Feature #24073 ยป 16410-01.diff
tests/t3lib/cache/backend/t3lib_cache_backend_redisbackendTest.php (revision 0) | ||
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2010 Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Testcase for the cache to redis backend
* This class has functional tests as well as implementation tests:
* - The functional tests make API calls to the backend and check expected behaviour
* - The implementation tests make additional calls with an own redis instance to
* check stored data structures in the redis server, which can not be checked
* by functional tests alone. Those tests will fail if any changes
* to the internal data structure are done.
* Warning:
* The unit tests use and flush redis database numbers 0 and 1!
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage tests
class t3lib_cache_backend_RedisBackendTest extends tx_phpunit_testcase {
* @var boolean
protected $backupGlobals = TRUE;
* If set, the tearDown() method will flush the cache used by this unit test.
* @var t3lib_cache_backend_RedisBackend
protected $backend = NULL;
* Own redis instance used in implementation tests
* @var Redis
protected $redis = NULL;
* Set up this testcase
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setUp() {
if (!extension_loaded('redis')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('redis extension was not available');
try {
if (!fsockopen('', 6379)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('redis server not reachable');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->markTestSkipped('redis server not reachable');
$this->backupGlobals = TRUE;
* Sets up the redis backend used for testing
* @param array Options for the redis backend
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
protected function setUpBackend(array $backendOptions = array()) {
$mockCache = $this->getMock('t3lib_cache_frontend_Frontend', array(), array(), '', FALSE);
$this->backend = new t3lib_cache_backend_RedisBackend($backendOptions);
* Sets up an own redis instance for implementation tests
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
protected function setUpRedis() {
$this->redis = new Redis();
$this->redis->connect('', 6379);
* Tear down this testcase
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function tearDown() {
if ($this->backend instanceof t3lib_cache_backend_RedisBackend) {
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function constructorThrowsNoExceptionIfPasswordOptionIsSet() {
try {
$this->setUpBackend(array('password' => 'foo'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function constructorThrowsNoExceptionIfGivenDatabaseWasSuccessfullySelected() {
try {
$this->setUpBackend(array('database' => 1));
} catch (Exception $e) {
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function setDatabaseThrowsExceptionIfGivenDatabaseNumberIsNotAnInteger() {
$this->setUpBackend(array('database' => 'foo'));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function setDatabaseThrowsExceptionIfGivenDatabaseNumberIsNegative() {
$this->setUpBackend(array('database' => -1));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function setCompressionThrowsExceptionIfCompressionParameterIsNotOfTypeBoolean() {
$this->setUpBackend(array('compression' => 'foo'));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function setCompressionLevelThrowsExceptionIfCompressionLevelIsNotInteger() {
$this->setUpBackend(array('compressionLevel' => 'foo'));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function setCompressionLevelThrowsExceptionIfCompressionLevelIsNotBetweenMinusOneAndNine() {
$this->setUpBackend(array('compressionLevel' => 11));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function setThrowsExceptionIfIdentifierIsNotAString() {
$this->backend->set(array(), 'data');
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException t3lib_cache_Exception_InvalidData
public function setThrowsExceptionIfDataIsNotAString() {
$this->backend->set('identifier' . uniqid(), array());
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function setThrowsExceptionIfLifetimeIsNegative() {
$this->backend->set('identifier' . uniqid(), 'data', array(), -42);
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function setThrowsExceptionIfLifetimeIsNotNullOrAnInteger() {
$this->backend->set('identifier' . uniqid(), 'data', array(), array());
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setStoresEntriesInSelectedDatabase() {
$this->setUpBackend(array('database' => 1));
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data');
$this->assertTrue($this->redis->exists('identData:' . $identifier));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesStringDataTypeForIdentifierToDataEntry() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data');
$this->assertSame(Redis::REDIS_STRING, $this->redis->type('identData:' . $identifier));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesEntryWithDefaultLifeTime() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$defaultLifetime = 42;
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data');
$lifetimeRegisteredInBackend = $this->redis->ttl('identData:' . $identifier);
$this->assertSame($defaultLifetime, $lifetimeRegisteredInBackend);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesEntryWithSpecifiedLifeTime() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$lifetime = 43;
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array(), $lifetime);
$lifetimeRegisteredInBackend = $this->redis->ttl('identData:' . $identifier);
$this->assertSame($lifetime, $lifetimeRegisteredInBackend);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesEntryWithUnlimitedLifeTime() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array(), 0);
$lifetimeRegisteredInBackend = $this->redis->ttl('identData:' . $identifier);
$this->assertSame(31536000, $lifetimeRegisteredInBackend);
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <julle@typo3.org>
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setOverwritesExistingEntryWithNewData() {
$data = 'data 1';
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data);
$otherData = 'data 2';
$this->backend->set($identifier, $otherData);
$fetchedData = $this->backend->get($identifier);
$this->assertSame($otherData, $fetchedData);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setOverwritesExistingEntryWithSpecifiedLifetime() {
$data = 'data';
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data);
$lifetime = 42;
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data, array(), $lifetime);
$lifetimeRegisteredInBackend = $this->redis->ttl('identData:' . $identifier);
$this->assertSame($lifetime, $lifetimeRegisteredInBackend);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setOverwritesExistingEntryWithNewDefaultLifetime() {
$data = 'data';
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$lifetime = 42;
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data, array(), $lifetime);
$newDefaultLifetime = 43;
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data, array(), $newDefaultLifetime);
$lifetimeRegisteredInBackend = $this->redis->ttl('identData:' . $identifier);
$this->assertSame($newDefaultLifetime, $lifetimeRegisteredInBackend);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setOverwritesExistingEntryWithNewUnlimitedLifetime() {
$data = 'data';
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$lifetime = 42;
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data, array(), $lifetime);
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data, array(), 0);
$lifetimeRegisteredInBackend = $this->redis->ttl('identData:' . $identifier);
$this->assertSame(31536000, $lifetimeRegisteredInBackend);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesSetDataTypeForIdentifierToTagsSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array('tag'));
$this->assertSame(Redis::REDIS_SET, $this->redis->type('identTags:' . $identifier));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesSpecifiedTagsInIdentifierToTagsSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tags = array('thatTag', 'thisTag');
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', $tags);
$savedTags = $this->redis->sMembers('identTags:' . $identifier);
$this->assertSame($tags, $savedTags);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setRemovesAllPreviouslySetTagsFromIdentifierToTagsSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tags = array('fooTag', 'barTag');
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', $tags);
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array());
$this->assertSame(array(), $this->redis->sMembers('identTags:' . $identifier));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setRemovesMultiplePreviouslySetTagsFromIdentifierToTagsSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$firstTagSet = array('tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3', 'tag4');
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', $firstTagSet);
$secondTagSet = array('tag1', 'tag3');
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', $secondTagSet);
$actualTagSet = $this->redis->sMembers('identTags:' . $identifier);
$this->assertSame($secondTagSet, $actualTagSet);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesSetDataTypeForTagToIdentifiersSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'tag';
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array($tag));
$this->assertSame(Redis::REDIS_SET, $this->redis->type('tagIdents:' . $tag));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesIdentifierInTagToIdentifiersSetOfSpecifiedTag() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'thisTag';
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array($tag));
$savedTagToIdentifiersMemberArray = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:' . $tag);
$this->assertSame(array($identifier), $savedTagToIdentifiersMemberArray);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setAppendsSecondIdentifierInTagToIdentifiersEntry() {
$firstIdentifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'thisTag';
$this->backend->set($firstIdentifier, 'data', array($tag));
$secondIdentifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($secondIdentifier, 'data', array($tag));
$savedTagToIdentifiersMemberArray = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:' . $tag);
$identifierArray = array($firstIdentifier, $secondIdentifier);
$this->assertSame(array($firstIdentifier, $secondIdentifier), $savedTagToIdentifiersMemberArray);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setRemovesIdentifierFromTagToIdentifiersEntryIfTagIsOmittedOnConsecutiveSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'thisTag';
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array($tag));
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array());
$savedTagToIdentifiersMemberArray = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:' . $tag);
$this->assertSame(array(), $savedTagToIdentifiersMemberArray);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setAddsIdentifierInTagToIdentifiersEntryIfTagIsAddedOnConsecutiveSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data');
$tag = 'thisTag';
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array($tag));
$savedTagToIdentifiersMemberArray = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:' . $tag);
$this->assertSame(array($identifier), $savedTagToIdentifiersMemberArray);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesCompressedDataWithEnabledCompression() {
'compression' => TRUE,
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$data = 'some data ' . microtime();
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data);
$uncompresedStoredData = '';
try {
$uncompresedStoredData = @gzuncompress($this->redis->get('identData:' . $identifier));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->assertEquals($data, $uncompresedStoredData, 'Original and compressed data don\'t match');
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function setSavesPlaintextDataWithEnabledCompressionAndCompressionLevel0() {
'compression' => TRUE,
'compressionLevel' => 0,
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$data = 'some data ' . microtime();
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data);
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, substr_count($this->redis->get('identData:' . $identifier), $data), 'Plaintext data not found');
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function hasThrowsExceptionIfIdentifierIsNotAString() {
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function hasReturnsFalseForNotExistingEntry() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function hasReturnsTrueForPreviouslySetEntry() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data');
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function getThrowsExceptionIfIdentifierIsNotAString() {
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function getReturnsPreviouslyCompressedSetEntry() {
'compression' => TRUE,
$data = 'data';
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data);
$fetchedData = $this->backend->get($identifier);
$this->assertSame($data, $fetchedData);
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function getReturnsPreviouslySetEntry() {
$data = 'data';
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, $data);
$fetchedData = $this->backend->get($identifier);
$this->assertSame($data, $fetchedData);
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function removeThrowsExceptionIfIdentifierIsNotAString() {
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function removeReturnsFalseIfNoEntryWasDeleted() {
$this->assertFalse($this->backend->remove('identifier' . uniqid()));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function removeReturnsTrueIfAnEntryWasDeleted() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data');
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <julle@typo3.org>
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function removeDeletesEntryFromCache() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data');
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function removeDeletesIdentifierToTagEntry() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'thisTag';
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array($tag));
$this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('identTags:' . $identifier));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function removeDeletesIdentifierFromTagToIdentifiersSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'thisTag';
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array($tag));
$tagToIdentifiersMemberArray = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:' . $tag);
$this->assertSame(array(), $tagToIdentifiersMemberArray);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function removeDeletesIdentifierFromTagToIdentifiersSetWithMultipleEntries() {
$firstIdentifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$secondIdentifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'thisTag';
$this->backend->set($firstIdentifier, 'data', array($tag));
$this->backend->set($secondIdentifier, 'data', array($tag));
$tagToIdentifiersMemberArray = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:' . $tag);
$this->assertSame(array($secondIdentifier), $tagToIdentifiersMemberArray);
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function findIdentifiersByTagThrowsExceptionIfTagIsNotAString() {
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function findIdentifiersByTagReturnsEmptyArrayForNotExistingTag() {
$this->assertSame(array(), $this->backend->findIdentifiersByTag('thisTag'));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function findIdentifiersByTagReturnsAllIdentifiersTagedWithSpecifiedTag() {
$firstIdentifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$secondIdentifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$thirdIdentifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tagsForFirstIdentifier = array('thisTag');
$tagsForSecondIdentifier = array('thatTag');
$tagsForThirdIdentifier = array('thisTag', 'thatTag');
$this->backend->set($firstIdentifier, 'data', $tagsForFirstIdentifier);
$this->backend->set($secondIdentifier, 'data', $tagsForSecondIdentifier);
$this->backend->set($thirdIdentifier, 'data', $tagsForThirdIdentifier);
$expectedResult = array($firstIdentifier, $thirdIdentifier);
$actualResult = $this->backend->findIdentifiersByTag('thisTag');
$this->assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult);
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function findIdentifiersByTagsReturnEmptyArrayForNotExistingTag() {
$this->assertEquals(array(), $this->backend->findIdentifiersByTags(array('thisTags')));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function findIdentifiersByTagsReturnsIdentifiersTaggedWithAllSpecifiedTags() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag1'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'C', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'D', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'));
$expectedResult = array($identifier . 'C', $identifier . 'D');
$actualResult = $this->backend->findIdentifiersByTags(array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $actualResult);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushRemovesAllEntriesFromCache() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data');
$this->assertSame(array(), $this->redis->getKeys('*'));
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function flushByTagThrowsExceptionIfTagIsNotAString() {
* @test Functional
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagRemovesEntriesTaggedWithSpecifiedTag() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag1'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'C', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$expectedResult = array(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
$actualResult = array(
$this->backend->has($identifier . 'A'),
$this->backend->has($identifier . 'B'),
$this->backend->has($identifier . 'C'),
$this->assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagRemovesTemporarySet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag1'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'C', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->assertSame(array(), $this->redis->getKeys('temp*'));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagRemovesIdentifierToTagsSetOfEntryTaggedWithGivenTag() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'tag1';
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array($tag));
$this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('identTags:' . $identifier));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagDoesNotRemoveIdentifierToTagsSetOfUnrelatedEntry() {
$identifierToBeRemoved = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tagToRemove = 'tag1';
$this->backend->set($identifierToBeRemoved, 'data', array($tagToRemove));
$identifierNotToBeRemoved = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tagNotToRemove = 'tag2';
$this->backend->set($identifierNotToBeRemoved, 'data', array($tagNotToRemove));
$this->assertSame(array($tagNotToRemove), $this->redis->sMembers('identTags:' . $identifierNotToBeRemoved));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagRemovesTagToIdentifiersSetOfGivenTag() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$tag = 'tag1';
$this->backend->set($identifier, 'data', array($tag));
$this->assertFalse($this->redis->exists('tagIdents:' . $tag));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagRemovesIdentifiersTaggedWithGivenTagFromTagToIdentifiersSets() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'C', 'data', array('tag2'));
$this->assertSame(array($identifier . 'C'), $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:tag2'));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagsRemovesEntriesTaggedWithSpecifiedTags() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag1'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'C', 'data', array('tag3'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'D', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'E', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag3'));
$this->backend->flushByTags(array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$expectedResult = array(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
$actualResult = array(
$this->backend->has($identifier . 'A'),
$this->backend->has($identifier . 'B'),
$this->backend->has($identifier . 'C'),
$this->backend->has($identifier . 'D'),
$this->backend->has($identifier . 'E'),
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $actualResult);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagsRemovesIdentifierToTagsSetOfEntriesTaggedWithGivenTags() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag3'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'C', 'data', array('tag2', 'tag4'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'D', 'data', array('tag3', 'tag4'));
$this->backend->flushByTags(array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$expectedResult = array(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
$actualResult = array(
$this->redis->exists('identTags:' . $identifier . 'A'),
$this->redis->exists('identTags:' . $identifier . 'B'),
$this->redis->exists('identTags:' . $identifier . 'C'),
$this->redis->exists('identTags:' . $identifier . 'D'),
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $actualResult);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagsRemovesTagToIdentifiersSetsOfGivenTags() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag3'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'C', 'data', array('tag2', 'tag4'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'D', 'data', array('tag3', 'tag4'));
$this->backend->flushByTags(array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$expectedResult = array(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
$actualResult = array(
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $actualResult);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function flushByTagsRemovesIdentifiersTaggedWithGivenTagsFromTagToIdentifiersSets() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set('A' . $identifier, 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->backend->set('B' . $identifier, 'data', array('tag1', 'tag3'));
$this->backend->set('C' . $identifier, 'data', array('tag3', 'tag4'));
$this->backend->set('D' . $identifier, 'data', array('tag3', 'tag4', 'tag5'));
$this->backend->flushByTags(array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$expectedResult = array(
array('C' . $identifier, 'D' . $identifier),
array('C' . $identifier, 'D' . $identifier),
array('D' . $identifier),
$tag3Identifiers = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:tag3');
$tag4Identifiers = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:tag4');
$tag5Identifiers = $this->redis->sMembers('tagIdents:tag5');
$actualResult = array(
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $actualResult);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function collectGarbageDoesNotRemoveNotExpiredIdentifierToDataEntry() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag'));
$this->redis->delete('identData:' . $identifier . 'A');
$this->assertTrue($this->redis->exists('identData:' . $identifier . 'B'));
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function collectGarbageRemovesLeftOverIdentifierToTagsSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag'));
$this->redis->delete('identData:' . $identifier . 'A');
$expectedResult = array(FALSE, TRUE);
$actualResult = array(
$this->redis->exists('identTags:' . $identifier . 'A'),
$this->redis->exists('identTags:' . $identifier . 'B'),
$this->assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult);
* @test Implementation
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function collectGarbageRemovesExpiredIdentifierFromTagsToIdentifierSet() {
$identifier = 'identifier' . uniqid();
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'A', 'data', array('tag1', 'tag2'));
$this->backend->set($identifier . 'B', 'data', array('tag2'));
$this->redis->delete('identData:' . $identifier . 'A');
$expectedResult = array(
array($identifier . 'B')
$actualResult = array(
$this->assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult);
t3lib/config_default.php (working copy) | ||
't3lib_cache_backend_GlobalsBackend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_GlobalsBackend',
't3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend',
't3lib_cache_backend_PdoBackend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_PdoBackend',
't3lib_cache_backend_RedisBackend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_RedisBackend',
't3lib_cache_backend_ApcBackend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_ApcBackend',
't3lib_cache_backend_NullBackend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_NullBackend',
't3lib_cache_backend_TransientMemoryBackend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_TransientMemoryBackend',
t3lib/cache/backend/class.t3lib_cache_backend_redisbackend.php (revision 0) | ||
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2010 Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* A caching backend which stores cache entries by using Redis with phpredis
* PHP module. Redis is a noSQL database with very good scaling characteristics
* in proportion to the amount of entries and data size.
* @see http://code.google.com/p/redis/
* @see http://github.com/owlient/phpredis
* Warning:
* Redis and phpredis are young projects with very high development speed.
* This implementation should be considered as experimental for now,
* internals might break or change while the dependent projects mature.
* Successfully tested with:
* - redis
* version 2.0.0-rc2, version 1.2.0 does not work
* git version 9fd01051bf8400babcca73a76a67dfc1847633ff from 2010-11-12
* - phpredis
* git version 0abb9e5ec07b8a8c20b5 from 2010-07-18
* git version 12769b03c8ec17b25573e0453003712011bba241 from 2010-11-08
* Implementation based on ext:rediscache by Christopher Hlubek - networkteam GmbH
* This backend uses the following types of redis keys:
* - identData:xxx, value type "string", volatile, expires after given lifetime
* xxx is the given identifier name, value is the cache data
* - identTags:xxx, value type "set"
* xxx is the given identifier name, value is a set of associated tags.
* This is a "reverse" tag index. It provides quick access for all tags
* associated with this identifier and is used when removing the identifier.
* - tagIdents:xxx, value type "set"
* xxx is a tag name, value is a set of associated identifiers.
* This is "forward" tag index. It is mainly used for flushing content by tag.
* - temp:xxx, value type "set"
* xxx is a unique id, value is a set of identifiers. Used as temporary key
* used in flushByTag() and flushByTags(), removed after usage again.
* Each cache using this backend should use an own redis database to
* avoid namespace problems. By default redis has 16 databases which are
* identified with numbers 0 .. 15. setDatabase() can be used to select one.
* The unit tests use and flush database numbers 0 and 1, production use should start from 2.
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage t3lib_cache
* @api
* @scope prototype
class t3lib_cache_backend_RedisBackend extends t3lib_cache_backend_AbstractBackend {
* Faked unlimited lifetime = 31536000 (1 Year).
* In redis an entry does not have a lifetime by default (it's not "volatile").
* Entries can be made volatile either with EXPIRE after it has been SET,
* or with SETEX, which is a combined SET and EXPIRE command.
* But an entry can not be made "unvolatile" again. To set a volatile entry to
* not volatile again, it must be DELeted and SET without a following EXPIRE.
* To save these additional calls on every set(),
* we just make every entry volatile and treat a high number as "unlimited"
* @see http://code.google.com/p/redis/wiki/ExpireCommand
* @var integer Faked unlimited lifetime
* @var string Key prefix for identifier->data entries
const IDENTIFIER_DATA_PREFIX = 'identData:';
* @var string Key prefix for identifier->tags sets
const IDENTIFIER_TAGS_PREFIX = 'identTags:';
* @var string Key prefix for tag->identifiers sets
const TAG_IDENTIFIERS_PREFIX = 'tagIdents:';
* @var Redis Instance of the PHP redis class
protected $redis;
* @var boolean Indicates wether the server is connected
protected $connected = FALSE;
* @var string Hostname / IP of the Redis server, defaults to
protected $hostname = '';
* @var integer Port of the Redis server, defaults to 6379
protected $port = 6379;
* @var integer Number of selected database, defaults to 0
protected $database = 0;
* @var string Password for redis authentication
protected $password = '';
* @var boolean Indicates wether data is compressed or not (requires php zlib)
protected $compression = FALSE;
* @var integer -1 to 9, indicates zlib compression level: -1 = default level 6, 0 = no compression, 9 maximum compression
protected $compressionLevel = -1;
* Construct this backend
* @param array Configuration options
* @throws t3lib_cache_Exception if php redis module is not loaded
* @author Christopher Hlubek <hlubek@networkteam.com>
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
public function __construct(array $options = array()) {
if (!extension_loaded('redis')) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
'The PHP extension "redis" must be installed and loaded in order to use the redis backend.',
* Initializes the redis backend
* @param array Configuration options
* @return void
* @throws t3lib_cache_Exception if access to redis with password is denied or if database selection fails
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
protected function initializeObject() {
$this->redis = new Redis();
try {
$this->connected = $this->redis->connect($this->hostname, $this->port);
} catch (Exception $e) {
t3lib_div::sysLog('Unable to connect to redis server.', 'core', 3);
if ($this->connected) {
if (strlen($this->password)) {
$success = $this->redis->auth($this->password);
if (!$success) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
'The given password was not accepted by the redis server.',
if ($this->database > 0) {
$success = $this->redis->select($this->database);
if (!$success) {
throw new t3lib_cache_Exception(
'The given database "' . $this->database . '" could not be selected.',
* Setter for server hostname
* @param string Hostname
* @return void
* @author Christopher Hlubek <hlubek@networkteam.com>
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @api
public function setHostname($hostname) {
$this->hostname = $hostname;
* Setter for server port
* @param integer Port
* @return void
* @author Christopher Hlubek <hlubek@networkteam.com>
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @api
public function setPort($port) {
$this->port = $port;
* Setter for database number
* @param integer Database
* @return void
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if database number is not valid
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @api
public function setDatabase($database) {
if (!is_integer($database)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'The specified database number is of type "' . gettype($database) . '" but an integer is expected.',
if ($database < 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'The specified database "' . $database. '" must be greater or equal than zero.',
$this->database = $database;
* Setter for authentication password
* @param string Password
* @return void
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @api
public function setPassword($password) {
$this->password = $password;
* Enable data compression
* @param boolean TRUE to enable compression
* @return void
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if compression parameter is not of type boolean
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @api
public function setCompression($compression) {
if (!is_bool($compression)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'The specified compression of type "' . gettype($compression) . '" but a boolean is expected.',
$this->compression = $compression;
* Set data compression level.
* If compression is enabled and this is not set,
* gzcompress default level will be used.
* @param integer -1 to 9: Compression level
* @return void
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if compressionLevel parameter is not within allowed bounds
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @api
public function setCompressionLevel($compressionLevel) {
if (!is_integer($compressionLevel)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'The specified compression of type "' . gettype($compressionLevel) . '" but an integer is expected.',
if ($compressionLevel >= -1 && $compressionLevel <= 9) {
$this->compressionLevel = $compressionLevel;
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'The specified compression level must be an integer between -1 and 9.',
* Save data in the cache
* Scales O(1) with number of cache entries
* Scales O(n) with number of tags
* @param string Identifier for this specific cache entry
* @param string Data to be stored
* @param array Tags to associate with this cache entry
* @param integer Lifetime of this cache entry in seconds. If NULL is specified, default lifetime is used. "0" means unlimited lifetime.
* @return void
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if identifier is not valid
* @throws t3lib_cache_Exception_InvalidData if data is not a string
* @author Christopher Hlubek <hlubek@networkteam.com>
* @author Christian Kuhn <lolli@schwarzbu.ch>
* @api
public function set($entryIdentifier, $data, array $tags = array(), $lifetime = NULL) {
if (!is_string($entryIdentifier)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'The specified identifier is of type "' . gettype($entryIdentifier) . '" but a string is expected.',
if (!is_string($data)) {