


Bug #15114 » bug_1678_V2_trunk.diff

Administrator Admin, 2007-11-28 16:15

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php.trunk 2007-11-21 14:56:38.000000000 +0100
$mayInsertAccess = $this->checkRecordUpdateAccess($table,$uid);
// Checking if there is anything else disallowing moving the record by checking if editing is allowed
$editAccess = $this->BE_USER->recordEditAccessInternals($table,$uid);
// If moving is allowed, begin the processing:
if ($mayMoveAccess) {
if ($mayInsertAccess) {
if ($editAccess) {
if ($mayMoveAccess) {
if ($mayInsertAccess) {
if ($this->BE_USER->workspace!==0) { // Draft workspace...:
// Get workspace version of the source record, if any:
$WSversion = t3lib_BEfunc::getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord($this->BE_USER->workspace, $table, $uid, 'uid,t3ver_oid');
// If no version exists and versioningWS is in version 2, a new placeholder is made automatically:
if (!$WSversion['uid'] && (int)$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']>=2 && (int)$moveRec['t3ver_state']!=3) {
$this->versionizeRecord($table,$uid,'Placeholder version for moving record');
$WSversion = t3lib_BEfunc::getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord($this->BE_USER->workspace, $table, $uid, 'uid,t3ver_oid'); // Will not create new versions in live workspace though...
if ($this->BE_USER->workspace!==0) { // Draft workspace...:
// Get workspace version of the source record, if any:
$WSversion = t3lib_BEfunc::getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord($this->BE_USER->workspace, $table, $uid, 'uid,t3ver_oid');
// If no version exists and versioningWS is in version 2, a new placeholder is made automatically:
if (!$WSversion['uid'] && (int)$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']>=2 && (int)$moveRec['t3ver_state']!=3) {
$this->versionizeRecord($table,$uid,'Placeholder version for moving record');
$WSversion = t3lib_BEfunc::getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord($this->BE_USER->workspace, $table, $uid, 'uid,t3ver_oid'); // Will not create new versions in live workspace though...
// Check workspace permissions:
$workspaceAccessBlocked = array();
$recIsNewVersion = (int)$moveRec['t3ver_state']>0; // Element was in "New/Deleted/Moved" so it can be moved...
$destRes = $this->BE_USER->workspaceAllowLiveRecordsInPID($resolvedPid,$table);
$canMoveRecord = $recIsNewVersion || (int)$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']>=2;
// Workspace source check:
if (!$recIsNewVersion) {
if ($errorCode = $this->BE_USER->workspaceCannotEditRecord($table, $WSversion['uid'] ? $WSversion['uid'] : $uid)) {
$workspaceAccessBlocked['src1']='Record could not be edited in workspace: '.$errorCode.' ';
} else {
if (!$canMoveRecord && $this->BE_USER->workspaceAllowLiveRecordsInPID($moveRec['pid'],$table)<=0) {
$workspaceAccessBlocked['src2']='Could not remove record from table "'.$table.'" from its page "'.$moveRec['pid'].'" ';
// Check workspace permissions:
$workspaceAccessBlocked = array();
$recIsNewVersion = (int)$moveRec['t3ver_state']>0; // Element was in "New/Deleted/Moved" so it can be moved...
$destRes = $this->BE_USER->workspaceAllowLiveRecordsInPID($resolvedPid,$table);
$canMoveRecord = $recIsNewVersion || (int)$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']>=2;
// Workspace source check:
if (!$recIsNewVersion) {
if ($errorCode = $this->BE_USER->workspaceCannotEditRecord($table, $WSversion['uid'] ? $WSversion['uid'] : $uid)) {
$workspaceAccessBlocked['src1']='Record could not be edited in workspace: '.$errorCode.' ';
} else {
if (!$canMoveRecord && $this->BE_USER->workspaceAllowLiveRecordsInPID($moveRec['pid'],$table)<=0) {
$workspaceAccessBlocked['src2']='Could not remove record from table "'.$table.'" from its page "'.$moveRec['pid'].'" ';
// Workspace destination check:
if (!($destRes>0 || ($canMoveRecord && !$destRes))) { // All records can be inserted if $destRes is greater than zero. Only new versions can be inserted if $destRes is false. NO RECORDS can be inserted if $destRes is negative which indicates a stage not allowed for use. If "versioningWS" is version 2, moving can take place of versions.
$workspaceAccessBlocked['dest1']='Could not insert record from table "'.$table.'" in destination PID "'.$resolvedPid.'" ';
} elseif ($destRes==1 && $WSversion['uid']) {
$workspaceAccessBlocked['dest2']='Could not insert other versions in destination PID ';
// Workspace destination check:
if (!($destRes>0 || ($canMoveRecord && !$destRes))) { // All records can be inserted if $destRes is greater than zero. Only new versions can be inserted if $destRes is false. NO RECORDS can be inserted if $destRes is negative which indicates a stage not allowed for use. If "versioningWS" is version 2, moving can take place of versions.
$workspaceAccessBlocked['dest1']='Could not insert record from table "'.$table.'" in destination PID "'.$resolvedPid.'" ';
} elseif ($destRes==1 && $WSversion['uid']) {
$workspaceAccessBlocked['dest2']='Could not insert other versions in destination PID ';
if (!count($workspaceAccessBlocked)) {
if ($WSversion['uid'] && !$recIsNewVersion && (int)$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']>=2) { // If the move operation is done on a versioned record, which is NOT new/deletd placeholder and versioningWS is in version 2, then...
if (!count($workspaceAccessBlocked)) {
if ($WSversion['uid'] && !$recIsNewVersion && (int)$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']>=2) { // If the move operation is done on a versioned record, which is NOT new/deletd placeholder and versioningWS is in version 2, then...
} else {
} else {
$this->newlog("Move attempt failed due to workspace restrictions: ".implode(' // ',$workspaceAccessBlocked),1);
} else {
$this->newlog("Move attempt failed due to workspace restrictions: ".implode(' // ',$workspaceAccessBlocked),1);
} else { // Live workspace - move it!
} else { // Live workspace - move it!
} else {
$this->log($table,$uid,4,0,1,"Attempt to move record '%s' (%s) without having permissions to insert.",14,array($propArr['header'],$table.':'.$uid),$propArr['event_pid']);
} else {
$this->log($table,$uid,4,0,1,"Attempt to move record '%s' (%s) without having permissions to insert",14,array($propArr['header'],$table.':'.$uid),$propArr['event_pid']);
$this->log($table,$uid,4,0,1,"Attempt to move record '%s' (%s) without having permissions to do so.",14,array($propArr['header'],$table.':'.$uid),$propArr['event_pid']);
} else {
$this->log($table,$uid,4,0,1,"Attempt to move record '%s' (%s) without having permissions to do so",14,array($propArr['header'],$table.':'.$uid),$propArr['event_pid']);
$this->log($table,$uid,4,0,1,"Attempt to move record '%s' (%s) without having permissions to do so. [".$this->BE_USER->errorMsg."]",14,array($propArr['header'],$table.':'.$uid),$propArr['event_pid']);
function deleteRecord($table,$uid, $noRecordCheck=FALSE, $forceHardDelete=FALSE,$undeleteRecord=FALSE) {
global $TCA;
// Checking if there is anything else disallowing deleting the record by checking if editing is allowed
$editAccess = $this->BE_USER->recordEditAccessInternals($table,$uid);
$uid = intval($uid);
if ($TCA[$table] && $uid) {
if ($noRecordCheck || $this->doesRecordExist($table,$uid,'delete')) {
$this->clear_cache($table,$uid); // clear cache before deleting the record, else the correct page cannot be identified by clear_cache
if ($editAccess) {
if ($noRecordCheck || $this->doesRecordExist($table,$uid,'delete')) {
$this->clear_cache($table,$uid); // clear cache before deleting the record, else the correct page cannot be identified by clear_cache
$propArr = $this->getRecordProperties($table, $uid);
$pagePropArr = $this->getRecordProperties('pages', $propArr['pid']);
$deleteRow = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['delete'];
if ($deleteRow && !$forceHardDelete) {
$value = $undeleteRecord ? 0 : 1;
$updateFields = array(
$deleteRow => $value
$propArr = $this->getRecordProperties($table, $uid);
$pagePropArr = $this->getRecordProperties('pages', $propArr['pid']);
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['tstamp']) {
$updateFields[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['tstamp']] = time();
$deleteRow = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['delete'];
if ($deleteRow && !$forceHardDelete) {
$value = $undeleteRecord ? 0 : 1;
$updateFields = array(
$deleteRow => $value
// If the table is sorted, then the sorting number is set very high
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['sortby'] && !$undeleteRecord) {
$updateFields[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['sortby']] = 1000000000;
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['tstamp']) {
$updateFields[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['tstamp']] = time();
// before (un-)deleting this record, check for child records or references
$this->deleteRecord_procFields($table, $uid, $undeleteRecord);
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery($table, 'uid='.intval($uid), $updateFields);
} else {
// If the table is sorted, then the sorting number is set very high
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['sortby'] && !$undeleteRecord) {
$updateFields[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['sortby']] = 1000000000;
// Fetches all fields with flexforms and look for files to delete:
foreach($TCA[$table]['columns'] as $fieldName => $cfg) {
$conf = $cfg['config'];
// before (un-)deleting this record, check for child records or references
$this->deleteRecord_procFields($table, $uid, $undeleteRecord);
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery($table, 'uid='.intval($uid), $updateFields);
} else {
switch($conf['type']) {
case 'flex':
$flexObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_flexformtools');
// Fetches all fields with flexforms and look for files to delete:
foreach($TCA[$table]['columns'] as $fieldName => $cfg) {
$conf = $cfg['config'];
switch($conf['type']) {
case 'flex':
$flexObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_flexformtools');
// Fetches all fields that holds references to files
$fileFieldArr = $this->extFileFields($table);
if (count($fileFieldArr)) {
$mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(implode(',',$fileFieldArr), $table, 'uid='.intval($uid));
if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
$fArray = $fileFieldArr;
foreach($fArray as $theField) { // MISSING: Support for MM file relations!
$this->extFileFunctions($table,$theField,$row[$theField],'deleteAll'); // This deletes files that belonged to this record.
// Fetches all fields that holds references to files
$fileFieldArr = $this->extFileFields($table);
if (count($fileFieldArr)) {
$mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(implode(',',$fileFieldArr), $table, 'uid='.intval($uid));
if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
$fArray = $fileFieldArr;
foreach($fArray as $theField) { // MISSING: Support for MM file relations!
$this->extFileFunctions($table,$theField,$row[$theField],'deleteAll'); // This deletes files that belonged to this record.
} else {
$this->log($table,$uid,3,0,100,'Delete: Zero rows in result when trying to read filenames from record which should be deleted');
} else {
$this->log($table,$uid,3,0,100,'Delete: Zero rows in result when trying to read filenames from record which should be deleted');
// Delete the hard way...:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_DELETEquery($table, 'uid='.intval($uid));
// Delete the hard way...:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_DELETEquery($table, 'uid='.intval($uid));
$state = $undeleteRecord ? 1 : 3; // 1 means insert, 3 means delete
if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()) {
if ($forceHardDelete) {
$message = "Record '%s' (%s) was deleted unrecoverable from page '%s' (%s)";
else {
$message = $state == 1 ?
"Record '%s' (%s) was restored on page '%s' (%s)" :
"Record '%s' (%s) was deleted from page '%s' (%s)";
$this->log($table, $uid, $state, 0, 0,
$message, 0,
$state = $undeleteRecord ? 1 : 3; // 1 means insert, 3 means delete
if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()) {
if ($forceHardDelete) {
$message = "Record '%s' (%s) was deleted unrecoverable from page '%s' (%s)";
} else {
else {
$message = $state == 1 ?
"Record '%s' (%s) was restored on page '%s' (%s)" :
"Record '%s' (%s) was deleted from page '%s' (%s)";
$this->log($table, $uid, $state, 0, 0,
$message, 0,
} else {
// Update reference index:
// Update reference index:
// if there are entries in the updateRefIndexStack
if (is_array($this->updateRefIndexStack[$table]) && is_array($this->updateRefIndexStack[$table][$uid])) {
while ($args = array_pop($this->updateRefIndexStack[$table][$uid])) {
// $args[0]: table, $args[1]: uid
$this->updateRefIndex($args[0], $args[1]);
// if there are entries in the updateRefIndexStack
if (is_array($this->updateRefIndexStack[$table]) && is_array($this->updateRefIndexStack[$table][$uid])) {
while ($args = array_pop($this->updateRefIndexStack[$table][$uid])) {
// $args[0]: table, $args[1]: uid
$this->updateRefIndex($args[0], $args[1]);
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to delete record without delete-permissions');
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to delete record without delete-permissions');
} else $this->log($table,$uid,3,0,1,'Attempt to delete record without delete-permissions. ['.$this->BE_USER->errorMsg.']');