


Bug #15257 ยป 1976.class.gzip_encode.diff

Administrator Admin, 2005-12-09 13:04

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class.gzip_encode.php 9 Dec 2005 12:01:49 -0000 1.4
* By Sandy McArthur, Jr. <>
* Copyright 2001 (c) All Rights Reserved, All Responsibility Yours.
* One very slight modification 2005 for PHP5 compatibility reasons for TYPO3 port by Peter Niederlag
* This code is released under the GNU LGPL Go read it over here:
* to see how it should be done.
* Change Log:
* typo3.0.70: Fix for PHP5 type-conversion of string 'true' and boolean
* 0.66: Big bug fix. It wouldn't compress when it should.
* 0.65: Fix for PHP-4.0.5 suddenly removing the connection_timeout() function.
* 0.62: Fixed a typo
if (!$encoding) return;
$this->encoding = $encoding;
if ($level === true) {
if (strtolower($level) == 'true' || $level === true) {
$level = $this->get_complevel();
$this->level = $level;