


Bug #15258 ยป bug_1980.patch

Administrator Admin, 2005-12-12 12:11

View differences:

TYPO3core_testing/tslib/class.tslib_content.php 2005-12-12 12:10:35.000000000 +0100
$this->lastTypoLinkTarget = $LD['target'];
$targetPart = $LD['target'] ? ' target="'.$LD['target'].'"' : '';
// If sectionMark is set AND the current page is the page the link is to, check if there are any additional parameters and is not, drop the url.
if ($sectionMark && !trim($addQueryParams) && $page['uid']==$GLOBALS['TSFE']->id) {
// If sectionMark is set, there is no baseURL AND the current page is the page the link is to, check if there are any additional parameters and is not, drop the url.
if ($sectionMark && !trim($addQueryParams) && $page['uid']==$GLOBALS['TSFE']->id && !$GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['baseURL']) {
list(,$URLparams) = explode('?',$this->lastTypoLinkUrl);
list($URLparams) = explode('#',$URLparams);
parse_str ($URLparams.$LD['orig_type'], $URLparamsArray);