Feature #23839 ยป rtehtmlarea_feature_16127.patch
typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/plugins/CharacterMap/character-map.js (copie de travail) | ||
iconCls : 'htmlarea-action-character-insert-from-map'
Ext.iterate(this.maps, function (key, map, maps) {
for (var i = map.length; --i >= 0;) {
}, this);
return true;
... | ... | |
maps: {
general: [
[' ', ' '],
['À', 'À'],
['à', 'à'],
['Á', 'Á'],
['á', 'á'],
['Â', 'Â'],
['â', 'â'],
['Ã', 'Ã'],
['ã', 'ã'],
['Ä', 'Ä'],
['ä', 'ä'],
['Å', 'Å'],
['å', 'å'],
['Æ', 'Æ'],
['æ', 'æ'],
['ª', 'ª'],
['Ç', 'Ç'],
['ç', 'ç'],
['Ð', 'Ð'],
['ð', 'ð'],
['È', 'È'],
['è', 'è'],
['É', 'É'],
['é', 'é'],
['Ê', 'Ê'],
['ê', 'ê'],
['Ë', 'Ë'],
['ë', 'ë'],
['Ì', 'Ì'],
['ì', 'ì'],
['Í', 'Í'],
['í', 'í'],
['Î', 'Î'],
['î', 'î'],
['Ï', 'Ï'],
['ï', 'ï'],
['Ñ', 'Ñ'],
['ñ', 'ñ'],
['Ò', 'Ò'],
['ò', 'ò'],
['Ó', 'Ó'],
['ó', 'ó'],
['Ô', 'Ô'],
['ô', 'ô'],
['Õ', 'Õ'],
['õ', 'õ'],
['Ö', 'Ö'],
['ö', 'ö'],
['Ø', 'Ø'],
['ø', 'ø'],
['Œ', 'Œ'],
['œ', 'œ'],
['º', 'º'],
['Š', 'Š'],
['š', 'š'],
['ß', 'ß'],
['Þ', 'Þ'],
['þ', 'þ'],
['Ù', 'Ù'],
['ù', 'ù'],
['Ú', 'Ú'],
['ú', 'ú'],
['Û', 'Û'],
['û', 'û'],
['Ü', 'Ü'],
['ü', 'ü'],
['Ý', 'Ý'],
['ý', 'ý'],
['Ÿ', 'Ÿ'],
['ÿ', 'ÿ'],
['´', '´'],
['ˆ', 'ˆ'],
['˜', '˜'],
['¨', '¨'],
['¸', '¸'],
['­', '­'],
['–', '–'],
['—', '—'],
['‘', '‘'],
['’', '’'],
['‚', '‚'],
['“', '“'],
['”', '”'],
['„', '„'],
['‹', '‹'],
['›', '›'],
['«', '«'],
['»', '»'],
['"', '"'],
['…', '…'],
['¿', '¿'],
['¡', '¡'],
['•', '•'],
['†', '†'],
['‡', '‡'],
['¦', '¦'],
['¶', '¶'],
['§', '§'],
['◊', '◊'],
['@', '@'],
['©', '©'],
['®', '®'],
['™', '™'],
['¤', '¤'],
['¢', '¢'],
['€', '€'],
['£', '£'],
['¥', '¥'],
[' ', ' '],
[' ', ' '],
[' ', ' '],
['‍', '‍'],
['‌', '‌']
[' ', 'nbsp'],
['À', 'Agrave'],
['à', 'agrave'],
['Á', 'Aacute'],
['á', 'aacute'],
['Â', 'Acirc'],
['â', 'acirc'],
['Ã', 'Atilde'],
['ã', 'atilde'],
['Ä', 'Auml'],
['ä', 'auml'],
['Å', 'Aring'],
['å', 'aring'],
['Æ', 'AElig'],
['æ', 'aelig'],
['ª', 'ordf'],
['Ç', 'Ccedil'],
['ç', 'ccedil'],
['Ð', 'ETH'],
['ð', 'eth'],
['È', 'Egrave'],
['è', 'egrave'],
['É', 'Eacute'],
['é', 'eacute'],
['Ê', 'Ecirc'],
['ê', 'ecirc'],
['Ë', 'Euml'],
['ë', 'euml'],
['Ì', 'Igrave'],
['ì', 'igrave'],
['Í', 'Iacute'],
['í', 'iacute'],
['Î', 'Icirc'],
['î', 'icirc'],
['Ï', 'Iuml'],
['ï', 'iuml'],
['Ñ', 'Ntilde'],
['ñ', 'ntilde'],
['Ò', 'Ograve'],
['ò', 'ograve'],
['Ó', 'Oacute'],
['ó', 'oacute'],
['Ô', 'Ocirc'],
['ô', 'ocirc'],
['Õ', 'Otilde'],
['õ', 'otilde'],
['Ö', 'Ouml'],
['ö', 'ouml'],
['Ø', 'Oslash'],
['ø', 'oslash'],
['Œ', 'OElig'],
['œ', 'oelig'],
['º', 'ordm'],
['Š', 'Scaron'],
['š', 'scaron'],
['ß', 'szlig'],
['Þ', 'THORN'],
['þ', 'thorn'],
['Ù', 'Ugrave'],
['ù', 'ugrave'],
['Ú', 'Uacute'],
['ú', 'uacute'],
['Û', 'Ucirc'],
['û', 'ucirc'],
['Ü', 'Uuml'],
['ü', 'uuml'],
['Ý', 'Yacute'],
['ý', 'yacute'],
['Ÿ', 'Yuml'],
['ÿ', 'yuml'],
['´', 'acute'],
['ˆ', 'circ'],
['˜', 'tilde'],
['¨', 'uml'],
['¸', 'cedil'],
['­', 'shy'],
['–', 'ndash'],
['—', 'mdash'],
['‘', 'lsquo'],
['’', 'rsquo'],
['‚', 'sbquo'],
['“', 'ldquo'],
['”', 'rdquo'],
['„', 'bdquo'],
['‹', 'lsaquo'],
['›', 'rsaquo'],
['«', 'laquo'],
['»', 'raquo'],
['"', 'quot'],
['…', 'hellip'],
['¿', 'iquest'],
['¡', 'iexcl'],
['•', 'bull'],
['†', 'dagger'],
['‡', 'Dagger'],
['¦', 'brvbar'],
['¶', 'para'],
['§', 'sect'],
['◊', 'loz'],
['@', '#064'],
['©', 'copy'],
['®', 'reg'],
['™', 'trade'],
['¤', 'curren'],
['¢', 'cent'],
['€', 'euro'],
['£', 'pound'],
['¥', 'yen'],
[' ', 'emsp'],
[' ', 'ensp'],
[' ', 'thinsp'],
['‍', 'zwj'],
['‌', 'zwnj']
mathematical: [
['−', '−'],
['±', '±'],
['×', '×'],
['÷', '÷'],
['√', '√'],
['⋅', '⋅'],
['⊗', '⊗'],
['∗', '∗'],
['≥', '≥'],
['≤', '≤'],
['≠', '≠'],
['≈', '≈'],
['∼', '∼'],
['∝', '∝'],
['°', '°'],
['′', '′'],
['″', '″'],
['µ', 'µ'],
['∠', '∠'],
['⊥', '⊥'],
['‰', '‰'],
['⁄', '⁄'],
['¼', '¼'],
['½', '½'],
['¾', '¾'],
['¹', '¹'],
['²', '²'],
['³', '³'],
['¬', '¬'],
['∧', '∧'],
['∨', '∨'],
['∴', '∴'],
['≅', '≅'],
['∈', '∈'],
['∋', '∋'],
['∉', '∉'],
['⊂', '⊂'],
['⊆', '⊆'],
['⊄', '⊄'],
['⊃', '⊃'],
['⊇', '⊇'],
['∩', '∩'],
['∪', '∪'],
['⊕', '⊕'],
['∇', '∇'],
['∅', '∅'],
['≡', '≡'],
['∑', '∑'],
['∏', '∏'],
['℘', '℘'],
['∃', '∃'],
['∀', '∀'],
['∞', '∞'],
['ℵ', 'ℵ'],
['ℜ', 'ℜ'],
['ℑ', 'ℑ'],
['ƒ', 'ƒ'],
['∫', '∫'],
['∂', '∂'],
['Α', 'Α'],
['α', 'α'],
['Β', 'Β'],
['β', 'β'],
['Γ', 'Γ'],
['γ', 'γ'],
['Δ', 'Δ'],
['δ', 'δ'],
['Ε', 'Ε'],
['ε', 'ε'],
['Ζ', 'Ζ'],
['ζ', 'ζ'],
['Η', 'Η'],
['η', 'η'],
['Θ', 'Θ'],
['θ', 'θ'],
['ϑ', 'ϑ'],
['Ι', 'Ι'],
['ι', 'ι'],
['Κ', 'Κ'],
['κ', 'κ'],
['Λ', 'Λ'],
['λ', 'λ'],
['Μ', 'Μ'],
['μ', 'μ'],
['Ν', 'Ν'],
['ν', 'ν'],
['Ξ', 'Ξ'],
['ξ', 'ξ'],
['Ο', 'Ο'],
['ο', 'ο'],
['Π', 'Π'],
['π', 'π'],
['ϖ', 'ϖ'],
['Ρ', 'Ρ'],
['ρ', 'ρ'],
['Σ', 'Σ'],
['σ', 'σ'],
['ς', 'ς'],
['Τ', 'Τ'],
['τ', 'τ'],
['Υ', 'Υ'],
['ϒ', 'ϒ'],
['υ', 'υ'],
['Φ', 'Φ'],
['φ', 'φ'],
['Χ', 'Χ'],
['χ', 'χ'],
['Ψ', 'Ψ'],
['ψ', 'ψ'],
['Ω', 'Ω'],
['ω', 'ω']
['−', 'minus'],
['±', 'plusmn'],
['×', 'times'],
['÷', 'divide'],
['√', 'radic'],
['⋅', 'sdot'],
['⊗', 'otimes'],
['∗', 'lowast'],
['≥', 'ge'],
['≤', 'le'],
['≠', 'ne'],
['≈', 'asymp'],
['∼', 'sim'],
['∝', 'prop'],
['°', 'deg'],
['′', 'prime'],
['″', 'Prime'],
['µ', 'micro'],
['∠', 'ang'],
['⊥', 'perp'],
['‰', 'permil'],
['⁄', 'frasl'],
['¼', 'frac14'],
['½', 'frac12'],
['¾', 'frac34'],
['¹', 'sup1'],
['²', 'sup2'],
['³', 'sup3'],
['¬', 'not'],
['∧', 'and'],
['∨', 'or'],
['∴', 'there4'],
['≅', 'cong'],
['∈', 'isin'],
['∋', 'ni'],
['∉', 'notin'],
['⊂', 'sub'],
['⊆', 'sube'],
['⊄', 'nsub'],
['⊃', 'sup'],
['⊇', 'supe'],
['∩', 'cap'],
['∪', 'cup'],
['⊕', 'oplus'],
['∇', 'nabla'],
['∅', 'empty'],
['≡', 'equiv'],
['∑', 'sum'],
['∏', 'prod'],
['℘', 'weierp'],
['∃', 'exist'],
['∀', 'forall'],
['∞', 'infin'],
['ℵ', 'alefsym'],
['ℜ', 'real'],
['ℑ', 'image'],
['ƒ', 'fnof'],
['∫', 'int'],
['∂', 'part'],
['Α', 'Alpha'],
['α', 'alpha'],
['Β', 'Beta'],
['β', 'beta'],
['Γ', 'Gamma'],
['γ', 'gamma'],
['Δ', 'Delta'],
['δ', 'delta'],
['Ε', 'Epsilon'],
['ε', 'epsilon'],
['Ζ', 'Zeta'],
['ζ', 'zeta'],
['Η', 'Eta'],
['η', 'eta'],
['Θ', 'Theta'],
['θ', 'theta'],
['ϑ', 'thetasym'],
['Ι', 'Iota'],
['ι', 'iota'],
['Κ', 'Kappa'],
['κ', 'kappa'],
['Λ', 'Lambda'],
['λ', 'lambda'],
['Μ', 'Mu'],
['μ', 'mu'],
['Ν', 'Nu'],
['ν', 'nu'],
['Ξ', 'Xi'],
['ξ', 'xi'],
['Ο', 'Omicron'],
['ο', 'omicron'],
['Π', 'Pi'],
['π', 'pi'],
['ϖ', 'piv'],
['Ρ', 'Rho'],
['ρ', 'rho'],
['Σ', 'Sigma'],
['σ', 'sigma'],
['ς', 'sigmaf'],
['Τ', 'Tau'],
['τ', 'tau'],
['Υ', 'Upsilon'],
['ϒ', 'upsih'],
['υ', 'upsilon'],
['Φ', 'Phi'],
['φ', 'phi'],
['Χ', 'Chi'],
['χ', 'chi'],
['Ψ', 'Psi'],
['ψ', 'psi'],
['Ω', 'Omega'],
['ω', 'omega']
graphical: [
['↵', '↵'],
['↑', '↑'],
['↓', '↓'],
['←', '←'],
['→', '→'],
['↔', '↔'],
['⇑', '⇑'],
['⇓', '⇓'],
['⇐', '⇐'],
['⇒', '⇒'],
['⇔', '⇔'],
[' ', ' '],
[' ', ' '],
[' ', ' '],
[' ', ' '],
['♣', '♣'],
['♦', '♦'],
['♥', '♥'],
['♠', '♠']
['↵', 'crarr'],
['↑', 'uarr'],
['↓', 'darr'],
['←', 'larr'],
['→', 'rarr'],
['↔', 'harr'],
['⇑', 'uArr'],
['⇓', 'dArr'],
['⇐', 'lArr'],
['⇒', 'rArr'],
['⇔', 'hArr'],
[' ', 'nbsp'],
[' ', 'nbsp'],
[' ', 'nbsp'],
[' ', 'nbsp'],
['♣', 'clubs'],
['♦', 'diams'],
['♥', 'hearts'],
['♠', 'spades']
... | ... | |
title: this.localize(id),
itemId: id,
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for="."><a href="#" title="{1}" class="character" hidefocus="on" ext:qtitle"{1}">{0}</a></tpl>'
'<tpl for="."><a href="#" class="character" hidefocus="on" ext:qtitle="<span>&</span>{1};" ext:qtip="{2}">{0}</a></tpl>'
listeners: {
render: {
typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/plugins/CharacterMap/locallang.xml (copie de travail) | ||
<label index="graphical">Shapes and arrows</label>
<label index="HTML value:">HTML value:</label>
<label index="Close">Close</label>
<label index="nbsp">Non-breaking space</label>
<label index="Agrave">Capital a with grave accent</label>
<label index="agrave">Small a with grave accent</label>
<label index="Aacute">Capital a with acute accent</label>
<label index="aacute">Small a with acute accent</label>
<label index="Acirc">Capital a with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="acirc">Small a with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="Atilde">Capital a with tilde</label>
<label index="atilde">Small a with tilde</label>
<label index="Auml">Capital a with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="auml">Small a with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="Aring">Capital a with ring</label>
<label index="aring">Small a with ring</label>
<label index="AElig">Capital ligature ae</label>
<label index="aelig">Small ligature ae</label>
<label index="ordf">Feminine ordinal indicator</label>
<label index="Ccedil">Capital c with cedilla</label>
<label index="ccedil">Small c with cedilla</label>
<label index="ETH">Capital eth, Icelandic</label>
<label index="eth">Small eth, Icelandic</label>
<label index="Egrave">Capital e with grave accent</label>
<label index="egrave">Small e with grave accent</label>
<label index="Eacute">Capital e with acute accent</label>
<label index="eacute">Small e with acute accent</label>
<label index="Ecirc">Capital e with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="ecirc">Small e with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="Euml">Capital e with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="euml">Small e with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="Igrave">Capital i with grave accent</label>
<label index="igrave">Small i with grave accent</label>
<label index="Iacute">Capital i with acute accent</label>
<label index="iacute">Small i with acute accent</label>
<label index="Icirc">Capital i with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="icirc">Small i with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="Iuml">Capital i with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="iuml">Small i with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="Ntilde">Capital n with tilde</label>
<label index="ntilde">Small n with tilde</label>
<label index="Ograve">Capital o with grave accent</label>
<label index="ograve">Small o with grave accent</label>
<label index="Oacute">Capital o with acute accent</label>
<label index="oacute">Small o with acute accent</label>
<label index="Ocirc">Capital o with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="ocirc">Small o with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="Otilde">Capital o with tilde</label>
<label index="otilde">Small o with tilde</label>
<label index="Ouml">Capital o with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="ouml">Small o with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="Oslash">Capital o with slash</label>
<label index="oslash">Small o with slash</label>
<label index="OElig">Capital ligature OE</label>
<label index="oelig">Small ligature OE</label>
<label index="ordm">Masculine ordinal indicator</label>
<label index="Scaron">Capital s with caron</label>
<label index="scaron">Capital s with caron</label>
<label index="szlig">Small sharp s, German</label>
<label index="THORN">Capital THORN, Icelandic</label>
<label index="thorn">Small thorn, Icelandic</label>
<label index="Ugrave">Capital u with grave accent</label>
<label index="ugrave">Small u with grave accent</label>
<label index="Uacute">Capital u with acute accent</label>
<label index="uacute">Small u with acute accent</label>
<label index="Ucirc">Capital u with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="ucirc">Small u with circumflex accent</label>
<label index="Uuml">Capital u with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="uuml">Small u with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="Yacute">Capital y with acute accent</label>
<label index="yacute">Small y with acute accent</label>
<label index="Yuml">Capital y with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="yuml">Small y with umlaut/diaeresis</label>
<label index="acute">Spacing acute</label>
<label index="circ">Modifier letter circumflex accent</label>
<label index="tilde">Small tilde</label>
<label index="uml">Spacing diaeresis</label>
<label index="cedil">Spacing cedilla</label>
<label index="shy">Soft hyphen</label>
<label index="ndash">En dash</label>
<label index="mdash">Em dash</label>
<label index="lsquo">Left single quotation mark</label>
<label index="rsquo">Right single quotation mark</label>
<label index="sbquo">Single low-9 quotation mark</label>
<label index="ldquo">Left double quotation mark</label>
<label index="rdquo">Right double quotation mark</label>
<label index="bdquo">Double low-9 quotation mark</label>
<label index="lsaquo">Single left angle quotation</label>
<label index="rsaquo">Single right angle quotation</label>
<label index="laquo">Left angle quotation mark</label>
<label index="raquo">Right angle quotation mark</label>
<label index="quot">Quotation mark</label>
<label index="hellip">Horizontal ellipsis</label>
<label index="iquest">Inverted question mark</label>
<label index="iexcl">Inverted exclamation mark</label>cr
<label index="bull">Bullet</label>
<label index="dagger">Dagger</label>
<label index="Dagger">Double dagger</label>
<label index="brvbar">Broken vertical bar</label>
<label index="para">Paragraph</label>
<label index="sect">Section</label>
<label index="loz">Lozenge</label>
<label index="#064">At</label>
<label index="copy">Copyright</label>
<label index="reg">Registered trademark</label>
<label index="trade">Trademark</label>
<label index="curren">Currency</label>
<label index="cent">Cent</label>
<label index="euro">Euro</label>
<label index="pound">Pound</label>
<label index="yen">Yen</label>
<label index="emsp">Em space</label>
<label index="ensp">En space</label>
<label index="thinsp">Thin space</label>
<label index="zwj">Zero width joiner</label>
<label index="zwnj">Zero width non-joiner</label>
<label index="minus">Minus sign</label>
<label index="plusmn">Plus-or-minus sign</label>
<label index="times">Multiplication</label>
<label index="divide">Division</label>
<label index="radic">Square root</label>
<label index="sdot">Dot operator</label>
<label index="otimes">Vector product</label>
<label index="lowast">Asterisk operator</label>
<label index="ge">Greater than or equal to</label>
<label index="le">Less than or equal to</label>
<label index="ne">Not equal to</label>
<label index="asymp">Almost equal to, asymptotic to</label>
<label index="sim">Varies with, similar to</label>
<label index="prop">Proportional to</label>
<label index="deg">Degree</label>
<label index="prime">Prime, minutes, feet</label>
<label index="Prime">Double prime, seconds, inches</label>
<label index="micro">Micro</label>
<label index="ang">Angle</label>
<label index="perp">Orthogonal to, perpendicular to</label>
<label index="permil">Per mille</label>
<label index="frasl">Fraction slash</label>
<label index="frac14">Fraction 1/4</label>
<label index="frac12">Fraction 1/2</label>
<label index="frac34">Fraction 3/4</label>
<label index="sup1">Superscript 1</label>
<label index="sup2">Superscript 2</label>
<label index="sup3">Superscript 3</label>
<label index="not">Negation</label>
<label index="and">Logical and</label>
<label index="or">Logical or</label>
<label index="there4">Therefore</label>
<label index="cong">Congruent to</label>
<label index="isin">Is element of</label>
<label index="ni">Contains as member</label>
<label index="notin">Is not an element of</label>
<label index="sub">Proper subset of</label>
<label index="sube">Subset of or equal to</label>
<label index="nsub">Not subset of</label>
<label index="sup">Proper superset of</label>
<label index="supe">Superset of or equal to</label>
<label index="cap">Intersection</label>
<label index="cup">Union</label>
<label index="oplus">Direct sum</label>
<label index="nabla">Gradient</label>
<label index="empty">Empty set</label>
<label index="equiv">Equivalent</label>
<label index="sum">Sum</label>
<label index="prod">Product</label>
<label index="weierp">Power set (Weierstrass p)</label>
<label index="exist">There exists</label>
<label index="forall">For all</label>
<label index="infin">Infinity</label>
<label index="alefsym">Alef (first transfinite cardinal)</label>
<label index="real">Real part of complex number</label>
<label index="image">Imaginary part of complex number</label>
<label index="fnof">Function</label>
<label index="int">Integral</label>
<label index="part">Partial differential</label>
<label index="Alpha">Greek capital letter alpha</label>
<label index="alpha">Greek small letter alpha</label>
<label index="Beta">Greek capital letter beta</label>
<label index="beta">Greek small letter beta</label>
<label index="Gamma">Greek capital letter gamma</label>
<label index="gamma">Greek small letter gamma</label>
<label index="Delta">Greek capital letter delta</label>
<label index="delta">Greek small letter delta</label>
<label index="Epsilon">Greek capital letter epsilon</label>
<label index="epsilon">Greek small letter epsilon</label>
<label index="Zeta">Greek capital letter zeta</label>
<label index="zeta">Greek small letter zeta</label>
<label index="Eta">Greek capital letter eta</label>
<label index="eta">Greek small letter eta</label>
<label index="Theta">Greek capital letter theta</label>
<label index="theta">Greek small letter theta</label>
<label index="thetasym">Greek small letter theta symbol</label>
<label index="Iota">Greek capital letter iota</label>
<label index="iota">Greek small letter iota</label>
<label index="Kappa">Greek capital letter kappa</label>
<label index="kappa">Greek small letter kappa</label>
<label index="Lambda">Greek capital letter lambda</label>
<label index="lambda">Greek small letter lambda</label>
<label index="Mu">Greek capital letter mu</label>
<label index="mu">Greek small letter mu</label>
<label index="Nu">Greek capital letter nu</label>
<label index="nu">Greek small letter nu</label>
<label index="Xi">Greek capital letter xi</label>
<label index="xi">Greek small letter xi</label>
<label index="Omicron">Greek capital letter omicron</label>
<label index="omicron">Greek small letter omicron</label>
<label index="Pi">Greek capital letter pi</label>
<label index="pi">Greek small letter pi</label>
<label index="piv">Greek pi symbol</label>
<label index="Rho">Greek capital letter rho</label>
<label index="rho">Greek small letter rho</label>
<label index="Sigma">Greek capital letter sigma</label>
<label index="sigma">Greek small letter sigma</label>
<label index="sigmaf">Greek small letter final sigma</label>
<label index="Tau">Greek capital letter tau</label>
<label index="tau">Greek small letter tau</label>
<label index="Upsilon">Greek capital letter upsilon</label>
<label index="upsih">Greek upsilon with hook symbol</label>
<label index="upsilon">Greek small letter upsilon</label>
<label index="Phi">Greek capital letter phi</label>
<label index="phi">Greek small letter phi</label>
<label index="Chi">Greek capital letter chi</label>
<label index="chi">Greek small letter chi</label>
<label index="Psi">Greek capital letter psi</label>
<label index="psi">Greek small letter psi</label>
<label index="Omega">Greek capital letter omega</label>
<label index="omega">Greek small letter omega</label>
<label index="crarr">Carriage return arrow</label>
<label index="uarr">Upwards arrow</label>
<label index="darr">Downwards arrow</label>
<label index="larr">Leftwards arrow</label>
<label index="rarr">Rightwards arrow</label>
<label index="harr">Left right arrow</label>
<label index="uArr">Upwards double arrow</label>
<label index="dArr">Downwards double arrow</label>
<label index="lArr">Leftwards double arrow</label>
<label index="rArr">Rightwards double arrow</label>
<label index="hArr">Left right double arrow</label>
<label index="clubs">Club</label>
<label index="diams">Diamond</label>
<label index="hearts">Heart</label>
<label index="spades">Spade</label>
<orig_hash type="array">