


Bug #14980 » bug_1467.diff

Administrator Admin, 2005-09-23 10:58

View differences:

indexed_search/pi/class.tx_indexedsearch.php 2005-09-22 10:28:25.000000000 +0200
// Initialize result accumulation variables:
$c = 0;
$lines = Array();
$grouping_phashes = array(); // Used to filter out duplicates.
$grouping_chashes = array(); // Used to filter out duplicates BASED ON cHash.
$firstRow = Array(); // Will hold the first row in result - used to calculate relative hit-ratings.
$grouping_phashes[] = $row['phash_grouping'];
$grouping_chashes[] = $row['contentHash'].'.'.$row['data_page_id'];
// All rows for display is put into resultRows[]
if ($c > $pointer * $this->piVars['results']) {
$row['result_number'] = $c;
$resultRows[] = $row;
if ($c+1 > ($pointer+1)*$this->piVars['results']) break;
// All rows for display is put into resultRows[]
if ($c > $pointer * $this->piVars['results'] && ($c-1) < ($pointer+1)*$this->piVars['results']) {
$row['result_number'] = $c;
$resultRows[] = $row;
} else {
$count--; // For each time a phash_grouping document is found (which is thus not displayed) the search-result count is reduced, so that it matches the number of rows displayed.
} else {
$count--; // For each time a phash_grouping document is found (which is thus not displayed) the search-result count is reduced, so that it matches the number of rows displayed.