


Task #27416 ยป class.tx_linkvalidator_modfuncreport.patch

Patch to solve the issue - Dominique Feyer, 2011-06-13 23:57

View differences:

typo3/sysext/linkvalidator/modfuncreport/class.tx_linkvalidator_modfuncreport.php (revision )
protected function createTabs() {
$panelCheck = '';
if ($this->modTS['showCheckLinkTab'] == 1) {
$panelCheck = '{
title: TYPO3.lang.CheckLink,
html: ' . json_encode($this->flush()) . ',
}, ';
$panelCheck = "{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('CheckLink'),
html: " . json_encode($this->flush()) . ",
}, ";
$js = 'var panel = new Ext.TabPanel( {
renderTo : "linkvalidator-modfuncreport",
id: "linkvalidator-main",
$js = "var panel = new Ext.TabPanel( {
renderTo : 'linkvalidator-modfuncreport',
id: 'linkvalidator-main',
plain: true,
activeTab: 0,
autoScroll: true,
bodyStyle: "padding:10px;",
bodyStyle: 'padding:10px;',
plugins: [new Ext.ux.plugins.FitToParent()],
items : [
title: TYPO3.lang.Report,
html: ' . json_encode($this->flush(TRUE)) . '
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('Report'),
html: " . json_encode($this->flush(TRUE)) . "
' . $panelCheck . '
" . $panelCheck . "