


Bug #24533 » 16988.diff

Administrator Admin, 2011-01-12 22:55

View differences:

t3lib/stddb/tables.php (working copy)
t3lib_extMgm::addLLrefForTCAdescr('_MOD_web_info', 'EXT:lang/locallang_csh_web_info.xml'); // Web > Info
t3lib_extMgm::addLLrefForTCAdescr('_MOD_web_func', 'EXT:lang/locallang_csh_web_func.xml'); // Web > Func
// Labels for TYPO3 4.5 and greater. These labels override the ones set above, while still falling back to the original labels if no translation is available.
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['EXT:lang/locallang_csh_pages.xml'][] = 'EXT:lang/4.5/locallang_csh_pages.xml';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['EXT:lang/locallang_csh_corebe.xml'][] = 'EXT:lang/4.5/locallang_csh_corebe.xml';
* $FILEICONS defines icons for the various file-formats
typo3/sysext/context_help/ext_tables.php (working copy)
// Labels for TYPO3 4.5 and greater. These labels override the ones set above, while still falling back to the original labels if no translation is available.
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['EXT:context_help/locallang_csh_pages.xml'][] = 'EXT:context_help/4.5/locallang_csh_pages.xml';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['EXT:context_help/locallang_csh_ttcontent.xml'][] = 'EXT:context_help/4.5/locallang_csh_ttcontent.xml';
typo3/sysext/context_help/4.5/locallang_csh_pages.xml (revision 0)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<meta type="array">
<description>CSH for pages table, specifically tailored for the CMS extension.</description>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index="layout.description">The Frontend Layout can change the way a page design appears.</label>
<label index="layout.details">This option may not have any impact on the Frontend page design since it depends on whether the Frontend template uses it. Most templates do not use it.</label>
<label index="doktype.description">Page Type determines whether the page is normal webpage, a shortcut to another webpage, or used in other internal ways.</label>
<label index="doktype.details">'Standard' is the most common Page Type and is used for normal webpages.
'Backend User Section' is an option which creates pages that are only visible in the Frontend for Backend users who are logged in.
'Shortcut' pages jump to another page in the Pagetree.
'Mount Point' pages bring content from another branch of the Pagetree into the current branch.
'Link to External URL' is similar to 'Shortcut' but points to external URLs instead of TYPO3 pages.
'Folder' is a page type which is not shown as a webpage but is instead stores records of your choice.
'Recycler' is a garbage can. Pages and records in the Recycler are not visible in the Frontend.
'Menu Separator' is only useful if your Frontend memus are programmed to use it. It does not represent a page with content but is intended to be an unclickable placeholder in the menu.
&lt;b&gt;Notice&lt;/b&gt; Each Page Type is represented by a unique icon. The available page types can be restricted for users so all of the options described above may not be visible. Finally, particuilar record typoes may only be allowed on certain page types, but any record can be placed in a 'Folder.'</label>
<label index="_doktype.seeAlso">pages:shortcut,
<label index="hidden.description">If this is checked, the page will be disabled on the website.</label>
<label index="hidden.details">The 'Disable,' 'Start,' 'Stop,' and 'Access' options are all about limiting access to pages and are thus related in functionality. When a page is not visible due to one of these options, the page will not show up in the site navigation.
Notice, these options are related &lt;em&gt;only&lt;/em&gt; to the page for which they are set. If you want their effect to cover the subpages as well, you must enable the 'Extend to Subpages' option.
When you're logged in as a Backend user you can preview disabled pages if you have read access to them.</label>
<label index="_hidden.seeAlso">pages:starttime,pages:endtime,pages:fe_group,pages:extendToSubpages</label>
<label index="_hidden.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/hidden_page.gif,
<label index="hidden.image_descr">The page icon of a disabled page is dimmed and a red X is added.
If you view a page that is hidden and you are logged in into the Backend you will still be able to see the page. The red &quot;Preview&quot; box will tell you that this page is visible to you because of this special circumstance.</label>
<label index="starttime.description">The Publish Date determines when the page will be visible online. If the Publish Date is not set, the page will be available immediately.</label>
<label index="starttime.syntax">The Publish Date Format is either DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY depending on how TYPO3 is configured. There are also several shortcuts you can use when entering the date.
If you insert a 'd' the current date will be inserted. You can also append any value in the field with a number such as '+10' which will add 10 days to the current value. For example, entering 'd+10' would result in a date 10 days from now.</label>
<label index="_starttime.seeAlso">pages:endtime,pages:hidden</label>
<label index="_.seeAlso">tt_content</label>
<label index="endtime.description">The Expiration Date specifies when the page will no longer be visible online.</label>
<label index="endtime.syntax">See Page / Publication Date (click below)</label>
<label index="_endtime.seeAlso">pages:starttime</label>
<label index="fe_group.description">If Usergroup Access Rights is set to a usergroup name, only website users who are members of the selected usergroup will be able to view the page. The special option 'Hide at Login' means the page will &lt;em&gt;not&lt;/em&gt; be visible for any website users that are logged in. Likewise &quot;Show at Any Login&quot; will make the page visible for any logged in Frontend user.</label>
<label index="_fe_group.seeAlso">fe_groups</label>
<label index="_fe_group.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/fegroups_4.png</label>
<label index="extendToSubpages.description">By default the Publication Date, Expiration Date, Usergroup Access Rights, and Page Visibility options &lt;em&gt;only&lt;/em&gt; affect the page where they are set. If the option 'Extend to Subpages' is checked for the page, then all subpages are affected as well.</label>
<label index="extendToSubpages.details">Consider a scenario where you want to create a section of subpages that are only visible for logged in users. Setting the Usergroup Access Rights for the top page in the section would remove the page from menus if no user was logged in.
However, the subpage could still be accessed by guessing the ID number of the page and entering it manually in the URL. Setting the 'Extend to Subpages' option would extend the Usergroup Access Rights from the top page through all subpages as well.</label>
<label index="_extendToSubpages.seeAlso">pages:hidden,
<label index="_extendToSubpages.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/pages_2.png</label>
<label index="extendToSubpages.image_descr">This page has access restricted to a certain group and has &quot;Extend to Subpages&quot; set as well. This is reflected in the way the page icon has changed.</label>
<label index="alias.description">A URL Alias is a unique identification string for a page. You can use this string instead of the ID number to refer to the page.</label>
<label index="alias.details">Ultimately a page is identified by its ID number. For example, you may access a page in TYPO3 at '.../?id=123'. If the page with ID '123' has the URL Alias 'one_two_three', then the URL '.../?id=one_two_three' would display exactly the same page, because 'one_two_three' is a URL Alias for the ID '123'.
URL Aliases are normally assigned to only the most frequently used pages rather than all pages. In most TYPO3 configurations you would be able to use the syntax '.. &amp;lt;link one_two_three&amp;gt;go to the page&amp;lt;/link&amp;gt; ..' to create a link to the page. This is easier to remember.
Another use is if you need to change which page a commonly used link points to. In this case you can delete the URL Alias for the original page and re-add it on the new page. All links using the URL Alias would now refer to the new page and its ID number.</label>
<label index="alias.syntax">A URL Alias can contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and must be unique.
Please note: If the URL Alias already exists in the site, it will have a number added to the end of it.</label>
<label index="target.description">This sets the default Link Target for menu items linking to this page. Can also used to open the page as a popup window.</label>
<label index="target.details">The Link Target overrides the default Link Target behavior, which should already be configured correctly for most pages in the website TypoScript template.
There are additional options available by using the Link Target field
Setting an integer value at the beginning of the field sets it as the default type for the page.
For example, if an RSS feed is configured in TypoScript as typeNum=100, setting the Link Target to 100 could be used to add an RSS link in the menu.
The following syntax is used to open the page in a popup window:
400x200 - Opens the page in a 400x200 popup window.
230x450:resizable=0,location=1 - Opens the page in a 230x450 popup window that is not resizable and has an address bar.
100 600x350 - Opens the page in a 600x350 popup with type=100
2 _blank - Opens the page with target "_blank" and type=2
<label index="no_cache.description">This option disables server caching of the page.</label>
<label index="no_cache.details">Normally pages in TYPO3 are cached on the server after being constructed for the first time. This means a page is displayed much faster the second time it's requested.
For most pages this presents no problems; indeed, it boosts the performance of the website.
However you may need to disable caching for a page if it contains dynamic content which must not be cached under any circumstances. Normally the PHP-code rendering such content is programmed to disable the caching automatically. But with this option you can force the page not to be cached.</label>
<label index="_no_cache.seeAlso">pages:cache_timeout</label>
<label index="cache_timeout.description">Sets the Cache Lifetime for the page.</label>
<label index="cache_timeout.details">By default, pages are cached for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the page is constructed again and rewritten to the cache. Depending on your configuration, the cache may be cleared at midnight.
When specific pages need a longer or shorter cache lifetime than the default, this option can be used.</label>
<label index="_cache_timeout.seeAlso">pages:no_cache</label>
<label index="no_search.description">If enabled, this option excludes the page from searching operations on the website.</label>
<label index="author.description">Enter the page author's name.</label>
<label index="author.details">Whether the author name is used or not depends on the setup of your TypoScript template.
- You may use it in a meta-tag.
- If you're using TYPO3 pages as 'articles' then you could use this field to display the name of the page (article) author.</label>
<label index="_author.seeAlso">pages:author_email</label>
<label index="author_email.description">Enter the page author's email address.</label>
<label index="_author_email.seeAlso">pages:author</label>
<label index="module.description">Define the page as containing a Frontend plugin.</label>
<label index="module.details">Setting this option lets the Backend knows this page contains specific content or has a specific purpose, such as containing a forum or acting as the root page of a shop section on the website. Based on this setting the Backend is able to display a shortcut list as well as relevant functionality in the 'Web&gt;Modules' module. The Frontend display is largely not affected.
Marking a page as containing a 'Shop' plugin simply means it'll show up in the shortcut list of modules in the backend.
For additional details on this option, refer to the administration documentation.
It's recommended that only admin-users have access to this field!</label>
<label index="media.description">Attach media files related to the page.</label>
<label index="media.details">This field allows you to attach various files to the page, but how these files are used depends on your template.
As an example the template could be use this field to allow a logo to be attached to the page or it might expect the first file to be an image used as a link in the navigation menu. Remember, this totally depends on how the template is programmed.</label>
<label index="subtitle.description">Enter a subtitle if needed.</label>
<label index="subtitle.details">Whether this field is used or not depends on the template. In most cases it's not used.</label>
<label index="url.description">Enter the URL this page redirects to.</label>
<label index="url.details">For example, '' or just '' if the 'Protocol' selector is set to 'http://'.
Use the 'Protocol' selector to select a prefix for the URL.
This option is used only if the page 'Type' is set to 'Link to External URL.'</label>
<label index="_url.seeAlso">pages:urltype</label>
<label index="shortcut.description">Select a page to act as the Shortcut Target. When the current page is requested in the Frontend, it will be redirected to the Shortcut Target.</label>
<label index="shortcut.details">Click the 'Browse for Records' icon and a new window will appear in which you can easily select a page to act as the Shortcut Target.
This option is used only if the page 'Type' is set to 'Shortcut.'</label>
<label index="_shortcut.seeAlso">pages:doktype,
<label index="_shortcut.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/page_shortcut.gif</label>
<label index="shortcut.image_descr">Select a Shortcut Target page with the Element Browser.</label>
<label index="keywords.description">Enter keywords for the page separated by commas. You may also use short phrases.</label>
<label index="keywords.details">Most TYPO3 websites use these keywords in a meta-tag on the page, but you may have to setup the appropriate TypoScript template yourself.
To optimize your page for search engines like Google you should not use more than 3 to 6 keywords. You should also make sure that the keywords are found in the content of the page.
Note that search engine extensions for TYPO3 such as Indexed Search can also be configured to make use of the keywords.
The keywords can also be used to create a menu of related pages. Create a Content Element of type 'Sitemap' and then choose the menu type &lt;i&gt;Related pages (based on keywords)&lt;/i&gt;.</label>
<label index="_keywords.seeAlso">pages:description</label>
<label index="description.description">Enter a short description of the page. It will be displayed in the result lists of most search engines.</label>
<label index="description.details">Most websites insert this description in a meta-tag on the page, but you may have to configure this yourself in your TypoScript template.
Most search engines will display the description in their result list. Thus, the text should be short (about 160 characters maximum), and its wording should make sense when it shows up in the result list.
In addition, the description will be displayed if you create a Content Element of type 'Sitemap' and then choose the menu type &lt;i&gt;Menu of subpages to these pages (with abstract)&lt;/i&gt;. If an abstract exists for the page, it will be used instead of the description.
&lt;b&gt;Note:&lt;/b&gt; Some search engines only use the description if the text is not found elsewhere in the content. So do not just repeat yourself.
<label index="_description.seeAlso">pages:keywords
<label index="abstract.description">Enter an abstract of the contents. It may be displayed in an overview of articles.</label>
<label index="abstract.details">An abstract is a short description of the page content that might be a little longer than the one in the &lt;i&gt;Description&lt;/i&gt; field.
Unlike the description, the abstract is not meant for display in search engine result lists, but is instead intended for you own use.
If you create a Content Element of type &lt;i&gt;Sitemap&lt;/i&gt; and then choose &lt;i&gt;Menu of subpages to these pages (with abstract)&lt;/i&gt; an overview of pages will be created. If an abstract is available for a page it will be used instead of the description.
&lt;b&gt;Note:&lt;/b&gt; You do not have to enter the text of the description into the &lt;i&gt;Abstract field&lt;/i&gt; again.
Admins can also make custom use of this field via their TypoScript templates.</label>
<label index="_abstract.seeAlso">pages:description</label>
<label index="newUntil.description">Enter the date at which this page is no longer considered new.</label>
<label index="newUntil.details">The 'New Until' date of the page has no effect on the display of the webpage. This value is instead for internal use as a reminder of the date when the content of this page should be revised. If the content of the page will become outdated on a certain day, you could set this value to that approximate date.
To get an overview of when pages will be outdated, use the 'Pagetree overview' in the 'Web&gt;Info' Module.</label>
<label index="newUntil.syntax">See Page / Publication Date (click below)</label>
<label index="_newUntil.seeAlso">pages:starttime</label>
<label index="lastUpdated.description">Enter the date and time of the most recent update to this page.</label>
<label index="lastUpdated.details">How the value of this field is used is determined by the TypoScript template of the website. 'Last Update' content needs to be inserted on the pages and the TypoScript template must be configured to use this value.
The most common use is to display the date from the automatically updated 'tstamp' field &lt;em&gt;unless&lt;/em&gt; the 'Last Update' field is set. In this case, the date in 'Last Update' is used.</label>
<label index="lastUpdated.syntax">The format is HH:MM DD-MM-YYYY or HH:MM MM-DD-YYYY depending on your TYPO3 configuration.
If you insert a 'd' the current time and date is inserted. You can also append any value in the field with a number lie '+10' which will add 10 days to the current value.</label>
<label index="nav_hide.description">With this option the page will be not appear in menus in the Frontend. The page can still be viewed if linked by going directly to its URL.</label>
<label index="_nav_hide.seeAlso">pages:nav_title</label>
<label index="nav_title.description">Alternative Navigation Title for menu items in the Frontend. When set, this value is used instead of the Page Title.</label>
<label index="content_from_pid.description">If set, this is an alternative page to select Content Elements from.
Whether this field is used depends on the website's TypoScript template.</label>
<label index="urltype.description">Set the Protocol for the URL.</label>
<label index="shortcut_mode.description">Select a Shortcut Mode. By default the shortcut page must have a Shortcut Target to jump to. Other options are to go to the first subpage, to a random subpage, or back up to the parent page.</label>
<label index="mount_pid.description">Mount this page. If set, subpages of this page come from the Mounted Page instead.</label>
<label index="mount_pid.details">In the Frontend this is done by adding a new variable, &amp;MP, to the URL. This links the mounted branch to the main branch by pairing page ids.</label>
<label index="_mount_pid.seeAlso">pages:mount_pid_ol</label>
<label index="mount_pid_ol.description">Show content for the current page or replace it completely with the Mounted Page.</label>
<label index="_mount_pid_ol.seeAlso">pages:mount_pid</label>
<label index="title.description.+">This is normally shown in the website navigation.</label>
<label index="TSconfig.details.+">&lt;strong&gt;Example:&lt;/strong&gt;
The 'Web&gt;Page' module lets you create content in four columns, Left, Normal, Right, Border if the template has been configured to use this option. (However, most websites use only one or two columns so some of these content columns are just taking up space and confusing users.)
If you enter this string in the 'TSConfig' field, the 'Web&gt;Page' Module will only show the 'Normal' and 'Border' column!
&lt;em&gt;mod.web_layout.tt_content.colPos_list = 0,3&lt;/em&gt;
(Must be entered in a single line!)</label>
<label index="l18n_cfg.description">Affect availability of pages in the various languages.</label>
<label index="l18n_cfg.details">&lt;b&gt;Hide default translation of page&lt;/b&gt;
If set, the page is only available in translated versions and not in the default language. Any attempt to access the page in the default language will result in an error message.
&lt;b&gt;Hide page if no translation for current language exists&lt;/b&gt;
If set, any attempt to access the page in a translation that does not exist will result in an error message. By default, accessing an untranslated page will just show the default language instead.</label>
typo3/sysext/context_help/4.5/locallang_csh_ttcontent.xml (revision 0)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<meta type="array">
<description>CSH for Content Elements table.</description>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index=".description">All visible content on webpages is typically made by &quot;Page Content&quot; records, often referred to as &quot;Content Elements&quot;. Content Elements are managed by the &quot;Page&quot; module which is organizes Content Elements in multiple columns and languages.</label>
<label index=".details">&quot;Page Content&quot; records are sortable and can thus be rearranged. Also notice that the &quot;Language&quot; and &quot;Column&quot; selectors of the &quot;Page Content&quot; records determines when and where they appear. If you do not change the value of the &quot;Language&quot; and &quot;Column&quot; selectors the Content Element will appear by default.</label>
<label index="_.seeAlso">Page Content principles |,
<label index="_.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/ttcontent_1.png,
<label index=".image_descr">The Page module is used to manage Content Elements arranged in columns and languages.
A Content Element has an editing form with many options. The &quot;Type&quot; determines which options are visible.
In the Frontend a Content Element like the above could look like this.</label>
<label index="CType.description">Select the kind of Page Content this element represents. New options will appear when you save the record.</label>
<label index="CType.details">The 'Type' of content you select determines which options are available in the editing form so be sure to save the record before making other changes.
This is a description of the various types:
This type allows you insert a standard content element header and nothing more.
Almost all the other types described below also include the Header and its options. The Header type just provides a way to insert a header without any other content.
The Text type allows you to insert regular page content.
&lt;strong&gt;Text &amp; Images&lt;/strong&gt;
This is the same as the Text type (regular page content) but with the option of attaching images.
The same as Text &amp; Images but without the text fields, so only images.
&lt;strong&gt;Bullet List&lt;/strong&gt;
Lets you create a bullet list. Each line in the text field will appear as a single bullet.
Lets you create &lt;em&gt;simple&lt;/em&gt; tables. Each line represents a row in the table and vertical bars ('|') separate each column. A popup wizard is also available.
&lt;strong&gt;File Links&lt;/strong&gt;
Allows you to present a list of files for download. You can have thumbnails attached to the list and also display the file size.
Lets you create mail forms using a special syntax or a popup wizard.
This inserts a search box and also shows the search results when a search is performed on the page.
Displays a login box for website users. This is only useful if you have already created website users and usergroups.
Offers a selection of various menus and a sitemap you can insert on a page.
&lt;strong&gt;Insert records&lt;/strong&gt;
This acts as placeholder for other records. With this Content Element, you can resuse multiple content elements from other pages.
&lt;strong&gt;Insert plugin&lt;/strong&gt;
This will allows you to insert a news, forums, guestbooks, lists of addresses, and other functionality. Plugins are typically provided by TYPO3 extensions and the available fields and required configuration depend on the extension.
This inserts a simple, horizontal rule on a page.
This is plain HTML content. Anything added in the HTML Code of this Content Element will be displayed directly on the page without any preprocessing.</label>
<label index="_CType.seeAlso">tt_content:colPos,
About Content Elements |</label>
<label index="_CType.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/ttcontent_4.png</label>
<label index="hidden.description">Check this box if you wish to disable the Content Element and keep it from being displayed on the website.</label>
<label index="_hidden.seeAlso">tt_content:starttime,
<label index="starttime.description">Enter the date when the Content Element should be published and displayed on the website.</label>
<label index="_starttime.seeAlso">pages:starttime,
<label index="endtime.description">Enter the date when the Content Element should expire and disappear from the website.</label>
<label index="_endtime.seeAlso">pages:endtime,
<label index="fe_group.description">If Usergroup Access Rights are set to a usergroup name, only website users who are members of the selected usergroup will be able to view the Content Element. The special option 'Hide at login' means the content element will &lt;em&gt;not&lt;/em&gt; be visible for any website users that are logged in. Likewise &quot;Show at any login&quot; will make the content element visible for any logged in website users.</label>
<label index="fe_group.details">The 'Hide at login' option is is useful if you want to present information like &quot;How to login&quot; that becomes irrelevant when a website user is actually logged in.</label>
<label index="_fe_group.seeAlso">tt_content:hidden,
<label index="sys_language_uid.description">Select the system language of this Content Element. &lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; This will affect the Content Element visibility by limiting it to a certain language.</label>
<label index="sys_language_uid.details">This allows you to assign a specific language to the content element. If you select anything but the default value, the element will &lt;em&gt;not&lt;/em&gt; be visible unless the language assigned is also configured by the TypoScript template.
The available system languages are created by the administrator.</label>
<label index="_sys_language_uid.seeAlso">tt_content:colPos,
Localization concepts [Technical] |,
<label index="layout.description">Select a layout.</label>
<label index="layout.details">This option does not work by default for all Content Elements but your website may display Content Elements differently depending on the layout.
There File Links Content Element does make use of the Layout field by default:
&quot;Normal&quot; will provide a list of file links with no thumbnail.
&quot;Layout 1&quot; adds a file icon to the left of the link
&quot;Layout 2&quot; adds a thumbnail for image files and an icon for other files. A black border is wrapped around the icon.
&quot;Layout 3&quot; is like Layout 2, but without the black border.</label>
<label index="colPos.description">Select the column position of this element. &lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; This may affect whether the Content Element is visible depending on your website template.</label>
<label index="colPos.details">Many websites only use one column of content. Some templates, however, let you put content in multiple columns using the Column option.
&lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; Selecting a column other than &quot;Normal&quot; may cause the Content Element to disappear if the website template does not use that column. If your Content Element mysteriously disappears please make sure the Column and Language selectors are set correctly.</label>
<label index="_colPos.seeAlso">tt_content:sys_language_uid,
<label index="date.description">Enter a date to be displayed above the header.</label>
<label index="header.description">Enter header text for the Content Element.</label>
<label index="header.details">Almost all Content Elements will display this header above the content. If you don't want the header displayed, set the header Layout to &quot;Hidden&quot;. You can also choose not to enter any content in this field.
Some content element types do not display the header by default. In those cases the Header field is typically labeled &quot;Name&quot; instead. One example is the HTML Content Element.</label>
<label index="_header.seeAlso">tt_content:header_position,
<label index="_header.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/ttcontent_6.png</label>
<label index="header_position.description">Aligns the header to the left, center, or right.</label>
<label index="_header_position.seeAlso">tt_content:header</label>
<label index="header_link.description">Creates a link from the header to a Page ID, email address or URL.</label>
<label index="header_link.syntax">If you insert a Page ID (ex. 51), the link will point to the page with id=51 &lt;em&gt;inside&lt;/em&gt; TYPO3.
If you insert an email address (ex. name@my-domain.test), the link will point to that email address.
If you insert an URL or domain, (ex. or, the link will point to that website.</label>
<label index="_header_link.seeAlso">tt_content:header</label>
<label index="header_layout.description">Select a visual design for the header.</label>
<label index="header_layout.details">If you select &quot;Default&quot; the standard design (which is one of the layouts 1-5) will be used.
Alternatively you can select from Layout 1 through 5 which are configured in the website template with individual visual designs.
If you select &quot;Hidden&quot; the header will simply not appear. This is useful if when you don't need a header to display on the website but still want an idea way to identify the Content Element in the backend.</label>
<label index="_header_layout.seeAlso">tt_content:header</label>
<label index="subheader.description">Enter a subheader to be displayed below the main header. If the Content Element is a &quot;Form&quot; this field is instead used as the Recipient Email.</label>
<label index="subheader.details">A subheader is displayed only with &quot;Header&quot; Content Elements and with &quot;Form&quot; Content Elements (as the Recipient Email).</label>
<label index="_subheader.seeAlso">tt_content:header
<label index="bodytext.description">Enter the main text.</label>
<label index="bodytext.details">The main text of the Content Element is entered here and can be formatted with HTML or a Rich Text Editor.
The field is reused in other Content Element types so changing the type will cause any text to be reused in that new Content Element type.
When you're using this field with the &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text &amp; Images&quot; types, the content is normal body text. Each linebreak signifies a new paragraph, you can use the special TYPO3 tag, &amp;lt;LINK&amp;gt;, for making links. You can use many HTML tags but there are limitations depending on your website configuration.
A Rich Text Editor is commonly used to add a visual editing interface for 'Text' and 'Text &amp; Images' Content Elements.
&lt;b&gt;Bullet Lists:&lt;/b&gt;
If the type is &quot;Bullet List&quot; each line in this field is a bullet item.
If the type is &quot;Table&quot; each line represents a table row. Within each line, columns are divided by a vertical bar ('|'). A table row with 3 columns could look like &quot;This is column 1 | Column 2 here | Third column!&quot;. The table wizard can also be used for creating tables and is much easier than hand coding them.
Types like &quot;Form&quot; and &quot;Multimedia&quot; use this field for parameters than can be passed to the Content Element. The &quot;HTML&quot; type expects raw HTML which is simply displayed on the website without any processing.
&lt;b&gt;Making a mail form:&lt;/b&gt;
When you have selected the &quot;Form&quot; Content Element you can enter form field and other options. This is a brief example:
Your name: | *name=input,40 | [Enter name!]
Your email: | *email=input,40
Your address: | address=textarea,40,10
Your haircolor: |hair=radio|Blue=blue, Red=red
|formtype_mail = submit | Send form
|subject=hidden| Enter a subject here!
|html_enabled=hidden | 1
The first two lines makes input fields for name and email. Both are marked as &quot;required&quot; by the *, and the name field has a default value of &quot;[Enter name!]&quot;.
The third line is a text box and the fourth makes radio buttons to select a hair color.
After the input fields, there are three important lines in the end. The first makes a submit button with the label &quot;Send form&quot;, the second line is the subject of the email the receiver gets and the third line formats the email using HTML.
Like the table wizard, tt is much easier to use the form wizard rather than hand coding the forms.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; For a form to work you must add an email address for the Recipient Email in its field.</label>
<label index="_bodytext.seeAlso">tt_content:CType,
<label index="text_align.description">Aligns the body text to the left, center or right.</label>
<label index="text_align.details">See Page Content / Fontface for comments.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; This option is obsolete when you are using CSS for rendering.</label>
<label index="_text_align.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="text_face.description">Select a font face family for the body text.</label>
<label index="text_face.details">&lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; These options are only meant for special design. The general (default) design should be configured in the template instead. Furthermore you should NOT use these options if your template implements stylesheets and are based on using styles in general.</label>
<label index="_text_face.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="text_size.description">Select a font size for the body text.</label>
<label index="text_size.details">See Page Content / Fontface for comments.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; This option is obsolete when you are using CSS for rendering.</label>
<label index="_text_size.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="text_color.description">Select a color for the body text.</label>
<label index="text_color.details">See Page Content / Fontface for comments.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; This option is obsolete when you are using CSS for rendering.</label>
<label index="_text_color.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="text_properties.description">Select additional font properties.</label>
<label index="text_properties.details">These options will select font properties for all the body text. However you may wish to mark only a part of the bodytext as bold or underline in which case you should use the formatting options in the Rich Text Editor. Alternatively you can use the HTML tags here:
&amp;lt;b&amp;gt;&lt;strong&gt;This is bold&lt;/strong&gt;&amp;lt;b&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;i&amp;gt;&lt;em&gt;This is italics&lt;/em&gt;&amp;lt;i&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;u&amp;gt;&lt;u&gt;This is underlined&lt;/u&gt;&amp;lt;u&amp;gt;
See Page Content / Fontface for comments.
&lt;b&gt;Notice:&lt;/b&gt; This option is obsolete when you are using CSS for rendering.</label>
<label index="_text_properties.seeAlso">tt_content:text_face,
<label index="image.description">Insert one or more images.</label>
<label index="image.details">You can attach multiple images to the Content Element.
Depending on the configuration of TYPO3, you can attach them in many formats without worrying about size and compression. TYPO3's graphics processing handles these details for you.
When you use the &quot;Text &amp; Images&quot; type, it's important to select a proper position for images. For this purpose, use the Position and Aligment selector. See link to &quot;Page Content / Position&quot; below.
You can also display images in multiple columns and even turn on an option that opens full size images when thumbnails are clicked.</label>
<label index="_image.seeAlso">tt_content:imagewidth,
Using images (&quot;Getting Started&quot;) |
Using images (Animation) | FILE:EXT:welcome/modsub/ani_10.gif</label>
<label index="_image.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/ttcontent_5.png</label>
<label index="image.image_descr">This shows all the options related to inserting images in Content Elements. Depending on your permissions, you may not be able to use all of them.</label>
<label index="imagewidth.description">Enter the width (in pixels) for displaying the image in the frontend of your website.</label>
<label index="imagewidth.details">The TypoScript template is normally configured with maximum image width so you don't normally need to specify a width. In unique cases, this does give additional flexibility though.</label>
<label index="_imagewidth.seeAlso">tt_content:imageheight,
<label index="imageheight.description">Enter the height (in pixels) for displaying the images in the frontend of your website.</label>
<label index="_imageheight.seeAlso">tt_content:imagewidth,
<label index="imageorient.description">Select the position and alignment of the images relative to the body text.</label>
<label index="imageorient.details">The positions above and below the body text are pretty straight forward.
The options for &quot;In text&quot; mean that images are displayed with text wrapped around them. When you select this option the template will probably force the images into smaller dimensions to accomodate the width of the template and the width of the text.the bodytext will float &lt;em&gt;under&lt;/em&gt; the image block when the bodytext reaches the end of the image block. So in other words the body text &lt;em&gt;wraps around&lt;/em&gt; the image block. If you select &quot;In text&quot; below the &quot;No wrap&quot; divider, the body text will not float under the image block, but simply continue in its column.
Apart from the visual difference there is a technical aspect as well. Because if you choose to allow the content to wrap the image block you will experience a strange phenomenon when you do not have enough bodytext to make it float around the image: You experience that the subsequent content elements on the page is somehow layered on top of the image block - and this certainly looks like a bug. However it's easily solved by changing the &quot;In text&quot; position to the equal value but below the &quot;No wrap&quot; divider.</label>
<label index="imageborder.description">Displays a colored border around the images.</label>
<label index="_imageborder.seeAlso">tt_content:imagecols,
<label index="image_noRows.description">Disables tablerows in the image block.</label>
<label index="image_noRows.details">This options is kind of hard to explain, but imagine you have 2 or more columns &lt;em&gt;and&lt;/em&gt; rows of images. If one image in the upper row is a bit taller than the second this will generate an empty extra space beneath the second image. This is due to the normal procedure in which the images are placed in a table cell each.
If you set this option, the table will place all images in a column in a single table cell which make the distance between them vertically identical throughout. This may provide a better look if the alternative looks stupid.</label>
<label index="_image_noRows.seeAlso">tt_content:imagecols,
<label index="image_link.description">Enter a link for the image. For multiple images, separate the links with commas.</label>
<label index="image_link.details">By default all images share the same link. Your TypoScript emplate may be configured to allow a separate link for each image. If this is the case, you simply separate the links with a comma.
See Page Content&gt;Link below for details on syntax.</label>
<label index="_image_link.seeAlso">tt_content:header_link,
<label index="image_zoom.description">When enabled, clicking an email will open a larger version in popup window.</label>
<label index="image_zoom.details">This option overrides the value in the Links field.</label>
<label index="_image_zoom.seeAlso">tt_content:image_link,
<label index="image_effects.description">Select special image processing effects, such as rotation and color adjustments.</label>
<label index="_image_effects.seeAlso">tt_content:image_compression,
<label index="image_frames.description">Select special image framing options.</label>
<label index="_image_frames.seeAlso">tt_content:image_compression,
<label index="image_compression.description">Select image quality and image type options.</label>
<label index="_image_compression.seeAlso">tt_content:image_frames,
<label index="imagecols.description">Set the number of columns when the images are displayed in the Frontend of the website.</label>
<label index="_imagecols.seeAlso">tt_content:image_noRows,
<label index="imagecaption.description">Enter captions for the images. For multiple images, enter one caption per line.</label>
<label index="imagecaption.details">By default, the caption is positioned below the images. However, your TypoScript template may be configured to allow individual image captions by setting &quot;styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit=1&quot; in your template constants.
In that case each line in this field will be the image caption of the corresponding image in the list.
The caption text field is also used by the content element type &quot;File Links&quot; where each line represents a description of a file in the list.</label>
<label index="_imagecaption.seeAlso">tt_content:imagecaption_position,
<label index="imagecaption_position.description">Aligns the image captions to the left, center or right.</label>
<label index="_imagecaption_position.seeAlso">tt_content:imagecaption,
<label index="cols.description">Select a fixed number of table columns</label>
<label index="pages.description">Select a target page or multiple target pages.</label>
<label index="pages.details">This field is used by many of the Content Element types to create a relation to a single target page or multiple target pages. If no target page is specified, the current page will generally be used.
Using the &quot;Search&quot; Content Element, the target page is where search results will appear. You must make sure that this page has a similar &quot;Search&quot; Content Element to display the results.
The &quot;Login&quot; Content Element (not to be confused with the Login plugin available when the felogin extension is installed) also uses this field to redirect the login to a certain page. That page does not need to contain a &quot;Login&quot; Content Element in order to perform the authentication since any TYPO3 page can handle a login request.
If you specify a second page in this list, the ID will be passed to the login system as the page inside TYPO3 where website users are found. You should use this only if your template is not already configured to pass this value on.
In order for the login procedure to work you must make sure that you have created website users and website usergroups, have specified where these website users can be found (typically a Folder) or set the second page in the this page list, and ensured that cookies are enabled for the site.
The &quot;Menu/Sitemap&quot; Content Elements also use this field. In this case the pages will determine starting point for the menu or even the actual pages shown in the menu. This behavior depends on the menu type you have selected.
Finally the &quot;Form&quot; element uses this field as the target page to which the form is submitted. A common use is the &quot;Thank you&quot; page after the form is completed.</label>
<label index="_pages.seeAlso">tt_content:CType,
<label index="recursive.description">The number of subpage levels that should also be included for each page in the list.</label>
<label index="recursive.details">This feature depends on the TypoScript template configuration and Content Element type. If enabled, each page listed in the &quot;Pages&quot; field will also have its subpages included, all the way to the specified depth.
&lt;strong&gt;Warning:&lt;/strong&gt; If there are many subpages, be aware that this option may return a huge number of results</label>
<label index="_recursive.seeAlso">tt_content:pages</label>
<label index="menu_type.description">Select the type of menu to create.</label>
<label index="menu_type.details">This is a short description of each type:
&lt;strong&gt;Menu of selected pages&lt;/strong&gt;
This will create a menu with links to the pages in the Selected Pages list.
&lt;strong&gt;Menu of subpages of selected pages&lt;/strong&gt;
This will result in a menu with links to the subpages of the pages in the Selected Pages list. If you do not specify any pages, subpages to the current page will be used.
&lt;strong&gt;Menu of subpages of selected pages (with abstract)&lt;/strong&gt;
Like the previous option, but also displaying the content of the Abstract field for each page in the menu.
&lt;strong&gt;Menu of subpages of selected pages + sections&lt;/strong&gt;
Like the previous option, but also including links to all Content Elements on the page that are marked to Show In Section Menus.
Generates a classic tree sitemap. Notice that the sitemap will begin from the current page unless you select another page instead.
&lt;strong&gt;Section index (page content marked for section menus)&lt;/strong&gt;
This makes a menu of Content Elements on the selected pages for all Content Elements marked to Show In Section Menu. This is a great way to make an index at the top of the page.
If you don't want certain Content Elements to appear in the list, just uncheck the Show in Section Menus checkbox for those elements.
&lt;strong&gt;Recently updated pages&lt;/strong&gt;
This displays the 10 most recently updated pages.
&lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; If you update a page and the updated page is not included in this list, just clear the cache of the page and the problem will be solved.
&lt;strong&gt;Related pages (based on keywords)&lt;/strong&gt;
Displays other related pages based on the keywords of the selected pages matched against the keywords of other pages.
<label index="_menu_type.seeAlso">tt_content:pages,
<label index="list_type.description">Select a plugin to insert.</label>
<label index="list_type.details">The list of plugins you can insert on a page. The available plugins depend on which extensions are installed.</label>
<label index="_list_type.seeAlso">_MOD_tools_em</label>
<label index="_list_type.image">EXT:context_help/cshimages/ttcontent_7.png</label>
<label index="select_key.description">Enter special string to define the Content Element's operation or leave it blank for the default mode. Possible values depend on the Content Element being used.</label>
<label index="select_key.details">Whether or not the content of this field is used and how it's intepreted depends on the Content Element and/or plugin being used. It is considered obsolete for plugins today, but is used in other Content Elements such as File Links.</label>
<label index="_select_key.seeAlso">tt_content:list_type</label>
<label index="table_bgColor.description">Select the table background color.</label>
<label index="table_border.description">Select the table border thickness.</label>
<label index="table_cellspacing.description">Select the table cell spacing.</label>
<label index="table_cellspacing.details">Cell spacing is the distance between table cells in rows and columns. The distance is equally applied in all directions, top, bottom, left and right.</label>
<label index="table_cellpadding.description">Select the table cellpadding.</label>
<label index="table_cellpadding.details">Cell padding is the 'internal' margin of a table cell. The distance is equally applied in all directions, top, bottom, left and right.</label>
<label index="media.description">Files can be added to the list here.</label>
<label index="multimedia.description">Insert the multimedia element here (ex. Flash movie)</label>
<label index="filelink_size.description">Enable the display of file sizes.</label>
<label index="records.description">Insert records to be displayed on this page.</label>
<label index="spaceBefore.description">Top Margin (in pixels) inserts whitespace &lt;em&gt;before&lt;/em&gt; this Content Element.</label>
<label index="_spaceBefore.seeAlso">tt_content:spaceAfter,
<label index="spaceAfter.description">Bottom Margin (in pixels) inserts whitespace &lt;em&gt;after&lt;/em&gt; this Content Element.</label>
<label index="_spaceAfter.seeAlso">tt_content:spaceBefore,
<label index="section_frame.description">Select indention or framing options for the content element.</label>
<label index="_section_frame.seeAlso">tt_content:spaceAfter,
<label index="sectionIndex.description">If set, the content element will appear in Section Menus.</label>
<label index="sectionIndex.details">See more details about Section Menus by clicking below.</label>
<label index="_sectionIndex.seeAlso">tt_content:menu_type</label>
<label index="linkToTop.description">If checked, a small &quot;To top&quot; link will be added after the Content Element, linking back to the top of the page.</label>
<label index="rte_enabled.description">If checked, the Rich Text Editor will be disabled for the &quot;Text&quot; and &quot;Text &amp; Image&quot; types (&lt;em&gt;in this Content Element only&lt;/em&gt;).</label>
<label index="_rte_enabled.seeAlso">tt_content:bodytext</label>
<label index="pi_flexform.description">Plugin Configuration</label>
<label index="pi_flexform.details">Some plugins may provide configuration options, but the actual options vary based on the plugin. Behind the scenes, these are based on FlexForms and stored as XML.</label>
<label index="_pi_flexform.seeAlso">tt_content:list_type</label>
typo3/sysext/lang/4.5/locallang_csh_corebe.xml (revision 0)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<meta type="array">
<description>CSH for TYPO3 Core Modules</description>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index="new_regular.image_descr">The selection of records a user can create on this particular page. The selection depends on the user's permissions and the page type. For example a Folder page type can contain any kind of record while regular pages can contain only some types (like Content Elements).</label>
typo3/sysext/lang/4.5/locallang_csh_pages.xml (revision 0)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<meta type="array">
<description>CSH for Pages' Table (core fields only)</description>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index=".description">A 'Page' record usually represents a webpage in TYPO3. All pages have an ID number (UID) by which they can be linked and referenced. The 'Page' record itself does not contain the content of the page. 'Page Content' records (Content Elements) are used for this.</label>
<label index=".details">The pages' table is the backbone of TYPO3. All records editable by the main modules in TYPO3 must belong to a page. It's exactly like files and folders on your computer's hard drive.
&lt;b&gt;The Pagetree&lt;/b&gt;
The pages are organized in a tree structure that reflects the organization of your website.
&lt;p&gt;UID, PID and the Pagetree Root&lt;/b&gt;
All database elements have a field 'uid' which is a unique identification number. They also have a field 'pid' (page id) which holds the ID number of the page to which they belong. If the 'pid' field is zero, the record is found in the 'root.' Only administrators are allowed access to the root. Table records must be configured to either belong to a page or be found in the root.
&lt;b&gt;Storage of Database Records&lt;/b&gt;
Depending on the 'Type,' a page may also represent general storage for database elements in TYPO3. In this case, it is not available as a webpage but is used internally in the Pagetree as a place to store items such as users, subscriptions, etc. Such pages are typically of the type &quot;Folder&quot;.</label>
<label index="_.seeAlso">xMOD_csh_corebe:pagetree,
About pages |</label>
<label index="_.image">EXT:lang/cshimages/pages_1.png,
<label index=".image_descr">The most basic fields on a page are the Disable Page option, the Type of page (&quot;doktype&quot;) and the Page Title.
Pages are arranged in a Pagetree in TYPO3. The page from the editing form in the previous screenshot was the &quot;Intro&quot; page from this Pagetree. As you can see it belongs in the root of the Pagetree and has a number of subpages pages under it.</label>
<label index="title.description">Enter the title of the page or folder. This field is required.</label>
<label index="title.details">The Page Title is used to represent the page visually in the system, for example in the Pagetree. Also the Page Title is used by default for navigation links on webpages.
You can always change the Page Title without affecting links to a page. This is because pages are always referenced by ID number, not their title.
You can use any characters in the Page Title.</label>
<label index="_title.image">EXT:lang/cshimages/pages_3.png</label>
<label index="title.image_descr">The field for the Page Title has a small &quot;Required&quot; icon next to it; You must supply a Page Title. You cannot save the new page unless you enter a title for it.</label>
<label index="doktype.description">Page Type determines whether the page is normal webpage, a shortcut to another webpage, or used in other internal ways.</label>
<label index="doktype.details">'Standard' is the most common Page Type and is used for normal webpages.
'Folder' is a page type which is not shown as a webpage; instead, it stores records of your choice.
'Recycler' is a garbage can. Pages and records in a recycler are not visible in the frontend.
&lt;b&gt;Notice&lt;/b&gt; Each page type is represented by a unique icon. The available page types can be restricted for users so all of the options described above may not be visible. Finally, some records may only be allowed on certain page types, but any record can be placed in a 'Folder.'
&lt;b&gt;$PAGES_TYPES [Technical]&lt;/b&gt;
The restrictions that apply to each Page Type is defined in the global array $PAGES_TYPES. When extensions add tables to TYPO3 they may need to register their tables in $PAGES_TYPES so they can be created on standard pages.</label>
<label index="_doktype.seeAlso">be_groups:pagetypes_select,
About $PAGES_TYPES |</label>
<label index="_doktype.image">EXT:lang/cshimages/pages_4.png</label>
<label index="doktype.image_descr">This snippet of the page tree shows regular pages (white icons) at the top of this screenshot. You also see a Recycler page. Any records stored in a Reycler page are considered trash and not shown on the website. The gray folders icons represent &quot;Folders&quot;. They cannot be viewed as regular webpages but serve as storage pages for other database records.</label>
<label index="TSconfig.description">Page TSConfig.</label>
<label index="TSconfig.details">'TypoScript' is a concept for entering values in a heirarchacal structure that is used to create templates for TYPO3 websites.
The same principles of storing a hierarchy of values is also used to configure various Backend functionality such as Modules and the RTE.
The 'TSConfig' for an individual page is actually an accumulation of all 'TSConfig' values beginning from the root page and trickling downward to the current page. This means the TSConfig on the current page will affect all of its subpages as well. All TSconfig in use on a page is available from the 'Page TSconfig' menu in the 'Web&gt;Info' Module (requires the &quot;info_pagetsconfig&quot; extension to be installed).</label>
<label index="TSconfig.syntax">Basic TypoScript Syntax &lt;em&gt;without&lt;/em&gt; 'Constants.'
It is recommended that only admin users have access to this field!</label>
<label index="_TSconfig.seeAlso">_MOD_web_info:tsconfig_hierarchy,
More about Page TSconfig |</label>
<label index="_TSconfig.image">EXT:lang/cshimages/pages_5.png</label>
<label index="TSconfig.image_descr">Page TSConfig customizing layout labels in the Page Module. Note that the Page TSconfig is specific to that page and will be inherited by its subpages.</label>
<label index="php_tree_stop.description">Stops backend rendering of the page tree in navigation and lists.</label>
<label index="php_tree_stop.details">If you enable this option, the Pagetree will not expand that branch. Instead you will see a red &quot;+&quot; which indicates that the Pagetree stops here because the Stop Page Tree option is enabled.
This option was designed to prevent the display of a branch with an unmanageable number of subpages. By clicking on the red &quot;+&quot; the page will become a temporary mount point in the navigation frame, thus facilitating easier navigation and editing.</label>
<label index="_php_tree_stop.seeAlso">_MOD_web_info:pagetree_overview</label>
<label index="_php_tree_stop.image">EXT:lang/cshimages/pages_8.png,
<label index="php_tree_stop.image_descr">Here the &quot;Stop page tree&quot; option is enabled.
In the Pagetree, this setting is reflected with the red &quot;+&quot; and the Expand/Collapse Pagetree icon will be disabled for that branch of the tree.
If you click the red &quot;+&quot; the page will be mounted temporarily in the navigation frame.</label>
<label index="storage_pid.description">A General Record Storage Page is a global page for storing of general database elements (records) of a website. This could be for templates, frontend users, and other records that are not limited to a single page but shared across the whole website.</label>
<label index="storage_pid.details">It is recommended that extensions support the &quot;General Record Storage Pages&quot; so that the extension accesses records in this location by default when not conifgured to look elsewhere.
A General Record Storage Page is typically a page of the &quot;Folder&quot; type.</label>
<label index="_storage_pid.seeAlso">The Storage Folder |</label>
<label index="editlock.description">If set, non-admin users cannot edit the page properties or any records on the page, but may still edit subpages. They cannot create new records or pages on the page either.</label>
<label index="fe_login_mode.description">The Login Behavior allows the logins and other related featured to be disabled for this page.</label>
<label index="fe_login_mode.details">When a user logs into TYPO3's frontend, each page and/or its Content Elements can be set to restrict access based on the user's login.
By disabling logins, restrictions are removed and the content is accessible whether or not a user is logged in and regardless of Frontend usergroup settings. When logins are disabled for a page, cache headers can be sent again.</label>
typo3/sysext/impexp/ext_tables.php (working copy)
// CSH labels for TYPO3 4.5 and greater. These labels override the ones set above, while still falling back to the original labels if no translation is available.
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride']['EXT:impexp/locallang_csh.xml'][] = 'EXT:impexp/locallang_csh_45.xml';
typo3/sysext/impexp/locallang_csh_45.xml (revision 0)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<meta type="array">
<description>Native Import/Export</description>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index="import.details">&lt;b&gt;Tip: Import into a Sys Folder&lt;/b&gt;
To make sure that no records are lost during the import, you can make yourself safe by importing into a Folder you create first. After the import you can move all records to the final destinations. An example of such a scenario is if you configured the export to include relations; In that case a number of records may follow the export outside the page tree structure you are exporting. To make sure that all of these external records are written to the database, importing into a Folder is a good idea.
&lt;b&gt;Error messages:&lt;/b&gt; Remember to consult the Message-tab before/after importing to see if there are any error messages there!</label>