


Bug #33504 » compressed.js

Compressed JavaScript included in Wizard.php - Sebastian Schawohl, 2012-01-27 19:51


* Modernizr v1.6
* Developed by:
* - Faruk Ates
* - Paul Irish
* Copyright (c) 2009-2010
* Dual-licensed under the BSD or MIT licenses.
window.Modernizr=function(i,e,u){function s(a,b){return(""+a).indexOf(b)!==-1}function D(a,b){for(var c in a)if(j[a[c]]!==u&&(!b||b(a[c],E)))return true}function n(a,b){var c=a.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+a.substr(1);c=(a+" "+F.join(c+" ")+c).split(" ");return!!D(c,b)}function S(){f.input=function(a){for(var b=0,c=a.length;b<c;b++)L[a[b]]=!!(a[b]in h);return L}("autocomplete autofocus list placeholder max min multiple pattern required step".split(" "));f.inputtypes=function(a){for(var b=0,c,k=a.length;b<
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0);r=!/unknown/i.test(a.cssRules[0].cssText);a.deleteRule(a.cssRules.length-1)}catch(x){}return r}:function(g){if(!(a&&g))return false;a.cssText=g;return a.cssText.length!==0&&!/unknown/i.test(a.cssText)&&a.cssText.replace(/\r+|\n+/g,"").indexOf(g.split(" ")[0])===0};f._fontfaceready=function(g){g(f.fontface)};return b('@font-face { font-family: "font"; src: "font.ttf"; }')};{var a=e.createElement("video"),b=!!a.canPlayType;if(b){b=new Boolean(b);b.ogg=a.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"');
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"gi"),T=RegExp("\\b(abbr|article|aside|audio|canvas|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video)\\b(?!.*[;}])","gi"),z=b.createDocumentFragment(),A=b.documentElement,K=A.firstChild,B=b.createElement("style"),C=b.createElement("body");"all";c(b);c(z);a.attachEvent("onbeforeprint",function(){for(var p=-1;++p<r;)for(var m=b.getElementsByTagName(g[p]),I=m.length,t=-1;++t<I;)if(m[t].className.indexOf("iepp_")<0)m[t].className+=" iepp_"+
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* Copyright notice
* (c) 2008-2011 Jeff Segars <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!

pngHack: function(element) {
element = $(element);
var transparentGifPath = 'clear.gif';

// If there is valid element, it is an image and the image file ends with png:
if (Object.isElement(element) && element.tagName === 'IMG' && element.src.endsWith('.png')) {
var alphaImgSrc = element.src;
var sizingMethod = 'scale';
element.src = transparentGifPath;

if (alphaImgSrc) { = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="#{alphaImgSrc}",sizingMethod="#{sizingMethod}")'.interpolate(
alphaImgSrc: alphaImgSrc,
sizingMethod: sizingMethod

return element;

var IECompatibility = Class.create({

* initializes the compatibility class
initialize: function() {
Event.observe(document, 'dom:loaded', function() {
$$('input[type="checkbox"]').invoke('addClassName', 'checkbox');

Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {
if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
var version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split(';')[1].strip().split(' ')[1]);
if (version === 6) {
$$('img').each(function(img) {
$$('#typo3-menu li ul li').each(function(li) {
li.setStyle({height: '21px'});

if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
var TYPO3IECompatibilty = new IECompatibility();

* Initialize
* Adds a listener to be notified when the document is ready
* (before onload and before images are loaded).
* Shorthand of Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady.
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes.
* @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (this reference) in which the handler function executes. Defaults to the browser window.
* @param {boolean} options (optional) Options object as passed to {@link Ext.Element#addListener}. It is recommended that the options
* {single: true} be used so that the handler is removed on first invocation.
* @return void
Ext.onReady(function() {
// Initialize QuickTips (Can be used anywhere)
// Instantiate new viewport
var viewport = new TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport({});
// When the window is resized, the viewport has to be resized as well
Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(viewport.doLayout, viewport);
Ext.apply(Ext, {
merge: function(o, c) {
if (o && c && typeof c == 'object') {
for (var p in c){
if ((typeof o[p] == 'object') && (typeof c[p] == 'object')) {
Ext.merge(o[p], c[p]);
} else {
o[p] = c[p];
return o;
mergeIf: function(o, c) {
if (o && c && typeof c == 'object') {
for (var p in c){
if ((typeof o[p] == 'object') && (typeof c[p] == 'object')) {
Ext.mergeIf(o[p], c[p]);
} else if (typeof o[p] == 'undefined') {
o[p] = c[p];
return o;
Ext.apply(Ext, {
isEmptyObject: function(o) {
for(var p in o) {
return false;
return true;
* Ext JS Library 3.3.1
* Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.
* @class Ext.ux.Spinner
* @extends Ext.util.Observable
* Creates a Spinner control utilized by Ext.ux.form.SpinnerField
Ext.ux.Spinner = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
incrementValue: 1,
alternateIncrementValue: 5,
triggerClass: 'x-form-spinner-trigger',
splitterClass: 'x-form-spinner-splitter',
alternateKey: Ext.EventObject.shiftKey,
defaultValue: 0,
accelerate: false,

constructor: function(config){, config);
Ext.apply(this, config);
this.mimicing = false;

init: function(field){
this.field = field;

field.afterMethod('onRender', this.doRender, this);
field.afterMethod('onEnable', this.doEnable, this);
field.afterMethod('onDisable', this.doDisable, this);
field.afterMethod('afterRender', this.doAfterRender, this);
field.afterMethod('onResize', this.doResize, this);
field.afterMethod('onFocus', this.doFocus, this);
field.beforeMethod('onDestroy', this.doDestroy, this);

doRender: function(ct, position){
var el = this.el = this.field.getEl();
var f = this.field;

if (!f.wrap) {
f.wrap = this.wrap = el.wrap({
cls: "x-form-field-wrap"
else {
this.wrap = f.wrap.addClass('x-form-field-wrap');

this.trigger = this.wrap.createChild({
tag: "img",
cls: "x-form-trigger " + this.triggerClass

if (!f.width) {
this.wrap.setWidth(el.getWidth() + this.trigger.getWidth());

this.splitter = this.wrap.createChild({
tag: 'div',
cls: this.splitterClass,
style: 'width:13px; height:2px;'
this.splitter.setRight((Ext.isIE) ? 1 : 2).setTop(10).show();

this.proxy = this.trigger.createProxy('', this.splitter, true);
this.proxy.setStyle('left', '0px');
this.proxy.setSize(14, 1);
this.dd = new Ext.dd.DDProxy(, "SpinnerDrag", {


doAfterRender: function(){
var y;
if (Ext.isIE && this.el.getY() != (y = this.trigger.getY())) {

doEnable: function(){
if (this.wrap) {
this.disabled = false;

doDisable: function(){
if (this.wrap) {
this.disabled = true;

doResize: function(w, h){
if (typeof w == 'number') {
this.el.setWidth(w - this.trigger.getWidth());
this.wrap.setWidth(this.el.getWidth() + this.trigger.getWidth());

doFocus: function(){
if (!this.mimicing) {
this.mimicing = true;
Ext.get(Ext.isIE ? document.body : document).on("mousedown", this.mimicBlur, this, {
delay: 10
this.el.on('keydown', this.checkTab, this);

// private
checkTab: function(e){
if (e.getKey() == e.TAB) {

// private
mimicBlur: function(e){
if (!this.wrap.contains( && this.field.validateBlur(e)) {

// private
triggerBlur: function(){
this.mimicing = false;
Ext.get(Ext.isIE ? document.body : document).un("mousedown", this.mimicBlur, this);
this.el.un("keydown", this.checkTab, this);

initTrigger: function(){

initSpinner: function(){
'spin': true,
'spinup': true,
'spindown': true

this.keyNav = new Ext.KeyNav(this.el, {
"up": function(e){

"down": function(e){

"pageUp": function(e){

"pageDown": function(e){

scope: this

this.repeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(this.trigger, {
accelerate: this.accelerate
this.field.mon(this.repeater, "click", this.onTriggerClick, this, {
preventDefault: true

this.field.mon(this.trigger, {
mouseover: this.onMouseOver,
mouseout: this.onMouseOut,
mousemove: this.onMouseMove,
mousedown: this.onMouseDown,
mouseup: this.onMouseUp,
scope: this,
preventDefault: true

this.field.mon(this.wrap, "mousewheel", this.handleMouseWheel, this);

this.dd.setXConstraint(0, 0, 10);
this.dd.setYConstraint(1500, 1500, 10);
this.dd.endDrag = this.endDrag.createDelegate(this);
this.dd.startDrag = this.startDrag.createDelegate(this);
this.dd.onDrag = this.onDrag.createDelegate(this);

onMouseOver: function(){
if (this.disabled) {
var middle = this.getMiddle();
this.tmpHoverClass = (Ext.EventObject.getPageY() < middle) ? 'x-form-spinner-overup' : 'x-form-spinner-overdown';

onMouseOut: function(){

onMouseMove: function(){
if (this.disabled) {
var middle = this.getMiddle();
if (((Ext.EventObject.getPageY() > middle) && this.tmpHoverClass == "x-form-spinner-overup") ||
((Ext.EventObject.getPageY() < middle) && this.tmpHoverClass == "x-form-spinner-overdown")) {

onMouseDown: function(){
if (this.disabled) {
var middle = this.getMiddle();
this.tmpClickClass = (Ext.EventObject.getPageY() < middle) ? 'x-form-spinner-clickup' : 'x-form-spinner-clickdown';

onMouseUp: function(){

onTriggerClick: function(){
if (this.disabled || this.el.dom.readOnly) {
var middle = this.getMiddle();
var ud = (Ext.EventObject.getPageY() < middle) ? 'Up' : 'Down';
this['onSpin' + ud]();

getMiddle: function(){
var t = this.trigger.getTop();
var h = this.trigger.getHeight();
var middle = t + (h / 2);
return middle;

//checks if control is allowed to spin
isSpinnable: function(){
if (this.disabled || this.el.dom.readOnly) {
Ext.EventObject.preventDefault(); //prevent scrolling when disabled/readonly
return false;
return true;

handleMouseWheel: function(e){
//disable scrolling when not focused
if (this.wrap.hasClass('x-trigger-wrap-focus') == false) {

var delta = e.getWheelDelta();
if (delta > 0) {
if (delta < 0) {

startDrag: function(){;
this._previousY =;

endDrag: function(){

onDrag: function(){
if (this.disabled) {
var y =;
var ud = '';

if (this._previousY > y) {
ud = 'Up';
} //up
if (this._previousY < y) {
ud = 'Down';
} //down
if (ud != '') {
this['onSpin' + ud]();

this._previousY = y;

onSpinUp: function(){
if (this.isSpinnable() == false) {
if (Ext.EventObject.shiftKey == true) {
else {
this.spin(false, false);
this.field.fireEvent("spin", this.field);
this.field.fireEvent("spinup", this.field);

onSpinDown: function(){
if (this.isSpinnable() == false) {
if (Ext.EventObject.shiftKey == true) {
else {
this.spin(true, false);
this.field.fireEvent("spin", this.field);
this.field.fireEvent("spindown", this.field);

onSpinUpAlternate: function(){
if (this.isSpinnable() == false) {
this.spin(false, true);
this.field.fireEvent("spin", this);
this.field.fireEvent("spinup", this);

onSpinDownAlternate: function(){
if (this.isSpinnable() == false) {
this.spin(true, true);
this.field.fireEvent("spin", this);
this.field.fireEvent("spindown", this);

spin: function(down, alternate){
var v = parseFloat(this.field.getValue());
var incr = (alternate == true) ? this.alternateIncrementValue : this.incrementValue;
(down == true) ? v -= incr : v += incr;

v = (isNaN(v)) ? this.defaultValue : v;
v = this.fixBoundries(v);

fixBoundries: function(value){
var v = value;

if (this.field.minValue != undefined && v < this.field.minValue) {
v = this.field.minValue;
if (this.field.maxValue != undefined && v > this.field.maxValue) {
v = this.field.maxValue;

return this.fixPrecision(v);

// private
fixPrecision: function(value){
var nan = isNaN(value);
if (!this.field.allowDecimals || this.field.decimalPrecision == -1 || nan || !value) {
return nan ? '' : value;
return parseFloat(parseFloat(value).toFixed(this.field.decimalPrecision));

doDestroy: function(){
if (this.trigger) {
if (this.wrap) {
delete this.field.wrap;

if (this.splitter) {

if (this.dd) {
this.dd = null;

if (this.proxy) {

if (this.repeater) {
if (this.mimicing){
Ext.get(Ext.isIE ? document.body : document).un("mousedown", this.mimicBlur, this);

//backwards compat
Ext.form.Spinner = Ext.ux.Spinner;
* Ext JS Library 3.3.1
* Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.

* @class Ext.ux.form.SpinnerField
* @extends Ext.form.NumberField
* Creates a field utilizing Ext.ux.Spinner
* @xtype spinnerfield
Ext.ux.form.SpinnerField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.NumberField, {
actionMode: 'wrap',
deferHeight: true,
autoSize: Ext.emptyFn,
onBlur: Ext.emptyFn,
adjustSize: Ext.BoxComponent.prototype.adjustSize,

constructor: function(config) {
var spinnerConfig = Ext.copyTo({}, config, 'incrementValue,alternateIncrementValue,accelerate,defaultValue,triggerClass,splitterClass');

var spl = this.spinner = new Ext.ux.Spinner(spinnerConfig);

var plugins = config.plugins
? (Ext.isArray(config.plugins)
? config.plugins.push(spl)
: [config.plugins, spl])
: spl;, Ext.apply(config, {plugins: plugins}));

// private
getResizeEl: function(){
return this.wrap;

// private
getPositionEl: function(){
return this.wrap;

// private
alignErrorIcon: function(){
if (this.wrap) {
this.errorIcon.alignTo(this.wrap, 'tl-tr', [2, 0]);

validateBlur: function(){
return true;

Ext.reg('spinnerfield', Ext.ux.form.SpinnerField);

//backwards compat
Ext.form.SpinnerField = Ext.ux.form.SpinnerField;

* Ext JS Library 3.3.1
* Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Sencha Inc.

* @class Ext.ux.form.TextFieldSubmit
* @extends Ext.form.TriggerField
* Creates a text field with a submit trigger button
* @xtype textfieldsubmit
Ext.ux.form.TextFieldSubmit = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TriggerField, {
hideTrigger: true,

triggerClass: 'x-form-submit-trigger',

enableKeyEvents: true,

onTriggerClick: function() {
if (this.isValid()) {
this.fireEvent('triggerclick', this);
} else {

initEvents: function() {;
this.on('keyup', function(field, event) {
if (event.getKey() != event.ENTER && this.isValid()) {
} else {
this.on('keypress', function(field, event) {
if (event.getKey() == event.ENTER) {
}, this);

Ext.reg('textfieldsubmit', Ext.ux.form.TextFieldSubmit);

//backwards compat
Ext.form.TextFieldSubmit = Ext.ux.form.TextFieldSubmit;

* Ext JS Library 3.1.1
* Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, LLC

* @class Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn
* @extends Object
* GridPanel plugin to add a column with check boxes to a grid.
* <p>Example usage:</p>
* <pre><code>
// create the column
var checkColumn = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({
header: 'Indoor?',
dataIndex: 'indoor',
id: 'check',
width: 55

// add the column to the column model
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([{
header: 'Foo',

// create the grid
var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
cm: cm,
plugins: [checkColumn], // include plugin
* </code></pre>
* In addition to storing a Boolean value within the record data, this
* class toggles a css class between <tt>'x-grid3-check-col'</tt> and
* <tt>'x-grid3-check-col-on'</tt> to alter the background image used for
* a column.
Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn = function(config){
Ext.apply(this, config);
if(!{ =;
this.renderer = this.renderer.createDelegate(this);

Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn.prototype ={
init : function(grid){
this.grid = grid;
this.grid.on('render', function(){
var view = this.grid.getView();
view.mainBody.on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown, this);
}, this);

onMouseDown : function(e, t){
var index = this.grid.getView().findRowIndex(t);
var record =;
record.set(this.dataIndex, ![this.dataIndex]);

renderer : function(v, p, record){
p.css += ' x-grid3-check-col-td';
return String.format('<div class="x-grid3-check-col{0} {1}">&#160;</div>', v ? '-on' : '', this.createId());

createId : function(){
return 'x-grid3-cc-' +;

// register ptype
Ext.preg('checkcolumn', Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn);

// backwards compat
Ext.grid.CheckColumn = Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn;
Ext.ux.grid.SingleSelectCheckColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn, {
onMouseDown : function(e, t){
var index = this.grid.getView().findRowIndex(t),
dataIndex = this.dataIndex;, i){
var value = (i == index && record.get(dataIndex) != true);
if(value != record.get(dataIndex)){
record.set(dataIndex, value);
* @author schiesser

Ext.ux.grid.ItemDeleter = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel, {
width: 25,
sortable: false,
dataIndex: 0, // this is needed, otherwise there will be an error

menuDisabled: true,
fixed: true,
id: 'deleter',

initEvents: function(){;
this.grid.on('cellclick', function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e){
if(columnIndex==grid.getColumnModel().getIndexById('deleter')) {
var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex);

renderer: function(v, p, record, rowIndex){
return '<div class="remove">&nbsp;</div>';


TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.History = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
* @cfg {Integer} maximum
* Maximum steps to go back or forward in history
maximum: 20,

* @cfg {Integer} marker
* The current step in the history
marker: 0,

* @cfg {Array} history
* Holds the configuration for each step in history
history: [],

* #cfg {String} undoButtonId
* The id of the undo button
undoButtonId: 'formwizard-history-undo',

* #cfg {String} redoButtonId
* The id of the redo button
redoButtonId: 'formwizard-history-redo',

* Constructor
* @param config
constructor: function(config){
// Call our superclass constructor to complete construction process., config);

* Called when a component is added to a container or there was a change in
* one of the form components
* Gets the configuration of all (nested) components, starting at
* viewport-right, and adds this configuration to the history
* @returns {void}
setHistory: function() {
var configuration = Ext.getCmp('formwizard-right').getConfiguration();

* Add a snapshot to the history
* @param {Object} configuration The form configuration snapshot
* @return {void}
addToHistory: function(configuration) {
while (this.history.length > this.marker) {
while (this.history.length > this.maximum) {
this.marker = this.history.length;

* Get the current snapshot from the history
* @return {Object} The current snapshot
refresh: function() {
var refreshObject = Ext.decode(this.history[this.marker-1]);

* Get the previous snapshot from the history if available
* Unsets the active element, because this element will not be available anymore
* @return {Object} The previous snapshot
undo: function() {
if (this.marker >= 1) {
var undoObject = Ext.decode(this.history[this.marker-1]);

* Get the next snapshot from the history if available
* Unsets the active element, because this element will not be available anymore
* @return {Object} The next snapshot
redo: function() {
if (this.history.length > this.marker) {
var redoObject = Ext.decode(this.history[this.marker-1]);

* Turn the undo/redo buttons on or off
* according to marker in the history
* @return {void}
buttons: function() {
var undoButton = Ext.get(this.undoButtonId);
var redoButton = Ext.get(this.redoButtonId);
if (this.marker > 1) {;
} else {
if (this.history.length > this.marker) {;
} else {

TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.History = new TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.History();

TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.Element = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, {
* @cfg {Object} active
* The current active form element
active: null,

* Constructor
* @param config
constructor: function(config){
// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'setactive': true

// Call our superclass constructor to complete construction process., config);

* Fires the setactive event when a component is set as active
* @param component
setActive: function(component) {
var optionsTabIsValid = Ext.getCmp('formwizard-left-options').tabIsValid();

if (optionsTabIsValid) {
if (component == { = null;
} else { = component;
} else {{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_error'),
msg: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_error_message'),
icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK

* Fires the setactive event when a component is unset.
* This means when the element is destroyed or when the form is reloaded
* using undo or redo
* @param component
unsetActive: function(component) {
if ( && (
(component && component.getId() == ||
){ = null;

TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.Element = new TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.Element();

* Button group to show on top of the form elements
* Most elements contain buttons to delete or edit the item. These buttons are
* grouped in this component
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.ButtonGroup
* @extends Ext.Container
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.ButtonGroup = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, {
* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'buttongroup',

* @cfg {Object|Function} defaults
* This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items
* whether added through the items config or via the add or insert methods.
defaults: {
xtype: 'button',
template: new Ext.Template(
'<span id="{4}"><button type="{0}" class="{3}"></button></span>'
tooltipType: 'title'

/** @cfg {Boolean} forceLayout
* If true the container will force a layout initially even if hidden or
* collapsed. This option is useful for forcing forms to render in collapsed
* or hidden containers. (defaults to false).
forceLayout: true,

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
items: [
iconCls: 't3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-edit t3-icon-edit-delete',
tooltip: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_button_delete'),
handler: this.removeElement,
scope: this
}, {
iconCls: 't3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-open',
tooltip: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_button_edit'),
handler: this.setActive,
scope: this

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.ButtonGroup.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

* Called by the click event of the remove button
* When clicking the remove button a confirmation will be asked by the
* container this button group is in.
removeElement: function(button, event) {

* Called by the click event of the edit button
* Tells the element helper that this component is set as the active one
setActive: function(button, event) {
this.ownerCt.setActive(event, event.getTarget());

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-buttongroup', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.ButtonGroup);

* Container abstract
* There are only two containers in a form, the form itself and fieldsets.
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Container
* @extends Ext.Container
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Container = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, {
* @cfg {Mixed} autoEl
* A tag name or DomHelper spec used to create the Element which will
* encapsulate this Component.
autoEl: 'ol',

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'formwizard-container',

* @cfg {Object|Function} defaults
* This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items
* whether added through the items config or via the add or insert methods.
defaults: {
autoHeight: true

* Constructor
* Add the dummy to the container
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
items: [
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-dummy'
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Container.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
var config = {};

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Container.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize the drag and drop zone after rendering
if (this.hasDragAndDrop) {
this.on('render', this.initializeDragAndDrop, this);

this.on('render', this.checkOnEmpty, this);

// Initialize the remove event, which will be fired when a component is removed from this container
this.on('remove', this.checkOnEmpty, this);

* Initialize the drag and drop zones
* @param container
initializeDragAndDrop: function(container) {
* Initialize the drag zone
* A container can contain elements which can be moved within this and
* other (nested) containers.
container.dragZone = new Ext.dd.DragZone(container.getEl(), {
* Called when a mousedown occurs in this container. Looks in Ext.dd.Registry
* for a valid target to drag based on the mouse down. Override this method
* to provide your own lookup logic (e.g. finding a child by class name). Make sure your returned
* object has a "ddel" attribute (with an HTML Element) for other functions to work.
* @param {EventObject} element The mouse down event element
* @return {Object} The dragData
getDragData: function(element) {
var sourceElement = element.getTarget('.formwizard-element');
var sourceComponent = Ext.getCmp(;
if (sourceElement && sourceComponent.isEditable) {
clonedElement = sourceElement.cloneNode(true); =;
return container.dragData = {
sourceEl: sourceElement,
ddel: clonedElement

onStartDrag: function(x, y) {

endDrag: function(event) {

* Called before a repair of an invalid drop to get the XY to animate to.
* By default returns the XY of this.dragData.ddel
* @param {EventObject} e The mouse up event
* @return {Array} The xy location (e.g. [100, 200])
getRepairXY: function(e) {
return container.dragData.repairXY;

* Initialize the drop zone
* A container can receive other form elements or other (nested) containers.
container.dropZone = new Ext.dd.DropZone(container.getEl(), {
* Returns a custom data object associated with the DOM node that is the target of the event. By default
* this looks up the event target in the Ext.dd.Registry, although you can override this method to
* provide your own custom lookup.
* The override has been done here to define if we are having this event on the container or a form element.
* @param {Event} e The event
* @return {Object} data The custom data
getTargetFromEvent: function(event) {

var containerElement = container.getEl();
var formElementTarget = event.getTarget('.formwizard-element', 10, true);
var formContainerTarget = event.getTarget('.formwizard-container', 10, true);
var placeholderTarget = event.getTarget('#element-placeholder', 10, false);

if (placeholderTarget) {
formElementTarget = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode('.target-hover');

if (
container.hasDragAndDrop &&
formContainerTarget &&
formElementTarget &&
formContainerTarget.findParentNode('li', 10, true) == formElementTarget &&
formContainerTarget == containerElement
) {
return null;
// We are having this event on a form element
} else if (
container.hasDragAndDrop &&
) {
if (placeholderTarget) {
return formElementTarget;
return event.getTarget('.formwizard-element');
// We are having this event on a container
} else {
return null;

* Called while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is being dragged over it,
* but not over any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so
* it should be overridden to provide the proper feedback if necessary.
* And so we did ;-) We are not using containers which can receive different elements, so we always return
* Ext.dd.DropZone.prototype.dropAllowed CSS class.
* @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
* @param {Event} e The event
* @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
* @return {String} status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the
* underlying Ext.dd.StatusProxy can be updated
onContainerOver: function(dd, e, data) {
if (Ext.get('element-placeholder')) {
return Ext.dd.DropZone.prototype.dropAllowed;

* Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped on it,
* but not on any of its registered drop nodes. The default implementation returns false, so it should be
* overridden to provide the appropriate processing of the drop event if you need the drop zone itself to
* be able to accept drops. It should return true when valid so that the drag source's repair action does not run.
* This is a tricky part. Because we are using multiple dropzones which are on top of each other, the event will
* be called multiple times, for each group one time. We cannot prevent this by disabling event bubbling and we
* dont't want to override the core of ExtJS. To prevent multiple creation of the same object, we add the variable
* 'processed' to the 'data' object. If it has been processed on drop, it will not be done a second time.
* @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
* @param {Event} e The event
* @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
* @return {Boolean} True if the drop was valid, else false
onContainerDrop: function(dd, e, data) {
if (
container.hasDragAndDrop &&
) {
var dropComponent = Ext.getCmp(;
container.dropElement(dropComponent, 'container');
data.processed = true;
return true;

* Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has entered a drop node
* that has either been registered or detected by a configured implementation of getTargetFromEvent.
* This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide
* node-specific processing if necessary.
* Our implementation adds a dummy placeholder before or after the element the user is hovering over.
* This placeholder will show the user where the dragged element will be dropped in the form.
* @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
* getTargetFromEvent for this node)
* @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
* @param {Event} e The event
* @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
onNodeEnter : function(target, dd, e, data) {
if (
Ext.get(data.sourceEl).hasClass('formwizard-element') && !=
) {
var dropPosition = this.getDropPosition(target, dd);
if (dropPosition == 'above') {
Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(target, {
tag: 'li',
id: 'element-placeholder',
html: '&nbsp;'
} else {
Ext.DomHelper.insertAfter(target, {
tag: 'li',
id: 'element-placeholder',
html: '&nbsp;'

* Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dragged out of
* the drop node without dropping. This method has no default implementation and should be overridden to provide
* node-specific processing if necessary.
* Removes the temporary placeholder and the hover class from the element
* @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
* getTargetFromEvent for this node)
* @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
* @param {Event} e The event
* @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
onNodeOut : function(target, dd, e, data) {
if (
Ext.get(data.sourceEl).hasClass('formwizard-element') && !=
) {
if (e.type != 'mouseup') {
if (Ext.get('element-placeholder')) {

* Called while the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource is over a drop node
* that has either been registered or detected by a configured implementation of getTargetFromEvent.
* The default implementation returns this.dropNotAllowed, so it should be
* overridden to provide the proper feedback.
* Based on the cursor position on the node we are hovering over, the temporary placeholder will be put
* above or below this node. If the position changes, the placeholder will be removed and put at the
* right spot.
* @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
* getTargetFromEvent for this node)
* @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
* @param {Event} e The event
* @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
* @return {String} status The CSS class that communicates the drop status back to the source so that the
* underlying Ext.dd.StatusProxy can be updated
onNodeOver: function(target, dd, e, data) {
if (
Ext.get(data.sourceEl).hasClass('formwizard-element') && !=
) {
var dropPosition = this.getDropPosition(target, dd);
// The position of the target moved to the top
if (
dropPosition == 'above' &&
target.nextElementSibling && == 'element-placeholder'
) {
Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(target, {
tag: 'li',
id: 'element-placeholder',
html: '&nbsp;'
} else if (
dropPosition == 'below' &&
target.previousElementSibling && == 'element-placeholder'
) {
Ext.DomHelper.insertAfter(target, {
tag: 'li',
id: 'element-placeholder',
html: '&nbsp;'
return Ext.dd.DropZone.prototype.dropAllowed;
} else {
return Ext.dd.DropZone.prototype.dropNotAllowed;

* Called when the DropZone determines that a Ext.dd.DragSource has been dropped onto
* the drop node. The default implementation returns false, so it should be overridden to provide the
* appropriate processing of the drop event and return true so that the drag source's repair action does not run.
* Like onContainerDrop this is a tricky part. Because we are using multiple dropzones which are on top of each other, the event will
* be called multiple times, for each group one time. We cannot prevent this by disabling event bubbling and we
* dont't want to override the core of ExtJS. To prevent multiple creation of the same object, we add the variable
* 'processed' to the 'data' object. If it has been processed on drop, it will not be done a second time.
* @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
* getTargetFromEvent for this node)
* @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
* @param {Event} e The event
* @param {Object} data An object containing arbitrary data supplied by the drag source
* @return {Boolean} True if the drop was valid, else false
onNodeDrop : function(target, dd, e, data) {
if (
Ext.get(data.sourceEl).hasClass('formwizard-element') && != &&
) {

var dropPosition = this.getDropPosition(target, dd);
var dropComponent = Ext.getCmp(;
container.dropElement(dropComponent, dropPosition, target);
data.processed = true;
return true;
* Defines whether we are hovering at the top or bottom half of a node
* @param {Object} nodeData The custom data associated with the drop node (this is the same value returned from
* getTargetFromEvent for this node)
* @param {Ext.dd.DragSource} source The drag source that was dragged over this drop zone
* @return {String} above when hovering over the top half, below if at the bottom half.
getDropPosition: function(target, dd) {
var top = Ext.lib.Dom.getY(target);
var bottom = top + target.offsetHeight;
var center = ((bottom - top) / 2) + top;
var yPosition = dd.lastPageY + dd.deltaY;
if (yPosition < center) {
return 'above';
} else if (yPosition >= center) {
return 'below';

* Called by the dropzones onContainerDrop or onNodeDrop.
* Adds the component to the container.
* This function will look if it is a new element from the left buttons, if
* it is an existing element which is moved within this or from another
* container. It also decides if it is dropped within an empty container or
* if it needs a position within the existing elements of this container.
* @param component
* @param position
* @param target
dropElement: function(component, position, target) {
// Check if there are errors in the current active element
var optionsTabIsValid = Ext.getCmp('formwizard-left-options').tabIsValid();

var id =;
var droppedElement = {};

if (Ext.get('element-placeholder')) {
// Only add or move an element when there is no error in the current active element
if (optionsTabIsValid) {
// New element in container
if (position == 'container') {
// Check if the dummy is present, which means there are no elements
var dummy = this.findById('dummy');
if (dummy) {
this.remove(dummy, true);
// Add the new element to the container
if (component.xtype != 'button') {
droppedElement = this.add(
} else {
droppedElement = this.add({
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-' + id

// Moved an element within this container
} else if (this.findById(id)) {
droppedElement = this.findById(id);
var movedElementIndex = 0;
var targetIndex = this.items.findIndex('id',;

if (position == 'above') {
movedElementIndex = targetIndex;
} else {
movedElementIndex = targetIndex + 1;

// Tricky part, because this.remove does not remove the DOM element
// See
// 1. remove component from container w/o destroying (2nd argument false)
// 2. remove component's element from container and append it to body
// 3. add/insert the component to the correct place back in the container
// 4. call doLayout() on the container
this.remove(droppedElement, false);
var element = Ext.get(;


// New element for this container coming from another one
} else {
var index = 0;
var targetIndex = this.items.findIndex('id',;

if (position == 'above') {
index = targetIndex;
} else {
index = targetIndex + 1;

// Element moved
if (component.xtype != 'button') {
droppedElement = this.insert(
// Coming from buttons
} else {
droppedElement = this.insert(
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-' + id

// The current active element has errors, show it!
} else {{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_error'),
msg: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_error_message'),
icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,
buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK

* Remove the element from this container
* @param element
removeElement: function(element) {

* Called by the 'remove' event of this container.
* If an item has been removed from this container, except for the dummy
* element, it will look if there are other items existing. If not, it will
* put the dummy in this container to tell the user the container needs items.
* @param container
* @param component
checkOnEmpty: function(container, component) {
if (component && != 'dummy' || !component) {
if (this.items.getCount() == 0) {
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-dummy'

* Called by the parent of this component when a change has been made in the
* form.
* Constructs an array out of this component and the children to add it to
* the history or to use when saving the form
* @returns {Array}
getConfiguration: function() {
var historyConfiguration = {
hasDragAndDrop: this.hasDragAndDrop

if (this.items) {
historyConfiguration.items = [];
this.items.each(function(item, index, length) {
}, this);
return historyConfiguration;

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-container', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Container);

* Elements abstract
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
* @extends Ext.Container
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, {
* @cfg {Mixed} autoEl
* A tag name or DomHelper spec used to create the Element which will
* encapsulate this Component.
autoEl: 'li',

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'formwizard-element',

* @cfg {Object} buttonGroup
* Reference to the button group
buttonGroup: null,

* @cfg {Boolean} isEditable
* Defines whether the element is editable. If the item is editable,
* a button group with remove and edit buttons will be added to this element
* and when the the element is clicked, an event is triggered to edit the
* element. Some elements, like the dummy, don't need this.
isEditable: true,

* @cfg {Object} configuration
* The configuration of this element.
* This object contains the configuration of this component. It will be
* copied to the 'data' variable before rendering. 'data' is deleted after
* rendering the xtemplate, so we need a copy.
configuration: {},

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
'configurationChange': true

var config = {};

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Add the elementClass to the component

// Add the listener setactive for the element helper
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.Element.on('setactive', this.toggleActive, this);

// Set the data before rendering
this.on('beforerender', this.beforeRender, this);

// Initialize events after rendering
this.on('afterrender', this.makeEditable, this);

// Remove event listeners after the detruction of this component
this.on('destroy', this.onDestroy, this);

* Copy this.configuration to before rendering
* When using tpl together with data, the data variable will be deleted
* after rendering the component. We do not want to lose this data, so we
* store it in a different variable 'configuration' which will be copied to
* data just before rendering
* All strings within the configuration object are HTML encoded first before
* displaying
* @param component This component
beforeRender: function(component) { = this.encodeConfiguration(this.configuration);

* Html encode all strings in the configuration of an element
* @param unencodedData The configuration object
* @returns {Object}
encodeConfiguration: function(unencodedData) {
var encodedData = {};

Ext.iterate(unencodedData, function (key, value, object) {
if (Ext.isString(value)) {
encodedData[key] = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value);
} else if (Ext.isObject(value)) {
encodedData[key] = this.encodeConfiguration(value);
} else {
encodedData[key] = value;
}, this);

return encodedData;

* Add the buttongroup and a click event listener to this component when the
* component is editable.
makeEditable: function() {
if (this.isEditable) {
if (!this.buttonGroup) {
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-buttongroup',
ref: 'buttonGroup'
this.el.un('click', this.setActive, this);
this.el.on('click', this.setActive, this);
// Add hover class. Normally this would be done with overCls,
// but this does not take bubbling (propagation) into account
stopPropagation: true

* Called on a click event of this component or when the element is added
* Tells the element helper that this component is set as the active one and
* swallows the click event to prevent bubbling
* @param event
* @param target
* @param object
setActive: function(event, target, object) {

* Called when the element helper is firing the setactive event
* Adds an extra class 'active' to the element when the current component is
* the active one, otherwise removes the class 'active' when this component
* has this class
* @param component
toggleActive: function(component) {
if (this.isEditable) {
var element = this.getEl();

if (component && component.getId() == this.getId()) {
if (!element.hasClass('active')) {
} else if (element.hasClass('active')) {

* Display a confirmation box when the delete button has been pressed.
* @param event
* @param target
* @param object
confirmDeleteElement: function(event, target, object) {

* Delete the component when the yes button of the confirmation box has been
* pressed.
* @param button The button which has been pressed (yes / no)
deleteElement: function(button) {
if (button == 'yes') {

* Called by the parent of this component when a change has been made in the
* form.
* Constructs an array out of this component and the children to add it to
* the history or to use when saving the form
* @returns {Array}
getConfiguration: function() {
var historyConfiguration = {
configuration: this.configuration,
isEditable: this.isEditable,
xtype: this.xtype

if (this.containerComponent) {
historyConfiguration.elementContainer = this.containerComponent.getConfiguration();
return historyConfiguration;

* Called when a configuration property has changed in the options tab
* Overwrites the configuration with the configuration from the form,
* adds a new snapshot to the history and renders this component again.
* @param formConfiguration
setConfigurationValue: function(formConfiguration) {
Ext.merge(this.configuration, formConfiguration);
this.rendered = false;
this.fireEvent('configurationChange', this);

* Remove a validation rule from this element
* @param type
removeValidationRule: function(type) {
if (this.configuration.validation[type]) {
delete this.configuration.validation[type];
if (this.xtype != 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-form') {
this.rendered = false;

* Remove a filter from this element
* @param type
removeFilter: function(type) {
if (this.configuration.filters[type]) {
delete this.configuration.filters[type];
if (this.xtype != 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-form') {
this.rendered = false;

* Fires after the component is destroyed.
* Removes the listener for the 'setactive' event of the element helper.
* Tells the element helper this element is destroyed and if set active,
* it should be unset as active.
onDestroy: function() {
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.Element.un('setactive', this.toggleActive, this);


* The dummy element
* This type will be shown when there is no element in a container which will be
* form or fieldset and will be removed when there is an element added.
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Dummy
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Dummy = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'dummy',

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'dummy typo3-message message-information',

* @cfg {Object} configuration
* The configuration of this element.
* This object contains the configuration of this component. It will be
* copied to the 'data' variable before rendering. 'data' is deleted after
* rendering the xtemplate, so we need a copy.
configuration: {
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_dummy_title'),
description: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_dummy_description')

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(

* @cfg {Boolean} isEditable
* Defines whether the element is editable. If the item is editable,
* a button group with remove and edit buttons will be added to this element
* and when the the element is clicked, an event is triggered to edit the
* element. Some elements, like the dummy, don't need this.
isEditable: false

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-dummy', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Dummy);

* The BUTTON element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Button
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Button = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'button',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
alt: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
name: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: '',
type: 'button',
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_domain_model_element_button.value')
filters: {},
label: {
value: ''
layout: 'front',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Button.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-button', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Button);

* The CHECKBOX element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Checkbox
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Checkbox = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'x-checkbox',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
alt: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
name: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: '',
type: 'checkbox',
value: ''
filters: {},
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label')
layout: 'back',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Checkbox.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-checkbox', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Checkbox);

* The FIELDSET element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'fieldset',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<fieldset {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]}>',
'<tpl for="legend">',
'<tpl if="value">',
compiled: true,
getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* @cfg {Array} elementContainer
* Configuration for the containerComponent
elementContainer: {
hasDragAndDrop: true

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
class: '',
dir: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
style: ''
legend: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_legend')

TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
var config = {};

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// Initialize the container component
this.containerComponent = new TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Container(this.elementContainer);

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize events after rendering
this.on('afterrender', this.afterRender, this);

* Called by the 'afterrender' event.
* Add the container component to this component
afterRender: function() {

// Call parent;

* Add the container component to this component
* Because we are using a XTemplate for rendering this component, we can
* only add the container after rendering, because the <ol> tag needs to be
* replaced with this container.
* The container needs to be rerendered when a configuration parameter
* (legend or attributes) of the ownerCt, for instance fieldset, has changed
* otherwise it will not show up
addContainerAfterRender: function() {
this.containerComponent.rendered = false;

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-fieldset', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset);

* The FILEUPLOAD element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fileupload
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fileupload = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'fileupload',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
alt: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
name: '',
size: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: '',
type: 'file'
filters: {},
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label')
layout: 'front',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fileupload.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-fileupload', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fileupload);

* The FORM element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Form
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Form = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {Mixed} autoEl
* A tag name or DomHelper spec used to create the Element which will
* encapsulate this Component.
autoEl: 'li',

* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'form',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<form {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]}>',
compiled: true,
getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* @cfg {Boolean} isEditable
* Defines whether the element is editable. If the item is editable,
* a button group with remove and edit buttons will be added to this element
* and when the the element is clicked, an event is triggered to edit the
* element. Some elements, like the dummy, don't need this.
isEditable: false,

* @cfg {Array} elementContainer
* Configuration for the containerComponent
elementContainer: {
hasDragAndDrop: true

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accept: '',
acceptcharset: '',
action: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
enctype: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
id: '',
lang: '',
method: 'post',
style: '',
title: ''
prefix: 'tx_form',
confirmation: true,
postProcessor: {
mail: {
recipientEmail: '',
senderEmail: ''
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Form.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
var config = {};

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// Initialize the container component
this.containerComponent = new TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Container(this.elementContainer);

// Call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Form.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize events after rendering
this.on('afterrender', this.afterRender, this);

* Called by the 'afterrender' event.
* Add the container component to this component
* Stop the submit event of the form, because this form does not need to be
* submitted
afterRender: function() {

function(eventObject, htmlElement, object) {

// Call parent;

* Add the container component to this component
* Because we are using a XTemplate for rendering this component, we can
* only add the container after rendering, because the <ol> tag needs to be
* replaced with this container.
addContainerAfterRender: function() {
this.containerComponent.rendered = false;

* Remove a post processor from this element
* @param type
removePostProcessor: function(type) {
if (this.configuration.postProcessor[type]) {
delete this.configuration.postProcessor[type];

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-form', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Form);

* The HIDDEN element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Hidden
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Hidden = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'hidden',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
compiled: true,
getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
class: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
name: '',
style: '',
type: 'hidden',
value: ''
filters: {},
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Hidden.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-hidden', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Hidden);

* The PASSWORD element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Password
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Password = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'password',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
alt: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
maxlength: '',
name: '',
readonly: '',
size: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: '',
type: 'password',
value: ''
filters: {},
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label')
layout: 'front',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Password.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-password', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Password);

* The RADIO element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Radio
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Radio = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'x-radio',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
alt: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
name: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: '',
type: 'radio',
value: ''
filters: {},
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label')
layout: 'back',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Radio.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-radio', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Radio);

* The RESET element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Reset
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Reset = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'reset',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
alt: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
name: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: '',
type: 'reset',
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_domain_model_element_reset.value')
filters: {},
label: {
value: ''
layout: 'front',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Reset.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-reset', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Reset);

* The SELECT element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Select
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Select = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'select',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<select {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]}>',
'<tpl for="options">',
'<option {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]}>{data}</option>',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
class: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
multiple: '',
name: '',
size: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: ''
filters: {},
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label')
options: [
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_1')
}, {
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_2')
}, {
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_3')
layout: 'front',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Select.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-select', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Select);

* The SUBMIT element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Submit
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Submit = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'submit',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
alt: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
name: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: '',
type: 'submit',
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_domain_model_element_submit.value')
filters: {},
label: {
value: ''
layout: 'front',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Submit.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-submit', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Submit);

* The TEXTAREA element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textarea
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textarea = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'textarea',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<textarea {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]}>{data}</textarea>',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
class: '',
cols: '40',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
name: '',
readonly: '',
rows: '5',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: ''
data: '',
filters: {},
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label')
layout: 'front',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textarea.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-textarea', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textarea);

* The TEXTLINE element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textline
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textline = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'textline',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'front\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
'<input {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]} />',
'<tpl for="label">',
'<tpl if="value && parent.layout == \'back\'">',
'<label for="">{value}{[this.getMessage(parent.validation)]}</label>',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
accesskey: '',
alt: '',
class: '',
dir: '',
disabled: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
maxlength: '',
name: '',
readonly: '',
size: '',
style: '',
tabindex: '',
title: '',
type: 'text',
value: ''
filters: {},
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label')
layout: 'front',
validation: {}
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textline.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-textline', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textline);

* The predefined EMAIL element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.Email
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textline
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.Email = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Textline, {
* Initialize the component
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
configuration: {
attributes: {
name: 'email'
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label_email')
validation: {
required: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_required.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_required.error')
email: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_email.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_email.error')

// MERGE config
Ext.merge(this, config);

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.Email.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-predefined-email', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.Email);

* The predefined CHECKBOX GROUP element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.CheckboxGroup
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.CheckboxGroup = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset, {
* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<fieldset {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]}>',
'<tpl for="legend">',
'<tpl if="value">',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Initialize the component
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
elementContainer: {
hasDragAndDrop: false
configuration: {
attributes: {
class: 'fieldset-subgroup',
dir: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
style: ''
legend: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_legend')
options: [
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_1')
}, {
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_2')
}, {
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_3')
various: {
name: ''
validation: {}

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(config, this.initialConfig));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.CheckboxGroup.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

this.on('configurationChange', this.rebuild, this);

this.on('afterrender', this.rebuild, this);

* Add the radio buttons to the containerComponent of this fieldset,
* according to the configuration options.
* @param component
rebuild: function(component) {
if (this.configuration.options.size() > 0) {
var dummy = this.containerComponent.findById('dummy');
if (dummy) {
this.containerComponent.remove(dummy, true);
this.configuration.options.each(function(option, index, length) {
var checkbox = this.containerComponent.add({
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-checkbox',
isEditable: false,
cls: ''
var checkboxConfiguration = {
label: {
attributes: {}
if (
option.attributes &&
option.attributes.selected &&
option.attributes.selected == 'selected'
) {
checkboxConfiguration.attributes.checked = 'checked';
Ext.merge(checkbox.configuration, checkboxConfiguration);
}, this);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-predefined-checkboxgroup', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.CheckboxGroup);

* The predefined NAME element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.Name
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.Name = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset, {
* Initialize the component
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
configuration: {
attributes: {
class: 'predefined-name fieldset-subgroup fieldset-horizontal label-below',
dir: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
style: ''
legend: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_legend_name')
various: {
prefix: true,
suffix: true,
middleName: true

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(config, this.initialConfig));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.Name.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

this.on('configurationChange', this.rebuild, this);

this.on('afterrender', this.rebuild, this);

* Add the fields to the containerComponent of this fieldset,
* according to the configuration options.
* @param component
rebuild: function(component) {
var dummy = this.containerComponent.findById('dummy');
if (dummy) {
this.containerComponent.remove(dummy, true);
if (this.configuration.various.prefix) {
var prefix = this.containerComponent.add({
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-textline',
isEditable: false,
cls: '',
configuration: {
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label_prefix')
attributes: {
name: 'prefix',
size: 4
layout: 'back'
var firstName = this.containerComponent.add({
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-textline',
isEditable: false,
cls: '',
configuration: {
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label_firstname')
attributes: {
name: 'firstName',
size: 10
layout: 'back',
validation: {
required: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: true,
message: '*',
error: 'Required'
if (this.configuration.various.middleName) {
var middleName = this.containerComponent.add({
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-textline',
isEditable: false,
cls: '',
configuration: {
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label_middlename')
attributes: {
name: 'middleName',
size: 6
layout: 'back'
var lastName = this.containerComponent.add({
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-textline',
isEditable: false,
cls: '',
configuration: {
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label_lastname')
attributes: {
name: 'lastName',
size: 15
layout: 'back',
validation: {
required: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: true,
message: '*',
error: 'Required'
if (this.configuration.various.suffix) {
var suffix = this.containerComponent.add({
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-textline',
isEditable: false,
cls: '',
configuration: {
label: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_label_suffix')
attributes: {
name: 'suffix',
size: 4
layout: 'back'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-predefined-name', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.Name);

* The predefined RADIO GROUP element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.RadioGroup
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.RadioGroup = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Basic.Fieldset, {
* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<fieldset {[this.getAttributes(values.attributes)]}>',
'<tpl for="legend">',
'<tpl if="value">',
compiled: true,
getMessage: function(rules) {
var messageHtml = '';
var messages = [];
Ext.iterate(rules, function(rule, configuration) {
if (configuration.showMessage) {
}, this);

messageHtml = ' <em>' + messages.join(', ') + '</em>';
return messageHtml;

getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Initialize the component
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
elementContainer: {
hasDragAndDrop: false
configuration: {
attributes: {
class: 'fieldset-subgroup',
dir: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
style: ''
legend: {
value: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_legend')
options: [
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_1')
}, {
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_2')
}, {
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_option_3')
various: {
name: ''
validation: {}

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(config, this.initialConfig));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.RadioGroup.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

this.on('configurationChange', this.rebuild, this);

this.on('afterrender', this.rebuild, this);

* Add the radio buttons to the containerComponent of this fieldset,
* according to the configuration options.
* @param component
rebuild: function(component) {
if (this.configuration.options.size() > 0) {
var dummy = this.containerComponent.findById('dummy');
if (dummy) {
this.containerComponent.remove(dummy, true);
this.configuration.options.each(function(option, index, length) {
var radio = this.containerComponent.add({
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-radio',
isEditable: false,
cls: ''
var radioConfiguration = {
label: {
attributes: {}
if (
option.attributes &&
option.attributes.selected &&
option.attributes.selected == 'selected'
) {
radioConfiguration.attributes.checked = 'checked';
Ext.merge(radio.configuration, radioConfiguration);
}, this);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-predefined-radiogroup', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Predefined.RadioGroup);

* The content HEADER element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Content.Header
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Content.Header = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'header',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="various">',
'<{headingSize} {[this.getAttributes(parent.attributes)]}>',
compiled: true,
getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
class: 'content-header',
dir: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
style: '',
title: ''
various: {
headingSize: 'h1',
content: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_header_content')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Content.Header.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-content-header', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Content.Header);

* The content HEADER element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Content.Header
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Content.Textblock = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements, {
* @cfg {String} elementClass
* An extra CSS class that will be added to this component's Element
elementClass: 'textblock',

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="overflow-hidden">',
'<tpl for="various">',
'<div {[this.getAttributes(parent.attributes)]}>',
compiled: true,
getAttributes: function(attributes) {
var attributesHtml = '';
Ext.iterate(attributes, function(key, value) {
if (value) {
attributesHtml += key + '="' + value + '" ';
}, this);
return attributesHtml;

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
attributes: {
class: 'content-textblock',
dir: '',
id: '',
lang: '',
style: '',
title: ''
various: {
content: TYPO3.l10n.localize('elements_textblock_content')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Content.Textblock.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-elements-content-textblock', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Content.Textblock);
Ext.namespace('TYPO3.Form', 'TYPO3.Form.Wizard');

* The viewport
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport
* @extends Ext.Container
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard',

* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Mixed} renderTo
* Specify the id of the element, a DOM element or an existing Element that
* this component will be rendered into.
renderTo: 'typo3-inner-docbody',

* @cfg {String} layout
* In order for child items to be correctly sized and positioned, typically
* a layout manager must be specified through the layout configuration option.
* The sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the
* Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout
* you have in mind.
layout: 'border',

* Constructor
* Add the left and right part to the viewport
* Add the history buttons
* TODO Move the buttons to the docheader
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
items: [
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left'
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-right'

// Add the buttons to the docheader

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

* Add the buttons to the docheader
* All buttons except close will be handled by the form wizard javascript
* The save and history buttons are put into separate buttongroups, click
* event listeners are added.
addButtonsToDocHeader: function() {
var docHeaderRow1 = Ext.get('typo3-docheader-row1');
var docHeaderRow1ButtonsLeft = docHeaderRow1.first('.buttonsleft');

var saveButtonGroup = Ext.DomHelper.append(docHeaderRow1ButtonsLeft, {
tag: 'div',
cls: 'buttongroup'

var save = new Ext.Element(
Ext.DomHelper.append(saveButtonGroup, {
tag: 'span',
cls: 't3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-save',
id: 'formwizard-save',
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('save')

var saveAndClose = new Ext.Element(
Ext.DomHelper.append(saveButtonGroup, {
tag: 'span',
cls: 't3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-save-close',
id: 'formwizard-saveandclose',
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('saveAndClose')

save.on('click',, this);
saveAndClose.on('click', this.saveAndClose, this);

var historyButtonGroup = Ext.DomHelper.append(docHeaderRow1ButtonsLeft, {
tag: 'div',
cls: 'buttongroup'

var undo = new Ext.Element(
Ext.DomHelper.append(historyButtonGroup, {
tag: 'span',
cls: 't3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-view-go-back',
id: 'formwizard-history-undo',
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('history_undo')

var redo = new Ext.Element(
Ext.DomHelper.append(historyButtonGroup, {
tag: 'span',
cls: 't3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-view-go-forward',
id: 'formwizard-history-redo',
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('history_redo')

undo.on('click', this.undo, this);

redo.on('click', this.redo, this);

* Save the form
* @param event
* @param element
* @param object
save: function(event, element, object) {
var configuration = Ext.getCmp('formwizard-right').getConfiguration();

url: document.location.href,
method: 'POST',
params: {
action: 'save',
configuration: Ext.encode(configuration)
success: function(response, opts) {
var responseObject = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
failure: function(response, opts) {
var responseObject = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
TYPO3.l10n.localize('action_save_error') + ' ' + response.status
scope: this

* Save the form and close the wizard
* @param event
* @param element
* @param object
saveAndClose: function(event, element, object) {
var configuration = Ext.getCmp('formwizard-right').getConfiguration();

url: document.location.href,
method: 'POST',
params: {
action: 'save',
configuration: Ext.encode(configuration)
success: function(response, opts) {
var urlParameters = Ext.urlDecode(;
document.location = urlParameters['P[returnUrl]'];
failure: function(response, opts) {
var responseObject = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
TYPO3.l10n.localize('action_save_error') + ' ' + response.status
scope: this

* Get the previous snapshot from the history if available
* @param event
* @param element
* @param object
undo: function(event, element, object) {

* Get the next snapshot from the history if available
* @param event
* @param element
* @param object
redo: function(event, element, object) {

* The tabpanel on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left
* @extends Ext.TabPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left',

* @cfg {Integer} width
* The width of this component in pixels (defaults to auto).
width: 350,

* @cfg {String/Number} activeTab A string id or the numeric index of the tab that should be initially
* activated on render (defaults to undefined).
activeTab: 0,

* @cfg {String} region
* Note: this config is only used when this BoxComponent is rendered
* by a Container which has been configured to use the BorderLayout
* layout manager (e.g. specifying layout:'border').
region: 'west',

* @cfg {Boolean} autoScroll
* true to use overflow:'auto' on the components layout element and show
* scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing
* content (defaults to false).
autoScroll: true,

* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset border,
* but this can be further altered by setting {@link #bodyBorder} to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Object|Function} defaults
* This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items
* whether added through the items config or via the add or insert methods.
defaults: {
autoHeight: true,
autoWidth: true

* Constructor
* Add the tabs to the tabpanel
initComponent: function() {
var allowedTabs = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.showTabs.split(/[, ]+/);
var tabs = [];

allowedTabs.each(function(option, index, length) {
var tabXtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-' + option;
if (Ext.ComponentMgr.isRegistered(tabXtype)) {
xtype: tabXtype
}, this);

var config = {
items: tabs

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Set the focus when a tab has changed. We need this to remove focus from forms
this.on('tabchange', this.setFocus, this);

* Set the focus to a tab
* doLayout is necessary, because the tabs are sometimes emptied and filled
* again, for instance by the history. Otherwise after a history undo or redo
* the options and form tabs are empty.
* @param tabPanel
* @param tab
setFocus: function(tabPanel, tab) {

* Set the options tab as active tab
* Called by the options panel when an element has been selected
setOptionsTab: function() {

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left);

* The form container on the right side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Right
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Elements.Container
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Right = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-right',

* @cfg {Mixed} autoEl
* A tag name or DomHelper spec used to create the Element which will
* encapsulate this Component.
autoEl: 'ol',

* @cfg {String} region
* Note: this config is only used when this BoxComponent is rendered
* by a Container which has been configured to use the BorderLayout
* layout manager (e.g. specifying layout:'border').
region: 'center',

* @cfg {Boolean} autoScroll
* true to use overflow:'auto' on the components layout element and show
* scroll bars automatically when necessary, false to clip any overflowing
* content (defaults to false).
autoScroll: true,

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
items: [
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-elements-basic-form'

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Right.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize the form after rendering
this.on('afterrender', this.initializeForm, this);

* Initialize the form after rendering
initializeForm: function() {

* Load the form with an AJAX call
* Loads the configuration and initializes the history
loadForm: function() {
url: document.location.href,
method: 'POST',
params: {
action: 'load'
success: function(response, opts) {
var responseObject = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
failure: function(response, opts) {
var responseObject = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
'Loading form',
'Server-side failure with status code ' + response.status
scope: this

* Initialize the history
* After the form has been rendered for the first time, we need to add the
* initial configuration to the history, so it is possible to go back to the
* initial state of the form when it was loaded.
initializeHistory: function() {

* Called by the history class when a change has been made in the form
* Constructs an array out of this component and the children to add it to
* the history or to use when saving the form
* @returns {Array}
getConfiguration: function() {
var historyConfiguration = new Array;

if (this.items) {
this.items.each(function(item, index, length) {
}, this);
return historyConfiguration;

* Load a previous configuration from the history
* Removes all the components from this container and adds the components
* from the history configuration depending on the 'undo' or 'redo' action.
* @param historyConfiguration
loadConfiguration: function(historyConfiguration) {

* Pass the form configuration to the left form tab
setForm: function() {
if (Ext.getCmp('formwizard-left-form')) {

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-right', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Right);

* The elements panel in the elements tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-elements',

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'x-tab-panel-body-content',

* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('left_elements'),

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the tab
initComponent: function() {
var allowedAccordions = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.elements.showAccordions.split(/[, ]+/);
var accordions = [];

allowedAccordions.each(function(option, index, length) {
var accordionXtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-elements-' + option;
if (Ext.ComponentMgr.isRegistered(accordionXtype)) {
xtype: accordionXtype
}, this);

var config = {
items: [
xtype: 'container',
id: 'formwizard-left-elements-intro',
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',
data: [{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('left_elements_intro_title'),
description: TYPO3.l10n.localize('left_elements_intro_description')
cls: 'formwizard-left-dummy typo3-message message-information'
}, {
xtype: 'panel',
layout: 'accordion',
border: false,
padding: 0,
defaults: {
autoHeight: true,
cls: 'x-panel-accordion'
items: accordions

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-elements', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements);

* The button group abstract for the elements tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup
* @extends Ext.ButtonGroup
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {Object|Function} defaults
* This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items
* whether added through the items config or via the add or insert methods.
defaults: {
xtype: 'button',
scale: 'small',
width: 140,
iconAlign: 'left',
cls: 'formwizard-element'

cls: 'formwizard-buttongroup',

* @cfg {Boolean} autoHeight
* true to use height:'auto', false to use fixed height (defaults to false).
* Note: Setting autoHeight: true means that the browser will manage the panel's height
* based on its contents, and that Ext will not manage it at all. If the panel is within a layout that
* manages dimensions (fit, border, etc.) then setting autoHeight: true
* can cause issues with scrolling and will not generally work as expected since the panel will take
* on the height of its contents rather than the height required by the Ext layout.
autoHeight: true,

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: 0,

* @cfg {String} layout
* In order for child items to be correctly sized and positioned, typically
* a layout manager must be specified through the layout configuration option.
* The sizing and positioning of child items is the responsibility of the
* Container's layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout
* you have in mind.
layout: 'table',

* @cfg {Object} layoutConfig
* This is a config object containing properties specific to the chosen
* layout if layout has been specified as a string.
layoutConfig: {
columns: 2

* Constructor
* Add the buttons to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var config = {};

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize the dragzone after rendering
this.on('render', this.initializeDrag, this);

* Initialize the drag zone.
* @param buttonGroup
initializeDrag: function(buttonGroup) {
buttonGroup.dragZone = new Ext.dd.DragZone(buttonGroup.getEl(), {
getDragData: function(element) {
var sourceElement = element.getTarget('.formwizard-element');
if (sourceElement) {
clonedElement = sourceElement.cloneNode(true); =;
return buttonGroup.dragData = {
sourceEl: sourceElement,
ddel: clonedElement
getRepairXY: function() {
return buttonGroup.dragData.repairXY;

* Called when a button has been double clicked
* Tells the form in the right container to add a new element, according to
* the button which has been clicked.
* @param button
* @param event
onDoubleClick: function(button, event) {
var formContainer = Ext.getCmp('formwizard-right').get(0).containerComponent;
formContainer.dropElement(button, 'container');

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-elements-buttongroup', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup);

* The basic elements in the elements tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Basic
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Basic = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic',

* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('left_elements_basic'),

* Constructor
* Add the buttons to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var allowedButtons = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.elements.accordions.basic.showButtons.split(/[, ]+/);
var buttons = [];

allowedButtons.each(function(option, index, length) {
switch (option) {
case 'button':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_button'),
id: 'basic-button',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-button',
scope: this
case 'checkbox':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_checkbox'),
id: 'basic-checkbox',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-checkbox',
scope: this
case 'fieldset':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_fieldset'),
id: 'basic-fieldset',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-fieldset',
scope: this
case 'fileupload':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_fileupload'),
id: 'basic-fileupload',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-fileupload',
scope: this
case 'hidden':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_hidden'),
id: 'basic-hidden',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-hidden',
scope: this
case 'password':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_password'),
id: 'basic-password',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-password',
scope: this
case 'radio':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_radio'),
id: 'basic-radio',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-radio',
scope: this
case 'reset':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_reset'),
id: 'basic-reset',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-reset',
scope: this
case 'select':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_select'),
id: 'basic-select',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-select',
scope: this
case 'submit':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_submit'),
id: 'basic-submit',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-submit',
scope: this
case 'textarea':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_textarea'),
id: 'basic-textarea',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-textarea',
scope: this
case 'textline':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('basic_textline'),
id: 'basic-textline',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-basic-textline',
scope: this
}, this);

var config = {
items: buttons

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Basic.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-elements-basic', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Basic);

* The predefined elements in the elements tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Predefined
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Predefined = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-elements-predefined',

* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('left_elements_predefined'),

* Constructor
* Add the buttons to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var allowedButtons = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.elements.accordions.predefined.showButtons.split(/[, ]+/);
var buttons = [];

allowedButtons.each(function(option, index, length) {
switch (option) {
case 'email':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('predefined_email'),
id: 'predefined-email',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-predefined-email',
scope: this
case 'radiogroup':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('predefined_radiogroup'),
id: 'predefined-radiogroup',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-predefined-radiogroup',
scope: this
case 'checkboxgroup':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('predefined_checkboxgroup'),
id: 'predefined-checkboxgroup',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-predefined-checkboxgroup',
scope: this
case 'name':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('predefined_name'),
id: 'predefined-name',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-predefined-name',
scope: this
}, this);

var config = {
items: buttons

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Predefined.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-elements-predefined', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Predefined);

* The content elements in the elements tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Content
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Content = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.ButtonGroup, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-elements-content',

* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('left_elements_content'),

* Constructor
* Add the buttons to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var allowedButtons = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.elements.accordions.content.showButtons.split(/[, ]+/);
var buttons = [];

allowedButtons.each(function(option, index, length) {
switch (option) {
case 'header':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('content_header'),
id: 'content-header',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-content-header',
scope: this
case 'textblock':
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('content_textblock'),
id: 'content-textblock',
clickEvent: 'dblclick',
handler: this.onDoubleClick,
iconCls: 'formwizard-left-elements-content-textblock',
scope: this
}, this);

var config = {
items: buttons

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Content.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-elements-content', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Elements.Content);

* The options tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-options',

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'x-tab-panel-body-content',

* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('left_options'),

* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: 0,

* @cfg {Object} validAccordions
* Keeps track which accordions are valid. Accordions contain forms which
* do client validation. If there is a validation change in a form in the
* accordion, a validation event will be fired, which changes one of these
* values
validAccordions: {
attributes: true,
filters: true,
label: true,
legend: true,
options: true,
validation: true,
various: true

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the tab
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-dummy'

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// if the active element changes in helper, this should be reflected here
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Helpers.Element.on('setactive', this.toggleActive, this);

* Load options form according to element type
* This will be called whenever the current element changes
* @param component The current element
* @return void
toggleActive: function(component) {
if (component) {
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-panel',
element: component,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this
} else {
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-dummy'
Ext.iterate(this.validAccordions, function(key, value) {
this.validAccordions[key] = true;
}, this);

* Checks if a tab is valid by iterating all accordions on validity
* @returns {Boolean}
tabIsValid: function() {
var valid = true;

Ext.iterate(this.validAccordions, function(key, value) {
if (!value) {
valid = false;
}, this);

return valid;

* Called by the validation listeners of the accordions
* Checks if all accordions are valid. If not, adds a class to the tab
* @param {String} accordion The accordion which fires the event
* @param {Boolean} isValid Accordion is valid or not
validation: function(accordion, isValid) {
this.validAccordions[accordion] = isValid;
var tabIsValid = this.tabIsValid();

if (this.tabEl) {
if (tabIsValid && Ext.get(this.tabEl).hasClass('validation-error')) {
} else if (!tabIsValid && !Ext.get(this.tabEl).hasClass('validation-error')) {

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options);

* The options panel for a dummy item
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Dummy
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Dummy = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-options-dummy',

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'formwizard-left-dummy typo3-message message-information',

* @cfg {Mixed} data
* The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to update the content area of
* the Component.
data: [{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_dummy_title'),
description: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_dummy_description')

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-dummy', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Dummy);

* The options panel
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Panel
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Panel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {Object} element
* The element for the options form
element: null,

* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Object|Function} defaults
* This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items
* whether added through the items config or via the add or insert methods.
defaults: {
autoHeight: true,
border: false,
padding: 0

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the tab
initComponent: function() {
var accordions = this.getAccordionsBySettings();
var accordionItems = new Array();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

Ext.iterate(accordions, function(item, index, allItems) {
var accordionXtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-' + item;
xtype: accordionXtype,
element: this.element,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this
}, this);

var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'panel',
layout: 'accordion',
ref: 'accordion',
defaults: {
autoHeight: true,
cls: 'x-panel-accordion'
items: accordionItems

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Panel.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

* Adds the accordions depending on the TSconfig settings
* It will first look at showAccordions for the tab, then it will filter it
* down with the accordions allowed for the element.
* @returns {Array}
getAccordionsBySettings: function() {
var accordions = [];
if (this.element) {
var elementType = this.element.xtype.split('-').pop();

var allowedDefaultAccordions = [];
try {
allowedDefaultAccordions = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.options.showAccordions.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found
allowedDefaultAccordions = [

var allowedElementAccordions = [];
try {
allowedElementAccordions = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.elements[elementType].showAccordions.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found
allowedElementAccordions = allowedDefaultAccordions;

Ext.iterate(allowedElementAccordions, function(item, index, allItems) {
var accordionXtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-' + item;
if (
Ext.isDefined(this.element.configuration[item]) &&
allowedElementAccordions.indexOf(item) > -1 &&
) {
}, this);

return accordions;

* Fire the validation event
* This is only a pass-through for the accordion validation events
* @param accordion
* @param valid
validation: function(accordion, valid) {
this.fireEvent('validation', accordion, valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-panel', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Panel);

* The attributes properties of the element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Attributes
* @extends Ext.FormPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Attributes = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_attributes'),

/** @cfg {String} defaultType
* The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when
* a child item is specified as a raw configuration object,
* rather than as an instantiated Component.
* Defaults to 'panel', except which defaults to 'menuitem',
* and Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',

* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the clientvalidation event passing that state.
* When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* buttons which have been configured with formBind: true depending
* on whether the form is valid or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid: true,

* Constructor
* @param config
constructor: function(config){
// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

// Call our superclass constructor to complete construction process., config);

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var attributes = this.getAttributesBySettings();
var formItems = new Array();

Ext.iterate(attributes, function(item, index, allItems) {
switch(item) {
case 'accept':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_accept'),
name: 'accept',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'acceptcharset':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_acceptcharset'),
name: 'acceptcharset',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'accesskey':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_accesskey'),
name: 'accesskey',
maxlength: 1,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'action':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_action'),
name: 'action',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'alt':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_alt'),
name: 'alt',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'checked':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_checked'),
name: 'checked',
inputValue: 'checked',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'class':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_class'),
name: 'class',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'cols':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_cols'),
name: 'cols',
xtype: 'spinnerfield',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'spin': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'dir':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_dir'),
name: 'dir',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'dir',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_dir_ltr'), value: 'ltr'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_dir_rtl'), value: 'rtl'}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'disabled':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_disabled'),
name: 'disabled',
inputValue: 'disabled',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'enctype':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_enctype'),
name: 'enctype',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'enctype',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_enctype_1'), value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_enctype_2'), value: 'multipart/form-data'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_enctype_3'), value: 'text/plain'}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'id':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_id'),
name: 'id',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'label':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_label'),
name: 'label',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'lang':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_lang'),
name: 'lang',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'maxlength':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_maxlength'),
name: 'maxlength',
xtype: 'spinnerfield',
listeners: {
'spin': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'method':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_method'),
name: 'method',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'method',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_method_get'), value: 'get'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_method_post'), value: 'post'}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'multiple':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_multiple'),
name: 'multiple',
inputValue: 'multiple',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'name':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_name'),
name: 'name',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'readonly':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_readonly'),
name: 'readonly',
inputValue: 'readonly',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'rows':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_rows'),
name: 'rows',
xtype: 'spinnerfield',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'spin': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'selected':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_selected'),
name: 'selected',
inputValue: 'selected',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'size':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_size'),
name: 'size',
xtype: 'spinnerfield',
listeners: {
'spin': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'src':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_src'),
name: 'src',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'style':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_style'),
name: 'style',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'tabindex':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_tabindex'),
name: 'tabindex',
xtype: 'spinnerfield',
listeners: {
'spin': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'title':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_title'),
name: 'title',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'type':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type'),
name: 'type',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'type',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_button'), value: 'button'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_checkbox'), value: 'checkbox'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_file'), value: 'file'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_hidden'), value: 'hidden'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_image'), value: 'image'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_password'), value: 'password'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_radio'), value: 'radio'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_reset'), value: 'reset'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_submit'), value: 'submit'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_type_text'), value: 'text'}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'value':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('attributes_value'),
name: 'value',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
}, this);

var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: '',
autoHeight: true,
border: false,
defaults: {
width: 150,
msgTarget: 'side'
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',
items: formItems

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Attributes.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize clientvalidation event
this.on('clientvalidation', this.validation, this);

// Fill the form with the configuration values

* Store a changed value from the form in the element
* @param {Object} field The field which has changed
storeValue: function(field) {
if (field.isValid()) {
var fieldName = field.getName();

var formConfiguration = {attributes: {}};
formConfiguration.attributes[fieldName] = field.getValue();


* Fill the form with the configuration of the element
* @return void
fillForm: function() {

* Get the attributes for the element
* Based on the elements attributes, the TSconfig general allowed attributes
* and the TSconfig allowed attributes for this type of element
* @returns object
getAttributesBySettings: function() {
var attributes = [];
var elementAttributes = this.element.configuration.attributes;
var elementType = this.element.xtype.split('-').pop();

var allowedGeneralAttributes = [];
try {
allowedGeneralAttributes = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.options.accordions.attributes.showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedGeneralAttributes = [

var allowedElementAttributes = [];
try {
allowedElementAttributes = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.elements[elementType].accordions.attributes.showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found
allowedElementAttributes = allowedGeneralAttributes;

Ext.iterate(allowedElementAttributes, function(item, index, allItems) {
if (allowedGeneralAttributes.indexOf(item) > -1 && Ext.isDefined(elementAttributes[item])) {
}, this);

return attributes;

* Called by the clientvalidation event
* Adds or removes the error class if the form is valid or not
* @param {Object} formPanel This formpanel
* @param {Boolean} valid True if the client validation is true
validation: function(formPanel, valid) {
if (this.el) {
if (valid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'attributes', valid);
} else if (!valid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'attributes', valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-attributes', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Attributes);

* The label properties and the layout of the element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Label
* @extends Ext.FormPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Label = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_label'),

/** @cfg {String} defaultType
* The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when
* a child item is specified as a raw configuration object,
* rather than as an instantiated Component.
* Defaults to 'panel', except which defaults to 'menuitem',
* and Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.
defaultType: 'textfield',

* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the clientvalidation event passing that state.
* When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* buttons which have been configured with formBind: true depending
* on whether the form is valid or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid: true,

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'x-panel-accordion',

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var fields = this.getFieldsBySettings();
var formItems = new Array();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

Ext.iterate(fields, function(item, index, allItems) {
switch(item) {
case 'label':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('label_label'),
name: 'label',
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'layout':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('label_layout'),
name: 'layout',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'layout',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('label_layout_front'), value: 'front'},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('label_layout_back'), value: 'back'}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
}, this);

var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: '',
border: false,
autoHeight: true,
defaults: {
width: 150,
msgTarget: 'side'
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',
items: formItems

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Label.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize clientvalidation event
this.on('clientvalidation', this.validation, this);

// Fill the form with the configuration values

* Store a changed value from the form in the element
* @param {Object} field The field which has changed
storeValue: function(field) {
if (field.isValid()) {
var fieldName = field.getName();

if (fieldName == 'label') {
var formConfiguration = {
label: {
value: field.getValue()
} else {
var formConfiguration = {};
formConfiguration[fieldName] = field.getValue();

* Fill the form with the configuration of the element
* @param record The current question
* @return void
fillForm: function() {
label: this.element.configuration.label.value,
layout: this.element.configuration.layout

* Get the fields for the element
* Based on the TSconfig general allowed fields
* and the TSconfig allowed fields for this type of element
* @returns object
getFieldsBySettings: function() {
var fields = [];
var elementType = this.element.xtype.split('-').pop();

var allowedGeneralFields = [];
try {
allowedGeneralFields = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.options.accordions.label.showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedGeneralFields = [

var allowedElementFields = [];
try {
allowedElementFields = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.elements[elementType].accordions.label.showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedElementFields = allowedGeneralFields;

Ext.iterate(allowedElementFields, function(item, index, allItems) {
if (allowedGeneralFields.indexOf(item) > -1) {
}, this);

return fields;

* Called by the clientvalidation event
* Adds or removes the error class if the form is valid or not
* @param {Object} formPanel This formpanel
* @param {Boolean} valid True if the client validation is true
validation: function(formPanel, valid) {
if (this.el) {
if (valid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'label', valid);
} else if (!valid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'label', valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-label', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Label);

* The legend properties of the element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Legend
* @extends Ext.FormPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Legend = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_legend'),

/** @cfg {String} defaultType
* The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when
* a child item is specified as a raw configuration object,
* rather than as an instantiated Component.
* Defaults to 'panel', except which defaults to 'menuitem',
* and Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.
defaultType: 'textfield',

* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the clientvalidation event passing that state.
* When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* buttons which have been configured with formBind: true depending
* on whether the form is valid or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid: true,

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'x-panel-accordion',

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: '',
autoHeight: true,
border: false,
defaults: {
width: 150,
msgTarget: 'side'
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',
items: [
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('legend_legend'),
name: 'legend',
enableKeyEvents: true,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Legend.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize clientvalidation event
this.on('clientvalidation', this.validation, this);

// Fill the form with the configuration values

* Store a changed value from the form in the element
* @param {Object} field The field which has changed
storeValue: function(field) {
if (field.isValid()) {
var fieldName = field.getName();

if (fieldName == 'legend') {
var formConfiguration = {
legend: {
value: field.getValue()
} else {
var formConfiguration = {};
formConfiguration[fieldName] = field.getValue();

* Fill the form with the configuration of the element
* @param record The current question
* @return void
fillForm: function() {
legend: this.element.configuration.legend.value

* Called by the clientvalidation event
* Adds or removes the error class if the form is valid or not
* @param {Object} formPanel This formpanel
* @param {Boolean} valid True if the client validation is true
validation: function(formPanel, valid) {
if (this.el) {
if (valid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'legend', valid);
} else if (!valid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'legend', valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-legend', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Legend);

* The options properties of the element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Options
* @extends Ext.FormPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Options = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel, {
* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_fieldoptions'),

* @cfg {String} autoExpandColumn
* The id of a column in this grid that should expand to fill unused space.
* This value specified here can not be 0.
autoExpandColumn: 'data',

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: '10px 0 10px 15px',

* @cfg {Number} clicksToEdit
* The number of clicks on a cell required to display the cell's editor (defaults to 2).
* Setting this option to 'auto' means that mousedown on the selected cell starts
* editing that cell.
clicksToEdit: 1,

* @cfg {Object} viewConfig A config object that will be applied to the grid's UI view. Any of
* the config options available for Ext.grid.GridView can be specified here. This option
* is ignored if view is specified.
forceFit: true,
emptyText: TYPO3.l10n.localize('fieldoptions_emptytext'),
scrollOffset: 0

* Constructor
* Configure store and columns for the grid
initComponent: function() {
var optionRecord =[
name: 'data',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'selected',
convert: this.convertSelected,
type: 'bool'

var store = new{
idIndex: 1,
fields: optionRecord,
data: this.element.configuration.options,
autoDestroy: true,
autoSave: true,
listeners: {
'add': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeOptions
'remove': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeOptions
'update': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeOptions

var checkColumn = new Ext.ux.grid.SingleSelectCheckColumn({
id: 'selected',
header: TYPO3.l10n.localize('fieldoptions_selected'),
dataIndex: 'selected',
width: 30

var itemDeleter = new Ext.ux.grid.ItemDeleter();

var config = {
store: store,
cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
defaults: {
sortable: false
columns: [
id: 'data',
header: TYPO3.l10n.localize('fieldoptions_data'),
dataIndex: 'data',
editor: new Ext.ux.form.TextFieldSubmit({
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': function(field) {
field.gridEditor.record.set('data', field.getValue());
selModel: itemDeleter,
plugins: [checkColumn],
tbar: [{
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('fieldoptions_button_add'),
handler: this.addOption,
scope: this

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Options.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

* Adds a new record to the grid
* Called when the button to add option in the top bar has been clicked
addOption: function() {
var option =;
var newOption = new option({
data: TYPO3.l10n.localize('fieldoptions_new'),
selected: false
this.startEditing(0, 0);

* Stores the options in the element whenever a change has been done to the
* grid, like add, remove or update
* @param store
* @param record
storeOptions: function(store, record) {
if (record && record.dirty) {
} else {
var option = {};
var options = []; {
var option = {
data: record.get('data')
if (record.get('selected')) {
option.attributes = {
selected: 'selected'
this.element.configuration.options = [];
var formConfiguration = {
options: options

* Convert and remap the "selected" attribute. In HTML the attribute needs
* be as selected="selected", while the grid uses a boolean.
* @param v
* @param record
* @returns {Boolean}
convertSelected: function(v, record) {
if (record.attributes && record.attributes.selected) {
if (record.attributes.selected == 'selected') {
return true;
return false;

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-options', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Options);

* The various properties of the element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Various
* @extends Ext.FormPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Various = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_various'),

/** @cfg {String} defaultType
* The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when
* a child item is specified as a raw configuration object,
* rather than as an instantiated Component.
* Defaults to 'panel', except which defaults to 'menuitem',
* and Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.
defaultType: 'textfield',

* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the clientvalidation event passing that state.
* When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* buttons which have been configured with formBind: true depending
* on whether the form is valid or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid: true,

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var various = this.element.configuration.various;
var formItems = new Array();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

Ext.iterate(various, function(key, value) {
switch(key) {
case 'name':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('various_properties_name'),
name: 'name',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'content':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('various_properties_content'),
name: 'content',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'headingSize':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('various_properties_headingsize'),
name: 'headingSize',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'headingSize',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: 'H1', value: 'h1'},
{label: 'H2', value: 'h2'},
{label: 'H3', value: 'h3'},
{label: 'H4', value: 'h4'},
{label: 'H5', value: 'h5'}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'prefix':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('various_properties_prefix'),
name: 'prefix',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'prefix',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('yes'), value: true},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('no'), value: false}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'suffix':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('various_properties_suffix'),
name: 'suffix',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'suffix',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('yes'), value: true},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('no'), value: false}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'middleName':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('various_properties_middlename'),
name: 'middleName',
xtype: 'combo',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'middleName',
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('yes'), value: true},
{label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('no'), value: false}
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
}, this);

var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: '',
autoHeight: true,
border: false,
defaults: {
width: 150,
msgTarget: 'side'
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',
items: formItems

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Various.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize clientvalidation event
this.on('clientvalidation', this.validation, this);

// Fill the form with the configuration values

* Store a changed value from the form in the element
* @param {Object} field The field which has changed
storeValue: function(field) {
if (field.isValid()) {
var fieldName = field.getName();

var formConfiguration = {various: {}};
formConfiguration.various[fieldName] = field.getValue();


* Fill the form with the configuration of the element
* @return void
fillForm: function() {

* Called by the clientvalidation event
* Adds or removes the error class if the form is valid or not
* @param {Object} formPanel This formpanel
* @param {Boolean} valid True if the client validation is true
validation: function(formPanel, valid) {
if (this.el) {
if (valid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'various', valid);
} else if (!valid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'various', valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-various', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Various);

* The filters accordion panel in the element options in the left tabpanel
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_filters'),

* @cfg {Object} validFilters
* Keeps track which filters are valid. Filters contain forms which
* do client validation. If there is a validation change in a form in the
* filter, a validation event will be fired, which changes one of these
* values
validFilters: {
alphabetic: true,
alphanumeric: true,
currency: true,
digit: true,
integer: true,
lowercase: true,
regexp: true,
removexss: true,
stripnewlines: true,
titlecase: true,
trim: true,
uppercase: true

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var filters = this.getFiltersBySettings();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-dummy',
ref: 'dummy'
tbar: [
xtype: 'combo',
hideLabel: true,
name: 'filters',
ref: 'filters',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'filters',
emptyText: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_emptytext'),
width: 150,
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: filters
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.addFilter

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize the filters when they are available for this element

* Called when constructing the filters accordion
* Checks if the element already has filters and loads these instead of the dummy
initFilters: function() {
var filters = this.element.configuration.filters;
if (!Ext.isEmptyObject(filters)) {
Ext.iterate(filters, function(key, value) {
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-' + key,
element: this.element,
configuration: value,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this
}, this);

* Add a filter to the filters list
* @param comboBox
* @param record
* @param index
addFilter: function(comboBox, record, index) {
var filter = comboBox.getValue();
var xtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-' + filter;

if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.findByType(xtype))) {
Ext.MessageBox.alert(TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_alert_title'), TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_alert_description'));
} else {

xtype: xtype,
element: this.element,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this

* Remove a filter from the filters list
* Shows dummy when there is no filter for this element
* @param component
removeFilter: function(component) {
this.validation(component.filter, true);
if (this.items.length == 0) {
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-dummy',
ref: 'dummy'

* Get the allowed filters by the TSconfig settings
* @returns {Array}
getFiltersBySettings: function() {
var filters = [];
var elementType = this.element.xtype.split('-').pop();

var allowedDefaultFilters = [];
try {
allowedDefaultFilters = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.options.accordions.filtering.showFilters.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found
allowedDefaultFilters = [

var allowedElementFilters = [];
try {
allowedElementFilters = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.elements[elementType].accordions.filtering.showFilters.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedElementFilters = allowedDefaultFilters;

Ext.iterate(allowedElementFilters, function(item, index, allItems) {
if (allowedDefaultFilters.indexOf(item) > -1) {
filters.push({label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_' + item), value: item});
}, this);

return filters;

* Called by the validation listeners of the filters
* Checks if all filters are valid. If not, adds a class to the accordion
* @param {String} filter The filter which fires the event
* @param {Boolean} isValid Rule is valid or not
validation: function(filter, isValid) {
this.validFilters[filter] = isValid;
var accordionIsValid = true;
Ext.iterate(this.validFilters, function(key, value) {
if (!value) {
accordionIsValid = false;
}, this);
if (this.el) {
if (accordionIsValid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'filters', isValid);
} else if (!accordionIsValid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'filters', isValid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters);

* The filter abstract
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
* @extends Ext.FormPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: 0,

* @cfg {String} defaultType
* The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when
* a child item is specified as a raw configuration object,
* rather than as an instantiated Component.
* Defaults to 'panel', except which defaults to 'menuitem',
* and Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.
defaultType: 'textfield',

* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the clientvalidation event passing that state.
* When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* buttons which have been configured with formBind: true depending
* on whether the form is valid or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid: true,

* @cfg {Object} Default filter configuration
configuration: {},

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
var fields = this.getFieldsBySettings();
var formItems = new Array();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

Ext.iterate(fields, function(item, index, allItems) {
switch(item) {
case 'allowWhiteSpace':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_properties_allowwhitespace'),
name: 'allowWhiteSpace',
inputValue: '1',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'decimalPoint':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_properties_decimalpoint'),
name: 'decimalPoint',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'thousandSeparator':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_properties_thousandseparator'),
name: 'thousandSeparator',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'expression':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_properties_expression'),
name: 'expression',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'characterList':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_properties_characterlist'),
name: 'characterList',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
}, this);

if (Ext.isEmpty(formItems)) {
xtype: 'box',
autoEl: {
tag: 'div'
width: 256,
cls: 'typo3-message message-information',
data: [{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_properties_none_title'),
description: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_properties_none')
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',


xtype: 'button',
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('button_remove'),
handler: this.removeFilter,
scope: this

var config = {
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: this.filter,
autoHeight: true,
defaults: {
width: 128,
msgTarget: 'side'
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',
items: formItems

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize clientvalidation event
this.on('clientvalidation', this.validation, this);

// Strange, but we need to call doLayout() after render
this.on('afterrender', this.newOrExistingFilter, this);

* Decide whether this is a new or an existing one
* If new, the default configuration has to be added to the filters
* of the element, otherwise we can fill the form with the existing configuration
newOrExistingFilter: function() {
// Existing filter
if (this.element.configuration.filters[this.filter]) {
// New filter
} else {

* Fill the form with the configuration of the element
* When filling, the events of all form elements should be suspended,
* otherwise the values are written back to the element, for instance on a
* check event on a checkbox.
fillForm: function() {

* Suspend the events on all items within this component
suspendEventsBeforeFilling: function() {
this.cascade(function(item) {

* Resume the events on all items within this component
resumeEventsAfterFilling: function() {
this.cascade(function(item) {

* Add this filter to the element
addFilterToElement: function() {
var formConfiguration = {filters: {}};
formConfiguration.filters[this.filter] = this.configuration;



* Store a changed value from the form in the element
* @param {Object} field The field which has changed
storeValue: function(field) {
if (field.isValid()) {
var fieldName = field.getName();

var formConfiguration = {filters: {}};
formConfiguration.filters[this.filter] = {};
formConfiguration.filters[this.filter][fieldName] = field.getValue();


* Remove the filter
* Called when the remove button of this filter has been clicked
removeFilter: function() {

* Get the fields for the element
* Based on the TSconfig general allowed fields
* and the TSconfig allowed fields for this type of element
* @returns object
getFieldsBySettings: function() {
var fields = [];
var filterFields = this.configuration;
var elementType = this.element.xtype.split('-').pop();

var allowedGeneralFields = [];
try {
allowedGeneralFields = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.options.accordions.filtering.filters[this.filter].showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedGeneralFields = [

var allowedElementFields = [];
try {
allowedElementFields = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.elements[elementType].accordions.filtering.filters[this.filter].showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedElementFields = allowedGeneralFields;

Ext.iterate(allowedElementFields, function(item, index, allItems) {
if (allowedGeneralFields.indexOf(item) > -1 && Ext.isDefined(filterFields[item])) {
}, this);

return fields;

* Called by the clientvalidation event
* Adds or removes the error class if the form is valid or not
* @param {Object} formPanel This formpanel
* @param {Boolean} valid True if the client validation is true
validation: function(formPanel, valid) {
if (this.el) {
if (valid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', this.filter, valid);
} else if (!valid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', this.filter, valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-filter', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter);

* The dummy item when no filter is defined for an element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Dummy
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Dummy = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: 0,

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'formwizard-left-dummy typo3-message message-information',

* @cfg {Mixed} data
* The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to update the content area of
* the Component.
data: [{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_dummy_title'),
description: TYPO3.l10n.localize('filters_dummy_description')

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-dummy', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Dummy);

* The alphabetic filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Alphabetic
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Alphabetic = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'alphabetic',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
allowWhiteSpace: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Alphabetic.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-alphabetic', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Alphabetic);

* The alphanumeric filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Alphanumeric
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Alphanumeric = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'alphanumeric',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
allowWhiteSpace: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Alphanumeric.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-alphanumeric', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Alphanumeric);

* The currency filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Currency
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Currency = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'currency',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
decimalPoint: '.',
thousandSeparator: ','
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Currency.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-currency', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Currency);

* The digit filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Digit
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Digit = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'digit'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-digit', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Digit);

* The integer filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Integer
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Integer = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'integer'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-integer', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Integer);

* The lower case filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.LowerCase
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.LowerCase = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'lowercase'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-lowercase', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.LowerCase);

* The regular expression filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.RegExp
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.RegExp = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'regexp',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
expression: ''
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.RegExp.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-regexp', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.RegExp);

* The remove XSS filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.RemoveXSS
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.RemoveXSS = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'removexss'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-removexss', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.RemoveXSS);

* The strip new lines filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.StripNewLines
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.StripNewLines = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'stripnewlines'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-stripnewlines', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.StripNewLines);

* The title case filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.TitleCase
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.TitleCase = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'titlecase'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-titlecase', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.TitleCase);

* The trim filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Trim
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Trim = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'trim',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
characterList: ''
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Trim.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-trim', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Trim);

* The upper case filter
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.UpperCase
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.UpperCase = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.Filter, {
* @cfg {String} filter
* The name of this filter
filter: 'uppercase'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-filters-uppercase', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Filters.UpperCase);

* The validation accordion panel in the element options in the left tabpanel
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('options_validation'),

* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-options-validation',

* @cfg {Object} validRules
* Keeps track which rules are valid. Rules contain forms which
* do client validation. If there is a validation change in a form in the
* rule, a validation event will be fired, which changes one of these
* values
validRules: {
alphabetic: true,
alphanumeric: true,
between: true,
date: true,
digit: true,
email: true,
equals: true,
fileallowedtypes: true,
float: true,
greaterthan: true,
inarray: true,
integer: true,
ip: true,
length: true,
lessthan: true,
regexp: true,
required: true,
uri: true

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var rules = this.getRulesBySettings();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-dummy',
ref: 'dummy'
tbar: [
xtype: 'combo',
hideLabel: true,
name: 'rules',
ref: 'rules',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'rules',
emptyText: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_emptytext'),
width: 150,
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: rules
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.addRule

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize the rules when they are available for this element

* Called when constructing the validation accordion
* Checks if the element already has rules and loads these instead of the dummy
initRules: function() {
var rules = this.element.configuration.validation;
if (!Ext.isEmptyObject(rules)) {
Ext.iterate(rules, function(key, value) {
var xtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-' + key;
if (Ext.ComponentMgr.isRegistered(xtype)) {
xtype: xtype,
element: this.element,
configuration: value,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this
}, this);

* Add a rule to the validation list
* @param comboBox
* @param record
* @param index
addRule: function(comboBox, record, index) {
var rule = comboBox.getValue();
var xtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-' + rule;

if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.findByType(xtype))) {
Ext.MessageBox.alert(TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_alert_title'), TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_alert_description'));
} else {

xtype: xtype,
element: this.element,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this

* Remove a rule from the validation list
* Shows dummy when there is no validation rule for this element
* @param component
removeRule: function(component) {
this.validation(component.rule, true);
if (this.items.length == 0) {
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-dummy',
ref: 'dummy'

* Get the rules by the TSconfig settings
* @returns {Array}
getRulesBySettings: function() {
var rules = [];
var elementType = this.element.xtype.split('-').pop();

var allowedDefaultRules = [];
try {
allowedDefaultRules = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.options.accordions.validation.showRules.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found
allowedDefaultRules = [

var allowedElementRules = [];
try {
allowedElementRules = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.elements[elementType].accordions.validation.showRules.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedElementRules = allowedDefaultRules;

Ext.iterate(allowedElementRules, function(item, index, allItems) {
if (allowedDefaultRules.indexOf(item) > -1) {
rules.push({label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_' + item), value: item});
}, this);

return rules;

* Called by the validation listeners of the rules
* Checks if all rules are valid. If not, adds a class to the accordion
* @param {String} rule The rule which fires the event
* @param {Boolean} isValid Rule is valid or not
validation: function(rule, isValid) {
this.validRules[rule] = isValid;
var accordionIsValid = true;
Ext.iterate(this.validRules, function(key, value) {
if (!value) {
accordionIsValid = false;
}, this);
if (this.el) {
if (accordionIsValid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'validation', isValid);
} else if (!accordionIsValid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'validation', isValid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation);

* The validation rules abstract
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
* @extends Ext.FormPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: 0,

* @cfg {String} defaultType
* The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when
* a child item is specified as a raw configuration object,
* rather than as an instantiated Component.
* Defaults to 'panel', except which defaults to 'menuitem',
* and Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.
defaultType: 'textfield',

* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: '',

* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the clientvalidation event passing that state.
* When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* buttons which have been configured with formBind: true depending
* on whether the form is valid or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid: true,

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
var fields = this.getFieldsBySettings();
var formItems = new Array();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

Ext.iterate(fields, function(item, index, allItems) {
switch(item) {
case 'message':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_message'),
name: 'message',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'error':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_error'),
name: 'error',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'breakOnError':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_breakonerror'),
name: 'breakOnError',
inputValue: '1',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'showMessage':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_showmessage'),
name: 'showMessage',
inputValue: '1',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'allowWhiteSpace':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_allowwhitespace'),
name: 'allowWhiteSpace',
inputValue: '1',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'minimum':
xtype: 'spinnerfield',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_minimum'),
name: 'minimum',
minValue: 0,
accelerate: true,
listeners: {
'spin': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'maximum':
xtype: 'spinnerfield',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_maximum'),
name: 'maximum',
minValue: 0,
accelerate: true,
listeners: {
'spin': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'inclusive':
xtype: 'checkbox',
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_inclusive'),
name: 'inclusive',
inputValue: '1',
listeners: {
'check': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'format':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_format'),
name: 'format',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'field':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_field'),
name: 'field',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'array':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_array'),
name: 'array',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'expression':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_expression'),
name: 'expression',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'types':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_properties_types'),
name: 'types',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
}, this);

xtype: 'button',
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('button_remove'),
handler: this.removeRule,
scope: this

var config = {
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_' + this.rule),
autoHeight: true,
defaults: {
width: 128,
msgTarget: 'side'
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',
items: formItems

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize clientvalidation event
this.on('clientvalidation', this.validation, this);

// Strange, but we need to call doLayout() after render
this.on('afterrender', this.newOrExistingRule, this);

* Decide whether this is a new or an existing one
* If new, the default configuration has to be added to the validation rules
* of the element, otherwise we can fill the form with the existing configuration
newOrExistingRule: function() {
// Existing rule
if (this.element.configuration.validation[this.rule]) {
// New rule
} else {

* Fill the form with the configuration of the element
* When filling, the events of all form elements should be suspended,
* otherwise the values are written back to the element, for instance on a
* check event on a checkbox.
fillForm: function() {

* Suspend the events on all items within this component
suspendEventsBeforeFilling: function() {
this.cascade(function(item) {

* Resume the events on all items within this component
resumeEventsAfterFilling: function() {
this.cascade(function(item) {

* Add this rule to the element
addRuleToElement: function() {
var formConfiguration = {validation: {}};
formConfiguration.validation[this.rule] = this.configuration;



* Store a changed value from the form in the element
* @param {Object} field The field which has changed
storeValue: function(field) {
if (field.isValid()) {
var fieldName = field.getName();

var formConfiguration = {validation: {}};
formConfiguration.validation[this.rule] = {};
formConfiguration.validation[this.rule][fieldName] = field.getValue();


* Remove the rule
* Called when the remove button of this rule has been clicked
removeRule: function() {

* Get the fields for the element
* Based on the TSconfig general allowed fields
* and the TSconfig allowed fields for this type of element
* @returns object
getFieldsBySettings: function() {
var fields = [];
var ruleFields = this.configuration;
var elementType = this.element.xtype.split('-').pop();

var allowedGeneralFields = [];
try {
allowedGeneralFields = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.options.accordions.validation.rules[this.rule].showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedGeneralFields = [

var allowedElementFields = [];
try {
allowedElementFields = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.elements[elementType].accordions.validation.rules[this.rule].showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedElementFields = allowedGeneralFields;

Ext.iterate(allowedElementFields, function(item, index, allItems) {
if (allowedGeneralFields.indexOf(item) > -1 && Ext.isDefined(ruleFields[item])) {
}, this);

return fields;

* Called by the clientvalidation event
* Adds or removes the error class if the form is valid or not
* @param {Object} formPanel This formpanel
* @param {Boolean} valid True if the client validation is true
validation: function(formPanel, valid) {
if (this.el) {
if (valid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', this.rule, valid);
} else if (!valid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', this.rule, valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-rule', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule);

* The dummy item when no validation rule is defined for an element
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Dummy
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Dummy = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: 0,

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'formwizard-left-dummy typo3-message message-information',

* @cfg {Mixed} data
* The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to update the content area of
* the Component.
data: [{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_dummy_title'),
description: TYPO3.l10n.localize('validation_dummy_description')

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-dummy', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Dummy);

* The alphabetic validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Alphabetic
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Alphabetic = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'alphabetic',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_alphabetic.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_alphabetic.error'),
allowWhiteSpace: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Alphabetic.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-alphabetic', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Alphabetic);

* The alphanumeric validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Alphanumeric
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Alphanumeric = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'alphanumeric',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_alphanumeric.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_alphanumeric.error'),
allowWhiteSpace: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Alphanumeric.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-alphanumeric', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Alphanumeric);

* The between validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Between
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Between = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'between',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_between.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_between.error'),
minimum: 0,
maximum: 0,
inclusive: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Between.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-between', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Between);

* The date validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Date
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Date = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'date',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_date.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_date.error'),
format: '%e-%m-%Y'
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Date.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-date', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Date);

* The digit validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Digit
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Digit = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'digit',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_digit.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_digit.error')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Digit.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-digit', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Digit);

* The email validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Email
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Email = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'email',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_email.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_email.error')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Email.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-email', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Email);

* The equals validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Email
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Equals = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'equals',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_equals.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_equals.error'),
field: ''
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Equals.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-equals', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Equals);

* The allowed file types rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileAllowedTypes
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileAllowedTypes = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'fileallowedtypes',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_fileallowedtypes.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_fileallowedtypes.error'),
types: ''
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileAllowedTypes.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-fileallowedtypes', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileAllowedTypes);

* The maximum file size rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileMaximumSize
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileMaximumSize = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'filemaximumsize',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_filemaximumsize.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_filemaximumsize.error'),
maximum: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileMaximumSize.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-filemaximumsize', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileMaximumSize);

* The minimum file size rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileMinimumSize
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileMinimumSize = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'fileminimumsize',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_fileminimumsize.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_fileminimumsize.error'),
minimum: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileMinimumSize.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-fileminimumsize', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.FileMinimumSize);

* The float validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Float
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Float = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'float',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_float.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_float.error')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Float.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-float', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Float);

* The greater than validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.GreaterThan
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.GreaterThan = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'greaterthan',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_greaterthan.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_greaterthan.error'),
minimum: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.GreaterThan.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-greaterthan', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.GreaterThan);

* The in arrayt validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.InArray
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.InArray = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'inarray',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_inarray.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_inarray.error'),
array: '',
strict: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.InArray.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-inarray', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.InArray);

* The integer validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Integer
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Integer = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'integer',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_integer.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_integer.error')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Integer.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-integer', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Integer);

* The IP validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Ip
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Ip = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'ip',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_ip.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_ip.error')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Ip.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-ip', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Ip);

* The length validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Length
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Length = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'length',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_length.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_length.error'),
minimum: 0,
maximum: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Length.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-length', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Length);

* The less than validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.LessThan
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.LessThan = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'lessthan',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_lessthan.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_lessthan.error'),
maximum: 0
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.LessThan.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-lessthan', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.LessThan);

* The regular expression validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.RegExp
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.RegExp = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'regexp',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_regexp.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_regexp.error'),
expression: ''
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.RegExp.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-regexp', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.RegExp);

* The required validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Required
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Required = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'required',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_required.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_required.error')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Required.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-required', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Required);

* The uri validation rule
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Uri
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Uri = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Rule, {
* @cfg {String} rule
* The name of this rule
rule: 'uri',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
breakOnError: 0,
showMessage: 1,
message: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_uri.message'),
error: TYPO3.l10n.localize('tx_form_system_validate_uri.error')
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Uri.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-options-forms-validation-uri', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Validation.Uri);

* The form tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-form',

* @cfg {String} cls
* An optional extra CSS class that will be added to this component's
* Element (defaults to ''). This can be useful for adding customized styles
* to the component or any of its children using standard CSS rules.
cls: 'x-tab-panel-body-content',

* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('left_form'),

* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Object|Function} defaults
* This option is a means of applying default settings to all added items
* whether added through the items config or via the add or insert methods.
defaults: {
//autoHeight: true,
border: false,
padding: 0

* @cfg {Object} validAccordions
* Keeps track which accordions are valid. Accordions contain forms which
* do client validation. If there is a validation change in a form in the
* accordion, a validation event will be fired, which changes one of these
* values
validAccordions: {
prefix: true,
attributes: true,
postProcessor: true

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the tab
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'panel',
layout: 'accordion',
ref: 'accordion',
defaults: {
autoHeight: true,
cls: 'x-panel-accordion'

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

* Called whenever a form has been added to the right container
* Sets element to the form component and calls the function to add the
* attribute fields
* @param form
setForm: function(form) {
var allowedAccordions = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.form.showAccordions.split(/[, ]+/);

if (form) {
allowedAccordions.each(function(option, index, length) {
switch (option) {
case 'prefix':
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-prefix',
element: form,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this
case 'attributes':
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-attributes',
element: form,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this
case 'postProcessor':
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessor',
element: form,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this
}, this);

* Called by the validation listeners of the accordions
* Checks if all accordions are valid. If not, adds a class to the tab
* @param {String} accordion The accordion which fires the event
* @param {Boolean} isValid Accordion is valid or not
validation: function(accordion, isValid) {
this.validAccordions[accordion] = isValid;
var tabIsValid = true;
Ext.iterate(this.validAccordions, function(key, value) {
if (!value) {
tabIsValid = false;
}, this);
if (this.tabEl) {
if (tabIsValid && Ext.get(this.tabEl).hasClass('validation-error')) {
} else if (!tabIsValid && !Ext.get(this.tabEl).hasClass('validation-error')) {

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form);

* The attributes panel in the accordion of the form tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.Attributes
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Attributes
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.Attributes = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Options.Forms.Attributes, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-form-attributes'

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-attributes', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.Attributes);

* The prefix panel in the accordion of the form tab on the left side
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.Prefix
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.Prefix = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
* @cfg {String} id
* The unique id of this component (defaults to an auto-assigned id).
* You should assign an id if you need to be able to access the component
* later and you do not have an object reference available
* (e.g., using Ext.getCmp).
* Note that this id will also be used as the element id for the containing
* HTML element that is rendered to the page for this component.
* This allows you to write id-based CSS rules to style the specific
* instance of this component uniquely, and also to select sub-elements
* using this component's id as the parent.
id: 'formwizard-left-form-prefix',

* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('form_prefix'),

/** @cfg {String} defaultType
* The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when
* a child item is specified as a raw configuration object,
* rather than as an instantiated Component.
* Defaults to 'panel', except which defaults to 'menuitem',
* and Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.
defaultType: 'textfield',

* @cfg {Object} element
* The form component
element: null,

* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the clientvalidation event passing that state.
* When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* buttons which have been configured with formBind: true depending
* on whether the form is valid or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid: true,

* Constructor
* @param config
constructor: function(config){
// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

// Call our superclass constructor to complete construction process., config);

* Constructor
* Add the form elements to the tab
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: '',
ref: 'fieldset',
autoHeight: true,
border: false,
defaults: {
width: 150,
msgTarget: 'side'
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',
items: [
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('prefix_prefix'),
name: 'prefix',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.Prefix.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize clientvalidation event
this.on('clientvalidation', this.validation, this);

// Fill the form with the configuration values

* Store a changed value from the form in the element
* @param {Object} field The field which has changed
storeValue: function(field) {
if (field.isValid()) {
var fieldName = field.getName();

var formConfiguration = {};
formConfiguration[fieldName] = field.getValue();


* Fill the form with the configuration of the element
* @param record The current question
* @return void
fillForm: function() {

* Called by the clientvalidation event
* Adds or removes the error class if the form is valid or not
* @param {Object} formPanel This formpanel
* @param {Boolean} valid True if the client validation is true
validation: function(formPanel, valid) {
if (this.el) {
if (valid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'prefix', valid);
} else if (!valid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'prefix', valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-prefix', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.Prefix);

* The post processor accordion panel in the form options in the left tabpanel
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessor
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessor = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {String} title
* The title text to be used as innerHTML (html tags are accepted) to
* display in the panel header (defaults to '').
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('form_postprocessor'),

* @cfg {Object} validPostProcessors
* Keeps track which post processors are valid. Post processors contain forms which
* do client validation. If there is a validation change in a form in the
* post processor, a validation event will be fired, which changes one of these
* values
validPostProcessors: {
mail: true

* Constructor
* Add the post processors to the accordion
initComponent: function() {
var postProcessors = this.getPostProcessorsBySettings();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

var config = {
items: [{
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessors-dummy',
ref: 'dummy'
// TODO: When there are more post processors, the dropdown should be visible
tbar: [
xtype: 'combo',
hideLabel: true,
name: 'postprocessor',
ref: 'postprocessor',
mode: 'local',
triggerAction: 'all',
forceSelection: true,
editable: false,
hiddenName: 'postprocessor',
emptyText: TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_emptytext'),
width: 150,
displayField: 'label',
valueField: 'value',
store: new{
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: postProcessors
listeners: {
'select': {
scope: this,
fn: this.addPostProcessor

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessor.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize the post processors when they are available for this element

* Called when constructing the post processor accordion
* Checks if the form already has post processors and loads these instead of the dummy
initPostProcessors: function() {
var postProcessors = this.element.configuration.postProcessor;
if (!Ext.isEmptyObject(postProcessors)) {
Ext.iterate(postProcessors, function(key, value) {
var xtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessors-' + key;
if (Ext.ComponentMgr.isRegistered(xtype)) {
xtype: xtype,
element: this.element,
configuration: value,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this
}, this);

* Add a post processor to the list
* @param comboBox
* @param record
* @param index
addPostProcessor: function(comboBox, record, index) {
var postProcessor = comboBox.getValue();
var xtype = 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessors-' + postProcessor;

if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.findByType(xtype))) {
Ext.MessageBox.alert(TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_alert_title'), TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_alert_description'));
} else {

xtype: xtype,
element: this.element,
listeners: {
'validation': {
fn: this.validation,
scope: this

* Remove a post processor from the list
* Shows dummy when there is no post processor for the form
* @param component
removePostProcessor: function(component) {
this.validation(component.processor, true);
if (this.items.length == 0) {
xtype: 'typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessors-dummy',
ref: 'dummy'

getPostProcessorsBySettings: function() {
var postProcessors = [];

var allowedPostProcessors = [];
try {
allowedPostProcessors = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.form.accordions.postProcessor.showPostProcessors.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found
allowedPostProcessors = [

Ext.iterate(allowedPostProcessors, function(item, index, allItems) {
postProcessors.push({label: TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_' + item), value: item});
}, this);

return postProcessors;

* Called by the validation listeners of the post processors
* Checks if all post processors are valid. If not, adds a class to the accordion
* @param {String} postProcessor The post processor which fires the event
* @param {Boolean} isValid Post processor is valid or not
validation: function(postProcessor, isValid) {
this.validPostProcessors[postProcessor] = isValid;
var accordionIsValid = true;
Ext.iterate(this.validPostProcessors, function(key, value) {
if (!value) {
accordionIsValid = false;
}, this);
if (this.el) {
if (accordionIsValid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'postProcessor', accordionIsValid);
} else if (!accordionIsValid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', 'postProcessor', accordionIsValid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessor', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessor);

* The post processor abstract
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.PostProcessor
* @extends Ext.FormPanel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.PostProcessor = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: 0,

* @cfg {String} defaultType
* The default xtype of child Components to create in this Container when
* a child item is specified as a raw configuration object,
* rather than as an instantiated Component.
* Defaults to 'panel', except which defaults to 'menuitem',
* and Ext.Toolbar and Ext.ButtonGroup which default to 'button'.
defaultType: 'textfield',

* @cfg {String} processor
* The name of this processor
processor: '',

* @cfg {Boolean} monitorValid If true, the form monitors its valid state client-side and
* regularly fires the clientvalidation event passing that state.
* When monitoring valid state, the FormPanel enables/disables any of its configured
* buttons which have been configured with formBind: true depending
* on whether the form is valid or not. Defaults to false
monitorValid: true,

* Constructor
initComponent: function() {
var fields = this.getFieldsBySettings();
var formItems = new Array();

// Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
'validation': true

Ext.iterate(fields, function(item, index, allItems) {
switch(item) {
case 'recipientEmail':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_properties_recipientemail'),
name: 'recipientEmail',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
case 'senderEmail':
fieldLabel: TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_properties_senderemail'),
name: 'senderEmail',
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'triggerclick': {
scope: this,
fn: this.storeValue
}, this);

// TODO: Add the remove button when more post processors are available
xtype: 'button',
text: TYPO3.l10n.localize('button_remove'),
handler: this.removePostProcessor,
scope: this

var config = {
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_' + this.processor),
autoHeight: true,
defaults: {
width: 128,
msgTarget: 'side'
defaultType: 'textfieldsubmit',
items: formItems

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

// call parent
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.PostProcessor.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

// Initialize clientvalidation event
this.on('clientvalidation', this.validation, this);

// Strange, but we need to call doLayout() after render
this.on('afterrender', this.newOrExistingPostProcessor, this);

* Decide whether this is a new or an existing one
* If new, the default configuration has to be added to the processors
* of the form, otherwise we can fill the form with the existing configuration
newOrExistingPostProcessor: function() {
// Existing processor
if (this.element.configuration.postProcessor[this.processor]) {
// New processor
} else {

* Fill the form with the configuration of the element
* When filling, the events of all form elements should be suspended,
* otherwise the values are written back to the element, for instance on a
* check event on a checkbox.
fillForm: function() {

* Suspend the events on all items within this component
suspendEventsBeforeFilling: function() {
this.cascade(function(item) {

* Resume the events on all items within this component
resumeEventsAfterFilling: function() {
this.cascade(function(item) {

* Add this processor to the element
addProcessorToElement: function() {
var formConfiguration = {postProcessor: {}};
formConfiguration.postProcessor[this.processor] = this.configuration;



* Store a changed value from the form in the element
* @param {Object} field The field which has changed
storeValue: function(field) {
if (field.isValid()) {
var fieldName = field.getName();

var formConfiguration = {postProcessor: {}};
formConfiguration.postProcessor[this.processor] = {};
formConfiguration.postProcessor[this.processor][fieldName] = field.getValue();


* Remove the processor
* Called when the remove button of this processor has been clicked
removePostProcessor: function() {

* Get the fields for the element
* Based on the TSconfig general allowed fields
* and the TSconfig allowed fields for this type of element
* @returns object
getFieldsBySettings: function() {
var fields = [];
var processorFields = this.configuration;

var allowedFields = [];
try {
allowedFields = TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Settings.defaults.tabs.form.accordions.postProcessor.postProcessors[this.processor].showProperties.split(/[, ]+/);
} catch (error) {
// The object has not been found or constructed wrong
allowedFields = [

Ext.iterate(allowedFields, function(item, index, allItems) {
}, this);

return fields;

* Called by the clientvalidation event
* Adds or removes the error class if the form is valid or not
* @param {Object} formPanel This formpanel
* @param {Boolean} valid True if the client validation is true
validation: function(formPanel, valid) {
if (this.el) {
if (valid && this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', this.processor, valid);
} else if (!valid && !this.el.hasClass('validation-error')) {
this.fireEvent('validation', this.processor, valid);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessors-postprocessor', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.PostProcessor);

* The dummy item when no post processor is defined for the form
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.Dummy
* @extends Ext.Panel
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.Dummy = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* @cfg {Boolean} border
* True to display the borders of the panel's body element, false to hide
* them (defaults to true). By default, the border is a 2px wide inset
* border, but this can be further altered by setting bodyBorder to false.
border: false,

* @cfg {Number/String} padding
* A shortcut for setting a padding style on the body element. The value can
* either be a number to be applied to all sides, or a normal css string
* describing padding.
padding: 0,

cls: 'formwizard-left-dummy typo3-message message-information',

* @cfg {Mixed} data
* The initial set of data to apply to the tpl to update the content area of
* the Component.
data: [{
title: TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_dummy_title'),
description: TYPO3.l10n.localize('postprocessor_dummy_description')

* @cfg {Mixed} tpl
* An Ext.Template, Ext.XTemplate or an array of strings to form an
* Ext.XTemplate. Used in conjunction with the data and tplWriteMode
* configurations.
tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessors-dummy', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.Dummy);

* The mail post processor
* @class TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.Mail
* @extends TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.PostProcessor
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.Mail = Ext.extend(TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.PostProcessor, {
* @cfg {String} processor
* The name of this processor
processor: 'mail',

* Constructor
* Add the configuration object to this component
* @param config
constructor: function(config) {
Ext.apply(this, {
configuration: {
recipientEmail: '',
senderEmail: ''
TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.Mail.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Ext.reg('typo3-form-wizard-viewport-left-form-postprocessors-mail', TYPO3.Form.Wizard.Viewport.Left.Form.PostProcessors.Mail);
* This code has been copied from Project_CMS
* Copyright (c) 2005 by Phillip Berndt (
* Extended Textarea for IE and Firefox browsers
* Features:
* - Possibility to place tabs in <textarea> elements using a simply <TAB> key
* - Auto-indenting of new lines
* License: GNU General Public License

function checkBrowser() {
browserName = navigator.appName;
browserVer = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);

if (browserName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && browserVer >= 4) ok=true;
else if (browserName == "Netscape" && browserVer >= 3) ok=true;

return ok;

// Automatically change all textarea elements
function changeTextareaElements() {
if(!checkBrowser()) return false; // Stop unless we're using IE or Netscape (includes Mozilla family)

document.textAreas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");

for(i=0; i<document.textAreas.length; i++) {
// Only change if the class parameter contains "enable-tab"
if(document.textAreas[i].className && document.textAreas[i]^| )enable-tab( |$)/) != -1) {
document.textAreas[i].textAreaID = i;

// Wait until the document is completely loaded.
// Set a timeout instead of using the onLoad() event because it could be used by something else already.
window.setTimeout("changeTextareaElements();", 200);

// Turn textarea elements into "better" ones. Actually this is just adding some lines of JavaScript...
function makeAdvancedTextArea(textArea) {
if(textArea.tagName.toLowerCase() != "textarea") return false;

// On attempt to leave the element:
// Do not leave if this.dontLeave is true
textArea.onblur = function(e) {
if(!this.dontLeave) return;
this.dontLeave = null;
window.setTimeout("document.textAreas[" + this.textAreaID + "].restoreFocus()", 1);
return false;

// Set the focus back to the element and move the cursor to the correct position.
textArea.restoreFocus = function() {

if(this.caretPos) {

// Determine the current cursor position
textArea.getCursorPos = function() {
if(this.selectionStart) {
currPos = this.selectionStart;
} else if(this.caretPos) { // This is very tricky in IE :-(
oldText = this.caretPos.text;
finder = "--getcurrpos" + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000) + "--";
this.caretPos.text += finder;
currPos = this.value.indexOf(finder);

this.caretPos.moveStart('character', -finder.length);
this.caretPos.text = "";

} else return;

return currPos;

// On tab, insert a tabulator. Otherwise, check if a slash (/) was pressed.
textArea.onkeydown = function(e) {
if(this.selectionStart == null &! this.createTextRange) return;
if(!e) e = window.event;

// Tabulator
if(e.keyCode == 9) {
this.dontLeave = true;

// Newline
if(e.keyCode == 13) {
// Get the cursor position
currPos = this.getCursorPos();

// Search the last line
lastLine = "";
for(i=currPos-1;i>=0;i--) {
if(this.value.substring(i, i + 1) == '\n') break;
lastLine = this.value.substring(i + 1, currPos);

// Search for whitespaces in the current line
whiteSpace = "";
for(i=0;i<lastLine.length;i++) {
if(lastLine.substring(i, i + 1) == '\t') whiteSpace += "\t";
else if(lastLine.substring(i, i + 1) == ' ') whiteSpace += " ";
else break;

// Another ugly IE hack
if(navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE/)) {
whiteSpace = "\\n" + whiteSpace;

// Insert whitespaces
window.setTimeout("document.textAreas["+this.textAreaID+"].textInsert(\""+whiteSpace+"\");", 1);

// Save the current cursor position in IE
textArea.onkeyup = textArea.onclick = textArea.onselect = function(e) {
if(this.createTextRange) {
this.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();

// Insert text at the current cursor position
textArea.textInsert = function(insertText) {
if(this.selectionStart != null) {
var savedScrollTop = this.scrollTop;
var begin = this.selectionStart;
var end = this.selectionEnd;
if(end > begin + 1) {
this.value = this.value.substr(0, begin) + insertText + this.value.substr(end);
} else {
this.value = this.value.substr(0, begin) + insertText + this.value.substr(begin);

this.selectionStart = begin + insertText.length;
this.selectionEnd = begin + insertText.length;
this.scrollTop = savedScrollTop;
} else if(this.caretPos) {
this.caretPos.text = insertText;
} else {
text.value += insertText;


* Copyright notice
* (c) 2010-2011 Steffen Kamper <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!

Ext.ns('TYPO3', 'TYPO3.CSH.ExtDirect');

* Class to show tooltips for links that have the css t3-help-link
* need the tags data-table and data-field (HTML5)

TYPO3.ContextHelp = function() {

* Cache for CSH
* @type {Ext.util.MixedCollection}
var cshHelp = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(true),

* Shows the tooltip, triggered from mouseover event handler
function showToolTipHelp() {
var link = tip.triggerElement;
if (!link) {
return false;
var table = link.getAttribute('data-table');
var field = link.getAttribute('data-field');
var key = table + '.' + field;
var response = cshHelp.key(key); = tip.triggerElement;
if (response) {
} else {
// If a table is defined, use ExtDirect call to get the tooltip's content
if (table) {
// Clear old tooltip contents
description: top.TYPO3.LLL.core.csh_tooltip_loading,
cshLink: '',
moreInfo: '',
title: ''
// Load content
TYPO3.CSH.ExtDirect.getTableContextHelp(table, function(response, options) {
Ext.iterate(response, function(key, value){
if (key === field) {
// Need to re-position because the height may have increased;
}, this);

// No table was given, use directly title and description
} else {
description: link.getAttribute('data-description'),
cshLink: '',
moreInfo: '',
title: link.getAttribute('data-title')

* Update tooltip message
* @param {Object} response
function updateTip(response) {
tip.body.dom.innerHTML = response.description;
tip.cshLink =;
tip.moreInfo = response.moreInfo;
if (tip.moreInfo) {

return {
* Constructor
init: function() {
tip = new Ext.ToolTip({
title: 'CSH', // needs a title for init because of the markup
html: '',
// The tooltip will appear above the label, if viewport allows
anchor: 'bottom',
minWidth: 160,
maxWidth: 240,
target: Ext.getBody(),
delegate: 'span.t3-help-link',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
cls: 'typo3-csh-tooltip',
shadow: false,
dismissDelay: 0, // tooltip stays while mouse is over target
autoHide: true,
showDelay: 1000, // show after 1 second
hideDelay: 300, // hide after 0.3 seconds
closable: true,
isMouseOver: false,
listeners: {
beforeshow: showToolTipHelp,
render: function(tip) {
'click': {
fn: function(event) {
if (tip.moreInfo) {
try {;
} catch(e) {
// do nothing
'mouseover': {
fn: function() {
if (tip.moreInfo) {
tip.isMouseOver = true;
'mouseout': {
fn: function() {
if (tip.moreInfo) {
tip.isMouseOver = false;
tip.hide.defer(tip.hideDelay, tip, []);
hide: function(tip) {
tip.body.dom.innerHTML = '';
beforehide: function(tip) {
return !tip.isMouseOver;
scope: this

'keydown': {
fn: function() {
'click': {
fn: function() {

* Adds a sequence to Ext.TooltTip::showAt so as to increase vertical offset when anchor position is 'botton'
* This positions the tip box closer to the target element when the anchor is on the bottom side of the box
* When anchor position is 'top' or 'bottom', the anchor is pushed slightly to the left in order to align with the help icon, if any
Ext.ToolTip.prototype.showAt = Ext.ToolTip.prototype.showAt.createSequence(
function() {
var ap = this.getAnchorPosition().charAt(0);
if (this.anchorToTarget && !this.trackMouse) {
switch (ap) {
case 'b':
var xy = this.getPosition();
this.setPagePosition(xy[0]-10, xy[1]+5);
case 't':
var xy = this.getPosition();
this.setPagePosition(xy[0]-10, xy[1]);


* Opens the help window, triggered from click event handler
* @param {Event} event
* @param {Node} link
openHelpWindow: function(event, link) {
var id = link.getAttribute('data-table') + '.' + link.getAttribute('data-field');

* Calls the init on Ext.onReady
Ext.onReady(TYPO3.ContextHelp.init, TYPO3.ContextHelp);

* Copyright notice
* (c) 2010-2011 Steffen Kamper <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!

* Flashmessage rendered by ExtJS
* @author Steffen Kamper <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage t3lib

* Object for named severities
TYPO3.Severity = {
notice: 0,
information: 1,
ok: 2,
warning: 3,
error: 4

* @class TYPO3.Flashmessage
* Passive popup box singleton
* @singleton
* Example (Information message):
* TYPO3.Flashmessage.display(1, 'TYPO3 Backend - Version 4.4', 'Ready for take off', 3);
TYPO3.Flashmessage = function() {
var messageContainer;
var severities = ['notice', 'information', 'ok', 'warning', 'error'];

function createBox(severity, title, message) {
return ['<div class="typo3-message message-', severity, '" style="width: 400px">',
'<div class="t3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-message t3-icon-actions-message-close t3-icon-message-' + severity + '-close"></div>',
'<div class="header-container">',
'<div class="message-header">', title, '</div>',
'<div class="message-body">', message, '</div>',

return {
* Shows popup
* @member TYPO3.Flashmessage
* @param int severity (0=notice, 1=information, 2=ok, 3=warning, 4=error)
* @param string title
* @param string message
* @param float duration in sec (default 5)
display : function(severity, title, message, duration) {
duration = duration || 5;
if (!messageContainer) {
messageContainer = Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(document.body, {
id : 'msg-div',
style: 'position:absolute;z-index:10000'
}, true);

var box = Ext.DomHelper.append(messageContainer, {
html: createBox(severities[severity], title, message)
}, true);
messageContainer.alignTo(document, 't-t');
box.child('.t3-icon-actions-message-close').on('click', function (e, t, o) {
var node;
node = Ext.get(t).findParent('div.typo3-message');
}, box);
box.slideIn('t').pause(duration).ghost('t', {remove: true});