


Bug #10989 » 10989.diff

Chris topher, 2011-01-12 15:57

View differences:

classes/linktypes/class.tx_linkvalidator_linktypes_internal.php (working copy)
const DELETED = 'deleted';
const HIDDEN = 'hidden';
const MOVED = 'moved';
var $errorParams = array();
var $responsePage = TRUE;
var $responseContent = TRUE;
* Checks a given URL + /path/filename.ext for validity
* @param string $url: url to check
* @param string $url: url to check as page-id or page-id#anchor (if anchor is present)
* @param array $softRefEntry: the softref entry which builds the context of that url
* @param object $reference: parent instance of tx_linkvalidator_processing
* @return string TRUE on success or FALSE on error
public function checkLink($url, $softRefEntry, $reference) {
$page = '';
$anchor = '';
$response = TRUE;
// Might already contain values - empty it.
// defines the linked page and anchor (if any).
if (strpos($url, '#') !== FALSE) {
$parts = explode('#', $url);
$page = $parts[0];
$anchor = $parts[1];
} else {
$page = $url;
// Check if the linked page is OK.
$this->responsePage = $this->checkPage($page, $softRefEntry, $reference);
// Check if the linked content element is OK.
if ($anchor) {
// Get page ID on which the content element is located
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
'uid = ' . intval($anchor)
// this content element exists
if ($res[0]) {
// pageID on which this CE is in fact located.
$pageID = $res[0]['pid'];
// the element might have been moved to another page.
if (!($pageID === $page)) {
$this->errorParams['errorType']['content'] = MOVED;
$this->errorParams['content']['uid'] = intval($anchor);
$this->errorParams['content']['wrongPage'] = intval($page);
$this->errorParams['content']['rightPage'] = intval($pageID);
$this->responseContent = FALSE;
} else {
// Check if the content element is OK. Can be TRUE or FALSE
$this->responseContent = $this->checkContent($url, $pageID, $softRefEntry, $reference);
} else {
// content element does not exist
$this->errorParams['errorType']['content'] = 'notExisting';
$this->errorParams['content']['uid'] = intval($anchor);
$this->responseContent = FALSE;
if ((is_array($this->errorParams['page']) && !$this->responsePage)
|| (is_array($this->errorParams['content']) && !$this->responseContent)) {
if (($this->responsePage === TRUE) && ($this->responseContent === TRUE)) {
$response = TRUE;
} else {
$response = FALSE;
return $response;
* Checks a given page uid for validity
* @param string $page: page uid to check
* @param array $softRefEntry: the softref entry which builds the context of that url
* @param object $reference: parent instance of tx_linkvalidator_processing
* @return string TRUE on success or FALSE on error
public function checkPage($page, $softRefEntry, $reference) {
$rows = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
'uid, title, deleted, hidden, starttime, endtime',
'uid = ' . intval($url)
'uid = ' . intval($page)
$this->responsePage = TRUE;
$response = TRUE;
$errorParams = array();
if ($rows[0]) {
if ($rows[0]['deleted'] == '1') {
$errorParams['errorType'] = DELETED;
$errorParams['title'] = $rows[0]['title'];
$errorParams['uid'] = $rows[0]['uid'];
$response = FALSE;
$this->errorParams['errorType']['page'] = DELETED;
$this->errorParams['page']['title'] = $rows[0]['title'];
$this->errorParams['page']['uid'] = $rows[0]['uid'];
$this->responsePage = FALSE;
} elseif ($rows[0]['hidden'] == '1'
|| $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] < intval($rows[0]['starttime'])
|| ($rows[0]['endtime'] && intval($rows[0]['endtime']) < $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'])) {
$errorParams['errorType'] = HIDDEN;
$errorParams['title'] = $rows[0]['title'];
$errorParams['uid'] = $rows[0]['uid'];
$response = FALSE;
$this->errorParams['errorType']['page'] = HIDDEN;
$this->errorParams['page']['title'] = $rows[0]['title'];
$this->errorParams['page']['uid'] = $rows[0]['uid'];
$this->responsePage = FALSE;
} else {
$errorParams['errorType'] = 'notExisting';
$errorParams['uid'] = intval($url);
$response = FALSE;
$this->errorParams['errorType']['page'] = 'notExisting';
$this->errorParams['page']['uid'] = intval($page);
$this->responsePage = FALSE;
if (is_array($errorParams) && !$response) {
return $this->responsePage;
* Checks a given content uid for validity
* @param string $url: content uid to check
* @param string $pageID: uid of the page containing the element
* @param array $softRefEntry: the softref entry which builds the context of that url
* @param object $reference: parent instance of tx_linkvalidator_processing
* @return string TRUE on success or FALSE on error
public function checkContent($url, $pageID, $softRefEntry, $reference) {
$rows = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows(
'uid, header, deleted, hidden, starttime, endtime',
'uid = ' . intval($url)
$this->responseContent = TRUE;
if ($rows[0]) {
if ($rows[0]['deleted'] == '1') {
$this->errorParams['errorType']['content'] = DELETED;
$this->errorParams['content']['title'] = $rows[0]['header'];
$this->errorParams['content']['uid'] = $rows[0]['uid'];
$this->responseContent = FALSE;
} elseif ($rows[0]['hidden'] == '1'
|| $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] < intval($rows[0]['starttime'])
|| ($rows[0]['endtime'] && intval($rows[0]['endtime']) < $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'])) {
$this->errorParams['errorType']['content'] = HIDDEN;
$this->errorParams['content']['title'] = $rows[0]['header'];
$this->errorParams['content']['uid'] = $rows[0]['uid'];
$this->responseContent = FALSE;
} else {
$this->errorParams['errorType']['content'] = 'notExisting';
$this->errorParams['content']['uid'] = intval($url);
$this->responseContent = FALSE;
return $response;
return $this->responseContent;
public function getErrorMessage($errorParams) {
$errorType = $errorParams['errorType'];
switch ($errorType) {
$response = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$response = str_replace('###title###', $errorParams['title'], $response);
$response = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['uid'], $response);
case HIDDEN:
$response = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$response = str_replace('###title###', $errorParams['title'], $response);
$response = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['uid'], $response);
if (is_array($errorParams['page'])) {
switch ($errorType['page']) {
$errorPage = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$errorPage = str_replace('###title###', $errorParams['page']['title'], $errorPage);
$errorPage = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['page']['uid'], $errorPage);
case HIDDEN:
$errorPage = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$errorPage = str_replace('###title###', $errorParams['page']['title'], $errorPage);
$errorPage = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['page']['uid'], $errorPage);
$response = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$response = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['uid'], $response);
$errorPage = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$errorPage = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['page']['uid'], $errorPage);
if (is_array($errorParams['content'])) {
switch ($errorType['content']) {
$errorContent = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$errorContent = str_replace('###title###', $errorParams['content']['title'], $errorContent);
$errorContent = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['content']['uid'], $errorContent);
case HIDDEN:
$errorContent = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$errorContent = str_replace('###title###', $errorParams['content']['title'], $errorContent);
$errorContent = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['content']['uid'], $errorContent);
case MOVED:
$errorContent = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$errorContent = str_replace('###title###', $errorParams['content']['title'], $errorContent);
$errorContent = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['content']['uid'], $errorContent);
$errorContent = str_replace('###wrongpage###', $errorParams['content']['wrongPage'], $errorContent);
$errorContent = str_replace('###rightpage###', $errorParams['content']['rightPage'], $errorContent);
$errorContent = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('');
$errorContent = str_replace('###uid###', $errorParams['content']['uid'], $errorContent);
if ($errorPage && $errorContent) {
$response = $errorPage . '<br />' . $errorContent;
} elseif ($errorPage) {
$response = $errorPage;
} elseif ($errorContent) {
$response = $errorContent;
return $response;
classes/class.tx_linkvalidator_processing.php (working copy)
$record['linktitle'] = $entryValue['linktitle'];
$record['field'] = $entryValue['field'];
$record['lastcheck'] = time();
$url = $entryValue['substr']['tokenValue'];
$this->recordReference = $entryValue['substr']['recordRef'];
$this->pageWithAnchor = $entryValue['pageAndAnchor'];
// set URL correctly
$elementTable = t3lib_div::trimExplode(':', $this->recordReference);
if ($elementTable['0'] === 'tt_content') {
// page with anchor, e.g. 18#1580
$url = $this->pageWithAnchor;
} else {
$url = $entryValue['substr']['tokenValue'];
$checkURL = $hookObj->checkLink($url, $entryValue, $this);
// broken link found!
// array to store urls from relevant field contents
$urls = array();
$referencedRecordType = '';
// last-parsed link element was a page.
$wasPage = TRUE;
// flag whether row contains a broken link in some field or not
$rowContainsBrokenLink = FALSE;
// Parse string for special TYPO3 <link> tag:
if ($spKey == 'typolink_tag') {
foreach ($linkTags as $textPart) {
// Type of referenced record
if (strpos($r['recordRef'], 'pages') !== FALSE) {
// contains number of the page
$referencedRecordType = $r['tokenValue'];
$wasPage = TRUE;
// append number of content element to the page saved in the last loop
elseif ((strpos($r['recordRef'], 'tt_content') !== FALSE) && ($wasPage === TRUE)) {
$referencedRecordType = $referencedRecordType . '#' . $r['tokenValue'];
$wasPage = FALSE;
if (substr_count($textPart, $r['tokenID'])) {
$title = strip_tags($textPart);
$results[$type][$table . ':' . $field . ':' . $idRecord . ':' . $r["tokenID"]]["field"] = $field;
$results[$type][$table . ':' . $field . ':' . $idRecord . ':' . $r["tokenID"]]["uid"] = $idRecord;
$results[$type][$table . ':' . $field . ':' . $idRecord . ':' . $r["tokenID"]]["linktitle"] = $title;
$results[$type][$table . ':' . $field . ':' . $idRecord . ':' . $r["tokenID"]]["pageAndAnchor"] = $referencedRecordType;
modfunc1/locallang.xml (working copy)
<label index="">Page '###title###' (###uid###) is deleted.</label>
<label index="">Page (###uid###) does not exist.</label>
<label index="">Page '###title###' (###uid###) is not visible.</label>
<label index="">Element '###title###' (###uid###) is deleted.</label>
<label index="">Element (###uid###) does not exist.</label>
<label index="">Element '###title###' (###uid###) is not visible.</label>
<label index="">Element '###title###' (###uid###) is not located on page ###wrongpage###, but on page ###rightpage###.</label>
<label index="">###title### row (###uid###) is deleted.</label>
<label index="">Linked</label>
<label index="">Row (###uid###) does not exist.</label>