


Bug #23739 ยป bug_16003.patch

Administrator Admin, 2011-01-12 15:51

View differences:

// Setting 'currentRecord' and 'checkValueRecord':
if (strstr($id, 'NEW')) {
$currentRecord = $checkValueRecord = $fieldArray; // must have the 'current' array - not the values after processing below...
if($table == 'pages_language_overlay'){
$originalLanguageRecord = $this->recordInfo('pages',$currentRecord['pid'],'*');
// IF $incomingFieldArray is an array, overlay it.
// The point is that when new records are created as copies with flex type fields there might be a field containing information about which DataStructure to use and without that information the flexforms cannot be correctly processed.... This should be OK since the $checkValueRecord is used by the flexform evaluation only anyways...