


Bug #23823 ยป tslib_content_v2.diff

Administrator Admin, 2010-10-22 23:44

View differences:

typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/class.tslib_content.php (revision )
* @see stdWrap()
var $stdWrapOrder = array(
'stdWrapPreProcess' => 1, // this is a placeholder for the first Hook
'setContentToCurrent' => 1,
'setContentToCurrent.' => 1,
'setCurrent' => 1,
'setCurrent.' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'lang.' => 1,
'data' => 1,
'data.' => 1,
'field' => 1,
'field.' => 1,
'current' => 1,
'current.' => 1,
'cObject' => 1,
'cObject.' => 1,
'numRows' => 1,
'numRows.' => 1,
'filelist' => 1,
'filelist.' => 1,
'preUserFunc' => 1,
'preUserFunc.' => 1,
'stdWrapOverride' => 1, // this is a placeholder for the second Hook
'override' => 1,
'override.' => 1,
'preIfEmptyListNum' => 1,
'preIfEmptyListNum.' => 1,
'ifEmpty' => 1,
'ifEmpty.' => 1,
'ifBlank' => 1,
'ifBlank.' => 1,
'listNum' => 1,
'listNum.' => 1,
'trim' => 1,
'trim.' => 1,
'stdWrap' => 1,
'stdWrap.' => 1,
'stdWrapProcess' => 1, // this is a placeholder for the third Hook
'required' => 1,
'required.' => 1,
'if' => 1,
'if.' => 1,
'fieldRequired' => 1,
'fieldRequired.' => 1,
'csConv' => 1,
'csConv.' => 1,
'parseFunc' => 1,
'parseFunc.' => 1,
'HTMLparser' => 1,
'HTMLparser.' => 1,
'split' => 1,
'split.' => 1,
'prioriCalc' => 1,
'prioriCalc.' => 1,
'char' => 1,
'char.' => 1,
'intval' => 1,
'intval.' => 1,
'numberFormat' => 1,
'numberFormat.' => 1,
'date' => 1,
'date.' => 1,
'strftime' => 1,
'strftime.' => 1,
'age' => 1,
'age.' => 1,
'case' => 1,
'case.' => 1,
'bytes' => 1,
'bytes.' => 1,
'substring' => 1,
'substring.' => 1,
'removeBadHTML' => 1,
'removeBadHTML.' => 1,
'cropHTML' => 1,
'cropHTML.' => 1,
'stripHtml' => 1,
'stripHtml.' => 1,
'crop' => 1,
'crop.' => 1,
'rawUrlEncode' => 1,
'rawUrlEncode.' => 1,
'htmlSpecialChars' => 1,
'htmlSpecialChars.' => 1,
'doubleBrTag' => 1,
'doubleBrTag.' => 1,
'br' => 1,
'br.' => 1,
'brTag' => 1,
'brTag.' => 1,
'encapsLines' => 1,
'encapsLines.' => 1,
'keywords' => 1,
'keywords.' => 1,
'innerWrap' => 1,
'innerWrap.' => 1,
'innerWrap2' => 1,
'innerWrap2.' => 1,
'fontTag' => 1,
'fontTag.' => 1,
'addParams' => 1,
'addParams.' => 1,
'textStyle' => 1,
'textStyle.' => 1,
'tableStyle' => 1,
'tableStyle.' => 1,
'filelink' => 1,
'filelink.' => 1,
'preCObject' => 1,
'preCObject.' => 1,
'postCObject' => 1,
'postCObject.' => 1,
'wrapAlign' => 1,
'wrapAlign.' => 1,
'typolink' => 1,
'typolink.' => 1,
'TCAselectItem' => 1,
'TCAselectItem.' => 1,
'space' => 1,
'space.' => 1,
'spaceBefore' => 1,
'spaceBefore.' => 1,
'spaceAfter' => 1,
'spaceAfter.' => 1,
'wrap' => 1,
'wrap.' => 1,
'noTrimWrap' => 1,
'noTrimWrap.' => 1,
'wrap2' => 1,
'wrap2.' => 1,
'dataWrap' => 1,
'dataWrap.' => 1,
'prepend' => 1,
'prepend.' => 1,
'append' => 1,
'append.' => 1,
'wrap3' => 1,
'wrap3.' => 1,
'outerWrap' => 1,
'outerWrap.' => 1,
'insertData' => 1,
'insertData.' => 1,
'offsetWrap' => 1,
'offsetWrap.' => 1,
'postUserFunc' => 1,
'postUserFunc.' => 1,
'postUserFuncInt' => 1,
'postUserFuncInt.' => 1,
'prefixComment' => 1,
'prefixComment.' => 1,
'editIcons' => 1,
'editIcons.' => 1,
'editPanel' => 1,
'editPanel.' => 1,
'stdWrapPostProcess' => 1, // this is a placeholder for the last Hook
'debug' => 1,
'debug.' => 1,
'debugFunc' => 1,
'debugFunc.' => 1,
'debugData' => 1,
'debugData.' => 1
'stdWrapPreProcess' => 'hook', // this is a placeholder for the first Hook
'setContentToCurrent' => 'boolean',
'setContentToCurrent.' => 'array',
'setCurrent' => 'string',
'setCurrent.' => 'array',
'lang.' => 'array',
'data' => 'getText',
'data.' => 'array',
'field' => 'fieldname',
'field.' => 'array',
'current' => 'boolean',
'current.' => 'array',
'cObject' => 'cObject',
'cObject.' => 'array',
'numRows.' => 'array',
'filelist' => 'dir',
'filelist.' => 'array',
'preUserFunc' => 'functionname',
'stdWrapOverride' => 'hook', // this is a placeholder for the second Hook
'override' => 'string',
'override.' => 'array',
'preIfEmptyListNum' => 'listNum',
'preIfEmptyListNum.' => 'array',
'ifEmpty' => 'string',
'ifEmpty.' => 'array',
'ifBlank' => 'string',
'ifBlank.' => 'array',
'listNum' => 'listNum',
'listNum.' => 'array',
'trim' => 'boolean',
'trim.' => 'array',
'stdWrap' => 'stdWrap',
'stdWrap.' => 'array',
'stdWrapProcess' => 'hook', // this is a placeholder for the third Hook
'required' => 'boolean',
'required.' => 'array',
'if.' => 'array',
'fieldRequired' => 'fieldname',
'fieldRequired.' => 'array',
'csConv' => 'string',
'csConv.' => 'array',
'parseFunc' => 'objectpath',
'parseFunc.' => 'array',
'HTMLparser' => 'boolean',
'HTMLparser.' => 'array',
'split.' => 'array',
'prioriCalc' => 'boolean',
'prioriCalc.' => 'array',
'char' => 'integer',
'char.' => 'array',
'intval' => 'boolean',
'intval.' => 'array',
'numberFormat.' => 'array',
'date' => 'dateconf',
'date.' => 'array',
'strftime' => 'strftimeconf',
'strftime.' => 'array',
'age' => 'boolean',
'age.' => 'array',
'case' => 'case',
'case.' => 'array',
'bytes' => 'boolean',
'bytes.' => 'array',
'substring' => 'parameters',
'substring.' => 'array',
'removeBadHTML' => 'boolean',
'removeBadHTML.' => 'array',
'cropHTML' => 'crop',
'cropHTML.' => 'array',
'stripHtml' => 'boolean',
'stripHtml.' => 'array',
'crop' => 'crop',
'crop.' => 'array',
'rawUrlEncode' => 'boolean',
'rawUrlEncode.' => 'array',
'htmlSpecialChars' => 'boolean',
'htmlSpecialChars.' => 'array',
'doubleBrTag' => 'string',
'doubleBrTag.' => 'array',
'br' => 'boolean',
'br.' => 'array',
'brTag' => 'string',
'brTag.' => 'array',
'encapsLines.' => 'array',
'keywords' => 'boolean',
'keywords.' => 'array',
'innerWrap' => 'wrap',
'innerWrap.' => 'array',
'innerWrap2' => 'wrap',
'innerWrap2.' => 'array',
'fontTag' => 'wrap',
'fontTag.' => 'array',
'addParams.' => 'array',
'textStyle.' => 'array',
'tableStyle.' => 'array',
'filelink.' => 'array',
'preCObject' => 'cObject',
'preCObject.' => 'array',
'postCObject' => 'cObject',
'postCObject.' => 'array',
'wrapAlign' => 'align',
'wrapAlign.' => 'array',
'typolink.' => 'array',
'TCAselectItem.' => 'array',
'space' => 'space',
'space.' => 'array',
'spaceBefore' => 'int',
'spaceBefore.' => 'array',
'spaceAfter' => 'int',
'spaceAfter.' => 'array',
'wrap' => 'wrap',
'wrap.' => 'array',
'noTrimWrap' => 'wrap',
'noTrimWrap.' => 'array',
'wrap2' => 'wrap',
'wrap2.' => 'array',
'dataWrap' => 'dataWrap',
'dataWrap.' => 'array',
'prepend' => 'cObject',
'prepend.' => 'array',
'append' => 'cObject',
'append.' => 'array',
'wrap3' => 'wrap',
'wrap3.' => 'array',
'outerWrap' => 'wrap',
'outerWrap.' => 'array',
'insertData' => 'boolean',
'insertData.' => 'array',
'offsetWrap' => 'space',
'offsetWrap.' => 'array',
'postUserFunc' => 'functionname',
'postUserFuncInt' => 'functionname',
'prefixComment' => 'string',
'prefixComment.' => 'array',
'editIcons' => 'string',
'editIcons.' => 'array',
'editPanel' => 'boolean',
'editPanel.' => 'array',
'stdWrapPostProcess' => 'hook', // this is a placeholder for the last Hook
'debug' => 'boolean',
'debug.' => 'array',
'debugFunc' => 'boolean',
'debugFunc.' => 'array',
'debugData' => 'boolean',
'debugData.' => 'array'
// and keep only those but still in the same order
$sortedConf = array_intersect_key($this->stdWrapOrder, $conf);
// functions that should not make use of nested stdWrap function calls to avoid conflicts with internal TypoScript used by these functions
$stdWrapDisabledFunctions = 'cObject,preUserFunc,stdWrap,preCObject,postCObject,prepend,append,postUserFunc,postUserFuncInt';
$stdWrapDisabledFunctions = 'cObject,functionname';
// additional Array to check whether a function has already been executed
$isExecuted = array();
// additional switch to make sure 'required', 'if' and 'fieldRequired'
// will still stop rendering immediately in case they return false
$this->stopRendering = false;
$this->stopRendering[$this->stdWrapRecursionLevel] = false;
// execute each funtion in the predefined order
foreach ($sortedConf as $stdWrapName => $enabled) {
foreach ($sortedConf as $stdWrapName => $functionType) {
// eliminate the second key of a pair 'key'|'key.' to make sure functions get called only once and check if rendering has been stopped
if (!$isExecuted[$stdWrapName] && !$this->stopRendering) {
if (!$isExecuted[$stdWrapName] &&
!$this->stopRendering[$this->stdWrapRecursionLevel]) {
$functionName = rtrim($stdWrapName, '.');
$functionProperties = $functionName . '.';
// if there is any code one the next level, check if it contains "official" stdWrap functions
// so additional stdWrap calls within the functions can be removed, since the result will be the same
// exception: the recursive stdWrap function and cObject will still be using their own stdWrap call, since it modifies the content and not a property
if (count($conf[$functionProperties]) &&
!t3lib_div::inList($stdWrapDisabledFunctions, $functionName)) {
!t3lib_div::inList($stdWrapDisabledFunctions, $functionType)) {
if (array_intersect_key($this->stdWrapOrder, $conf[$functionProperties])) {
$conf[$functionName] = $this->stdWrap($conf[$functionName], $conf[$functionProperties]);
if ($conf[$functionName] == 'stdWrapHookObject') {
$singleConf = $conf;
// check if key is still containing something, since it might have been changed by next level stdWrap before
if ($conf[$functionName] || $conf[$functionProperties]) {
if ((isset($conf[$functionName]) || $conf[$functionProperties]) &&
!($functionType == 'boolean' && $conf[$functionName] === '0')) {
//add both keys - with and without the dot - to the set of executed functions
$isExecuted[$functionName] = true;
$isExecuted[$functionProperties] = true;
return $content;
public function stdWrap_required($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if ((string) $content == '') {
$content = '';
$this->stopRendering = TRUE;
$this->stopRendering[$this->stdWrapRecursionLevel] = TRUE;
return $content;
public function stdWrap_if($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (!$this->checkIf($conf['if.'])) {
$content = '';
$this->stopRendering = TRUE;
$this->stopRendering[$this->stdWrapRecursionLevel] = TRUE;
return $content;
public function stdWrap_fieldRequired($content = '', $conf = array()) {
if (!trim($this->data[$conf['fieldRequired']])) {
$content = '';
$this->stopRendering = TRUE;
$this->stopRendering[$this->stdWrapRecursionLevel] = TRUE;
return $content;