


Bug #14723 ยป class.ux_t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php

Administrator Admin, 2005-05-09 14:40

* Copyright notice
* (c) 1999-2004 Kasper Skaarhoj (
* (c) 2004-2005 Stanislas Rolland (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Functions for parsing HTML, specially for TYPO3 processing in relation to TCEmain and Rich Text Editor (RTE)
* $Id: class.ux_t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php,v 1.8 2005/08/05 14:47:00 stanrolland Exp $
* Revised for TYPO3 3.6 December/2003 by Kasper Skaarhoj
* XHTML compatible.
* @author Kasper Skaarhoj <>
* @internal

require_once (PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php');

* Class for parsing HTML for the Rich Text Editor. (also called transformations)
* @author Kasper Skaarhoj <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage t3lib
* Modification by Stanislas Rolland 2004-12-10 to allow style attribute on span tags
* Modification by Stanislas Rolland 2005-02-10 to include hr in headListTags
* Modification by Stanislas Rolland 2005-03-27 to avoid insertion of superfluous linebreaks by transform_db
* Modification by Stanislas Rolland 2005-04-06 to eliminate true linebreaks inside hx tags
* Modification by Johannes Bornhold 2005-05-09 to convert linebreaks to spaces instead of deleting them
* Modification by Stanislas Rolland 2005-07-28 to include address and dl in headListTags
class ux_t3lib_parsehtml_proc extends t3lib_parsehtml_proc {
// <Stanislas Rolland 2005-02-10 and 2005-07-28 to include hr, address and dl in headListTags>
var $headListTags = 'PRE,UL,OL,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,HR,ADDRESS,DL';
// </Stanislas Rolland 2005-02-10 and 2005-07-28 to include hr, address and dl in headListTags>

* Creates an array of configuration for the HTMLcleaner function based on whether content go TO or FROM the Rich Text Editor ($direction)
* Unless "tagList" is given, the function will cache the configuration for next time processing goes on. (In this class that is the case only if we are processing a bulletlist)
* @param string The direction of the content being processed by the output configuration; "db" (content going into the database FROM the rte) or "rte" (content going into the form)
* @param string Comma list of tags to keep (overriding default which is to keep all + take notice of internal configuration)
* @return array Configuration array
* @see HTMLcleaner_db()
function getKeepTags($direction='rte',$tagList='') {
if (!is_array($this->getKeepTags_cache[$direction]) || $tagList) {
// Setting up allowed tags:
if (strcmp($tagList,'')) { // If the $tagList input var is set, this will take precedence
$keepTags = array_flip(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$tagList,1));
} else { // Default is to get allowed/denied tags from internal array of processing options:
// Construct default list of tags to keep:
$typoScript_list = 'b,i,u,a,img,br,div,center,pre,font,hr,sub,sup,p,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote,strike,span';
$keepTags = array_flip(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$typoScript_list.','.strtolower($this->procOptions['allowTags']),1));
// For tags to deny, remove them from $keepTags array:
$denyTags = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->procOptions['denyTags'],1);
foreach($denyTags as $dKe) {

// Based on the direction of content, set further options:
switch ($direction) {
// GOING from database to Rich Text Editor:
case 'rte':
// Transform bold/italics tags to strong/em
if (isset($keepTags['b'])) {$keepTags['b']=array('remap'=>'STRONG');}
if (isset($keepTags['i'])) {$keepTags['i']=array('remap'=>'EM');}
// Transforming keepTags array so it can be understood by the HTMLcleaner function. This basically converts the format of the array from TypoScript (having .'s) to plain multi-dimensional array.
list($keepTags) = $this->HTMLparserConfig($this->procOptions['HTMLparser_rte.'],$keepTags);
// GOING from RTE to database:
case 'db':
// Transform strong/em back to bold/italics:
if (isset($keepTags['strong'])) { $keepTags['strong']=array('remap'=>'b'); }
if (isset($keepTags['em'])) { $keepTags['em']=array('remap'=>'i'); }
// Setting up span tags if they are allowed:
if (isset($keepTags['span'])) {
// <Stanislas Rolland 2004-12-10 to allow style attribute on span tags>
'allowedAttribs'=> 'class,style',
'fixAttrib' => Array(
'class' => Array (
'list' => $classes,
'removeIfFalse' => 1
'rmTagIfNoAttrib' => 1
if (!$this->procOptions['allowedClasses']) unset($keepTags['span']['fixAttrib']['class']['list']);
// </Stanislas Rolland 2004-12-10 to allow style attribute on span tags>
// Setting up font tags if they are allowed:
if (isset($keepTags['font'])) {
'fixAttrib' => Array(
'face' => Array (
'removeIfFalse' => 1
'color' => Array (
'removeIfFalse' => 1,
'size' => Array (
'removeIfFalse' => 1,
'rmTagIfNoAttrib' => 1
if (!$this->procOptions['allowedFontColors']) unset($keepTags['font']['fixAttrib']['color']['list']);

// Setting further options, getting them from the processiong options:
$TSc = $this->procOptions['HTMLparser_db.'];
if (!$TSc['globalNesting']) $TSc['globalNesting']='b,i,u,a,center,font,sub,sup,strong,em,strike,span';
if (!$TSc['noAttrib']) $TSc['noAttrib']='b,i,u,br,center,hr,sub,sup,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote,strike';

// Transforming the array from TypoScript to regular array:
list($keepTags) = $this->HTMLparserConfig($TSc,$keepTags);
// Caching (internally, in object memory) the result unless tagList is set:
if (!$tagList) {
$this->getKeepTags_cache[$direction] = $keepTags;
} else {
return $keepTags;
// Return result:
return $this->getKeepTags_cache[$direction];

* Transformation handler: 'ts_transform' + 'css_transform' / direction: "db"
* Cleaning (->db) for standard content elements (ts)
* @param string Content input
* @param boolean If true, the transformation was "css_transform", otherwise "ts_transform"
* @return string Content output
* @see TS_transform_rte()
function TS_transform_db($value,$css=FALSE) {
// safety... so forever loops are avoided (they should not occur, but an error would potentially do this...)
if ($this->TS_transform_db_safecounter<0) return $value;
// Split the content from RTE by the occurence of these blocks:
$blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('TABLE,BLOCKQUOTE,'.$this->headListTags,$value);
$aC = count($blockSplit);
// <Stanislas Rolland 2005-04-02 to avoid superfluous linebreak after ending headListTag>
while($aC && !strcmp(trim($blockSplit[$aC-1]),'')) {
$aC = count($blockSplit);
// </Stanislas Rolland 2005-04-02 to avoid superfluous linebreak>

// Traverse the blocks
foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) {
$lastBR = $cc==$aC ? '' : chr(10);
if ($k%2) { // Inside block:
// Init:

// Process based on the tag:
switch($tagName) {
case 'blockquote': // Keep blockquotes, but clean the inside recursively in the same manner as the main code
case 'ol':
case 'ul': // Transform lists into <typolist>-tags:
if (!$css) {
if (!isset($this->procOptions['typolist']) || $this->procOptions['typolist']) {
$parts = $this->getAllParts($this->splitIntoBlock('LI',$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k])),1,0);
while(list($k2)=each($parts)) {
$parts[$k2]=ereg_replace(chr(10).'|'.chr(13),'',$parts[$k2]); // remove all linesbreaks!
$parts[$k2] = $this->HTMLcleaner_db($parts[$k2],strtolower($this->procOptions['allowTagsInTypolists']?$this->procOptions['allowTagsInTypolists']:'br,font,b,i,u,a,img,span,strong,em'));
if ($tagName=='ol') { $params=' type="1"'; } else { $params=''; }
} else {
case 'table': // Tables are NOT allowed in any form (unless preserveTables is set or CSS is the mode)
if (!$this->procOptions['preserveTables'] && !$css) {
} else {
// <Johannes Bornhold 2005-05-09 linebreaks are spaces>
$blockSplit[$k]=str_replace(chr(10),' ',$blockSplit[$k]).$lastBR;
// </Johannes Bornhold 2005-05-09 linebreaks are spaces>
case 'h1':
case 'h2':
case 'h3':
case 'h4':
case 'h5':
case 'h6':
if (!$css) {
// Processing inner content here:
$innerContent = $this->HTMLcleaner_db($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]));
if (!isset($this->procOptions['typohead']) || $this->procOptions['typohead']) {
$type = intval(substr($tagName,1));
($type!=6?' type="'.$type.'"':'').
($attribArray['align']?' align="'.$attribArray['align'].'"':'').
($attribArray['class']?' class="'.$attribArray['class'].'"':'').
} else {
($attribArray['align']?' align="'.htmlspecialchars($attribArray['align']).'"':'').
($attribArray['class']?' class="'.htmlspecialchars($attribArray['class']).'"':'').
} else {
// <Stanislas Rolland 2005-04-06 to eliminate true linebreaks inside hx tags>
// <Johannes Bornhold 2005-05-09 linebreaks are spaces>
// </Johannes Bornhold 2005-05-09 linebreaks are spaces>
// </Stanislas Rolland 2005-04-06 to eliminate true linebreaks inside hx tags>
} else { // NON-block:
if (strcmp(trim($blockSplit[$k]),'')) {
// <Johannes Bornhold 2005-05-09 linebreaks are spaces>
$blockSplit[$k]=$this->divideIntoLines(str_replace(chr(10),chr(32), $blockSplit[$k])).$lastBR;
// <Dimitrij Denissenko 2005-11-15 wrap a-tags that contain a style attribute with a span-tag>
// </Dimitrij Denissenko 2005-11-15>

// </Johannes Bornhold 2005-05-09 linebreaks are spaces>
} else unset($blockSplit[$k]);

if($this->procOptions['windows_remap']) {
return $this->remap_chars(implode('',$blockSplit));
} else {
return implode('',$blockSplit);

// <Dimitrij Denissenko 2005-11-15 wraps a-tags that contain a style attribute with a span-tag>
function transformStyledATags($value) {
$blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('A',$value);
foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) {
if ($k%2) { // If an A-tag was found:
$attribArray = $this->get_tag_attributes_classic($this->getFirstTag($v),1);
if ($attribArray['style']) { // If "style" attribute is set!
$attribArray_copy['style'] = $attribArray['style'];
$bTag='<a '.t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1).'><span '.t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($$attribArray_copy,1).'>';
$blockSplit[$k] = $bTag.$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]).$eTag;
return implode('',$blockSplit);
// </Dimitrij Denissenko 2005-11-15>
function remap_chars($html) {
$replacements = array(
chr(128) => '&#8364;',
chr(129) => '',
chr(130) => '&#8218',
chr(131) => '&#402;',
chr(132) => '&#8222;',
chr(133) => '&#8230;',
chr(134) => '&#8224;',
chr(135) => '&#8225;',
chr(136) => '&#710;',
chr(137) => '&#8240;',
chr(138) => '&#352;',
chr(139) => '&#8249;',
chr(140) => '&#338;',
chr(141) => '',
chr(142) => '&#381;',
chr(143) => '',
chr(144) => '',
chr(145) => '&#8216;',
chr(146) => '&#8217;',
chr(147) => '&#8220;',
chr(148) => '&#8221;',
chr(149) => '&#8226;',
chr(150) => '&#8211',
chr(151) => '&#8212;',
chr(152) => '&#732;',
chr(153) => '&#8482;',
chr(154) => '&#353;',
chr(155) => '&#8250;',
chr(156) => '&#339;',
chr(157) => '',
chr(158) => '&#382;',
chr(159) => '&#376;'
return str_replace(array_keys($replacements),array_values($replacements),$html);