


Feature #31073 ยป scheduler_cli_dispatch.diff

Bart Dubelaar, 2011-10-18 15:19

View differences:

scheduler_cli_dispatch.php 2011-10-18 14:56:22.080426996 +0200
* @var tx_scheduler
$scheduler = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_scheduler');
$cli = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_cli');
// If a specific id is given in arguments, then run that task. Otherwise run scheduled tasks.
if($cli->cli_argValue("-i") > 0){
$taskId = $cli->cli_argValue("-i");
$task = $scheduler->fetchTask($taskId);
// Record the run in the system registry
} else {
// Loop as long as there are tasks
do {
// Try getting the next task and execute it
} while ($hasTask);
// Record the run in the system registry
} else {
die('This script must be included by the "CLI module dispatcher"');