


Bug #94125 ยป RenderViewHelper.php.issue-94125.patch

Patch for TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\RenderViewHelper - Gabriel Kaufmann / Typoworx NewMedia, 2021-05-12 12:46

View differences:

RenderViewHelper.php 2021-05-12 14:33:06.353428514 +0200
} elseif (!$optional) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ViewHelper f:render called without either argument section, partial, renderable or delegate and optional flag is false');
if($delegate === null) {
if (!empty($arguments['contentAs'])) {
$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->add($arguments['contentAs'], $content);
if (($content = $renderChildrenClosure()) !== null) {
// Replace empty content with default value. If default is
// not set, NULL is returned and cast to a new, empty string
// outside of this ViewHelper.
if ($content === '') {
$content = $arguments['default'] ?: $tagContent;
return $content;