


Bug #25185 ยป 17775.patch

Administrator Admin, 2011-02-26 14:13

View differences:

typo3/sysext/install/updates/class.tx_coreupdates_compressionlevel.php (working copy)
public function checkForUpdate(&$description) {
$description = '<p><strong>TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][compressionLevel] is enabled.</strong><br />
In TYPO3 4.4, compressionLevel was expanded to include automatic gzip compression of JavaScript and CSS stylessheet files.
<strong>To prevent the TYPO3 backend from being unusable, you must include the relevant lines from misc/advanced.htaccess.</strong></p>';
<strong>To prevent the TYPO3 backend from being unusable, you must include the relevant lines from _.htaccess.</strong></p>';
if (intval($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['compressionLevel']) > 0) {
return TRUE;
* @return string HTML output
public function getUserInput($inputPrefix) {
$content = '<p><strong>This configuration cannot be fixed automatically and requires a manual update.</strong> Please include the following lines from misc/advanced.htaccess on top of your .htacess file.
$content = '<p><strong>This configuration cannot be fixed automatically and requires a manual update.</strong> Please include the following lines from _.htaccess on top of your .htacess file.
<br /><br />
&lt;FilesMatch "\.js\.gzip$"&gt;