


Bug #24681 ยป typo3core_bugfix_17041_follow_up_trunk.patch

Administrator Admin, 2011-01-20 13:39

View differences:

t3lib/js/extjs/contexthelp.js (copie de travail)
html: '',
// The tooltip will appear above the label, if viewport allows
anchor: 'bottom',
// The anchor is pushed slightly to the left in order to align with the help icon of doc headers
anchorOffset: -10,
minWidth: 160,
maxWidth: 240,
target: Ext.getBody(),
* Adds a sequence to Ext.TooltTip::showAt so as to increase vertical offset when anchor position is 'botton'
* This positions the tip box closer to the target element when the anchor is on the bottom side of the box
Ext.ToolTip.prototype.showAt = Ext.ToolTip.prototype.showAt.createSequence(
function() {
var ap = this.getAnchorPosition().charAt(0);
if (this.anchorToTarget && !this.trackMouse && ap == 'b') {
var xy = this.getPosition();
this.setPagePosition(xy[0], xy[1]+5);
* Opens the help window, triggered from click event handler