
$content .= $storeArr['c'][$n];
if (!is_array($valueArr[$keyN])) {
$content .= $valueArr[$keyN];
} else {
$content .= $valueArr[$keyN][(intval($wSCA_reg[$keyN]) % 2)];
$content .= $storeArr['c'][count($storeArr['k'])];
return $content;
* Traverses the input $markContentArray array and for each key the marker
* by the same name (possibly wrapped and in upper case) will be
* substituted with the keys value in the array.
* This is very useful if you have a data-record to substitute in some
* content. In particular when you use the $wrap and $uppercase values to
* pre-process the markers. Eg. a key name like "myfield" could effectively
* be represented by the marker "###MYFIELD###" if the wrap value
* was "###|###" and the $uppercase boolean TRUE.
* @param string The content stream, typically HTML template content.
* @param array The array of key/value pairs being marker/content values used in the substitution. For each element in this array the function will substitute a marker in the content stream with the content.
* @param string A wrap value - [part 1] | [part 2] - for the markers before substitution
* @param boolean If set, all marker string substitution is done with upper-case markers.
* @param boolean If set, all unused marker are deleted.
* @return string The processed output stream
* @see substituteMarker(), substituteMarkerInObject(), TEMPLATE()
public function substituteMarkerArray($content, array $markContentArray, $wrap = '', $uppercase = FALSE, $deleteUnused = FALSE) {
return t3lib_parsehtml::substituteMarkerArray($content, $markContentArray, $wrap, $uppercase, $deleteUnused);
* Substitute marker array in an array of values
* @param mixed If string, then it just calls substituteMarkerArray. If array(and even multi-dim) then for each key/value pair the marker array will be substituted (by calling this function recursively)
* @param array The array of key/value pairs being marker/content values used in the substitution. For each element in this array the function will substitute a marker in the content string/array values.
* @return mixed The processed input variable.
* @see substituteMarker()
public function substituteMarkerInObject(&$tree, array $markContentArray) {
if (is_array($tree)) {
foreach ($tree as $key => $value) {
$this->substituteMarkerInObject($tree[$key], $markContentArray);
} else {
$tree = $this->substituteMarkerArray($tree, $markContentArray);
return $tree;
* Adds elements to the input $markContentArray based on the values from
* the fields from $fieldList found in $row
* @param array array with key/values being marker-strings/substitution values.
* @param array An array with keys found in the $fieldList (typically a record) which values should be moved to the $markContentArray
* @param string A list of fields from the $row array to add to the $markContentArray array. If empty all fields from $row will be added (unless they are integers)
* @param boolean If set, all values added to $markContentArray will be nl2br()'ed
* @param string Prefix string to the fieldname before it is added as a key in the $markContentArray. Notice that the keys added to the $markContentArray always start and end with "###"
* @param boolean If set, all values are passed through htmlspecialchars() - RECOMMENDED to avoid most obvious XSS and maintain XHTML compliance.
* @return array The modified $markContentArray
public function fillInMarkerArray(array $markContentArray, array $row, $fieldList = '', $nl2br = TRUE, $prefix = 'FIELD_', $HSC = FALSE) {
if ($fieldList) {
$fArr = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $fieldList, 1);
foreach ($fArr as $field) {
$markContentArray['###' . $prefix . $field . '###'] = $nl2br ? nl2br($row[$field]) : $row[$field];
} else {
if (is_array($row)) {
foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
if (!t3lib_div::testInt($field)) {
if ($HSC) {
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
$markContentArray['###' . $prefix . $field . '###'] = $nl2br ? nl2br($value) : $value;
return $markContentArray;
* "stdWrap" + sub functions
* The "stdWrap" function. This is the implementation of what is known as "stdWrap properties" in TypoScript.
* Basically "stdWrap" performs some processing of a value based on properties in the input $conf array(holding the TypoScript "stdWrap properties")
* See the link below for a complete list of properties and what they do. The order of the table with properties found in TSref (the link) follows the actual order of implementation in this function.
* If $this->alternativeData is an array it's used instead of the $this->data array in ->getData
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function. Possibly substituted by other values fetched from another source.
* @param array TypoScript "stdWrap properties".
* @return string The processed input value
* @link[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=314&cHash=02ab044c7b
function stdWrap($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if(count($this->stdWrapHookObjects)) {
foreach ($this->stdWrapHookObjects as $hookObject) {
if(is_callable($hookObject->stdWrapPreProcess)) {
$conf['stdWrapPreProcess'] = 'stdWrapHookObject';
if(is_callable($hookObject->stdWrapOverride)) {
$conf['stdWrapOverride'] = 'stdWrapHookObject';
if(is_callable($hookObject->stdWrapProcess)) {
$conf['stdWrapProcess'] = 'stdWrapHookObject';
if(is_callable($hookObject->stdWrapPostProcess)) {
$conf['stdWrapPostProcess'] = 'stdWrapHookObject';
if (count($conf)) {
// check, which of the available stdWrap functions is needed for the current conf Array
// and keep only those but still in the same order
$sortedConf = array_intersect_key($this->stdWrapOrder,$conf);
// functions that should not make use of nested stdWrap function calls to avoid conflicts with internal TypoScript used by these functions
$stdWrapDisabledFunctions = 'cObject,preUserFunc,stdWrap,postUserFunc,postUserFuncInt';
// additional Array to check whether a function has already been executed
$isExecuted = array();
// additional switch to make sure 'required', 'if' and 'fieldRequired'
// will still stop rendering immediately in case they return false
$this->stopRendering = false;
// execute each funtion in the predefined order
foreach($sortedConf as $stdWrapName => $enabled) {
// eliminate the second key of a pair 'key'|'key.' to make sure functions get called only once and check if rendering has been stopped
if(!$isExecuted[$stdWrapName] && !$this->stopRendering) {
$functionName = rtrim($stdWrapName,'.');
$functionProperties = $functionName.'.';
// if there is any code one the next level, check if it contains "official" stdWrap functions
// if yes, execute them first - will make each function stdWrap aware
// so additional stdWrap calls within the functions can be removed, since the result will be the same
// exception: the recursive stdWrap function and cObject will still be using their own stdWrap call, since it modifies the content and not a property
if( count($conf[$functionProperties]) &&
!t3lib_div::inList($stdWrapDisabledFunctions,$functionName)) {
if(array_intersect_key($this->stdWrapOrder,$conf[$functionProperties])) {
$conf[$functionName] = $this->stdWrap($conf[$functionName],$conf[$functionProperties]);
// get just that part of $conf that is needed for the particular function
$singleConf = array(
$functionName => $conf[$functionName],
$functionProperties => $conf[$functionProperties]
// in this special case 'spaceBefore' and 'spaceAfter' need additional stuff from 'space.''
if($functionName == 'spaceBefore' || $functionName == 'spaceAfter') {
$singleConf['space.'] = $conf['space.'];
// hand over the whole $conf array to the stdWrapHookObjects
if($conf[$functionName] == 'stdWrapHookObject') {
$singleConf = $conf;
// check if key is still containing something, since it might have been changed by next level stdWrap before
if($conf[$functionName] || $conf[$functionProperties]) {
//add both keys - with and without the dot - to the set of executed functions
$isExecuted[$functionName] = true;
$isExecuted[$functionProperties] = true;
// call the function with the prefix stdWrap_ to make sure nobody can execute functions just by adding their name to the TS Array
$functionName = 'stdWrap_'.$functionName;
$content = $this->$functionName(
return $content;
* stdWrap pre process hook
* can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs
* this hook will execute functions before any other stdWrap function can modify anything
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
* @param array All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_stdWrapPreProcess($content = '', $conf = array()) {
foreach ($this->stdWrapHookObjects as $hookObject) {
$content = $hookObject->stdWrapPreProcess($content, $conf, $this);
return $content;
* setContentToCurrent
* actually it just does the contrary: Sets the value of 'current' based on current content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for setContentToCurrent.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_setContentToCurrent($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$this->data[$this->currentValKey] = $content;
* setCurrent
* Sets the value of 'current' based on the outcome of stdWrap operations
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for setCurrent.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_setCurrent($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$this->data[$this->currentValKey] = $conf['setCurrent'];
* lang
* Translates content based on the language currently used by the FE
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for lang.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_lang($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (isset($conf['lang.']) && $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language'] && isset($conf['lang.'][$GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language']])) {
$content = $conf['lang.'][$GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['language']];
return $content;
* data
* Gets content from different sources based on getText functions, makes use of alternativeData, when set
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for data.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_data($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->getData($conf['data'], is_array($this->alternativeData) ? $this->alternativeData : $this->data);
$this->alternativeData = ''; // This must be unset directly after
return $content;
* field
* Gets content from a DB field
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for field.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_field($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->getFieldVal($conf['field']);
return $content;
* current
* Gets content that has been perviously set as 'current'
* Can be set via setContentToCurrent or setCurrent or will be set automatically i.e. inside the split function
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for current.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_current($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->data[$this->currentValKey];
return $content;
* cObject
* Will replace the content with the value of a any official TypoScript cObject
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for cObject.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_cObject($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->cObjGetSingle($conf['cObject'], $conf['cObject.'], '/stdWrap/.cObject');
return $content;
* numRows
* Counts the number of returned records of a DB operation
* makes use of select internally
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for numRows.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_numRows($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->numRows($conf['numRows.']);
return $content;
* filelist
* Will create a list of files based on some additional parameters
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for filelist.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_filelist($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->filelist($conf['filelist']);
return $content;
* preUserFunc
* Will execute a user function before the content will be modified by any other stdWrap function
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for preUserFunc.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_preUserFunc($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->callUserFunction($conf['preUserFunc'], $conf['preUserFunc.'], $content);
return $content;
* stdWrap override hook
* can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs
* this hook will execute functions on existing content but still before the content gets modified or replaced
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
* @param array All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_stdWrapOverride($content = '', $conf = array()) {
foreach ($this->stdWrapHookObjects as $hookObject) {
$content = $hookObject->stdWrapOverride($content, $conf, $this);
return $content;
* override
* Will override the current value of content with its own value'
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for override.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_override($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$override = $conf['override'];
if (trim($override)) {
$content = $override;
return $content;
* preIfEmptyListNum
* Gets a value off a CSV list before the following ifEmpty check
* Makes sure that the result of ifEmpty will be true in case the CSV does not contain a value at the position given by preIfEmptyListNum
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for preIfEmptyListNum.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_preIfEmptyListNum($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->listNum($content, $conf['preIfEmptyListNum'], $conf['preIfEmptyListNum.']['splitChar']);
return $content;
* ifEmpty
* Will set content to a replacement value in case the trimmed value of content returns false
* 0 (zero) will be replaced as well
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for ifEmpty.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_ifEmpty($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (!trim($content)) {
$content = $conf['ifEmpty'];
return $content;
* ifBlank
* Will set content to a replacement value in case the trimmed value of content has no length
* 0 (zero) will not be replaced
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for ifBlank.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_ifBlank($content = '', $conf = array()){
if (!strlen(trim($content))) {
$content = $conf['ifBlank'];
return $content;
* listNum
* Gets a value off a CSV list after ifEmpty check
* Might return an empty value in case the CSV does not contain a value at the position given by listNum
* Use preIfEmptyListNum to avoid that behaviour
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for listNum.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_listNum($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$listNumber = $conf['listNum'];
$content = $this->listNum($content, $listNumber, $conf['listNum.']['splitChar']);
return $content;
* trim
* Cuts off any whitespace at the beginning and the end of the content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for trim.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_trim($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = trim($content);
return $content;
* stdWrap
* A recursive call of the stdWrap function set
* This enables the user to execute stdWrap functions in another than the predefined order
* It modifies the content, not the property
* while the new feature of chained stdWrap functions modifies the property and not the content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for stdWrap.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_stdWrap($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->stdWrap($content,$conf['stdWrap.']);
return $content;
* stdWrap process hook
* can be used by extensions authors to modify the behaviour of stdWrap functions to their needs
* this hook executes functions directly after the recursive stdWrap function call but still before the content gets modified
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in these functions.
* @param array All stdWrap properties, not just the ones for a particular function.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_stdWrapProcess($content = '', $conf = array()) {
foreach ($this->stdWrapHookObjects as $hookObject) {
$content = $hookObject->stdWrapProcess($content, $conf, $this);
return $content;
* required
* Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value
* when there is no content at this point
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for required.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_required($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if ((string) $content == '') {
$content = '';
$this->stopRendering = TRUE;
return $content;
* if
* Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value
* when the result of the checks returns false
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for if.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_if($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (!$this->checkIf($conf['if.'])) {
$content = '';
$this->stopRendering = TRUE;
return $content;
* fieldRequired
* Will immediately stop rendering and return an empty value
* when there is no content in the field given by fieldRequired
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for fieldRequired.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_fieldRequired($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (!trim($this->data[$conf['fieldRequired']])) {
$content = '';
$this->stopRendering = TRUE;
return $content;
* csConv
* Will convert the current chracter set of the content to the one given in csConv
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for csConv.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_csConv($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->csConv($content, $conf['csConv']);
return $content;
* parseFunc
* Will parse the content based on functions given as stdWrap properties
* Heavily used together with RTE based content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for parseFunc.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_parseFunc($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->parseFunc($content, $conf['parseFunc.'], $conf['parseFunc']);
return $content;
* HTMLparser
* Will parse HTML content based on functions given as stdWrap properties
* Heavily used together with RTE based content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for HTMLparser.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_HTMLparser($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (is_array($conf['HTMLparser.'])) {
$content = $this->HTMLparser_TSbridge($content, $conf['HTMLparser.']);
return $content;
* split
* Will split the content by a given token and treat the results separately
* Automatically fills 'current' with a single result
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for split.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_split($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->splitObj($content, $conf['split.']);
return $content;
* prioriCalc
* Will use the content as a mathematical term and calculate the result
* Can be set to 1 to just get a calculated value or 'intval' to get the integer of the result
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for prioriCalc.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_prioriCalc($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = t3lib_div::calcParenthesis($content);
if ($conf['prioriCalc'] == 'intval')
$content = intval($content);
return $content;
* char
* Will return a character based on its position within the current character set
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for char.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_char($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = chr(intval($conf['char']));
return $content;
* intval
* Will return an integer value of the current content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for intval.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_intval($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = intval($content);
return $content;
* numberFormat
* Will return a formatted number based on configuration given as stdWrap properties
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for numberFormat.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_numberFormat($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->numberFormat($content, $conf['numberFormat.']);
return $content;
* date
* Will return a formatted date based on configuration given according to PHP date/gmdate properties
* Will return gmdate when the property GMT returns true
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for date.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_date($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = ($conf['date.']['GMT'] ? gmdate($conf['date'], $content) : date($conf['date'], $content));
return $content;
* strftime
* Will return a formatted date based on configuration given according to PHP strftime/gmstrftime properties
* Will return gmstrftime when the property GMT returns true
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for strftime.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_strftime($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = ($conf['strftime.']['GMT'] ? gmstrftime($conf['strftime'], $content) : strftime($conf['strftime'], $content));
$tmp_charset = $conf['strftime.']['charset'] ? $conf['strftime.']['charset'] : $GLOBALS['TSFE']->localeCharset;
if ($tmp_charset) {
$content = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->csConv($content, $tmp_charset);
return $content;
* age
* Will return the age of a given timestamp based on configuration given by stdWrap properties
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for age.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_age($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->calcAge($GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] - $content, $conf['age']);
return $content;
* case
* Will transform the content to be upper or lower case only
* Leaves HTML tags untouched
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for case.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_case($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->HTMLcaseshift($content, $conf['case']);
return $content;
* bytes
* Will return the size of a given number in Bytes *
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for bytes.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_bytes($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = t3lib_div::formatSize($content, $conf['bytes.']['labels']);
return $content;
* substring
* Will return a substring based on position information given by stdWrap properties
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for substring.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_substring($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->substring($content, $conf['substring']);
return $content;
* removeBadHTML
* Removes HTML tags based on stdWrap properties
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for removeBadHTML.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_removeBadHTML($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->removeBadHTML($content, $conf['removeBadHTML.']);
return $content;
* cropHTML
* Crops content to a given size while leaving HTML tags untouched
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for cropHTML.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_cropHTML($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->cropHTML($content, $conf['cropHTML']);
return $content;
* stripHtml
* Copmletely removes HTML tags from content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for stripHtml.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_stripHtml($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = strip_tags($content);
return $content;
* cropHTML
* Crops content to a given size without caring abhout HTML tags
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for crop.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_crop($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->crop($content, $conf['crop']);
return $content;
* rawUrlEncode
* Encodes content to be used within URLs
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for rawUrlEncode.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_rawUrlEncode($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = rawurlencode($content);
return $content;
* htmlSpecialChars
* Transforms HTML tags to readable text by replacing special characters with their HTML entity
* When preserveEntities returns true, existing entities will be left untouched
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for htmlSpecalChars.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_htmlSpecialChars($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = htmlSpecialChars($content);
if ($conf['htmlSpecialChars.']['preserveEntities'])
$content = t3lib_div::deHSCentities($content);
return $content;
* doubleBrTag
* Searches for double line breaks and replaces them with the given value
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for doubleBrTag.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_doubleBrTag($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = preg_replace("/\r?\n[\t ]*\r?\n/", $conf['doubleBrTag'], $content);
return $content;
* br
* Searches for single line breaks and replaces them with a <br /> tag
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for br.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_br($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = nl2br($content);
return $content;
* brTag
* Searches for single line feeds and replaces them with the given value
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for brTag.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_brTag($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = str_replace(LF, $conf['brTag'], $content);
return $content;
* encapsLines
* Modifies text blocks by searching for lines which are not surrounded by HTML tags yet
* and wrapping them with values given by stdWrap properties
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for erncapsLines.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_encapsLines($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->encaps_lineSplit($content, $conf['encapsLines.']);
return $content;
* keywords
* Transforms content into a CSV list to be used i.e. as keywords within a meta tag
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for keywords.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_keywords($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->keywords($content);
return $content;
* innerWrap
* First of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for innerWrap.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_innerWrap($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->wrap($content, $conf['innerWrap']);
return $content;
* innerWrap2
* Second of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for innerWrap2.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_innerWrap2($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->wrap($content, $conf['innerWrap2']);
return $content;
* fontTag
* A wrap formerly used to apply font tags to format the content
* Still used by lib.stdheader although real font tags are not state of the art anymore
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for fontTag.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_fontTag($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->wrap($content, $conf['fontTag']);
return $content;
* addParams
* Adds tag attributes to any content that is a tag
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for addParams.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_addParams($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->addParams($content, $conf['addParams.']);
return $content;
* textStyle
* Wraps content in font tags
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for textStyle.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_textStyle($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->textStyle($content, $conf['textStyle.']);
return $content;
* tableStyle
* Wraps content with table tags
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for tableStyle.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_tableStyle($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->tableStyle($content, $conf['tableStyle.']);
return $content;
* filelink
* Used to make lists of links to files
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for filelink.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_filelink($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->filelink($content, $conf['filelink.']);
return $content;
* preCObject
* A content object that is prepended to the current content but between the innerWraps and the rest of the wraps
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for preCObject.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_preCObject($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->cObjGetSingle($conf['preCObject'], $conf['preCObject.'], '/stdWrap/.preCObject') . $content;
return $content;
* postCObject
* A content object that is appended to the current content but between the innerWraps and the rest of the wraps
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for postCObject.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_postCObject($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content .= $this->cObjGetSingle($conf['postCObject'], $conf['postCObject.'], '/stdWrap/.postCObject');
return $content;
* wrapAlign
* Wraps content with a div container having the style attribute text-align set to the given value
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for wrapAlign.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_wrapAlign($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$wrapAlign = trim($conf['wrapAlign']);
if ($wrapAlign) {
$content = $this->wrap($content, '<div style="text-align:' . $wrapAlign . ';">|</div>');
return $content;
* typolink
* Wraps the content with a link tag
* URLs and other attributes are created automatically by the values given in the stdWrap properties
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for typolink.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_typolink($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->typolink($content, $conf['typolink.']);
return $content;
* TCAselectItem
* Returns a list of options available for a given field in the DB which has to be of the type select
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for TCAselectItem.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_TCAselectItem($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (is_array($conf['TCAselectItem.'])) {
$content = $this->TCAlookup($content, $conf['TCAselectItem.']);
return $content;
* spaceBefore
* Will add space before the current content
* By default this is done with a clear.gif but it can be done with CSS margins by setting the property space.useDiv to true
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for spaceBefore and space.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_spaceBefore($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$spaceBefore = trim($conf['spaceBefore']);
$content = $this->wrapSpace($content, $spaceBefore . '|', $conf['space.']);
return $content;
* spaceAfter
* Will add space after the current content
* By default this is done with a clear.gif but it can be done with CSS margins by setting the property space.useDiv to true
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for spaceAfter and space.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_spaceAfter($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$spaceAfter = trim($conf['spaceAfter']);
$content = $this->wrapSpace($content, '|' . $spaceAfter, $conf['space.']);
return $content;
* space
* Will add space before or after the current content
* By default this is done with a clear.gif but it can be done with CSS margins by setting the property space.useDiv to true
* See wrap
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for space.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_space($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$space = trim($conf['space']);
$content = $this->wrapSpace($content, $space, $conf['space.']);
return $content;
* wrap
* This is the "mother" of all wraps
* Third of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
* Basically it will put additional content before and after the current content using a split character as a placeholder for the current content
* The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar
* Any other wrap that does not have own splitChar settings will be using the default split char though
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for wrap.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_wrap($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->wrap($content, $conf['wrap'], ($conf['wrap.']['splitChar'] ? $conf['wrap.']['splitChar'] : '|'));
return $content;
* noTrimWrap
* Fourth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
* The major difference to any other wrap is, that this one can make use of whitespace without trimming *
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for noTrimWrap.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_noTrimWrap($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->noTrimWrap($content, $conf['noTrimWrap']);
return $content;
* wrap2
* Fifth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
* The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for wrap2.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_wrap2($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->wrap($content, $conf['wrap2'], ($conf['wrap2.']['splitChar'] ? $conf['wrap2.']['splitChar'] : '|'));
return $content;
* dataWrap
* Sixth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
* Can fetch additional content the same way data does (i.e. {field:whatever}) and apply it to the wrap before that is applied to the content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for dataWrap.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_dataWrap($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->dataWrap($content, $conf['dataWrap']);
return $content;
* prepend
* A content object that will be prepended to the current content after most of the wraps have already been applied
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for prepend.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_prepend($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->cObjGetSingle($conf['prepend'], $conf['prepend.'], '/stdWrap/.prepend') . $content;
return $content;
* append
* A content object that will be appended to the current content after most of the wraps have already been applied
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for append.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_append($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content .= $this->cObjGetSingle($conf['append'], $conf['append.'], '/stdWrap/.append');
return $content;
* wrap3
* Seventh of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
* The default split character is | but it can be replaced with other characters by the property splitChar
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for wrap3.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_wrap3($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->wrap($content, $conf['wrap3'], ($conf['wrap3.']['splitChar'] ? $conf['wrap3.']['splitChar'] : '|'));
return $content;
* outerWrap
* Eighth of a set of different wraps which will be applied in a certain order before or after other functions that modify the content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for outerWrap.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_outerWrap($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->wrap($content, $conf['outerWrap']);
return $content;
* inserData
* Can fetch additional content the same way data does and replaces any occurence of {field:whatever} with this content
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for insertData.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_insertData($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->insertData($content);
return $content;
* offsetWrap
* Creates a so called offset table around the content
* Still here for historical reasons even not used too much nowadays
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for offsetWrap.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_offsetWrap($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$controlTable = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_tableOffset');
if ($conf['offsetWrap.']['tableParams'] || $conf['offsetWrap.']['tableParams.']) {
$controlTable->tableParams = $this->stdWrap($conf['offsetWrap.']['tableParams'], $conf['offsetWrap.']['tableParams.']);
if ($conf['offsetWrap.']['tdParams'] || $conf['offsetWrap.']['tdParams.']) {
$controlTable->tdParams = ' ' . $this->stdWrap($conf['offsetWrap.']['tdParams'], $conf['offsetWrap.']['tdParams.']);
$content = $controlTable->start($content, $conf['offsetWrap']);
if ($conf['offsetWrap.']['stdWrap.']) {
$content = $this->stdWrap($content, $conf['offsetWrap.']['stdWrap.']);
return $content;
* postUserFunc
* Will execute a user function after the content has been modified by any other stdWrap function
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for postUserFunc.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_postUserFunc($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$content = $this->callUserFunction($conf['postUserFunc'], $conf['postUserFunc.'], $content);
return $content;
* postUserFuncInt
* Will execute a user function after the content has been created and each time it is fetched from Cache
* The result of this function itself will not be cached
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for postUserFuncInt.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_postUserFuncInt($content = '', $conf = array()) {
$substKey = 'INT_SCRIPT.' . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->uniqueHash();
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['INTincScript'][$substKey] = array(
'content' => $content, 'postUserFunc' => $conf['postUserFuncInt'], 'conf' => $conf['postUserFuncInt.'], 'type' => 'POSTUSERFUNC', 'cObj' => serialize($this)
$content = '<!--' . $substKey . '-->';
return $content;
* prefixComment
* Will add HTML comments to the content to make it easier to identify certain content elements within the HTML output later on
* @param string Input value undergoing processing in this function.
* @param array stdWrap properties for prefixComment.
* @return string The processed input value
function stdWrap_prefixComment($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (!$GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['disablePrefixComment']) {
$content = $this->prefixComment($conf['prefixComment'], $conf['prefixComment.'], $content);
$content .= $storeArr['c'][count($storeArr['k'])];
return $content;
* Traverses the input $markContentArray array and for each key the marker
* by the same name (possibly wrapped and in upper case) will be
* substituted with the keys value in the array.
... This diff was truncated because it exceeds the maximum size that can be displayed.