


Bug #15231 » tslib_fe.modifiedfunctions.php

Administrator Admin, 2005-11-23 15:10


//MODIFIED: We add a 4th reason
function fetch_the_id() {
$GLOBALS['TT']->push('fetch_the_id initialize/','');

// Initialize the page-select functions.
$this->sys_page = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_pageSelect');
$this->sys_page->versioningPreview = $this->fePreview ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ($this->sys_page->versioningPreview) {
$this->sys_page->versionPreviewMap = $this->versionPreviewMap;

// Set the valid usergroups for FE

// Sets sys_page where-clause

// Splitting $this->id by a period (.). First part is 'id' and second part - if exists - will overrule the &type param if given
$pParts = explode('.',$this->id);
$this->id = $pParts[0]; // Set it.
if (isset($pParts[1])) {$this->type=$pParts[1];}

// Splitting $this->id by a comma (,). First part is 'id' and other parts are just stored for use in scripts.
$this->idParts = explode(',',$this->id);

// Splitting by a '+' sign - used for base64/md5 methods of parameter encryption for simulate static documents.
if ($SSD_p) { $this->idPartsAnalyze($SSD_p); }
$this->id = $pgID; // Set id

// If $this->id is a string, it's an alias
// The id and type is set to the integer-value - just to be sure...
$this->id = intval($this->id);
$this->type = intval($this->type);

// We find the first page belonging to the current domain
$GLOBALS['TT']->push('fetch_the_id domain/','');
$this->domainStartPage = $this->findDomainRecord($this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['recursiveDomainSearch']); // the page_id of the current domain
if (!$this->id) {
if ($this->domainStartPage) {
$this->id = $this->domainStartPage; // If the id was not previously set, set it to the id of the domain.
} else {
$theFirstPage = $this->sys_page->getFirstWebPage($this->id); // Find the first 'visible' page in that domain
if ($theFirstPage) {
$this->id = $theFirstPage['uid'];
} else {
$this->printError('No pages are found on the rootlevel!');

$GLOBALS['TT']->push('fetch_the_id rootLine/','');
$requestedId = $this->id; // We store the originally requested id
//MODIFIED: We add a 4th reason
if ($this->pageNotFound && $this->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['pageNotFound_handling']) {
$pNotFoundMsg = array(
1 => 'ID was not an accessible page',
2 => 'Subsection was found and not accessible',
3 => 'ID was outside the domain',
4 => 'Alias didn\'t exist. SETUP configuration enables 404 handling.' // modified

// set no_cache if set
if ($this->page['no_cache']) {

$this->register['SYS_LASTCHANGED'] = intval($this->page['tstamp']);
if ($this->register['SYS_LASTCHANGED'] < intval($this->page['SYS_LASTCHANGED'])) {
$this->register['SYS_LASTCHANGED'] = intval($this->page['SYS_LASTCHANGED']);
// MODIFIED: We set the error if no alias found
function checkAndSetAlias() {
if ($this->id && !t3lib_div::testInt($this->id)) {
$aid = $this->sys_page->getPageIdFromAlias($this->id);
if ($aid) {
} else { // modificado
$this->pageNotFound = 4;