


Feature #14842 » bug_1243_part2.patch

Administrator Admin, 2005-11-11 15:13

View differences:

TYPO3core_testing/typo3/sysext/cms/ext_tables_static+adt.sql 2005-11-11 12:17:36.000000000 +0100
INSERT INTO static_template VALUES ('41', '0', '1054753583', '955297796', 'template: BUG', '7,51,40,43,68', ' # cat=basic/color/a; type=color; label=Background color, all frames: This is the background color of all frames.\r\nbgCol = #eeeeff\r\n # cat=basic/color/l; type=color; label=Link-color: Link color defined in <body>-tag\r\nlink = \r\n # cat=basic/color/l; type=color; label=Active Link-color: Active link color defined in <body>-tag\r\nalink = \r\n # cat=basic/color/l; type=color; label=Visited Link-color: Visited link color defined in <body>-tag\r\nvlink = \r\n\r\n\r\ntop {\r\n # cat=basic/file/t; type=file[IMAGE_EXT]; label=Top frame image: This image is put into the top frame of the site. The images is linked to the frontpage by default.\r\n file.image =\r\n # cat=basic/file/t; type=string; label=Top frame image, parameters: This is <img>-tag parameters for the top frame image. "width", "height" and "src" is already inserted, any others may be entered here.\r\n imgParams = hspace="5" vspace="5"\r\n}\r\n\r\n # cat=basic; type=comment; label=Text menu, page frame: Click this option to enable the text-based menu in the top of the page frame.\r\ncomment_textMenu = \r\n\r\n\r\n// Dimensions\r\ntopFrameHeight = 107\r\nleftFrameWidth = 200\r\nstyles.content.imgtext.maxW = 400\r\n\r\n # cat=basic/dims; type=int+; label=Content width: This value defines the width in pixels of the table where the content is displayed in the page-frame\r\ncontentWidth = 400\r\n\r\n// Targets\r\ = page\r\nPAGE_TARGET = page\r\ncontent.pageFrameObj = page\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n## TSConstantsEditor Config\r\nTSConstantEditor.basic {\r\n header = Standard Template "BUG"\r\n description = BUG is a frame-based template. There are 3 frames; a topframe, leftframe (menu) and a page-frame. You can define an image for the topframe and setup the layout of the menu in the leftframe. //The menu lets you define a background-image and rollover-effects. \r\n bulletlist = Topframe image // Leftframe graphical menu of gif-images: Select TrueType-font, color, size, shadow-opacity, offset. Optional backgroundimage of the menuitems. Optional mouseover-effekt with changed font-color and/or image-overlay (like an arrow). // Define size and background-color of the 3 frames, top, left and page. \r\n image = gfx/BUG_basic.gif\r\n 1=topFrameHeight,bgCol\r\n 2=leftFrameWidth,bgCol\r\n 3=contentWidth,bgCol,styles.content.imgtext.maxW\r\n 4=top.file.image,top.imgParams\r\n 5=comment_textMenu\r\n}\r\n\r\n', '# Top frame is defined. Content is an image.\r\n\r\ntop.bodyTag = <body bgcolor="{$bgCol}">\r\ntop.10 = IMAGE\r\ntop.10.linkWrap = <a href="index.php?{0}" target="_top"> | </a>\r\ntop.10.params = {$top.imgParams}\r\ntop.10.file = {$top.file.image}\r\n\r\n\r\n# Left frame is defined. Content is a menu\r\n\r\nleft.bodyTag = <body bgcolor="{$bgCol}">\r\nleft.10 < styles.gmenu.bug\r\n\r\n\r\n# Page frame is defined. Content is a menu\r\n\r\npage.bodyTag < styles.content.bodyTag\r\npage.noLinkUnderline = 0\r\npage.bodyTagMargins = 0\r\n\r\npage.10 = CTABLE\r\npage.10 {\r\n offset = 5, 0\r\n tableParams = border="0" width="{$contentWidth}"\r\n cWidth={$contentWidth}\r\n c.5 < styles.content.editPanelPage\r\n c.10 < styles.insertContent\r\n c.20 < styles.content.lastUpdate\r\n c.30 < styles.content.typo3_powered\r\n\r\n\r\n{$comment_textMenu} tm.10 < styles.tmenu.pagetop\r\n{$comment_textMenu} tm.TDParams = valign="top"\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\npage.config.admPanel = 1\r\nconfig.intTarget = {$PAGE_TARGET}\r\npage.headerData.999 < plugin.meta\r\nframeset.headerData.999 < plugin.meta\r\n\r\n', 'Standard-template\r\n\r\nThis template is a frame-based template with a graphical menu (1 level) to the left. \r\nIn the topframe you can place a picture/logo.\r\nContent may be displayed in one column in the page-frame. \r\n\r\n"styles.gmenu.bug": menu in the left frame\r\n', '');
INSERT INTO static_template VALUES ('51', '0', '1054753538', '958662553', 'styles.tmenu.pagetop', '', 'styles.tmenu.pagetop >\r\nstyles.tmenu.pagetop {\r\n # cat=menu-2; type=int[0-5]; label=Advanced, entry level: This number defines which level in the pagetree is reflected as the first level in the menu. When this number is 1 (one), the menu will display pages on the second level in the pagetree.\r\n entryLevel = 1\r\n # cat=menu-2/typo; type=wrap; label=Wrap, items: This HTML-code is wrapped around every single menu item.\r\n fontWrap =\r\n # cat=menu-2/typo; type=wrap; label=Wrap, active items: This HTML-code is wrapped around the "active" menu item, if any.\r\n ACT.fontWrap =\r\n # cat=menu-2/; type=wrap; label=Wrap, whole menu: This HTML-code is finally wrapped around all the elements (the whole menu)\r\n wrap =\r\n # cat=menu-2/links; type=small; label=Target: Enter the link target for the menu. If your site is using frames, "page" would probably be correct. If not, leave blank (or "_top")\r\n target = \r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n## TSConstantsEditor Config\r\ {\r\n header = styles.tmenu.pagetop\r\n description = This is a little, simple menu of text-links. It\'s designed to be included in the top of pages thus working as a level-2 menu.\r\n image = gfx/BUG_menu2.gif\r\n 1=styles.tmenu.pagetop.fontWrap\r\n 2=styles.tmenu.pagetop.ACT.fontWrap\r\n}\r\n\r\n', 'styles.tmenu.pagetop >\r\nstyles.tmenu.pagetop = HMENU\r\nstyles.tmenu.pagetop.stdWrap.required = 1\r\nstyles.tmenu.pagetop.stdWrap.wrap = {$styles.tmenu.pagetop.wrap}\r\nstyles.tmenu.pagetop.entryLevel = {$styles.tmenu.pagetop.entryLevel}\r\nstyles.tmenu.pagetop.1 = TMENU\r\nstyles.tmenu.pagetop.1 {\r\n target = {$}\r\n NO.afterImg = media/bullets/dots2.gif |*||*| _\r\n NO.afterImgTagParams = hspace="4"\r\n NO.linkWrap = {$styles.tmenu.pagetop.fontWrap}\r\n NO.ATagBeforeWrap = 1\r\n\r\n ACT < .NO\r\n ACT = 1\r\n ACT.linkWrap = {$styles.tmenu.pagetop.ACT.fontWrap}\r\n}\r\n\r\n', 'Textmenu\r\n\r\nThis is a simple horizontal level-2 textmenu that\'s used in the top of pages.\r\n\r\nUsed with template BUG (in pageframe)', '');
INSERT INTO static_template VALUES ('42', '0', '1054753473', '955318074', 'styles.img.logo', '', 'styles.img.logo >\r\nstyles.img.logo {\r\n # cat=logo/dims; type=int[1-1000]; label=Pixeldimensions, X: Pixeldimensions of topframe image (pixels)\r\n X = 625\r\n # cat=logo/dims; type=int[1-300]; label=Pixeldimensions, Y: Pixeldimensions of topframe image (pixels)\r\n Y = 92\r\n\r\n # cat=logo/color; type=color; label=Image background color\r\n bgCol = #CBB99C\r\n # cat=logo/color; type=color; label=Logo color\r\n logoCol = #165D89\r\n # cat=logo/color; type=color; label=Image border color: Color of the image-border\r\n boxColor = black\r\n\r\n # cat=logo/dims; type=int[0-20]; label=Thickness of border\r\n boxThickness = 2\r\n\r\n # cat=logo/dims; type=offset; label=Logo offset: Offset of logo from upper-left corner of the image.\r\n logoOffset = 10,5\r\n\r\n # cat=logo; type=options[gif,jpg]; label=Image file format\r\n format = gif\r\n\r\n # cat=logo/file; type=file[IMAGE_EXT]; label=Imagefile\r\n file.image = media/uploads/topimage.jpg\r\n # cat=logo/file; type=file[IMAGE_EXT]; label=Imagefile Mask; Grayscale mask used to mask the Imagefile onto the colored background of the image. White areas make the image visible, dark areas hide the image.\r\n file.mask = media/uploads/topmask.jpg\r\n # cat=logo/file; type=file[IMAGE_EXT]; label=Imagefile, Logo mask: Grayscale mask used to impose the logo-colors onto the image. NOTE: The mask is inverted here!: DARK areas make the color visible, WHITE areas hide the color.\r\n file.logo = media/uploads/toplogo.jpg\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n', 'styles.img.logo >\r\nstyles.img.logo = GIFBUILDER\r\nstyles.img.logo {\r\n XY = {$styles.img.logo.X},{$styles.img.logo.Y}\r\n format = {$styles.img.logo.format}\r\n quality = 85\r\n reduceColors = 65\r\n backColor = {$styles.img.logo.bgCol}\r\n 10 = IMAGE\r\n 10.file = {$styles.img.logo.file.image}\r\n 10.mask = {$styles.img.logo.file.mask}\r\n\r\n 20 = IMAGE\r\n 20.file = GIFBUILDER\r\n 20.file {\r\n XY = {$styles.img.logo.X},{$styles.img.logo.Y}\r\n backColor = {$styles.img.logo.logoCol}\r\n }\r\n 20.mask = GIFBUILDER\r\n 20.mask {\r\n XY = {$styles.img.logo.X},{$styles.img.logo.Y}\r\n backColor = white\r\n 10 = IMAGE\r\n 10.file = {$styles.img.logo.file.logo}\r\n 10.offset = {$styles.img.logo.logoOffset}\r\n 20 = EFFECT\r\n 20.value = invert\r\n }\r\n\r\n 100 = BOX\r\n 100.dimensions = 0,0,{$styles.img.logo.X},{$styles.img.logo.boxThickness}\r\n 100.color = {$styles.img.logo.boxColor}\r\n 110 < .100\r\n 110.align = ,b \r\n \r\n 120 = BOX\r\n 120.dimensions = 0,0,{$styles.img.logo.boxThickness},{$styles.img.logo.Y}\r\n 120.color = {$styles.img.logo.boxColor}\r\n 130 < .120\r\n 130.align = r\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n', 'imgResource (using GIFBUILDER)\r\nThe images has a background color onto which "image" is overlayed through "mask". On top of this some color is masked by "logo"\r\n', '');
INSERT INTO static_template VALUES ('43', '0', '1071668142', '955393897', 'content (default)', '45,46,44', ' # cat=advanced/enable; type=boolean; label=Render content RTE compliant?: When this is set, the content will be rendered with each line wrapped in <p>-tags regardless of using stylesheets or not. This is necessary in order to make the content compliant with the Rich Text Editors align-ment functions.\r\ncontent.RTE_compliant = 1\r\ncontent.RTE_compliant.mode = fontwrap\r\n\r\ncontent {\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h0; type=int[1-5]; label=Default Header type: Enter the number of the header layout to be used by default. \r\n defaultHeaderType = 1\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/a; type=wrap; label=Header wrap: This is the wrap around the headers regardless of individual wraps.\r\n wrap.header = |<br />\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h1; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout1" \r\n wrap.header1 = <font face="verdana" size="3"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h2; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout2"\r\n wrap.header2 = <font face="verdana" size="2" color="red"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h3; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout3"\r\n wrap.header3 = <font face="verdana" size="4"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h4; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout4"\r\n wrap.header4 = <font face="verdana" size="5"><b> | </b></font>\r\n\r\n case.header1 = \r\n case.header2 = \r\n\r\n wrap2.header1 = \r\n wrap2.header2 = \r\n wrap2.header3 = \r\n\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/x; type=wrap; label=Headerdate: The optional date shown above the header\r\n wrap.headerDate = <font face="verdana" size="1">|:</font><br />\r\n\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/s0; type=int[1-3]; label=Default Subheader type: Enter the number of the subheader layout to be used by default.\r\n defaultSubHeaderType = 3\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/s1; type=wrap; label=Subheader "Layout 1"\r\n wrap.subheader1 = <font face="verdana" size="2"> | </font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/s2; type=wrap; label=Subheader "Layout 2"\r\n wrap.subheader2 = <font face="verdana" size="1"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/s3; type=wrap; label=Subheader "Layout 3"\r\n wrap.subheader3 = <font face="verdana" size="1" color="navy"><b> | </b></font>\r\n\r\n # cat=content/cBullets; type=; label=Bulletlist "Layout 2"\r\n bulletImages.2 = <img src="media/bullets/mark.gif" vspace="2" hspace="2" border="0" alt="" />\r\n # cat=content/cBullets; type=; label=Bulletlist "Layout 3"\r\n bulletImages.3 = <img src="media/bullets/bullet1_n.gif" vspace="2" hspace="2" border="0" alt="" />\r\n\r\n headerSpace = 0|5\r\n space = 0|10\r\n\r\n # cat=content/cText/b; type=wrap; label=Bodytext wrap: This is the wrap around the whole bodytext part of a content element\r\n wrap.bodytext = |<br />\r\n # cat=content/cText/a; type=small; label=Bodytext linebreak: This is the tag used for linebreaks at the end of every paragraph in the bodytext.\r\n break.bodytext = <br />\r\n # An alternative body text linebreak code, because this will substitue nl-chars ONLY in the plain bodytext whereas the above will substituted it in all content including the returned content from any typo-tags.\r\n break.bodytext_parseFunc = \r\n\r\n # cat=content/cTable; type=color; label=Tables Cellcolor: The color of the tablecells of ordinary tables\r\n tableCellColor = silver\r\n tableCellWrap = \r\n # cat=content/cSplash; type=color; label="Textbox" Background color: This is the background color of the graphical elements in the "Textbox" content element. Normally set this to the color of the page background\r\n splash.bgCol = white\r\n # cat=content/cMenu; type=wrap; label="Menu" content element: Elementwrap for the items in the content element type "Menu"\r\n menuWrap = <b> | </b>\r\n # cat=content/cMenu; type=wrap; label="Menu" content element, sub: Elementwrap for the subitems in the content element type "Menu". Used by the links to page-sections.\r\n subMenuWrap = <b> | </b>\r\n menuAllWrap = <b> | </b><br />\r\n menuATagBeforeWrap = 1\r\n\r\n # cat=content/language; type=; label="To top" Link: HTML-code used to create a link to the top of the page, if that is enabled for a content element\r\n linkToTop = <a href="#top">To top</a><br />\r\n\r\n # cat=advanced/links; type=small; label=Pageframe object: The name of the "contentframe". Normally set to "page" if the site has a frameset. Otherwise it should be an empty value. This is important, as it determines the target of internal links!\r\n pageFrameObj = page\r\n\r\n shortcut.tables = tt_content,tt_address,tt_links,tt_guest,tt_board,tt_calender,tt_products,tt_news,tt_rating,tt_poll\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n', '#\r\n# Object preserved from unsetting after template parsing\r\n# These are meant for referencing\r\n#\r\n\r\nlib.stdheader = COA\r\nlib.stdheader {\r\n stdWrap.wrapAlign.field = header_position\r\n stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = header_link\r\n stdWrap.fieldRequired = header\r\n stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content : header, [header_layout | header_position], [header_link|date]\r\n stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit header\r\n\r\n stdWrap.if {\r\n equals.field = header_layout\r\n value = 100\r\n negate = 1\r\n }\r\n\r\n 5 = TEXT\r\n 5.field = date\r\n 5.if.isTrue.field = date\r\n = d/m Y\r\n 5.wrap = {$content.wrap.headerDate}\r\n \r\n 10 = CASE\r\n 10.setCurrent {\r\n field = header\r\n parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n parseFunc.if.value = 5\r\n parseFunc.if.equals {\r\n field = header_layout\r\n ifEmpty = {$content.defaultHeaderType}\r\n = register: defaultHeaderType\r\n }\r\n parseFunc.if.negate = 1\r\n }\r\n 10.key.field = header_layout\r\n 10.key.ifEmpty = {$content.defaultHeaderType}\r\n = register: defaultHeaderType\r\n 10.stdWrap.wrap = {$content.wrap.header}\r\n\r\n 10.1 = TEXT\r\n 10.1.current = 1\r\n 10.1.fontTag = {$content.wrap.header1}\r\n = {$}\r\n 10.1.wrap2 = {$content.wrap2.header1}\r\n\r\n 10.2 = TEXT\r\n 10.2.current = 1\r\n 10.2.fontTag = {$content.wrap.header2}\r\n = {$}\r\n 10.2.wrap2 = {$content.wrap2.header2}\r\n\r\n 10.3 = TEXT\r\n 10.3.current = 1\r\n 10.3.fontTag = {$content.wrap.header3}\r\n 10.3.wrap2 = {$content.wrap2.header3}\r\n\r\n 10.4 = TEXT\r\n 10.4.current = 1\r\n 10.4.fontTag = {$content.wrap.header4}\r\n\r\n 10.5 < styles.header.gfx1\r\n\r\n = {$content.headerSpace}\r\n}\r\n\r\n# \r\n# Configuring of language for backwards compatibility\r\n# \r\n{$comment_DK} config.language = dk\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n#\r\n# tt_content is started\r\n# \r\ntt_content >\r\ntt_content = CASE\r\ntt_content.stdWrap {\r\n spaceBefore.field = spaceBefore\r\n spaceAfter.field = spaceAfter\r\n space = {$}\r\n innerWrap.cObject < styles.content.frames\r\n innerWrap2 = | {$content.linkToTop}\r\n innerWrap2.fieldRequired = linkToTop\r\n dataWrap = <a name="{field:uid}"></a>\r\n editPanel = 1\r\n editPanel {\r\n allow = move,new,edit,hide,delete\r\n line=5\r\n label = %s\r\n onlyCurrentPid = 1\r\n previewBorder=4\r\n edit.displayRecord = 1\r\n }\r\n}\r\ntt_content.key.field = CType\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: header\r\ntt_content.header = COA\r\ntt_content.header {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n \r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.stdWrap.fieldRequired = subheader\r\n 20.stdWrap.parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20.stdWrap.wrap = | <br />\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:subheader,layout\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit subheader\r\n\r\n 20.1 = TEXT\r\n 20.1.field = subheader\r\n 20.1.fontTag = {$content.wrap.subheader1}\r\n 20.2 = TEXT\r\n 20.2.field = subheader\r\n 20.2.fontTag = {$content.wrap.subheader2}\r\n 20.3 = TEXT\r\n 20.3.field = subheader\r\n 20.3.fontTag = {$content.wrap.subheader3}\r\n\r\n 20.default < .20.{$content.defaultSubHeaderType}\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: bullet\r\ntt_content.bullets = COA\r\ntt_content.bullets {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.setCurrent.field = bodytext\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20 {\r\n default < styles.content.bulletlist_gr\r\n 1 < styles.content.bulletlist\r\n\r\n 2 < styles.content.bulletlist_gr\r\n 2.split.1.wrap = <tr><td valign="top">{$content.bulletImages.2}</td><td valign="top"> | </td></tr>\r\n\r\n 3 < styles.content.bulletlist_gr\r\n 3.split.1.wrap = <tr><td valign="top">{$content.bulletImages.3}</td><td valign="top"> | </td></tr>\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:layout, bodytext [text_align | text_face | text_size | text_color],[text_properties]\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit bulletlist\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: table\r\ntt_content.table = COA\r\ntt_content.table {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.setCurrent.field = bodytext\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20 {\r\n default < styles.content.table\r\n 1 < styles.content.table\r\n 1.split.1.split.1.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 1.split.1.split.1.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n 1.split.1.split.2.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 1.split.1.split.2.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n\r\n 2 < styles.content.table\r\n 2.split.1.split.1.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 2.split.1.split.1.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n 2.split.2.split.1.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 2.split.2.split.1.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n\r\n 3 < .1\r\n 3.split.2.split.1.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 3.split.2.split.1.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:layout [cols|table_bgColor|table_border|table_cellspacing|table_cellpadding], bodytext [text_align | text_face | text_size | text_color],[text_properties]\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit table\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: text\r\ntt_content.text = COA\r\ntt_content.text {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = TEXT\r\n 20 {\r\n#debugFunc = 2\r\n fieldRequired = bodytext\r\n wrap = {$content.wrap.bodytext}\r\n brTag = {$content.break.bodytext}\r\n field = bodytext\r\n textStyle < styles.content.textStyle\r\n parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.brTag = {$content.break.bodytext_parseFunc}\r\n editIcons = tt_content:bodytext [text_align | text_face | text_size | text_color],[text_properties], rte_enabled\r\n editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n editIcons.iconTitle=Edit bodytext\r\n }\r\n 20.parseFunc.tags {\r\n typolist < tt_content.bullets.20\r\n typolist.stripNL = 1\r\n typolist {\r\n // Overriding values:\r\n key.field >\r\n = parameters : type\r\n setCurrent >\r\n stdWrap.if.isTrue.current = 1\r\n }\r\n typohead < lib.stdheader\r\n typohead.stripNL = 1\r\n typohead {\r\n stdWrap.wrapAlign.field >\r\n = parameters : align\r\n stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field >\r\n = parameters : link\r\n stdWrap.fieldRequired >\r\n stdWrap.if >\r\n stdWrap.if.isTrue.current = 1\r\n stdWrap.wrap = <br /> |\r\n stdWrap.editIcons >\r\n 10.key.field >\r\n = parameters : type\r\n 10.setCurrent.field >\r\n 10.setCurrent.current = 1\r\n }\r\n typocode = TEXT\r\n typocode.current = 1\r\n typocode.htmlSpecialChars = 1\r\n = 1\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n# Configures the content for compliancy with the RTE\r\n[globalVar=LIT:0<{$content.RTE_compliant}]\r\n # Make sure nonTypoTagStdWrap operates on content outside <typolist> and <typohead> only:\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.tags {\r\n typolist.breakoutTypoTagContent = 1\r\n typohead.breakoutTypoTagContent = 1\r\n typohead.stdWrap.wrap >\r\n }\r\n\r\n # Processing <table> and <blockquote> blocks separately\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.externalBlocks = table, blockquote\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.externalBlocks {\r\n # The blockquote content is passed into parseFunc again...\r\n blockquote.callRecursive=1\r\n blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser = 1\r\n blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser.tags.blockquote.overrideAttribs = style="margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;"\r\n blockquote.stripNL=1\r\n table.stripNL=1\r\n table.HTMLtableCells=1\r\n table.HTMLtableCells {\r\n default.callRecursive=1\r\n addChr10BetweenParagraphs=1\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n # Setting up nonTypoTagStdWrap to wrap the text with P-tags\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap >\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines < styles.content.RTE_encaps_{$content.RTE_compliant.mode}\r\n\r\n # finally removing the old textstyle formatting on the whole bodytext part.\r\n tt_content.text.20.textStyle >\r\n tt_content.text.20.wrap >\r\n tt_content.text.20.brTag >\r\n[global]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: image\r\ntt_content.image = COA\r\ntt_content.image {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 < styles.content.imgtext\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: textpic\r\ntt_content.textpic = COA\r\ntt_content.textpic {\r\n 10 = COA \r\n 10.if.value = 25\r\n 10.if.isLessThan.field = imageorient\r\n 10.10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n \r\n 20 < styles.content.imgtext\r\n 20.text.10 = COA\r\n 20.text.10 {\r\n if.value = 24\r\n if.isGreaterThan.field = imageorient\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n }\r\n 20.text.20 = < tt_content.text.20\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: rte\r\ntt_content.rte = COA\r\ntt_content.rte {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = TEXT\r\n 20.field = bodytext\r\n\r\n 20.editIcons = tt_content:bodytext\r\n 20.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n 20.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit Rich Text content\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: uploads\r\ntt_content.uploads = COA\r\ntt_content.uploads {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20 {\r\n setCurrent.field = media\r\n key.field = layout\r\n default < styles.content.uploads\r\n 1 < styles.content.uploads_icons\r\n 2 < styles.content.uploads_imgicons\r\n 3 < styles.content.uploads_imgicons\r\n 3.split.1.filelink.icon.wrap >\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:media, layout [table_bgColor|table_border|table_cellspacing|table_cellpadding],filelink_size,imagecaption\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit filelist\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: menu\r\ = COA\r\ {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20 {\r\n key.field = menu_type\r\n\r\n default = HMENU\r\n default {\r\n special = list\r\n special.value.field = pages\r\n 1 = TMENU\r\n 1.NO.linkWrap = {$content.menuWrap}\r\n 1.NO.allWrap = {$content.menuAllWrap}\r\n 1.NO.ATagBeforeWrap = {$content.menuATagBeforeWrap}\r\n = {$content.pageFrameObj}\r\n }\r\n\r\n 1 < .default\r\n 1.special = directory\r\n\r\n 2 < styles.sitemap.text\r\n\r\n 3 < styles.insertContent\r\n = sectionIndex!=0\r\n = pages\r\n 3.renderObj = TEXT\r\n 3.renderObj {\r\n fieldRequired = header\r\n trim=1\r\n field = header\r\n wrap = {$content.menuWrap}\r\n typolink.parameter.field = pid\r\n typolink.section.field = uid\r\n wrap2 = |<br />\r\n }\r\n\r\n 4 < .1\r\n 4.1.NO {\r\n = field : abstract // field : description // field : subtitle\r\n after.htmlSpecialChars = 1\r\n afterWrap = <br />{$content.subMenuWrap}\r\n }\r\n\r\n 5 < .default\r\n 5.special = updated\r\n 5.special {\r\n maxAge = 3600*24*7\r\n excludeNoSearchPages = 1\r\n }\r\n\r\n 6 < .default\r\n 6.special = keywords\r\n 6.special {\r\n excludeNoSearchPages = 1\r\n }\r\n\r\n 7 < .1\r\n 7.1.expAll = 1\r\n 7.1.wrap = |<br />\r\n 7.2 < .7.1\r\n 7.2.sectionIndex = 1\r\n 7.2.sectionIndex.type = header\r\n 7.2.NO.linkWrap = {$content.subMenuWrap}\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: menu_type,pages\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit linkmenu\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: shortcut\r\ntt_content.shortcut = COA\r\ntt_content.shortcut {\r\n# 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20.0= RECORDS\r\n 20.0 {\r\n source.field = records\r\n tables = {$content.shortcut.tables}\r\n conf.tt_content = < tt_content\r\n conf.tt_address = < tt_address\r\n conf.tt_links = < tt_links\r\n conf.tt_guest = < tt_guest\r\n conf.tt_board = < tt_board\r\n conf.tt_calender = < tt_calender\r\n conf.tt_rating < tt_rating\r\n conf.tt_products = < tt_products\r\n conf.tt_news = < tt_news\r\n conf.tt_poll = < plugin.tt_poll\r\n }\r\n 20.1= RECORDS\r\n 20.1 {\r\n source.field = records\r\n tables = {$content.shortcut.tables}\r\n conf.tt_poll = < plugin.tt_poll\r\n conf.tt_poll.code = RESULT,SUBMITTEDVOTE\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: records\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit recordlist\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: list\r\n# The keys for the CASE-cObject is supplied by including static_templates which is configured to fill out these positions. Examples are "content.tt_products" and "content.tt_calendar"\r\ntt_content.list = COA\r\ntt_content.list.10 = < lib.stdheader\r\ntt_content.list.20 = CASE\r\ntt_content.list.20.key.field = list_type\r\ntt_content.list.20 {\r\n # LIST element references (NOT copy of objects!)\r\n 3 = CASE\r\n 3.key.field = layout\r\n 3.0 = < plugin.tt_guest\r\n\r\n 4 = CASE\r\n 4.key.field = layout\r\n 4.0 = < plugin.tt_board_list\r\n 4.1 = < plugin.tt_board_tree\r\n\r\n 2 = CASE\r\n 2.key.field = layout\r\n 2.0 = < plugin.tt_board_tree\r\n\r\n 5 = CASE\r\n 5.key.field = layout\r\n 5.0 = < plugin.tt_products\r\n\r\n 7 = CASE\r\n 7.key.field = layout\r\n 7.0 = < plugin.tt_calender\r\n\r\n 8 = CASE\r\n 8.key.field = layout\r\n 8.0 = < plugin.tt_rating\r\n\r\n 9 = CASE\r\n 9.key.field = layout\r\n 9.0 = < plugin.tt_news\r\n\r\n 11 = CASE\r\n 11.key.field = layout\r\n 11.0 = < plugin.tipafriend\r\n\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20.0 = < plugin.feadmin.fe_users\r\n\r\n 21 = CASE\r\n 21.key.field = layout\r\n 21.0 = < plugin.feadmin.dmailsubscription\r\n}\r\ntt_content.list {\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: list_type, layout, select_key, pages [recursive]\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit recordlist\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: multimedia\r\ntt_content.multimedia = COA\r\ntt_content.multimedia {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = MULTIMEDIA\r\n 20.file.field = multimedia\r\n 20.file.wrap = uploads/media/\r\n 20.file.listNum = 0\r\n 20.params.field = bodytext\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: splash\r\ntt_content.splash = CASE\r\ntt_content.splash.key.field = splash_layout\r\n\r\ntt_content.splash.default = COA\r\ntt_content.splash.default {\r\n 20 = CTABLE\r\n 20 {\r\n c.1 = < tt_content.text\r\n lm.1 = IMAGE\r\n lm.1.file {\r\n import = uploads/pics/\r\n import.field = image\r\n import.listNum = 0\r\n maxW.field = imagewidth\r\n maxW.ifEmpty = 200\r\n }\r\n cMargins = 30,0,0,0\r\n }\r\n}\r\ntt_content.splash.1 < tt_content.splash.default\r\ntt_content.splash.1.20.lm.1.file >\r\ntt_content.splash.1.20.lm.1.file = GIFBUILDER\r\ntt_content.splash.1.20.lm.1.file {\r\n XY = [10.w]+10,[10.h]+10\r\n backColor = {$content.splash.bgCol}\r\n = register:pageColor\r\n format = jpg\r\n 5 = BOX\r\n 5.dimensions = 3,3,[10.w],[10.h]\r\n 5.color = #333333\r\n 7 = EFFECT\r\n 7.value = blur=99|blur=99|blur=99|blur=99|blur=99|blur=99|blur=99\r\n 10 = IMAGE\r\n 10.file {\r\n import = uploads/pics/\r\n import.field = image\r\n import.listNum = 0\r\n maxW.field = imagewidth\r\n maxW.ifEmpty = 200\r\n }\r\n}\r\ntt_content.splash.2 < tt_content.splash.default\r\ntt_content.splash.2.20.lm.1.file.m < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\ntt_content.splash.3 < tt_content.splash.default\r\ntt_content.splash.3.20.lm.1.file.m < styles.content.imgFrames.2\r\n // From plugin.postit1, if included:\r\ntt_content.splash.20 = < plugin.postit1\r\n\r\n# CType: mailform\r\ntt_content.mailform = COA\r\ntt_content.mailform {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 < styles.content.mailform\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: bodytext,pages,subheader\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit multimedia element\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: search\r\ = COA\r\ {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 < styles.content.searchresult\r\n 30 < styles.content.searchform\r\n\r\n 30.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: pages\r\n 30.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit search element\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: login\r\ntt_content.login = COA\r\ntt_content.login {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 < styles.content.loginform\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: pages\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit login element\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: html\r\ntt_content.html = TEXT\r\ntt_content.html.field = bodytext\r\ntt_content.html.editIcons = tt_content: pages\r\ntt_content.html.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit pure HTML content\r\n\r\n# CType: script\r\ntt_content.script = TEXT\r\ntt_content.script.value =\r\n\r\n# CType: script\r\ntt_content.div = TEXT\r\ntt_content.div.value =\r\n\r\n# Default error msg:\r\ntt_content.default = TEXT\r\ntt_content.default.field = CType\r\ntt_content.default.wrap = <b>CTYPE "|" not defined! </b>\r\n\r\n\r\n', 'Content-rendering:\r\n\r\nContains configuration for default content-rendering for the table "tt_content"\r\nIs included by the standard-templates. \r\nNotice this template includes other static templates, especially "styles.content (default)"\r\n\r\nStatus:\r\nChanged 28-06-2000', '\r\n# Setting up the CSS Editor\r\nCSS_editor = Template Styles\r\ {\r\n BODY = General\r\n BODY.selector = BODY\r\n BODY.attribs = font-family, background-color\r\n BODY.example = Plan text outside of any tags written in the page-body.\r\n\r\n A = Links\r\n A.selector = A\r\n A.attribs = LINKS,font-weight\r\n A.example = This is <A href="#">a link to</A> the page top.\r\n A.exampleStop=1\r\n {\r\n hover = Mouseover links\r\n hover.selector = + :hover\r\n hover.attribs = LINKS\r\n\r\n active = Active links\r\n active.selector = + :active\r\n active.attribs = LINKS\r\n\r\n visited = Visited links\r\n visited.selector = + :visited\r\n visited.attribs = LINKS\r\n }\r\n \r\n content = < tt_content.CSS_editor\r\n}\r\ntt_content.CSS_editor = General content\r\ntt_content.CSS_editor {\r\n = Generelt Indhold\r\n}');
INSERT INTO static_template VALUES ('43', '0', '1071668142', '955393897', 'content (default)', '45,46,44', ' # cat=advanced/enable; type=boolean; label=Render content RTE compliant?: When this is set, the content will be rendered with each line wrapped in <p>-tags regardless of using stylesheets or not. This is necessary in order to make the content compliant with the Rich Text Editors align-ment functions.\r\ncontent.RTE_compliant = 1\r\ncontent.RTE_compliant.mode = fontwrap\r\n\r\ncontent {\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h0; type=int[1-5]; label=Default Header type: Enter the number of the header layout to be used by default. \r\n defaultHeaderType = 1\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/a; type=wrap; label=Header wrap: This is the wrap around the headers regardless of individual wraps.\r\n wrap.header = |<br />\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h1; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout1" \r\n wrap.header1 = <font face="verdana" size="3"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h2; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout2"\r\n wrap.header2 = <font face="verdana" size="2" color="red"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h3; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout3"\r\n wrap.header3 = <font face="verdana" size="4"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/h4; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout4"\r\n wrap.header4 = <font face="verdana" size="5"><b> | </b></font>\r\n\r\n case.header1 = \r\n case.header2 = \r\n\r\n wrap2.header1 = \r\n wrap2.header2 = \r\n wrap2.header3 = \r\n\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/x; type=wrap; label=Headerdate: The optional date shown above the header\r\n wrap.headerDate = <font face="verdana" size="1">|:</font><br />\r\n\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/s0; type=int[1-3]; label=Default Subheader type: Enter the number of the subheader layout to be used by default.\r\n defaultSubHeaderType = 3\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/s1; type=wrap; label=Subheader "Layout 1"\r\n wrap.subheader1 = <font face="verdana" size="2"> | </font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/s2; type=wrap; label=Subheader "Layout 2"\r\n wrap.subheader2 = <font face="verdana" size="1"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cHeader/s3; type=wrap; label=Subheader "Layout 3"\r\n wrap.subheader3 = <font face="verdana" size="1" color="navy"><b> | </b></font>\r\n\r\n # cat=content/cBullets; type=; label=Bulletlist "Layout 2"\r\n bulletImages.2 = <img src="media/bullets/mark.gif" vspace="2" hspace="2" border="0" alt="" />\r\n # cat=content/cBullets; type=; label=Bulletlist "Layout 3"\r\n bulletImages.3 = <img src="media/bullets/bullet1_n.gif" vspace="2" hspace="2" border="0" alt="" />\r\n\r\n headerSpace = 0|5\r\n space = 0|10\r\n\r\n # cat=content/cText/b; type=wrap; label=Bodytext wrap: This is the wrap around the whole bodytext part of a content element\r\n wrap.bodytext = |<br />\r\n # cat=content/cText/a; type=small; label=Bodytext linebreak: This is the tag used for linebreaks at the end of every paragraph in the bodytext.\r\n break.bodytext = <br />\r\n # An alternative body text linebreak code, because this will substitue nl-chars ONLY in the plain bodytext whereas the above will substituted it in all content including the returned content from any typo-tags.\r\n break.bodytext_parseFunc = \r\n\r\n # cat=content/cTable; type=color; label=Tables Cellcolor: The color of the tablecells of ordinary tables\r\n tableCellColor = silver\r\n tableCellWrap = \r\n # cat=content/cSplash; type=color; label="Textbox" Background color: This is the background color of the graphical elements in the "Textbox" content element. Normally set this to the color of the page background\r\n splash.bgCol = white\r\n # cat=content/cMenu; type=wrap; label="Menu" content element: Elementwrap for the items in the content element type "Menu"\r\n menuWrap = <b> | </b>\r\n # cat=content/cMenu; type=wrap; label="Menu" content element, sub: Elementwrap for the subitems in the content element type "Menu". Used by the links to page-sections.\r\n subMenuWrap = <b> | </b>\r\n menuAllWrap = <b> | </b><br />\r\n menuATagBeforeWrap = 1\r\n\r\n # cat=content/language; type=; label="To top" Link: HTML-code used to create a link to the top of the page, if that is enabled for a content element\r\n linkToTop = <a href="#top">To top</a><br />\r\n\r\n # cat=advanced/links; type=small; label=Pageframe object: The name of the "contentframe". Normally set to "page" if the site has a frameset. Otherwise it should be an empty value. This is important, as it determines the target of internal links!\r\n pageFrameObj = page\r\n\r\n shortcut.tables = tt_content,tt_address,tt_links,tt_guest,tt_board,tt_calender,tt_products,tt_news,tt_rating,tt_poll\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n', '#\r\n# Object preserved from unsetting after template parsing\r\n# These are meant for referencing\r\n#\r\n\r\nlib.stdheader = COA\r\nlib.stdheader {\r\n stdWrap.wrapAlign.field = header_position\r\n stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field = header_link\r\n stdWrap.fieldRequired = header\r\n stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content : header, [header_layout | header_position], [header_link|date]\r\n stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit header\r\n\r\n stdWrap.if {\r\n equals.field = header_layout\r\n value = 100\r\n negate = 1\r\n }\r\n\r\n 5 = TEXT\r\n 5.field = date\r\n 5.if.isTrue.field = date\r\n = d/m Y\r\n 5.wrap = {$content.wrap.headerDate}\r\n \r\n 10 = CASE\r\n 10.setCurrent {\r\n field = header\r\n parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n parseFunc.if.value = 5\r\n parseFunc.if.equals {\r\n field = header_layout\r\n ifEmpty = {$content.defaultHeaderType}\r\n = register: defaultHeaderType\r\n }\r\n parseFunc.if.negate = 1\r\n }\r\n 10.key.field = header_layout\r\n 10.key.ifEmpty = {$content.defaultHeaderType}\r\n = register: defaultHeaderType\r\n 10.stdWrap.wrap = {$content.wrap.header}\r\n\r\n 10.1 = TEXT\r\n 10.1.current = 1\r\n 10.1.fontTag = {$content.wrap.header1}\r\n = {$}\r\n 10.1.wrap2 = {$content.wrap2.header1}\r\n\r\n 10.2 = TEXT\r\n 10.2.current = 1\r\n 10.2.fontTag = {$content.wrap.header2}\r\n = {$}\r\n 10.2.wrap2 = {$content.wrap2.header2}\r\n\r\n 10.3 = TEXT\r\n 10.3.current = 1\r\n 10.3.fontTag = {$content.wrap.header3}\r\n 10.3.wrap2 = {$content.wrap2.header3}\r\n\r\n 10.4 = TEXT\r\n 10.4.current = 1\r\n 10.4.fontTag = {$content.wrap.header4}\r\n\r\n 10.5 < styles.header.gfx1\r\n\r\n = {$content.headerSpace}\r\n}\r\n\r\n# \r\n# Configuring of language for backwards compatibility\r\n# \r\n{$comment_DK} config.language = dk\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n#\r\n# tt_content is started\r\n# \r\ntt_content >\r\ntt_content = CASE\r\ntt_content.stdWrap {\r\n spaceBefore.field = spaceBefore\r\n spaceAfter.field = spaceAfter\r\n space = {$}\r\n innerWrap.cObject < styles.content.frames\r\n innerWrap2 = | {$content.linkToTop}\r\n innerWrap2.fieldRequired = linkToTop\r\n dataWrap = <a id="c{field:uid}"></a>\r\n editPanel = 1\r\n editPanel {\r\n allow = move,new,edit,hide,delete\r\n line=5\r\n label = %s\r\n onlyCurrentPid = 1\r\n previewBorder=4\r\n edit.displayRecord = 1\r\n }\r\n}\r\ntt_content.key.field = CType\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: header\r\ntt_content.header = COA\r\ntt_content.header {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n \r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.stdWrap.fieldRequired = subheader\r\n 20.stdWrap.parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20.stdWrap.wrap = | <br />\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:subheader,layout\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit subheader\r\n\r\n 20.1 = TEXT\r\n 20.1.field = subheader\r\n 20.1.fontTag = {$content.wrap.subheader1}\r\n 20.2 = TEXT\r\n 20.2.field = subheader\r\n 20.2.fontTag = {$content.wrap.subheader2}\r\n 20.3 = TEXT\r\n 20.3.field = subheader\r\n 20.3.fontTag = {$content.wrap.subheader3}\r\n\r\n 20.default < .20.{$content.defaultSubHeaderType}\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: bullet\r\ntt_content.bullets = COA\r\ntt_content.bullets {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.setCurrent.field = bodytext\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20 {\r\n default < styles.content.bulletlist_gr\r\n 1 < styles.content.bulletlist\r\n\r\n 2 < styles.content.bulletlist_gr\r\n 2.split.1.wrap = <tr><td valign="top">{$content.bulletImages.2}</td><td valign="top"> | </td></tr>\r\n\r\n 3 < styles.content.bulletlist_gr\r\n 3.split.1.wrap = <tr><td valign="top">{$content.bulletImages.3}</td><td valign="top"> | </td></tr>\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:layout, bodytext [text_align | text_face | text_size | text_color],[text_properties]\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit bulletlist\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: table\r\ntt_content.table = COA\r\ntt_content.table {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.setCurrent.field = bodytext\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20 {\r\n default < styles.content.table\r\n 1 < styles.content.table\r\n 1.split.1.split.1.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 1.split.1.split.1.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n 1.split.1.split.2.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 1.split.1.split.2.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n\r\n 2 < styles.content.table\r\n 2.split.1.split.1.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 2.split.1.split.1.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n 2.split.2.split.1.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 2.split.2.split.1.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n\r\n 3 < .1\r\n 3.split.2.split.1.wrap = <td valign="top" bgcolor="{$content.tableCellColor}">|</td>\r\n 3.split.2.split.1.innerWrap = {$content.tableCellWrap}\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:layout [cols|table_bgColor|table_border|table_cellspacing|table_cellpadding], bodytext [text_align | text_face | text_size | text_color],[text_properties]\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit table\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: text\r\ntt_content.text = COA\r\ntt_content.text {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = TEXT\r\n 20 {\r\n#debugFunc = 2\r\n fieldRequired = bodytext\r\n wrap = {$content.wrap.bodytext}\r\n brTag = {$content.break.bodytext}\r\n field = bodytext\r\n textStyle < styles.content.textStyle\r\n parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.brTag = {$content.break.bodytext_parseFunc}\r\n editIcons = tt_content:bodytext [text_align | text_face | text_size | text_color],[text_properties], rte_enabled\r\n editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n editIcons.iconTitle=Edit bodytext\r\n }\r\n 20.parseFunc.tags {\r\n typolist < tt_content.bullets.20\r\n typolist.stripNL = 1\r\n typolist {\r\n // Overriding values:\r\n key.field >\r\n = parameters : type\r\n setCurrent >\r\n stdWrap.if.isTrue.current = 1\r\n }\r\n typohead < lib.stdheader\r\n typohead.stripNL = 1\r\n typohead {\r\n stdWrap.wrapAlign.field >\r\n = parameters : align\r\n stdWrap.typolink.parameter.field >\r\n = parameters : link\r\n stdWrap.fieldRequired >\r\n stdWrap.if >\r\n stdWrap.if.isTrue.current = 1\r\n stdWrap.wrap = <br /> |\r\n stdWrap.editIcons >\r\n 10.key.field >\r\n = parameters : type\r\n 10.setCurrent.field >\r\n 10.setCurrent.current = 1\r\n }\r\n typocode = TEXT\r\n typocode.current = 1\r\n typocode.htmlSpecialChars = 1\r\n = 1\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n# Configures the content for compliancy with the RTE\r\n[globalVar=LIT:0<{$content.RTE_compliant}]\r\n # Make sure nonTypoTagStdWrap operates on content outside <typolist> and <typohead> only:\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.tags {\r\n typolist.breakoutTypoTagContent = 1\r\n typohead.breakoutTypoTagContent = 1\r\n typohead.stdWrap.wrap >\r\n }\r\n\r\n # Processing <table> and <blockquote> blocks separately\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.externalBlocks = table, blockquote\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.externalBlocks {\r\n # The blockquote content is passed into parseFunc again...\r\n blockquote.callRecursive=1\r\n blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser = 1\r\n blockquote.callRecursive.tagStdWrap.HTMLparser.tags.blockquote.overrideAttribs = style="margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;"\r\n blockquote.stripNL=1\r\n table.stripNL=1\r\n table.HTMLtableCells=1\r\n table.HTMLtableCells {\r\n default.callRecursive=1\r\n addChr10BetweenParagraphs=1\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n # Setting up nonTypoTagStdWrap to wrap the text with P-tags\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap >\r\n tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines < styles.content.RTE_encaps_{$content.RTE_compliant.mode}\r\n\r\n # finally removing the old textstyle formatting on the whole bodytext part.\r\n tt_content.text.20.textStyle >\r\n tt_content.text.20.wrap >\r\n tt_content.text.20.brTag >\r\n[global]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: image\r\ntt_content.image = COA\r\ntt_content.image {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 < styles.content.imgtext\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: textpic\r\ntt_content.textpic = COA\r\ntt_content.textpic {\r\n 10 = COA \r\n 10.if.value = 25\r\n 10.if.isLessThan.field = imageorient\r\n 10.10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n \r\n 20 < styles.content.imgtext\r\n 20.text.10 = COA\r\n 20.text.10 {\r\n if.value = 24\r\n if.isGreaterThan.field = imageorient\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n }\r\n 20.text.20 = < tt_content.text.20\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: rte\r\ntt_content.rte = COA\r\ntt_content.rte {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = TEXT\r\n 20.field = bodytext\r\n\r\n 20.editIcons = tt_content:bodytext\r\n 20.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n 20.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit Rich Text content\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: uploads\r\ntt_content.uploads = COA\r\ntt_content.uploads {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20 {\r\n setCurrent.field = media\r\n key.field = layout\r\n default < styles.content.uploads\r\n 1 < styles.content.uploads_icons\r\n 2 < styles.content.uploads_imgicons\r\n 3 < styles.content.uploads_imgicons\r\n 3.split.1.filelink.icon.wrap >\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:media, layout [table_bgColor|table_border|table_cellspacing|table_cellpadding],filelink_size,imagecaption\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit filelist\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: menu\r\ = COA\r\ {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20 {\r\n key.field = menu_type\r\n\r\n default = HMENU\r\n default {\r\n special = list\r\n special.value.field = pages\r\n 1 = TMENU\r\n 1.NO.linkWrap = {$content.menuWrap}\r\n 1.NO.allWrap = {$content.menuAllWrap}\r\n 1.NO.ATagBeforeWrap = {$content.menuATagBeforeWrap}\r\n = {$content.pageFrameObj}\r\n }\r\n\r\n 1 < .default\r\n 1.special = directory\r\n\r\n 2 < styles.sitemap.text\r\n\r\n 3 < styles.insertContent\r\n = sectionIndex!=0\r\n = pages\r\n 3.renderObj = TEXT\r\n 3.renderObj {\r\n fieldRequired = header\r\n trim=1\r\n field = header\r\n wrap = {$content.menuWrap}\r\n typolink.parameter.field = pid\r\n typolink.section.field = uid\r\n wrap2 = |<br />\r\n }\r\n\r\n 4 < .1\r\n 4.1.NO {\r\n = field : abstract // field : description // field : subtitle\r\n after.htmlSpecialChars = 1\r\n afterWrap = <br />{$content.subMenuWrap}\r\n }\r\n\r\n 5 < .default\r\n 5.special = updated\r\n 5.special {\r\n maxAge = 3600*24*7\r\n excludeNoSearchPages = 1\r\n }\r\n\r\n 6 < .default\r\n 6.special = keywords\r\n 6.special {\r\n excludeNoSearchPages = 1\r\n }\r\n\r\n 7 < .1\r\n 7.1.expAll = 1\r\n 7.1.wrap = |<br />\r\n 7.2 < .7.1\r\n 7.2.sectionIndex = 1\r\n 7.2.sectionIndex.type = header\r\n 7.2.NO.linkWrap = {$content.subMenuWrap}\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: menu_type,pages\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit linkmenu\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: shortcut\r\ntt_content.shortcut = COA\r\ntt_content.shortcut {\r\n# 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20.0= RECORDS\r\n 20.0 {\r\n source.field = records\r\n tables = {$content.shortcut.tables}\r\n conf.tt_content = < tt_content\r\n conf.tt_address = < tt_address\r\n conf.tt_links = < tt_links\r\n conf.tt_guest = < tt_guest\r\n conf.tt_board = < tt_board\r\n conf.tt_calender = < tt_calender\r\n conf.tt_rating < tt_rating\r\n conf.tt_products = < tt_products\r\n conf.tt_news = < tt_news\r\n conf.tt_poll = < plugin.tt_poll\r\n }\r\n 20.1= RECORDS\r\n 20.1 {\r\n source.field = records\r\n tables = {$content.shortcut.tables}\r\n conf.tt_poll = < plugin.tt_poll\r\n conf.tt_poll.code = RESULT,SUBMITTEDVOTE\r\n }\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: records\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit recordlist\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: list\r\n# The keys for the CASE-cObject is supplied by including static_templates which is configured to fill out these positions. Examples are "content.tt_products" and "content.tt_calendar"\r\ntt_content.list = COA\r\ntt_content.list.10 = < lib.stdheader\r\ntt_content.list.20 = CASE\r\ntt_content.list.20.key.field = list_type\r\ntt_content.list.20 {\r\n # LIST element references (NOT copy of objects!)\r\n 3 = CASE\r\n 3.key.field = layout\r\n 3.0 = < plugin.tt_guest\r\n\r\n 4 = CASE\r\n 4.key.field = layout\r\n 4.0 = < plugin.tt_board_list\r\n 4.1 = < plugin.tt_board_tree\r\n\r\n 2 = CASE\r\n 2.key.field = layout\r\n 2.0 = < plugin.tt_board_tree\r\n\r\n 5 = CASE\r\n 5.key.field = layout\r\n 5.0 = < plugin.tt_products\r\n\r\n 7 = CASE\r\n 7.key.field = layout\r\n 7.0 = < plugin.tt_calender\r\n\r\n 8 = CASE\r\n 8.key.field = layout\r\n 8.0 = < plugin.tt_rating\r\n\r\n 9 = CASE\r\n 9.key.field = layout\r\n 9.0 = < plugin.tt_news\r\n\r\n 11 = CASE\r\n 11.key.field = layout\r\n 11.0 = < plugin.tipafriend\r\n\r\n 20 = CASE\r\n 20.key.field = layout\r\n 20.0 = < plugin.feadmin.fe_users\r\n\r\n 21 = CASE\r\n 21.key.field = layout\r\n 21.0 = < plugin.feadmin.dmailsubscription\r\n}\r\ntt_content.list {\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: list_type, layout, select_key, pages [recursive]\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit recordlist\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: multimedia\r\ntt_content.multimedia = COA\r\ntt_content.multimedia {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 = MULTIMEDIA\r\n 20.file.field = multimedia\r\n 20.file.wrap = uploads/media/\r\n 20.file.listNum = 0\r\n 20.params.field = bodytext\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: splash\r\ntt_content.splash = CASE\r\ntt_content.splash.key.field = splash_layout\r\n\r\ntt_content.splash.default = COA\r\ntt_content.splash.default {\r\n 20 = CTABLE\r\n 20 {\r\n c.1 = < tt_content.text\r\n lm.1 = IMAGE\r\n lm.1.file {\r\n import = uploads/pics/\r\n import.field = image\r\n import.listNum = 0\r\n maxW.field = imagewidth\r\n maxW.ifEmpty = 200\r\n }\r\n cMargins = 30,0,0,0\r\n }\r\n}\r\ntt_content.splash.1 < tt_content.splash.default\r\ntt_content.splash.1.20.lm.1.file >\r\ntt_content.splash.1.20.lm.1.file = GIFBUILDER\r\ntt_content.splash.1.20.lm.1.file {\r\n XY = [10.w]+10,[10.h]+10\r\n backColor = {$content.splash.bgCol}\r\n = register:pageColor\r\n format = jpg\r\n 5 = BOX\r\n 5.dimensions = 3,3,[10.w],[10.h]\r\n 5.color = #333333\r\n 7 = EFFECT\r\n 7.value = blur=99|blur=99|blur=99|blur=99|blur=99|blur=99|blur=99\r\n 10 = IMAGE\r\n 10.file {\r\n import = uploads/pics/\r\n import.field = image\r\n import.listNum = 0\r\n maxW.field = imagewidth\r\n maxW.ifEmpty = 200\r\n }\r\n}\r\ntt_content.splash.2 < tt_content.splash.default\r\ntt_content.splash.2.20.lm.1.file.m < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\ntt_content.splash.3 < tt_content.splash.default\r\ntt_content.splash.3.20.lm.1.file.m < styles.content.imgFrames.2\r\n // From plugin.postit1, if included:\r\ntt_content.splash.20 = < plugin.postit1\r\n\r\n# CType: mailform\r\ntt_content.mailform = COA\r\ntt_content.mailform {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 < styles.content.mailform\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: bodytext,pages,subheader\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit multimedia element\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: search\r\ = COA\r\ {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 < styles.content.searchresult\r\n 30 < styles.content.searchform\r\n\r\n 30.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: pages\r\n 30.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit search element\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: login\r\ntt_content.login = COA\r\ntt_content.login {\r\n 10 = < lib.stdheader\r\n 20 < styles.content.loginform\r\n\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content: pages\r\n 20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit login element\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# CType: html\r\ntt_content.html = TEXT\r\ntt_content.html.field = bodytext\r\ntt_content.html.editIcons = tt_content: pages\r\ntt_content.html.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit pure HTML content\r\n\r\n# CType: script\r\ntt_content.script = TEXT\r\ntt_content.script.value =\r\n\r\n# CType: script\r\ntt_content.div = TEXT\r\ntt_content.div.value =\r\n\r\n# Default error msg:\r\ntt_content.default = TEXT\r\ntt_content.default.field = CType\r\ntt_content.default.wrap = <b>CTYPE "|" not defined! </b>\r\n\r\n\r\n', 'Content-rendering:\r\n\r\nContains configuration for default content-rendering for the table "tt_content"\r\nIs included by the standard-templates. \r\nNotice this template includes other static templates, especially "styles.content (default)"\r\n\r\nStatus:\r\nChanged 28-06-2000', '\r\n# Setting up the CSS Editor\r\nCSS_editor = Template Styles\r\ {\r\n BODY = General\r\n BODY.selector = BODY\r\n BODY.attribs = font-family, background-color\r\n BODY.example = Plan text outside of any tags written in the page-body.\r\n\r\n A = Links\r\n A.selector = A\r\n A.attribs = LINKS,font-weight\r\n A.example = This is <A href="#">a link to</A> the page top.\r\n A.exampleStop=1\r\n {\r\n hover = Mouseover links\r\n hover.selector = + :hover\r\n hover.attribs = LINKS\r\n\r\n active = Active links\r\n active.selector = + :active\r\n active.attribs = LINKS\r\n\r\n visited = Visited links\r\n visited.selector = + :visited\r\n visited.attribs = LINKS\r\n }\r\n \r\n content = < tt_content.CSS_editor\r\n}\r\ntt_content.CSS_editor = General content\r\ntt_content.CSS_editor {\r\n = Generelt Indhold\r\n}');
INSERT INTO static_template VALUES ('44', '0', '1054753381', '955394546', 'styles.header.gfx1', '', 'styles.header.gfx1 >\r\nstyles.header.gfx1 {\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=color; label=Header "Layout5", Backgr. color: Color of the background of the header-items. This should be the same as the page background color.\r\n bgCol = white\r\n\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=file[ttf]; label=Header "Layout5", Font file: TrueType (ttf) font\r\n file.fontFile = \r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int[1-40]; label=Header "Layout5", Font size: Font size of the TrueType font\r\n fontSize = 20\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=color; label=Header "Layout5", Font color: Font color of the TrueType font\r\n fontColor = black\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=offset; label=Header "Layout5", Font offset: Enter the offset of the text from the upper-left corner on the header items\r\n fontOffset = 2,20\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=boolean; label=Header "Layout5", Nicetext: If the text is jagged on the edges, you may try to eliminate it with this option. But it will also slow down the rendering process.\r\n niceText = \r\n\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int[1-200]; label=Header "Layout5", height: Height (pixels) of the header-items\r\n itemH = 30\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int+; label=Header "Layout5", Max width: Maximum width (pixels) of the header-items. Use this to ensure that the headers will never get wider than your page design for the content allows. Use the same value as for "Max Image Width".\r\n maxWidth = \r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int+; label=Header "Layout5", Max chars: Maximum number of text characters allowed in the header items. Use this as a way to limit the physical width of the headers. Similar in concept to ".maxWidth" \r\n maxChars = 35\r\n\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=int[1-256]; label=Header "Layout5", Reduce colors: Number of indexed colors on header items. If your headers end up with weird colors, you can try to enter a higher number of colors. But the graphics-files will also increase their filesize.\r\n reduceColors = 16\r\n # cat=content/cHeader_g/h5; type=wrap; label=Header "Layout5", Wrap: Wrap HTML-code for the header item\r\n wrap = \r\n}\r\n\r\n', 'styles.header.gfx1 >\r\nstyles.header.gfx1 = IMAGE\r\nstyles.header.gfx1 {\r\n wrap = {$styles.header.gfx1.wrap}\r\n alttext.current = 1\r\n file = GIFBUILDER\r\n file {\r\n XY = [10.w]+10 ,{$styles.header.gfx1.itemH}\r\n maxWidth = {$styles.header.gfx1.maxWidth}\r\n backColor = {$styles.header.gfx1.bgCol}\r\n reduceColors = {$styles.header.gfx1.reduceColors}\r\n 10 = TEXT\r\n 10 {\r\n text.current = 1\r\n text.crop = {$styles.header.gfx1.maxChars}\r\n fontSize = {$styles.header.gfx1.fontSize}\r\n fontFile = {$styles.header.gfx1.file.fontFile}\r\n fontColor = {$styles.header.gfx1.fontColor}\r\n offset = {$styles.header.gfx1.fontOffset}\r\n niceText = {$styles.header.gfx1.niceText}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n', 'Header graphics.\r\n\r\nUsed as Header Layout 5 in the "content (default)" template', '');
INSERT INTO static_template VALUES ('45', '0', '1093529300', '955520868', 'styles.content (default)', '', ' # Clear out any constants in this reserved room!\r\nstyles.content >\r\n\r\n # cat=advanced; type=int+; label= News Content PID: If your template has a column with "news"-content fetched from another page-id, this is where you enter the id-number of that page!\r\nstyles.content.getNews.newsPid = 0\r\n\r\nstyles.content.lastUpdate {\r\n format = H:i d/m Y\r\n # cat=page//lastupdate; type=; label= Label for "Last update": Last update is shown in the bottom of the page if the "Last update" date entry is set for the page record.\r\n label = Last update:\r\n # cat=page//lastupdate; type=wrap; label= Wrap for "Last update"\r\n wrap = <br /><font size="1" face="arial,helvetica">|</font><br />\r\n # cat=page//lastupdate; type=comment; label= Automatic "Last update": Click this option, if you want to automatically show "Last update" on the page.\r\n comment_auto = #\r\n}\r\n\r\nstyles.content.typo3_powered {\r\n #cat=advanced; type=options[,1,2]; label="TYPO3 Powered By" Logo: Select which - if any - TYPO3 logo will be displayed in the bottom of the page.\r\n number = 2\r\n}\r\n\r\nstyles.content.textStyle {\r\n # cat=content/cText/f1; type=small; label= Bodytext font\r\n face = \r\n # cat=content/cText/f2; type=int[1-5]; label= Bodytext size\r\n size = \r\n # cat=content/cText/f3; type=color; label= Bodytext color\r\n color = \r\n color1 =\r\n color2 =\r\n properties =\r\n # cat=content/cText/f4; type=wrap; label= Alternative wrap: This could be used to wrap the bodytext in <div>-tags if you would like to use a stylesheet instead\r\n altWrap =\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.tableStyle {\r\n # cat=content/cTable; type=color; label= Tables background color\r\n color = \r\n color1 =\r\n color2 =\r\n alignField =\r\n}\r\nstyles.content {\r\n # cat=content/cTable; type=wrap; label= Alternative wrap: This could be used to wrap the table content in <div>-tags if you would like to use a stylesheet instead\r\n table.altWrap =\r\n # cat=content/cBullets; type=wrap; label= Alternative wrap: This could be used to wrap the bullet list items in <div>-tags if you would like to use a stylesheet instead\r\n bulletlist.altWrap =\r\n}\r\n\r\nstyles.content.links {\r\n keep = path\r\n # cat=content/links; type=small; label= Target for external links\r\n extTarget = _blank\r\n target = {$PAGE_TARGET}\r\n # cat=content/links; type=wrap; label= Wrap for links in text\r\n wrap = \r\n allowTags = b,i,u,a,img,br,div,center,pre,font,hr,sub,sup,p,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote,strike,span\r\n # cat=content/cSearch; type=wrap; label= Searchwords markup: Wrap for markup of search-words in text upon a search.\r\n sword = <font color="red"><b>|</b></font>\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.uploads {\r\n # cat=content/cUploads; type=wrap; label= Wrap: Wrap for content element "Filelinks"\r\n wrap = <b> | </b>\r\n labelWrap = \r\n sizeWrap = \r\n tdWrap = <td> |</td>\r\n # cat=content/cUploads; type=wrap; label= Wrap, description: Wrap for the description of content element "Filelinks". If this is NOT set, the description will not shown up.\r\n descriptionWrap = \r\n jumpurl_secure = \r\n jumpurl_secure_mimeTypes = pdf=application/pdf, doc=application/msword\r\n jumpurl = \r\n}\r\n\r\nstyles.content.frames {\r\n ruler.lineColor = black\r\n ruler.lineThickness = 1\r\n ruler.before = 10\r\n ruler.after = 10\r\n padding = 10\r\n indent = 30\r\n # cat=content//; type=color; label= Frame 1 background color: Set the background color of the content element frame "frame1".\r\n 1.bgCol = silver\r\n # cat=content//; type=color; label= Frame 2 background color: Set the background color of the content element frame "frame2".\r\n 2.bgCol = silver\r\n # cat=content//; type=color; label= Frame 2 border color: Set the border color of the content element frame "frame2".\r\n 2.borderCol = black\r\n 2.borderThickness = 2\r\n\r\n 33_66cell = <td width="33%"><img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" /></td>\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames {\r\n # cat=advanced; type=color; label= Image Frame BgColor: Set the background color of the image frames. Should match the background of the page.\r\n bgCol = white\r\n bottomCol = black\r\n # cat=advanced; type=options[darkroom,artist]; label= Image Frame Collection: Sets which framecollection is used to frame images.\r\n frameCollection = darkroom\r\n # cat=advanced; type=comment; label= Image Frame underlay: Set this flag to disable the black frame underlay.\r\n comment_bottom =\r\n path = media/frames/\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgtext {\r\n # TIP! if register[maxImageWidth] is set, this will override maxW\r\n # cat=content,basic/cImage/a_maxw1; type=int+; label= Max Image Width: This indicates that maximum number of pixels (width) a block of images inserted as content is allowed to consume.\r\n maxW = 600\r\n # cat=content/cImage/a_maxw2; type=int+; label= Max Image Width (Text): Same as above, but this is the maximum width when text is wrapped around an imageblock. Default is 50% of the normal Max Image Width\r\n maxWInText =\r\n # cat=content/cImage/b; type=color; label= Image border color: Bordercolor of images in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set.\r\n borderColor = black\r\n # cat=content/cImage/b; type=int[0-100]; label= Image border thickness: Thickness of border around images in content elements when "Border"-option for element is set.\r\n borderThick = 2\r\n # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Column space: Horizontal distance between images in a block in content elements of type "Image" or "Text w/Image".\r\n colSpace = 10\r\n # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Row space: Vertical distance between images in a block in content elements of type "Image" or "Text w/Image".\r\n rowSpace = 10\r\n # cat=content/cImage/x; type=int[0-100]; label= Advanced, Margin to text: Horizontal distance between an imageblock and text in content elements of type "Image" or "Text w/Image".\r\n textMargin = 10\r\n linkWrap.width = 800m\r\n linkWrap.height = 600m\r\n linkWrap.effects = \r\n # cat=content/cImage/x; type=boolean; label= Advanced, New window: If set, every click-enlarged image will open in it\'s own popup window and not the current popup window (which may have a wrong size for the image to fit in)\r\n linkWrap.newWindow = 0\r\n # cat=content/cImage/c; type=wrap; label= Images, caption: Wrap around the caption of imageblocks.\r\n captionWrap = <font face="verdana" size="1"><b> | </b></font>\r\n # cat=content/cImage/c; type=boolean; label= Images, caption split: If this is checked, then the image caption will be split by each line and they will appear underneath the corresponding image in the imagelist.\r\n captionSplit = 0\r\n target = {$PAGE_TARGET}\r\n comment_CSL-LinkList = #\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.mailform {\r\n fieldWrap = \r\n labelWrap =\r\n commentWrap =\r\n radioWrap =\r\n REQ.labelWrap =\r\n border = 5\r\n target = {$PAGE_TARGET}\r\n # cat=content/cMailform; type=; label= Message, Formmail OK: This is the message (if any) that is popped-up (JavaScript) when a user clicks "send" with an email-form\r\n goodMess =\r\n # cat=content/cMailform; type=; label= Message, Formmail Missing: This is the message that is popped-up when a user has NOT filled required fields in an email-form\r\n badMess =\r\n comment_type2 = #\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.loginform {\r\n target = _top\r\n # cat=content/cLogin; type=int+; label= PID of user archive: Enter the page-uid number (PID) of the sysFolder where you keep your fe_users that are supposed to login on this site. This setting is necessary, if login is going to work!\r\n pid = \r\n # cat=content/cLogin; type=; label= Message, Login: This is the message (if any) that is popped-up when a user logs in as a front-end user\r\n goodMess =\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.searchform {\r\n # cat=content/cSearch; type=; label= Message, Searchform: This is the message (if any) that is popped-up when a user performs a search\r\n goodMess =\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.columns {\r\n totalWidth = \r\n gapWidth = 10\r\n gapLineThickness = 1\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.searchresult {\r\n face = Verdana\r\n size = 1\r\n color = navy\r\n head.face = Verdana\r\n head.size = 2\r\n head.color = black\r\n target = {$PAGE_TARGET}\r\n resultTarget = {$PAGE_TARGET}\r\n header.wrap = <font face="verdana" size="2"><b> | </b></font>\r\n header.bgCol = silver\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.meta {\r\n # cat=page; type=; label= META-tag description: Enter a general description for the site. Will appear on all pages in addition to page-specific descriptions.\r\n site_description =\r\n # cat=page; type=; label= META-tag keywords: Enter general keywords for the site. Will appear on all pages in addition to page-specific keywords.\r\n site_keywords =\r\n}\r\n\r\n # cat=page/language; type=comment; label= DK language: Set this value to enable Danish labels on Form- and Search-objects. "" = Danish, "#" = (Default)\r\n # cat=\r\ncomment_DK = #\r\n\r\n # cat=advanced/links; type=small; label= Target for internal links: Should match the name of the content PAGE-object in TypoScript when used with frames. Most cases: Set to "page" if you have frames in the template. If not, set to "" (empty)\r\nPAGE_TARGET = page\r\n\r\n', ' # Clear out any constants in this reserved room!\r\nstyles.content >\r\n\r\n # get content\r\nstyles.content.get = CONTENT\r\nstyles.content.get {\r\n table = tt_content\r\n select.orderBy = sorting\r\n select.where = colPos=0\r\n select.languageField = sys_language_uid\r\n}\r\n\r\n # get content, left\r\nstyles.content.getLeft < styles.content.get\r\ = colPos=1\r\n\r\n # get content, right\r\nstyles.content.getRight < styles.content.get\r\ = colPos=2\r\n\r\n # get content, margin\r\nstyles.content.getBorder < styles.content.get\r\ = colPos=3\r\n\r\n # get news\r\nstyles.content.getNews < styles.content.get\r\ = {$styles.content.getNews.newsPid}\r\n\r\n # std bodyTag. \r\n # NOTE: These constants inserted are NOT defined in the constants-field of this template!!\r\nstyles.content.bodyTag = <body bgcolor="{$bgCol}" link="{$link}" vlink="{$vlink}" alink="{$alink}">\r\n\r\n # std metaTag\r\nstyles.content.meta {\r\n = page: keywords\r\n KEYWORDS.keywords = 1\r\n KEYWORDS.wrap = |,{$styles.content.meta.site_keywords}\r\n KEYWORDS.htmlSpecialChars = 1\r\n = page: description\r\n DESCRIPTION.trim = 1\r\n DESCRIPTION.wrap = |. {$styles.content.meta.site_description}\r\n DESCRIPTION.htmlSpecialChars = 1\r\n}\r\n\r\n # std last updated\r\nstyles.content.lastUpdate = TEXT\r\nstyles.content.lastUpdate {\r\n data = page:lastUpdated\r\n = page:lastUpdated\r\n date = {$styles.content.lastUpdate.format}\r\n wrap = {$styles.content.lastUpdate.label}&nbsp;&nbsp;|\r\n wrap2 = {$styles.content.lastUpdate.wrap}\r\n {$styles.content.lastUpdate.comment_auto} data = register : SYS_LASTCHANGED\r\n {$styles.content.lastUpdate.comment_auto} if >\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nstyles.content.typo3_credit = TEXT\r\nstyles.content.typo3_credit {\r\n value = This site is dynamicly generated by TYPO3 CMS - freely available from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>!\r\n = Dette website er dynamisk genereret af TYPO3 CMS - frit tilg�ngeligt fra <a href="" target="_blank"></a>!\r\n wrap = <br /><br /><font face="arial" size="1" color="black"> | </font><br /><br />\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.typo3_powered = IMAGE\r\nstyles.content.typo3_powered{\r\n file = media/uploads/typo3power{$styles.content.typo3_powered.number}.gif\r\n linkWrap = <a href="" target="_blank">|</a>\r\n wrap = <br />|<br /><br />\r\n}\r\n\r\n # parsefunc\r\nstyles.content.parseFunc {\r\n makelinks = 1\r\n makelinks.http.keep = {$styles.content.links.keep}\r\n makelinks.http.extTarget = {$styles.content.links.extTarget}\r\n makelinks.http.wrap = {$styles.content.links.wrap}\r\n makelinks.mailto.keep = path\r\n makelinks.mailto.wrap = {$styles.content.links.wrap}\r\n tags {\r\n link = TEXT\r\n link {\r\n current = 1\r\n = parameters : allParams\r\n typolink.extTarget = {$styles.content.links.extTarget}\r\n = {$}\r\n typolink.wrap = {$styles.content.links.wrap}\r\n parseFunc.constants =1\r\n }\r\n }\r\n allowTags = {$styles.content.links.allowTags}\r\n denyTags = *\r\n sword = {$styles.content.links.sword}\r\n constants = 1\r\n}\r\n\r\n # textstyle\r\nstyles.content.textStyle {\r\n align.field = text_align\r\n face.field = text_face\r\n size.field = text_size\r\n color.field = text_color\r\n properties.field = text_properties\r\n\r\n face.default = {$styles.content.textStyle.face}\r\n = register: textStyle_face\r\n\r\n size.default = {$styles.content.textStyle.size}\r\n = register: textStyle_size\r\n\r\n color.default = {$styles.content.textStyle.color}\r\n = register: textStyle_color\r\n \r\n properties.default = {$}\r\n = register: textStyle_properties\r\n\r\n color.1 = {$styles.content.textStyle.color1}\r\n color.2 = {$styles.content.textStyle.color2}\r\n\r\n altWrap = {$styles.content.textStyle.altWrap}\r\n}\r\n\r\n # tablestyle\r\nstyles.content.tableStyle {\r\n align.field = {$styles.content.tableStyle.alignField}\r\n border.field = table_border\r\n cellspacing.field = table_cellspacing\r\n cellpadding = 1\r\n cellpadding.override.field = table_cellpadding\r\n\r\n color.field = table_bgColor\r\n color.default = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color}\r\n color.1 = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color1}\r\n color.2 = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color2}\r\n}\r\n\r\n # pageframes\r\nstyles.content.frames = CASE\r\nstyles.content.frames {\r\n key.field = section_frame\r\n 1 = TEXT\r\n 1.value = <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td> | </td></tr></table>\r\n\r\n 5 = HRULER\r\n 5.lineThickness = {$styles.content.frames.ruler.lineThickness}\r\n 5.lineColor = {$styles.content.frames.ruler.lineColor}\r\n 5.stdWrap.spaceBefore = {$styles.content.frames.ruler.before}\r\n 5.stdWrap.spaceAfter = {$styles.content.frames.ruler.after}\r\n \r\n 6 = COA\r\n 6.1 = TEXT\r\n 6.1.value = |\r\n 6.2 < .5\r\n \r\n 10 = TEXT\r\n 10.value = <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><img src="clear.gif" width="{$styles.content.frames.indent}" height="1" alt="" /></td><td> | </td></tr></table>\r\n 11 = TEXT\r\n 11.value = <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>{$styles.content.frames.33_66cell}<td> | </td></tr></table>\r\n 12 = TEXT\r\n 12.value = <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td> | </td>{$styles.content.frames.33_66cell}</tr></table>\r\n\r\n 20 = TEXT\r\n 20.value = <table border="0" bgcolor="{$styles.content.frames.1.bgCol}" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="{$styles.content.frames.padding}"><tr><td> | </td></tr></table>\r\n 21 = TEXT\r\n 21.value = <table border="0" bgcolor="{$styles.content.frames.2.bgCol}" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="{$styles.content.frames.padding}"><tr><td> | </td></tr></table>\r\n 21.wrap = <table border="0" bgcolor="{$styles.content.frames.2.borderCol}" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="{$styles.content.frames.2.borderThickness}"><tr><td> | </td></tr></table>\r\n}\r\n\r\n # image Frames\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.1 {\r\n bgImg = GIFBUILDER\r\n bgImg {\r\n XY = 100,100\r\n backColor = {$styles.content.imgFrames.bgCol}\r\n = register:pageColor\r\n }\r\n{$styles.content.imgFrames.comment_bottom} bottomImg = GIFBUILDER\r\n bottomImg {\r\n XY = 100,100\r\n backColor = {$styles.content.imgFrames.bottomCol}\r\n }\r\n bottomImg_mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}1_bottom.jpg\r\n mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}1_mask.jpg\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.2 < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.2 {\r\n bottomImg_mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}2_bottom.jpg\r\n mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}2_mask.jpg\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.3 < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.3 {\r\n bottomImg_mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}3_bottom.jpg\r\n mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}3_mask.jpg\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.4 < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.4 {\r\n bottomImg_mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}4_bottom.jpg\r\n mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}4_mask.jpg\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.5 < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.5 {\r\n bottomImg_mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}5_bottom.jpg\r\n mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}5_mask.jpg\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.6 < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.6 {\r\n bottomImg_mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}6_bottom.jpg\r\n mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}6_mask.jpg\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.7 < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.7 {\r\n bottomImg_mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}7_bottom.jpg\r\n mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}7_mask.jpg\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.8 < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\nstyles.content.imgFrames.8 {\r\n bottomImg_mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}8_bottom.jpg\r\n mask = {$styles.content.imgFrames.path}{$styles.content.imgFrames.frameCollection}8_mask.jpg\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n # imgtext\r\nstyles.content.imgtext = IMGTEXT\r\nstyles.content.imgtext {\r\n imgList.field = image\r\n textPos.field = imageorient\r\n imgPath = uploads/pics/\r\n imgObjNum = 1\r\n 1 {\r\n file.import.current = 1\r\n file.width.field = imagewidth\r\n params = align="top"\r\n imageLinkWrap = 1\r\n imageLinkWrap {\r\n bodyTag = <body bgcolor="black">\r\n wrap = <a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>\r\n width = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.width}\r\n height = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.height}\r\n effects = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.effects}\r\n JSwindow = 1\r\n JSwindow.newWindow = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.newWindow}\r\n JSwindow.expand = 17,20\r\n enable.field = image_zoom\r\n enable.ifEmpty.field = image_link\r\n typolink.parameter.field = image_link\r\n{$styles.content.imgtext.comment_CSL-LinkList} = register : IMAGE_NUM\r\n = {$}\r\n typolink.extTarget = {$styles.content.links.extTarget}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n maxW = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxW}\r\n = register:maxImageWidth\r\n maxWInText = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxWInText}\r\n equalH.field = imageheight\r\n image_compression.field = image_compression\r\n image_effects.field = image_effects\r\n spaceBelowAbove = 6\r\n\r\n image_frames.key.field = image_frames\r\n image_frames.1 < styles.content.imgFrames.1\r\n image_frames.2 < styles.content.imgFrames.2\r\n image_frames.3 < styles.content.imgFrames.3\r\n image_frames.4 < styles.content.imgFrames.4\r\n image_frames.5 < styles.content.imgFrames.5\r\n image_frames.6 < styles.content.imgFrames.6\r\n image_frames.7 < styles.content.imgFrames.7\r\n image_frames.8 < styles.content.imgFrames.8\r\n\r\n noRows.field = image_noRows\r\n\r\n cols.field = imagecols\r\n border.field = imageborder\r\n caption {\r\n 1 = TEXT\r\n 1.if.isFalse = {$styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit}\r\n 1.field = imagecaption\r\n 1.parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n 1.required = 1\r\n 1.fontTag = {$styles.content.imgtext.captionWrap}\r\n 1.wrapAlign.field = imagecaption_position\r\n 1.wrap = | <br />\r\n 1.spaceBefore = 5\r\n = 1\r\n }\r\n captionSplit = {$styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit}\r\n captionSplit.cObject = TEXT\r\n captionSplit.cObject.field = imagecaption\r\n captionSplit.stdWrap < .caption.1\r\n captionSplit.stdWrap {\r\n field >\r\n if >\r\n }\r\n\r\n borderCol = {$styles.content.imgtext.borderColor}\r\n borderThick = {$styles.content.imgtext.borderThick}\r\n colSpace = {$styles.content.imgtext.colSpace}\r\n rowSpace = {$styles.content.imgtext.rowSpace}\r\n textMargin = {$styles.content.imgtext.textMargin}\r\n\r\n editIcons = tt_content : image [imageorient|imagewidth|imageheight], [imagecols|image_noRows|imageborder],[image_link|image_zoom],[image_compression|image_effects|image_frames],imagecaption[imagecaption_position]\r\n editIcons.iconTitle=Edit images\r\n caption.editIcons = tt_content : imagecaption[imagecaption_position]\r\n caption.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1\r\n caption.editIcons.iconTitle = Edit image caption\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# NOTE: Based on "current" to be set to the bulletlist content on beforehand!\r\nstyles.content.bulletlist = TEXT\r\nstyles.content.bulletlist {\r\n current = 1\r\n trim = 1\r\n if.isTrue.current = 1\r\n parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n split {\r\n token.char = 10\r\n cObjNum = 1\r\n 1.current = 1\r\n 1.wrap = <li>|</li>\r\n }\r\n fontTag = <ol> | </ol>\r\n textStyle < styles.content.textStyle\r\n textStyle.altWrap = {$styles.content.bulletlist.altWrap}\r\n}\r\n\r\n# NOTE: Based on "current" to be set to the bulletlist content on beforehand!\r\nstyles.content.bulletlist_gr < styles.content.bulletlist\r\nstyles.content.bulletlist_gr {\r\n split {\r\n 1.wrap = <tr><td valign="top"><img src="media/bullets/dot.gif" vspace="4" hspace="4" alt="" /></td><td valign="top"> | </td></tr>\r\n 1.textStyle < styles.content.textStyle\r\n 1.textStyle.altWrap = {$styles.content.bulletlist.altWrap}\r\n }\r\n wrap = <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"> | </table>\r\n fontTag >\r\n textStyle >\r\n}\r\n\r\n# NOTE: Based on "current" to be set to the table content on beforehand!\r\nstyles.content.table = TEXT\r\nstyles.content.table {\r\n current = 1\r\n if.isTrue.current = 1\r\n trim = 1\r\n parseFunc < styles.content.parseFunc\r\n split {\r\n token.char = 10\r\n cObjNum = 1 || 2\r\n 1.current = 1\r\n 1.trim =1\r\n 1.required = 1\r\n 1.split {\r\n token = |\r\n max.field = cols\r\n min.field = cols\r\n cObjNum = 1 || 2\r\n 1.current = 1\r\n 1.fontTag = |&nbsp;\r\n 1.textStyle < styles.content.textStyle\r\n 1.textStyle.altWrap = {$styles.content.table.altWrap}\r\n 1.wrap = <td valign="top">|</td>\r\n 2 < .1\r\n }\r\n 2 < .1\r\n wrap = <tr>|</tr>\r\n }\r\n tableStyle < styles.content.tableStyle\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n # uploads\r\nstyles.content.uploads = TEXT\r\nstyles.content.uploads {\r\n current = 1\r\n override.filelist.field = select_key\r\n trim = 1\r\n required = 1\r\n split {\r\n token = ,\r\n cObjNum = 1\r\n 1.current = 1\r\n 1.trim =1\r\n 1.filelink {\r\n path = uploads/media/\r\n path.override.field = select_key\r\n path.override.listNum = 0\r\n path.override.listNum.splitChar = |\r\n size = 1\r\n size.wrap = {$styles.content.uploads.tdWrap}\r\n size.innerWrap = &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\r\n size.innerWrap2 = {$styles.content.uploads.sizeWrap}\r\n size.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.wrap}\r\n size.bytes = 1\r\n size.if.isTrue.field = filelink_size\r\n labelStdWrap.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.labelWrap}\r\n file.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.wrap}\r\n file.wrap = {$styles.content.uploads.tdWrap}\r\n file.postCObject = TEXT\r\n file.postCObject {\r\n field = imagecaption\r\n required = 1\r\n if.directReturn = {$styles.content.uploads.descriptionWrap}\r\n wrap = <br />{$styles.content.uploads.descriptionWrap}\r\n = register : SPLIT_COUNT\r\n listNum.splitChar = 10\r\n }\r\n stdWrap.wrap = <tr><td><img src="clear.gif" width="4" height="1" alt="" /></td> | </tr>\r\n target = _blank\r\n jumpurl = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl}\r\n = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl_secure}\r\n = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl_secure_mimeTypes}\r\n removePrependedNumbers = 1\r\n }\r\n }\r\n tableStyle < styles.content.tableStyle\r\n\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.uploads_icons < styles.content.uploads\r\nstyles.content.uploads_icons.split.1.filelink {\r\n icon = 1\r\n icon.wrap2 = <td align="center"> | </td>\r\n icon_link = 1\r\n}\r\nstyles.content.uploads_imgicons < styles.content.uploads_icons\r\nstyles.content.uploads_imgicons.split.1.filelink {\r\n = global: TYPO3_CONF_VARS|GFX|imagefile_ext\r\n icon.wrap = {$_blackBorderWrap}\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n # columns\r\nstyles.content.columns = COLUMNS\r\nstyles.content.columns {\r\n 1 = CONTENT\r\n 1 {\r\n table = tt_content\r\n select.orderBy = sorting\r\n select.where = colPos=1\r\n select.languageField = sys_language_uid\r\n }\r\n 2 < .1\r\n = colPos=2\r\n\r\n gapWidth = {$styles.content.columns.gapWidth}\r\n gapLineThickness = {$styles.content.columns.gapLineThickness}\r\n if.isTrue.numRows < .1\r\n if.isTrue.ifEmpty.numRows < .2\r\n totalWidth = {$styles.content.columns.totalWidth}\r\n}\r\n\r\n # mailform\r\nstyles.content.mailform = FORM\r\nstyles.content.mailform {\r\n layout = <tr><td align="right">###LABEL###</td><td><img src="clear.gif" width="{$styles.content.mailform.border}" alt="" /></td><td>###FIELD###</td></tr>\r\n labelWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.labelWrap}\r\n fieldWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.fieldWrap}\r\n commentWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.commentWrap}\r\n radioWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.radioWrap}\r\n REQ = 1\r\n REQ.labelWrap.wrap = {$styles.content.mailform.REQ.labelWrap}\r\n COMMENT.layout = <tr><td colspan="3" align="center">###LABEL###</td></tr>\r\n stdWrap.wrap = <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> | </table>\r\n target = {$}\r\n goodMess = {$styles.content.mailform.goodMess}\r\n badMess = {$styles.content.mailform.badMess}\r\n redirect.field = pages\r\n redirect.listNum = 0\r\n recipient.field = subheader\r\n data.field = bodytext\r\n# type.field = form_type\r\n type > \r\n locationData = 1\r\n}\r\n\r\n{$styles.content.mailform.comment_type2} styles.content.mailform.layout = <tr><td><img src="clear.gif" width="{$styles.content.mailform.border}" alt="" /></td><td>###LABEL###<br />###FIELD###</td></tr>\r\n{$styles.content.mailform.comment_type2} styles.content.mailform.COMMENT.layout = <tr><td></td><td>###LABEL###</td></tr>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n # loginform\r\nstyles.content.loginform < styles.content.mailform\r\nstyles.content.loginform {\r\n goodMess = {$styles.content.loginform.goodMess}\r\n redirect > \r\n recipient > \r\n data >\r\n dataArray {\r\n 10.label = Username:\r\n 10.type = *user=input\r\n 20.label = Password:\r\n 20.type = *pass=password\r\n 30.type = logintype=hidden\r\n 30.value = login\r\n 40.type = submit=submit\r\n 40.value = Login\r\n }\r\n type.field = pages\r\n type.listNum = 0\r\n target = {$}\r\n locationData = 0\r\n = TEXT\r\n {\r\n value = {$}\r\n override.field = pages\r\n override.listNum = 1\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n[loginUser = *]\r\nstyles.content.loginform {\r\n dataArray >\r\n dataArray {\r\n 10.label = Username: <!--###USERNAME###--> \r\n 20 >\r\n 30.type = logintype=hidden\r\n 30.value = logout\r\n 40.type = submit=submit\r\n 40.value = Logout\r\n }\r\n}\r\n[global]\r\n\r\n # searchform\r\nstyles.content.searchform < styles.content.mailform\r\nstyles.content.searchform {\r\n goodMess = {$styles.content.searchform.goodMess}\r\n redirect > \r\n recipient > \r\n data >\r\n dataArray {\r\n 10.label = Searchword:\r\n 10.type = sword=input\r\n 20.label = Search in:\r\n 20.type = scols=select\r\n 20.valueArray {\r\n 10.label = Headers and keywords\r\n 10.value = pages.title-subtitle-keywords-description:tt_content.header\r\n 20.label = Pagecontent\r\n 20.value = tt_content.header-bodytext-imagecaption\r\n }\r\n 30.type = stype=hidden\r\n 30.value = L0\r\n 40.type = submit=submit\r\n 40.value = Search now!\r\n }\r\n type.field = pages\r\n type.listNum = 0\r\n locationData = HTTP_POST_VARS\r\n no_cache = 1\r\n}\r\n\r\n # searchresult\r\nstyles.content.searchresult = SEARCHRESULT\r\nstyles.content.searchresult {\r\n allowedCols = pages.title-subtitle-keywords-description : tt_content.header-bodytext-imagecaption : : tt_links.title-note-note2-url : tt_board.subject-message-author-email : tt_calender.title-note : tt_products.title-note-itemnumber\r\n languageField.tt_content = sys_language_uid\r\n renderObj = COA\r\n renderObj {\r\n 10 = TEXT\r\n 10.field = pages_title\r\n 10.htmlSpecialChars = 1\r\n 10.textStyle {\r\n face.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.head.face}\r\n size.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.head.size}\r\n color.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.head.color}\r\n }\r\n 10.fontTag = <b> | </b>\r\n 10.typolink.parameter.field = uid\r\n = {$styles.content.searchresult.resultTarget}\r\n = register:SWORD_PARAMS\r\n 10.typolink.additionalParams.required = 1\r\n 10.typolink.additionalParams.wrap = &no_cache=1\r\n 10.wrap = <tr><td>|</td></tr>\r\n 10.spaceBefore = 6\r\n 20 = COA\r\n 20 {\r\n 10 = TEXT\r\n 10.field = tt_content_bodytext\r\n 10.htmlSpecialChars = 1\r\n 10.stripHtml = 1\r\n }\r\n 20.stdWrap.crop = 200 | ...\r\n 20.stdWrap.wrap = <tr><td>|</td></tr>\r\n 20.stdWrap.textStyle {\r\n face.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.face}\r\n size.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.size}\r\n color.default = {$styles.content.searchresult.color}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n renderWrap = <table border="0" cellspacing="3"> | </table>\r\n layout = COA\r\n layout {\r\n wrap = <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> | </tr></table> ###RESULT###\r\n 10 = TEXT\r\n 10.value = Searchresult: ###RANGELOW###-###RANGEHIGH### of ###TOTAL###\r\n 10.fontTag = {$styles.content.searchresult.header.wrap}\r\n 10.wrap = <td width="95%" bgcolor="{$styles.content.searchresult.header.bgCol}"> | </td>\r\n 20 = TEXT\r\n 20.value = ###PREV###&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;###NEXT###\r\n 20.fontTag = {$styles.content.searchresult.header.wrap}\r\n 20.wrap = <td bgcolor="{$styles.content.searchresult.header.bgCol}">|</td>\r\n }\r\n noResultObj = COA\r\n noResultObj {\r\n wrap = <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr> | </tr></table>\r\n 10 = TEXT\r\n 10.value = Sorry, your search was empty!\r\n 10.fontTag = {$styles.content.searchresult.header.wrap}\r\n 10.wrap = <td width="95%" bgcolor="{$styles.content.searchresult.header.bgCol}"> | </td>\r\n }\r\n next = TEXT\r\n next.value = Next\r\n prev = TEXT\r\n prev.value = Prev\r\n target = {$}\r\n range = 20\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nstyles.content.editPanelPage = COA\r\nstyles.content.editPanelPage {\r\n 10 = EDITPANEL\r\n 10 {\r\n# move,new,edit,hide\r\n allow = toolbar,move,hide\r\n label = Page: <b>%s</b>\r\n }\r\n/*\r\n 20 = EDITPANEL\r\n 20 {\r\n newRecordFromTable = tt_content\r\n line = 5\r\n label = New content...\r\n }\r\n*/\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nstyles.content.RTE_encaps_stylesheets {\r\n encapsTagList = div,p,pre\r\n remapTag.DIV = P\r\n nonWrappedTag = P\r\n innerStdWrap_all.ifEmpty = &nbsp;\r\n defaultAlign.field = text_align\r\n}\r\n\r\nstyles.content.RTE_encaps_fontwrap < styles.content.RTE_encaps_stylesheets\r\nstyles.content.RTE_encaps_fontwrap {\r\n # Forcing these attributes onto the encapsulation-tags if any\r\n 0 0 0;\r\n 0 0 0; color:navy;\r\n encapsLinesStdWrap.P.textStyle < styles.content.textStyle\r\n encapsLinesStdWrap.P.textStyle.align>\r\n}\r\n', 'This is a "library" of standard-objects commonly used - at least in the standard-templates and "Content (default)".\r\n', '');
INSERT INTO static_template VALUES ('76', '0', '1054752719', '997664283', ' (danish) [DEPRECIATED]', '', '# ***********************\r\n# Newsletter subscription\r\n# ***********************\r\nplugin.feadmin.dmailsubscription.file.templateFile = media/scripts/fe_admin_dmailsubscrip_dk.tmpl', '## Setting the TypoScript language to danish:\r\nconfig.language = dk\r\n\r\n\r\n# ***********************************\r\n# Login form as used in \'content (default)\'\r\n# ***********************************\r\ntt_content.login.20.dataArray {\r\n = Brugernavn:\r\n = Password:\r\n = Login\r\n}\r\n\r\n[usergroup = *]\r\ntt_content.login.20.dataArray {\r\n = Brugernavn: <!--###USERNAME###--> \r\n 20 >\r\n = Logout\r\n}\r\n[global]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# ***********************\r\n# Search dialog object\r\n# ***********************\r\n\r\ {\r\n = S?geord:\r\n = S?g i:\r\n 20.valueArray {\r\n = Overskrifter og n?gleord\r\n = Sideindhold\r\n }\r\n = Start s?gning!\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# ***********************\r\n# Search result page object\r\n# ***********************\r\ {\r\n = S?geresultat: ###RANGELOW###-###RANGEHIGH### ud af ###TOTAL###\r\n = Beklager, din s?gning var tom!\r\n = N?ste\r\n = Forrige\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# ***********************\r\n# Default Guestbook form\r\n# ***********************\r\nplugin.tt_guest.postform.dataArray {\r\n = Oversk:\r\n = Din kommentar:\r\n = Navn:\r\n = Email:\r\n = Hjemmeside:\r\n = Tilf?j dig selv\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n# ***********************\r\n# Default List Board form\r\n# ***********************\r\nplugin.tt_board_list.postform.dataArray {\r\n = Emne:\r\n = Tekst:\r\n = Navn:\r\n = Email:\r\n = Send email<br />ved svar: \r\n = Send svar\r\n}\r\nplugin.tt_board_list.postform_newThread.dataArray {\r\n = Emne:\r\n = Tekst:\r\n = Navn:\r\n = Email:\r\n = Send email<br />ved svar: \r\n = Opret ny tr?d\r\n}\r\nplugin.tt_board_list.postform.badMess = Du skal udfylde disse felter:\r\nplugin.tt_board_list.postform_newThread.badMess = Du skal udfylde disse felter:\r\n\r\n# ***********************\r\n# Default Tree Board form\r\n# ***********************\r\nplugin.tt_board_tree.postform.dataArray {\r\n = Emne:\r\n = Tekst:\r\n = Navn:\r\n = Email:\r\n = Send email<br />ved svar: \r\n = Send svar\r\n}\r\nplugin.tt_board_tree.postform_newThread.dataArray {\r\n = Emne:\r\n = Tekst:\r\n = Navn:\r\n = Email:\r\n = Send email<br />ved svar: \r\n = Opret ny tr?d\r\n}\r\nplugin.tt_board_tree.postform.badMess = Du skal udfylde disse felter:\r\nplugin.tt_board_tree.postform_newThread.badMess = Du skal udfylde disse felter:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# ***********************\r\n# Newsletter subscription\r\n# ***********************\r\ {\r\n uniqueLocal = Tilsyneladende er du allerede registreret med denne email adresse!\r\n email = Dette er ikke en korrekt email adresse!\r\n}\r\n\r\n', 'This implements danish labels on these standard elements \r\n\r\nFrom \'content (default)\':\r\n\r\n- login form \r\n- search form\r\n- search result\r\n\r\nFrom \'tt_guest\':\r\n\r\n- submit form.\r\n\r\n\r\nFrom \'tt_board\':\r\n\r\n- submit forms.\r\n\r\n\r\n', '');