


Feature #15040 » 1585_tsref_wiki.txt

Administrator Admin, 2007-11-10 13:55

Ralf Hettinger, 2007-11-10 <bug>1585</bug>: statistics and realurl + statistics and handling of empty referer hits
TSref [tsref:config/->CONFIG]

(1) Add option to description of stat_apache_pagenames

[requesturi] = The requested URI (server environment variable). Quite useful if you use realurl or any other rewrite extension.

(2) Add new property after stat_apache_noRoot


Data type:

Configures logging of hits with an empty referer. If not set (default), they will be logged as hits with an empty referer. If set, these hits will be logged as if they were direct address hits (i.e. hits by using a browser's bookmark or hits by visitors who type the URL directly into their browser's address line).

Possible additional description:
Apache itself is able to log the difference between empty referers and direct address hits. But since there is no environment variable for this, TYPO3 cannot track direct address hits and will by default log them as hits with an empty referer. Which is not unlikely to be the "wronger" interpretation of those hits.