


Bug #14804 » class.external_parser.php

Administrator Admin, 2005-06-08 15:09

* Copyright notice
* (c) 2001-2005 Kasper Skaarhoj (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* External standard parsers for indexed_search
* @author Kasper Sk?rh?j <>
* @coauthor Olivier Simah <>
* 75: class tx_indexed_search_extparse
* 94: function initParser($extension)
* 227: function softInit($extension)
* 257: function searchTypeMediaTitle($extension)
* 330: function isMultiplePageExtension($extension)
* SECTION: Reading documents (for parsing)
* 361: function readFileContent($ext,$absFile,$cPKey)
* 541: function fileContentParts($ext,$absFile)
* 580: function splitPdfInfo($pdfInfoArray)
* 599: function removeEndJunk($string)
* SECTION: Backend analyzer
* 626: function getIcon($extension)
* (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval")

* External standard parsers for indexed_search
* MUST RETURN utf-8 content!
* @author Kasper Skaarhoj <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage tx_indexedsearch
class tx_indexed_search_extparse {

// This value is also overridden from config.
var $pdf_mode = -20; // zero: whole PDF file is indexed in one. positive value: Indicates number of pages at a time, eg. "5" would means 1-5,6-10,.... Negative integer would indicate (abs value) number of groups. Eg "3" groups of 10 pages would be 1-4,5-8,9-10

// This array is configured in initialization:
var $app = array();
var $ext2itemtype_map = array();
var $supportedExtensions = array();

var $pObj; // Reference to parent object (indexer class)

* Initialize external parser for parsing content.
* @param string File extension
* @return boolean Returns true if extension is supported/enabled, otherwise false.
function initParser($extension) {

// Then read indexer-config and set if appropriate:
$indexerConfig = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['indexed_search']);

// If windows, apply extension to tool name:
$exe = (TYPO3_OS == 'WIN') ? '.exe' : ''; // lg
$extOK = FALSE;
$mainExtension = '';

// Ignore extensions
$ignoreExtensions = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', strtolower($indexerConfig['ignoreExtensions']),1);
if (in_array($extension, $ignoreExtensions)) {
$this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('Extension "'.$extension.'" was set to be ignored.',1);

return FALSE;

// Switch on file extension:
switch($extension) {
case 'pdf':
// PDF
if ($indexerConfig['pdftools']) {
$pdfPath = ereg_replace("\/$",'',$indexerConfig['pdftools']).'/';
if (ini_get('safe_mode') || (@is_file($pdfPath.'pdftotext'.$exe) && @is_file($pdfPath.'pdfinfo'.$exe))) {
$this->app['pdfinfo'] = $pdfPath.'pdfinfo'.$exe;
$this->app['pdftotext'] = $pdfPath.'pdftotext'.$exe;
// PDF mode:
$this->pdf_mode = t3lib_div::intInRange($indexerConfig['pdf_mode'],-100,100);
$extOK = TRUE;
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage("PDF tools was not found in paths '".$pdfPath."pdftotext' and/or '".$pdfPath."pdfinfo'",3);
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('PDF tools disabled',1);
case 'doc':
// Catdoc
if ($indexerConfig['catdoc']) {
$catdocPath = ereg_replace("\/$",'',$indexerConfig['catdoc']).'/';
if (ini_get('safe_mode') || @is_file($catdocPath.'catdoc'.$exe)) {
$this->app['catdoc'] = $catdocPath.'catdoc'.$exe;
$extOK = TRUE;
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage("'catdoc' tool for reading Word-files was not found in paths '".$catdocPath."catdoc'",3);
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('catdoc tools (Word-files) disabled',1);
case 'pps': // MS PowerPoint(?)
case 'ppt': // MS PowerPoint
// ppthtml
if ($indexerConfig['ppthtml']) {
$ppthtmlPath = ereg_replace('\/$','',$indexerConfig['ppthtml']).'/';
if (ini_get('safe_mode') || @is_file($ppthtmlPath.'ppthtml'.$exe)){
$this->app['ppthtml'] = $ppthtmlPath.'ppthtml'.$exe;
$extOK = TRUE;
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage("'ppthtml' tool for reading Powerpoint-files was not found in paths '".$ppthtmlPath."ppthtml'",3);
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('ppthtml tools (Powerpoint-files) disabled',1);
case 'xls': // MS Excel
// Xlhtml
if ($indexerConfig['xlhtml']) {
$xlhtmlPath = ereg_replace('\/$','',$indexerConfig['xlhtml']).'/';
if (ini_get('safe_mode') || @is_file($xlhtmlPath.'xlhtml'.$exe)){
$this->app['xlhtml'] = $xlhtmlPath.'xlhtml'.$exe;
$extOK = TRUE;
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage("'xlhtml' tool for reading Excel-files was not found in paths '".$xlhtmlPath."xlhtml'",3);
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('xlhtml tools (Excel-files) disabled',1);
case 'sxc': // Open Office Calc.
case 'sxi': // Open Office Impress
case 'sxw': // Open Office Writer
// ooo_extract.rb can be found at:
// I had to run this on debian before I could run the ooo_extract.rb script:
// apt-get install libzlib-ruby1.8
// apt-get install librexml-ruby1.8
// ruby + ooo_extract
if ($indexerConfig['nativeOOMethod']) {
if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('libunzipped')) {
$this->app['nativeOOMethod'] = TRUE;
$extOK = TRUE;
$this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('Using "libunzipped" for extraction of Open Office files, "'.$extension.'".',1);
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('The extension "libunzipped" was not loaded (for extraction of Open Office files, "'.$extension.'")',2);
} else {
if ($indexerConfig['OOoExtract']) {
if($indexerConfig['ruby']) { $rubyPath = ereg_replace('\/$','',$indexerConfig['ruby']).'/'; }

$oooExPath = ereg_replace('\/$','',$indexerConfig['OOoExtract']).'/';
if (ini_get('safe_mode') || (($rubyPath ? @is_file($rubyPath.'ruby'.$exe) : true) && @is_file($oooExPath.'ooo_extract.rb'))) {
$this->app['ruby'] = $rubyPath.'ruby'.$exe;
$this->app['OOo'] = $oooExPath.'ooo_extract.rb';
$extOK = TRUE;
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage("'Ruby and OOo_extract' tools for reading documents were not found in paths '".$rubyPath."ruby".$exe."' OR '".$oooExPath."ooo_extract.rb'",3);
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('Ruby & OOo_extract tools (OpenOffice-files) disabled',1);
case 'rtf':
// Catdoc
if ($indexerConfig['unrtf']) {
$unrtfPath = ereg_replace("\/$",'',$indexerConfig['unrtf']).'/';
if (ini_get('safe_mode') || @is_file($unrtfPath.'unrtf'.$exe)) {
$this->app['unrtf'] = $unrtfPath.'unrtf'.$exe;
$extOK = TRUE;
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage("'unrtf' tool for reading RTF-files was not found in paths '".$unrtfPath."unrtf'",3);
} else $this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('unrtf tool (RTF-files) disabled',1);
case 'txt': // Raw text
case 'csv': // Raw text
case 'xml': // PHP strip-tags()
case 'tif': // PHP EXIF
$extOK = TRUE;
case 'html': // PHP strip-tags()
case 'htm': // PHP strip-tags()
$extOK = TRUE;
$mainExtension = 'html'; // making "html" the common "item_type"
case 'jpg': // PHP EXIF
case 'jpeg': // PHP EXIF
$extOK = TRUE;
$mainExtension = 'jpeg'; // making "jpeg" the common item_type

// If extension was OK:
if ($extOK) {
$this->supportedExtensions[$extension] = TRUE;
$this->ext2itemtype_map[$extension] = $mainExtension ? $mainExtension : $extension;
return TRUE;

* Initialize external parser for backend modules
* Doesn't evaluate if parser is configured right - more like returning POSSIBLE supported extensions (for showing icons etc) in backend and frontend plugin
* @param string File extension to initialize for.
* @return boolean Returns true if the extension is supported and enabled, otherwise false.
function softInit($extension) {
switch($extension) {
case 'pdf': // PDF
case 'doc': // MS Word files
case 'pps': // MS PowerPoint
case 'ppt': // MS PowerPoint
case 'xls': // MS Excel
case 'sxc': // Open Office Calc.
case 'sxi': // Open Office Impress
case 'sxw': // Open Office Writer
case 'rtf': // RTF documents
case 'txt': // ASCII Text documents
case 'html': // HTML
case 'htm': // HTML
case 'csv': // Comma Separated Values
case 'xml': // Generic XML
case 'jpg': // Jpeg images (EXIF comment)
case 'jpeg': // Jpeg images (EXIF comment)
case 'tif': // TIF images (EXIF comment)
return TRUE;

* Return title of entry in media type selector box.
* @param string File extension
* @return string String with label value of entry in media type search selector box (frontend plugin).
function searchTypeMediaTitle($extension) {

// Read indexer-config
$indexerConfig = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['indexed_search']);

// Ignore extensions
$ignoreExtensions = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', strtolower($indexerConfig['ignoreExtensions']),1);
if (in_array($extension, $ignoreExtensions)) {
return FALSE;

// Switch on file extension:
switch($extension) {
case 'pdf':
// PDF
if ($indexerConfig['pdftools']) {
return 'PDF';
case 'doc':
// Catdoc
if ($indexerConfig['catdoc']) {
return 'MS Word';
case 'pps': // MS PowerPoint(?)
case 'ppt': // MS PowerPoint
// ppthtml
if ($indexerConfig['ppthtml']) {
return 'MS Powerpoint';
case 'xls': // MS Excel
// Xlhtml
if ($indexerConfig['xlhtml']) {
return 'MS Excel';
case 'sxc': // Open Office Calc.
case 'sxi': // Open Office Impress
case 'sxw': // Open Office Writer
if ($indexerConfig['nativeOOMethod'] || $indexerConfig['ruby']) {
return 'Open Office';
case 'rtf':
// Catdoc
if ($indexerConfig['unrtf']) {
return 'RTF';
case 'html': // PHP strip-tags()
case 'jpeg': // PHP EXIF
case 'txt': // Raw text
case 'csv': // Raw text
case 'xml': // PHP strip-tags()
case 'tif': // PHP EXIF
return strtoupper($extension);
// NO entry (duplicates or blank):
case 'htm': // PHP strip-tags()
case 'jpg': // PHP EXIF

* Returns true if the input extension (item_type) is a potentially a multi-page extension
* @param string Extension / item_type string
* @return boolean Return true if multi-page
function isMultiplePageExtension($extension) {
// Switch on file extension:
switch((string)$extension) {
case 'pdf':
return TRUE;

* Reading documents (for parsing)

* Reads the content of an external file being indexed.
* @param string File extension, eg. "pdf", "doc" etc.
* @param string Absolute filename of file (must exist and be validated OK before calling function)
* @param string Pointer to section (zero for all other than PDF which will have an indication of pages into which the document should be splitted.)
* @return array Standard content array (title, description, keywords, body keys)
function readFileContent($ext,$absFile,$cPKey) {

// Return immediately if initialization didn't set support up:
if (!$this->supportedExtensions[$ext]) return FALSE;

// Switch by file extension
switch ($ext) {
case 'pdf':
if ($this->app['pdfinfo']) {
// Getting pdf-info:
// JOH: added double quotes which seem to work properly under windows
// and linux.. We need this, because there might be spaces in filenames
$cmd = $this->app['pdfinfo'].' "'.$absFile.'"';
$pdfInfo = $this->splitPdfInfo($res);
if (intval($pdfInfo['pages'])) {
list($low,$high) = explode('-',$cPKey);

// Get pdf content:
$tempFileName = t3lib_div::tempnam('Typo3_indexer'); // Create temporary name
@unlink ($tempFileName); // Delete if exists, just to be safe.
// JOH: added double quotes
$cmd = $this->app['pdftotext'].' -f '.$low.' -l '.$high.' -enc UTF-8 -q "'.$absFile.'" "'.$tempFileName.'"';
if (@is_file($tempFileName)) {
$content = t3lib_div::getUrl($tempFileName);
} else {
$this->pObj->log_setTSlogMessage('PDFtoText Failed on this document: '.$absFile.". Maybe the PDF file is locked for printing or encrypted.",2);
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitRegularContent($this->removeEndJunk($content));
case 'doc':
if ($this->app['catdoc']) {
// JOH: added double quotes around the filename
$cmd = $this->app['catdoc'].' -d utf-8 "'.$absFile.'"';
$content = implode(chr(10),$res);
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitRegularContent($this->removeEndJunk($content));
case 'pps':
case 'ppt':
if ($this->app['ppthtml']) {
$cmd = $this->app['ppthtml'].' "'.$absFile.'"';
$content = implode(chr(10),$res);
$content = $this->pObj->convertHTMLToUtf8($content);
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitHTMLContent($this->removeEndJunk($content));
$contentArr['title'] = basename($absFile); // Make sure the title doesn't expose the absolute path!
case 'xls':
if ($this->app['xlhtml']) {
$cmd = $this->app['xlhtml'].' -nc -te "'.$absFile.'"';
$content = implode(chr(10),$res);
$content = $this->pObj->convertHTMLToUtf8($content);
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitHTMLContent($this->removeEndJunk($content));
$contentArr['title'] = basename($absFile); // Make sure the title doesn't expose the absolute path!
case 'sxi':
case 'sxc':
case 'sxw':
if ($this->app['nativeOOMethod']) {
if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('libunzipped')) {

global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;

// Initialize Unzip object:
$unzip = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_libunzipped');
$ooFiles = $unzip->init($absFile);
if (is_array($ooFiles)) {
// Read content.xml:
$content_xml = $unzip->getFileFromArchive('content.xml');
$meta_xml = $unzip->getFileFromArchive('meta.xml');
$utf8_content = trim(strip_tags(str_replace('<',' <',$content_xml['content'])));
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitRegularContent($utf8_content);
$contentArr['title'] = basename($absFile); // Make sure the title doesn't expose the absolute path!

// Meta information
$metaContent = t3lib_div::xml2tree($meta_xml['content']);
$metaContent = $metaContent['office:document-meta'][0]['ch']['office:meta'][0]['ch'];
if (is_array($metaContent)) {
$contentArr['title'] = $metaContent['dc:title'][0]['values'][0] ? $metaContent['dc:title'][0]['values'][0] : $contentArr['title'];
$contentArr['description'] = $metaContent['dc:subject'][0]['values'][0].' '.$metaContent['dc:description'][0]['values'][0];

// Keywords collected:
if (is_array($metaContent['meta:keywords'][0]['ch']['meta:keyword'])) {
foreach($metaContent['meta:keywords'][0]['ch']['meta:keyword'] as $kwDat) {
$contentArr['keywords'].= $kwDat['values'][0].' ';
} else {
if ($this->app['ruby']) {
// Extracting document headers:
$cmd = $this->app['ruby'].' '.$this->app['OOo'].' --heading "'.$absFile.'"';

// Extracting document text:
$cmd = $this->app['ruby'].' '.$this->app['OOo'].' "'.$absFile.'"';

$content = implode(chr(10),$headings).' '.implode(chr(10),$texts);
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitRegularContent($content);
$contentArr['title'] = basename($absFile); // Make sure the title doesn't expose the absolute path!
case 'rtf':
if ($this->app['unrtf']) {
$cmd = $this->app['unrtf'].' "'.$absFile.'"';
$fileContent = implode(chr(10),$res);
$fileContent = $this->pObj->convertHTMLToUtf8($fileContent);
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitHTMLContent($fileContent);
case 'txt':
case 'csv': // Raw text
$content = t3lib_div::getUrl($absFile);
// TODO: Auto-registration of charset???? -> utf-8 (Current assuming western europe...)
$content = $this->pObj->convertHTMLToUtf8($content, 'iso-8859-1');
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitRegularContent($content);
$contentArr['title'] = basename($absFile); // Make sure the title doesn't expose the absolute path!
case 'html':
case 'htm':
$fileContent = t3lib_div::getUrl($absFile);
$fileContent = $this->pObj->convertHTMLToUtf8($fileContent);
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitHTMLContent($fileContent);
case 'xml': // PHP strip-tags()
$fileContent = t3lib_div::getUrl($absFile);

// Finding charset:
$charset = $reg[1] ? $this->pObj->csObj->parse_charset($reg[1]) : 'utf-8';

// Converting content:
$fileContent = $this->pObj->convertHTMLToUtf8(strip_tags(str_replace('<',' <',$fileContent)), $charset);
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitRegularContent($fileContent);
$contentArr['title'] = basename($absFile); // Make sure the title doesn't expose the absolute path!
case 'jpg': // PHP EXIF
case 'jpeg': // PHP EXIF
case 'tif': // PHP EXIF
$exif = exif_read_data($absFile, 'IFD0');
if ($exif) {
$comment = trim($exif['COMMENT'][0].' '.$exif['ImageDescription']); // The comments in JPEG files are utf-8, while in Tif files they are 7-bit ascii.
} else {
$comment = '';
$contentArr = $this->pObj->splitRegularContent($comment);
$contentArr['title'] = basename($absFile); // Make sure the title doesn't expose the absolute path!
return false;
// If no title (and why should there be...) then the file-name is set as title. This will raise the hits considerably if the search matches the document name.
if (is_array($contentArr) && !$contentArr['title']) {
$contentArr['title'] = str_replace('_',' ',basename($absFile)); // Substituting "_" for " " because many filenames may have this instead of a space char.

return $contentArr;

* Creates an array with pointers to divisions of document.
* ONLY for PDF files at this point. All other types will have an array with a single element with the value "0" (zero) coming back.
* @param string File extension
* @param string Absolute filename (must exist and be validated OK before calling function)
* @return array Array of pointers to sections that the document should be divided into
function fileContentParts($ext,$absFile) {
$cParts = array(0);
switch ($ext) {
case 'pdf':
// Getting pdf-info:
$cmd = $this->app['pdfinfo'].' "'.$absFile.'"';
$pdfInfo = $this->splitPdfInfo($res);

if (intval($pdfInfo['pages'])) {
$cParts = array();

// Calculate mode
if ($this->pdf_mode>0) {
$iter = ceil($pdfInfo['pages']/$this->pdf_mode);
} else {
$iter = t3lib_div::intInRange(abs($this->pdf_mode),1,$pdfInfo['pages']);

// Traverse and create intervals.
for ($a=0;$a<$iter;$a++) {
$low = floor($a*($pdfInfo['pages']/$iter))+1;
$high = floor(($a+1)*($pdfInfo['pages']/$iter));
$cParts[] = $low.'-'.$high;
return $cParts;

* Analysing PDF info into a useable format.
* @param array Array of PDF content, coming from the pdfinfo tool
* @return array Result array
* @access private
* @see fileContentParts()
function splitPdfInfo($pdfInfoArray) {
$res = array();
if (is_array($pdfInfoArray)) {
foreach($pdfInfoArray as $line) {
$parts = explode(':',$line,2);
if (count($parts)>1 && trim($parts[0])) {
$res[strtolower(trim($parts[0]))] = trim($parts[1]);
return $res;

* Removes some strange char(12) characters and line breaks that then to occur in the end of the string from external files.
* @param string String to clean up
* @return string String
function removeEndJunk($string) {
return trim(ereg_replace('['.chr(10).chr(12).']*$','',$string));

* Backend analyzer

* Return icon for file extension
* @param string File extension, lowercase.
* @return string Relative file reference, resolvable by t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName()
function getIcon($extension) {
if ($extension=='htm') $extension = 'html';
if ($extension=='jpeg') $extension = 'jpg';
return 'EXT:indexed_search/pi/res/'.$extension.'.gif';

if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['ext/indexed_search/class.external_parser.php']) {