


Bug #24414 » typo3core_16842_trunk.patch

Administrator Admin, 2010-12-26 00:27

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_cs.php (copie de travail)
'ge' => 'utf-8',
'ga' => '',
'km' => 'utf-8',
'qc' => '',
// TYPO3 specific: Array with the iso names used for each system language in TYPO3:
'kr' => 'ko',
'ua' => 'uk',
'jp' => 'ja',
'qc' => 'fr_CA',
'vn' => 'vi',
t3lib/config_default.php (copie de travail)
// - Update 'setup' extension labels (sysext/setup/mod/locallang.xml)
// - Using translation server? Create new user with username = "language key", member of "translator" group, set to "language key" language.
// Thats it! Use extension "llxmltranslate" to begin translation. Language pack is automatically created in "typo3conf/l10n/[language key]/"
define('TYPO3_languages', 'default|dk|de|no|it|fr|es|nl|cz|pl|si|fi|tr|se|pt|ru|ro|ch|sk|lt|is|hr|hu|gl|th|gr|hk|eu|bg|br|et|ar|he|ua|lv|jp|vn|ca|ba|kr|eo|my|hi|fo|fa|sr|sq|ge|ga|km');
define('TYPO3_languages', 'default|dk|de|no|it|fr|es|nl|cz|pl|si|fi|tr|se|pt|ru|ro|ch|sk|lt|is|hr|hu|gl|th|gr|hk|eu|bg|br|et|ar|he|ua|lv|jp|vn|ca|ba|kr|eo|my|hi|fo|fa|sr|sq|ge|ga|km|qc');
// Unsetting the configured values. Use of these are deprecated.
t3lib/stddb/tbl_be.php (copie de travail)
array('Faroese', 'fo'),
array('Finnish', 'fi'),
array('French', 'fr'),
array('French (Canada)', 'qc'),
array('Galician', 'ga'),
array('Georgian', 'ge'),
array('German', 'de'),
typo3/sysext/setup/mod/locallang.xml (copie de travail)
<label index="lang_ge">Georgian</label>
<label index="lang_ga">Galician</label>
<label index="lang_km">Khmer</label>
<label index="lang_qc">French (Canada)</label>
<label index="default">Default</label>
<label index="simulate">Simulate backend user</label>
<label index="opening">Startup</label>