


Bug #24778 ยป 17275.patch

Administrator Admin, 2011-01-24 20:04

View differences:

t3lib/tree/pagetree/class.t3lib_tree_pagetree_dataprovider.php (revision )
* @var int
protected $nodeLimit = 500;
protected $nodeLimit = 0;
* Current amount of nodes
* Constructor
* @param int $nodeLimit (optional)
public function __construct() {
public function __construct($nodeLimit = NULL) {
if ($nodeLimit === NULL) {
$nodeLimit = $GLOBALS['BE']['pageTree']['preloadLimit'];
$this->nodeLimit = abs(intval($nodeLimit));
$this->hiddenRecords = t3lib_div::trimExplode(
t3lib/config_default.php (revision )
'maxFileSize' => '10240', // Integer: If set this is the max filesize in KB's for file operations in the backend. Can be overridden through $TCA per table field separately.
'forceCharset' => '-1', // String: Normally the charset of the backend users language selection is used. If you set this value to a charset found in t3lib/csconvtbl/ (or "utf-8") the backend (and database) will ALWAYS use this charset. Always use a lowercase value. NOTICE: This option is deprecated since TYPO3 4.5, and will be removed in 4.7. Please use proper tools to set your installation to native UTF-8.
'installToolPassword' => '', // String: This is the md5-hashed password for the Install Tool. Set this to '' and access will be totally denied. PLEASE consider to externally password protect the typo3/install/ folder, eg. with a .htaccess file.
'pageTree' => array(
'preloadLimit' => 50, // Integer: Count of pages that will be preloaded in pagetree. Big amount makes collapsing new branches faster but requires more SQL queries.
'defaultUserTSconfig' => 'options.enableBookmarks=1