


Feature #23752 ยป 16019_ws_multilanguage_notifications.patch

Administrator Admin, 2010-10-16 21:05

View differences:

typo3/sysext/version/class.tx_version_tcemain.php (Arbeitskopie)
if (is_array($workspaceRec)) {
// TODO: CONSTANTS SHOULD BE USED - tx_service_workspace_workspaces
// TODO: use localized labels
// Compile label:
switch ((int)$stageId) {
case 1:
foreach ($rows as $dat) {
$data = unserialize($dat['log_data']);
$emails = array_merge($emails, $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($dat['userid'], TRUE));
$emails = t3lib_div::array_merge($emails, $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($dat['userid'], TRUE));
if ($data['stage'] == 1) {
case 10:
$emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['adminusers'], TRUE);
$emails = array_merge($emails, $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['reviewers']));
$emails = array_merge($emails, $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['members']));
$emails = t3lib_div::array_merge($emails, $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['reviewers']));
$emails = t3lib_div::array_merge($emails, $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['members']));
$emails = array_unique($emails);
// Path to record is found:
list($eTable,$eUid) = explode(':', $elementName);
$eUid = intval($eUid);
$rr = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($eTable, $eUid);
$recTitle = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle($eTable, $rr);
if ($eTable != 'pages') {
t3lib_BEfunc::fixVersioningPid($eTable, $rr);
$eUid = $rr['pid'];
$path = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordPath($eUid, '', 20);
// ALternative messages:
$TSConfig = $tcemainObj->getTCEMAIN_TSconfig($eUid);
$body = trim($TSConfig['notificationEmail_body']) ? trim($TSConfig['notificationEmail_body']) : '
At the TYPO3 site "%s" (%s)
in workspace "%s" (#%s)
the stage has changed for the element(s) "%11$s" (%s) at location "%10$s" in the page tree:
==> %s
User Comment:
State was change by %s (username: %s)
$subject = trim($TSConfig['notificationEmail_subject']) ? trim($TSConfig['notificationEmail_subject']) : 'TYPO3 Workspace Note: Stage Change for %s';
// Send email:
if (count($emails)) {
$message = sprintf($body,
implode(',', $emails),
sprintf($subject, $elementName),
// prepare and then send the emails
if (count($emails)) {
// Path to record is found:
list($elementTable, $elementUid) = explode(':', $elementName);
$elementUid = intval($elementUid);
$elementRecord = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($elementTable, $elementUid);
$recordTitle = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle($elementTable, $elementRecord);
if ($elementTable == 'pages') {
$pageUid = $elementUid;
} else {
t3lib_BEfunc::fixVersioningPid($elementTable, $elementRecord);
$pageUid = $elementUid = $elementRecord['pid'];
// fetch the TSconfig settings for the email
// old way, options are TCEMAIN.notificationEmail_body/subject
$TCEmainTSConfig = $tcemainObj->getTCEMAIN_TSconfig($pageUid);
// these options are deprecated since TYPO3 4.5, but are still
// used in order to provide backwards compatibility
$emailMessage = trim($TCEmainTSConfig['notificationEmail_body']);
$emailSubject = trim($TCEmainTSConfig['notificationEmail_subject']);
// new way, options are
// pageTSconfig: tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.subject
// userTSconfig: page.tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.subject
$pageTsConfig = t3lib_BEfunc::getPagesTSconfig($pageUid);
$emailConfig = $pageTsConfig['tx_version.']['workspaces.']['stageNotificationEmail.'];
$markers = array(
'###RECORD_TITLE###' => $recordTitle,
'###RECORD_PATH###' => t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordPath($elementUid, '', 20),
'###SITE_NAME###' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename'],
'###SITE_URL###' => t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL') . TYPO3_mainDir,
'###WORKSPACE_TITLE###' => $workspaceRec['title'],
'###WORKSPACE_UID###' => $workspaceRec['uid'],
'###ELEMENT_NAME###' => $elementName,
'###NEXT_STAGE###' => $newStage,
'###COMMENT###' => $comment,
'###USER_REALNAME###' => $tcemainObj->BE_USER->user['realName'],
'###USER_USERNAME###' => $tcemainObj->BE_USER->user['username']
$tcemainObj->newlog2('Notification email for stage change was sent to "' . implode(', ', $emails) . '"', $table, $id);
// sending the emails the old way with sprintf(),
// because it was set explicitly in TSconfig
if ($emailMessage && $emailSubject) {
t3lib_div::deprecationLog('This TYPO3 installation uses Workspaces staging notification by setting the TSconfig options "TCEMAIN.notificationEmail_subject" / "TCEMAIN.notificationEmail_body". Please use the more flexible marker-based options tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.message / tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.subject');
$emailSubject = sprintf($subject, $elementName);
$emailMessage = sprintf($emailMessage,
// filter out double email addresses
$emailRecipients = array();
foreach ($emails as $recip) {
$emailRecipients[$recip['email']] = $recip['email'];
$emailRecipients = implode(',', $emailRecipients);
// Send one email to everybody
} else {
// send an email to each individual user, to ensure the
// multilanguage version of the email
$emailHeaders = $emailConfig['additionalHeaders'];
$emailRecipients = array();
// an array of language objects that are needed
// for emails with different languages
$languageObjects = array(
// loop through each recipient and send the email
foreach ($emails as $recipientData) {
// don't send an email twice
if (isset($emailRecipients[$recipientData['email']])) {
$emailSubject = $emailConfig['subject'];
$emailMessage = $emailConfig['message'];
$emailRecipients[$recipientData['email']] = $recipientData['email'];
// check if the email needs to be localized
// in the users' language
if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($emailSubject, 'LLL:') || t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($emailMessage, 'LLL:')) {
$recipientLanguage = ($recipientData['lang'] ? $recipientData['lang'] : 'default');
if (!isset($languageObjects[$recipientLanguage])) {
// a LANG object in this language hasn't been
// instantiated yet, so this is done here
$languageObject = t3lib_div::makeInstance('language');
$languageObjects[$recipientLanguage] = $languageObject;
} else {
$languageObject = $languageObjects[$recipientLanguage];
if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($emailSubject, 'LLL:')) {
$emailSubject = $languageObject->sL($emailSubject);
if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($emailMessage, 'LLL:')) {
$emailMessage = $languageObject->sL($emailMessage);
$emailSubject = t3lib_parseHtml::substituteMarkerArray($emailSubject, $markers, '', TRUE, TRUE);
$emailMessage = t3lib_parseHtml::substituteMarkerArray($emailMessage, $markers, '', TRUE, TRUE);
// Send an email to the recipient
$emailRecipients = implode(',', $emailRecipients);
$tcemainObj->newlog2('Notification email for stage change was sent to "' . $emailRecipients . '"', $table, $id);
* Return emails addresses of be_users from input list.
* Return be_users that should be notified on stage change from input list.
* previously called notifyStageChange_getEmails() in tcemain
* @param string List of backend users, on the form "be_users_10,be_users_2" or "10,2" in case noTablePrefix is set.
list($table, $id) = t3lib_div::revExplode('_', $userIdent, 2);
if ($table === 'be_users' || $noTablePrefix) {
if ($userRecord = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord('be_users', $id, 'email')) {
if ($userRecord = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord('be_users', $id, 'uid,email,lang,realName')) {
if (strlen(trim($userRecord['email']))) {
$emails[$id] = $userRecord['email'];
$emails[$id] = $userRecord;
***** Stage Changes ******
typo3/sysext/version/ext_localconf.php (Arbeitskopie)
'title' => 'LLL:EXT:' . $_EXTKEY . '/',
'description' => 'LLL:EXT:' . $_EXTKEY . '/locallang.xml:autopublishTask.description'
if (TYPO3_MODE == 'BE') {
// add default notification options to every page
tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.subject = LLL:EXT:version/Resources/Private/Language/emails.xml:subject
tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.message = LLL:EXT:version/Resources/Private/Language/emails.xml:message
# tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.additionalHeaders =
typo3/sysext/version/Resources/Private/Language/emails.xml (Revision 0)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<meta type="array">
<description>Module labels</description>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index="subject">TYPO3 Workspace Note: Stage Change for ###ELEMENT_NAME###</label>
<label index="message">At the TYPO3 site "###SITE_NAME###" (###SITE_URL###)
in workspace "###WORKSPACE_NAME###" (###WORKSPACE_UID###)
the stage has changed for the element(s) "###ELEMENT_NAME###" (###NEXT_STAGE###) at location "###RECORD_PATH###" in the page tree:
==> ###RECORD_TITLE###
User Comment:
State was changed by ###USER_FULLNAME### (username: ###USER_USERNAME###)</label>