


Bug #14806 ยป bug-1182.patch

Administrator Admin, 2006-01-20 19:26

View differences:

typo3/sysext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php 20 Jan 2006 18:24:58 -0000
function tx_install() {
if (!$GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"]["BE"]["installToolPassword"]) die("Install Tool deactivated.<BR>You must enable it by setting a password in typo3conf/localconf.php. If you insert the line below, the password will be 'joh316':<BR><BR>\$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\"BE\"][\"installToolPassword\"] = \"bacb98acf97e0b6112b1d1b650b84971\";<BR><BR>See the document 'installing_upgrading_32b1.pdf' for more info.");
if (!$GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"]["BE"]["installToolPassword"]) die("Install Tool deactivated.<BR>You must enable it by setting a password in typo3conf/localconf.php. If you insert the line below, the password will be 'joh316':<BR><BR>\$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['installToolPassword'] = 'bacb98acf97e0b6112b1d1b650b84971';");
if ($this->sendNoCacheHeaders) {
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
case "get_form":
$default_config_content = t3lib_div::getUrl(PATH_t3lib."config_default.php");
$commentArr = $this->getDefaultConfigArrayComments($default_config_content);
$localconf_content = t3lib_div::getUrl(PATH_typo3conf."localconf.php");
$commentArr2 = $this->getConfigArrayComments($localconf_content);
while(list($k,$va)=each($GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"])) {
$this->message($ext, '$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["'.$k.'"]',$commentArr[0][$k],1);
$this->message($ext, '$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\''.$k.'\']',$commentArr[0][$k],1);
while(list($vk,$value)=each($va)) {
if (!is_array($value) && $this->checkForBadString($value)) {
if (t3lib_div::_GP("installToolPassword_md5")) $value =md5($value);
} else $doit=0;
if ($doit && strcmp($GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"][$k][$vk],$value)) $this->setValueInLocalconfFile($lines, '$TYPO3_CONF_VARS["'.$k.'"]["'.$vk.'"]', $value);
if ($doit && strcmp($GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"][$k][$vk],$value)) $this->setValueInLocalconfFile($lines, '$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\''.$k.'\'][\''.$vk.'\']', $value);
} elseif ($mainKey) {
} else {
// *****************
// Incoming values:
// *****************
if (!ini_get("track_vars")) {
$this->message($ext, "Tracking Vars not set","
Tracking vars are essential for almost any PHP-application.
The fact that the value is not set may not impose a problem, because it's always set in version 4.03+ of PHP.
} else $this->message($ext, "Tracking Vars enabled","",-1);
if (!ini_get("allow_url_fopen")) {
$this->message($ext, "fopen() not allowed to open URL's","
allow_url_fopen should be enabled if you want TYPO3 to connect to the online TYPO3 Extension Repository.
} else $this->message($ext, "fopen() allowed to open URL's","",-1);
// Includepath
$incPaths = t3lib_div::trimExplode(TYPO3_OS=="WIN"?";":":", ini_get("include_path"));
} else $this->message($ext, "Current dir in include path","",-1);
if (!ini_get("register_globals")) {
$this->message($ext, "Register globals disabled","
Incoming values by GET or POST method are not registered as globals. TYPO3 is designed to cope with that - actually we encourage that setting - but you should be aware if your included PHP-scripts (or TypoScript configurations) are compatible with this setting.
You should always use the function t3lib_div::_GP(\"<i>[the_var_name_from_GET_or_POST]</i>\") to retrieve values passed to your script from outside.
} else $this->message($ext, "Register globals enabled","You should always use the function t3lib_div::_GP(\"<i>[the_var_name_from_GET_or_POST]</i>\") to retrieve values passed to your script from outside.",1);
if (!ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc")) {
$this->message($ext, "magic_quotes_gpc","
Incoming \" and ' chars in values by GET or POST method are currently <i>not</i> escaped. TYPO3 is designed to cope with that but it may be on the expense of a minor performance loss, because all incoming values are addslashes()'ed.
} else $this->message($ext, "magic_quotes_gpc","<i>magic_quotes_gpc=".ini_get("magic_quotes_gpc")."</i>",-1);
if (ini_get("magic_quotes_runtime")) {
$this->message($ext, "Magic Quotes Runtime is enabled","
TYPO3 is depending on this option NOT being enabled!
} else $this->message($ext, "magic_quotes_runtime","<i>magic_quotes_runtime=".ini_get("magic_quotes_runtime")."</i>",-1);
if (ini_get("gpc_order")!="GPC") {
$this->message($ext, "GPC order non-standard","
The order of GET, POST and COOKIE vars are non-standard. The value should be \"GPC\".
} else $this->message($ext, "GPC order","",-1);
// *****************
// File uploads
// *****************