


Feature #15399 ยป class.t3lib_befunc.php.diff

Administrator Admin, 2006-01-18 22:19

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D:\work\class.t3lib_befunc.php ne I 4 16:18:40 2009
* Copyright notice
* (c) 1999-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* Standard functions available for the TYPO3 backend.
* You are encouraged to use this class in your own applications (Backend Modules)
* Call ALL methods without making an object!
* Eg. to get a page-record 51 do this: 't3lib_BEfunc::getRecord('pages',51)'
* $Id: class.t3lib_befunc.php 3806 2008-06-11 07:50:10Z stucki $
* Usage counts are based on search 22/2 2003 through whole backend source of typo3/
* Revised for TYPO3 3.6 July/2003 by Kasper Skaarhoj
* XHTML compliant
* @author Kasper Skaarhoj <>
* 185: class t3lib_BEfunc
* SECTION: SQL-related, selecting records, searching
* 206: function deleteClause($table,$tableAlias='')
* 230: function getRecord($table,$uid,$fields='*',$where='',$useDeleteClause=true)
* 253: function getRecordWSOL($table,$uid,$fields='*',$where='',$useDeleteClause=true)
* 286: function getRecordRaw($table,$where='',$fields='*')
* 309: function getRecordsByField($theTable,$theField,$theValue,$whereClause='',$groupBy='',$orderBy='',$limit='',$useDeleteClause=true)
* 342: function searchQuery($searchWords,$fields,$table='')
* 357: function listQuery($field,$value)
* 369: function splitTable_Uid($str)
* 384: function getSQLselectableList($in_list,$tablename,$default_tablename)
* 412: function BEenableFields($table,$inv=0)
* SECTION: SQL-related, DEPRECATED functions
* 476: function mm_query($select,$local_table,$mm_table,$foreign_table,$whereClause='',$groupBy='',$orderBy='',$limit='')
* 498: function DBcompileInsert($table,$fields_values)
* 512: function DBcompileUpdate($table,$where,$fields_values)
* SECTION: Page tree, TCA related
* 542: function BEgetRootLine($uid,$clause='',$workspaceOL=FALSE)
* 598: function openPageTree($pid,$clearExpansion)
* 643: function getRecordPath($uid, $clause, $titleLimit, $fullTitleLimit=0)
* 686: function getExcludeFields()
* 716: function getExplicitAuthFieldValues()
* 787: function getSystemLanguages()
* 812: function readPageAccess($id,$perms_clause)
* 843: function getTCAtypes($table,$rec,$useFieldNameAsKey=0)
* 896: function getTCAtypeValue($table,$rec)
* 919: function getSpecConfParts($str, $defaultExtras)
* 950: function getSpecConfParametersFromArray($pArr)
* 978: function getFlexFormDS($conf,$row,$table,$fieldName='',$WSOL=TRUE)
* SECTION: Caching related
* 1105: function storeHash($hash,$data,$ident)
* 1125: function getHash($hash,$expTime=0)
* SECTION: TypoScript related
* 1161: function getPagesTSconfig($id,$rootLine='',$returnPartArray=0)
* 1217: function updatePagesTSconfig($id,$pageTS,$TSconfPrefix,$impParams='')
* 1272: function implodeTSParams($p,$k='')
* SECTION: Users / Groups related
* 1309: function getUserNames($fields='username,usergroup,usergroup_cached_list,uid',$where='')
* 1327: function getGroupNames($fields='title,uid', $where='')
* 1344: function getListGroupNames($fields='title,uid')
* 1363: function blindUserNames($usernames,$groupArray,$excludeBlindedFlag=0)
* 1396: function blindGroupNames($groups,$groupArray,$excludeBlindedFlag=0)
* SECTION: Output related
* 1437: function daysUntil($tstamp)
* 1449: function date($tstamp)
* 1460: function datetime($value)
* 1472: function time($value)
* 1488: function calcAge($seconds,$labels = 'min|hrs|days|yrs')
* 1514: function dateTimeAge($tstamp,$prefix=1,$date='')
* 1532: function titleAttrib($content='',$hsc=0)
* 1545: function titleAltAttrib($content)
* 1569: function thumbCode($row,$table,$field,$backPath,$thumbScript='',$uploaddir=NULL,$abs=0,$tparams='',$size='')
* 1637: function getThumbNail($thumbScript,$theFile,$tparams='',$size='')
* 1654: function titleAttribForPages($row,$perms_clause='',$includeAttrib=1)
* 1716: function getRecordIconAltText($row,$table='pages')
* 1758: function getLabelFromItemlist($table,$col,$key)
* 1784: function getItemLabel($table,$col,$printAllWrap='')
* 1809: function getRecordTitle($table,$row,$prep=0)
* 1847: function getProcessedValue($table,$col,$value,$fixed_lgd_chars=0,$defaultPassthrough=0,$noRecordLookup=FALSE,$uid=0)
* 2009: function getProcessedValueExtra($table,$fN,$fV,$fixed_lgd_chars=0,$uid=0)
* 2033: function getFileIcon($ext)
* 2047: function getCommonSelectFields($table,$prefix='')
* 2090: function makeConfigForm($configArray,$defaults,$dataPrefix)
* SECTION: Backend Modules API functions
* 2165: function helpTextIcon($table,$field,$BACK_PATH,$force=0)
* 2187: function helpText($table,$field,$BACK_PATH,$styleAttrib='')
* 2239: function cshItem($table,$field,$BACK_PATH,$wrap='',$onlyIconMode=FALSE, $styleAttrib='')
* 2277: function editOnClick($params,$backPath='',$requestUri='')
* 2296: function viewOnClick($id,$backPath='',$rootLine='',$anchor='',$altUrl='',$addGetVars='',$switchFocus=TRUE)
* 2328: function getModTSconfig($id,$TSref)
* 2349: function getFuncMenu($mainParams,$elementName,$currentValue,$menuItems,$script='',$addparams='')
* 2392: function getFuncCheck($mainParams,$elementName,$currentValue,$script='',$addparams='',$tagParams='')
* 2417: function getFuncInput($mainParams,$elementName,$currentValue,$size=10,$script="",$addparams="")
* 2438: function unsetMenuItems($modTSconfig,$itemArray,$TSref)
* 2461: function getSetUpdateSignal($set='')
* 2512: function getModuleData($MOD_MENU, $CHANGED_SETTINGS, $modName, $type='', $dontValidateList='', $setDefaultList='')
* 2585: function compilePreviewKeyword($getVarsStr, $beUserUid, $ttl=172800)
* 2613: function lockRecords($table='',$uid=0,$pid=0)
* 2642: function isRecordLocked($table,$uid)
* 2682: function exec_foreign_table_where_query($fieldValue,$field='',$TSconfig=array(),$prefix='')
* 2763: function getTCEFORM_TSconfig($table,$row)
* 2814: function getTSconfig_pidValue($table,$uid,$pid)
* 2844: function getPidForModTSconfig($table,$uid,$pid)
* 2860: function getTSCpid($table,$uid,$pid)
* 2876: function firstDomainRecord($rootLine)
* 2898: function getDomainStartPage($domain, $path='')
* 2928: function RTEsetup($RTEprop,$table,$field,$type='')
* 2947: function &RTEgetObj()
* 2986: function &softRefParserObj($spKey)
* 3018: function explodeSoftRefParserList($parserList)
* 3050: function isModuleSetInTBE_MODULES($modName)
* 3073: function referenceCount($table,$ref,$msg='')
* SECTION: Workspaces / Versioning
* 3132: function selectVersionsOfRecord($table, $uid, $fields='*', $workspace=0)
* 3180: function fixVersioningPid($table,&$rr,$ignoreWorkspaceMatch=FALSE)
* 3220: function workspaceOL($table,&$row,$wsid=-99)
* 3268: function getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord($workspace, $table, $uid, $fields='*')
* 3297: function getLiveVersionOfRecord($table,$uid,$fields='*')
* 3319: function isPidInVersionizedBranch($pid, $table='',$returnStage=FALSE)
* 3342: function versioningPlaceholderClause($table)
* 3356: function countVersionsOfRecordsOnPage($workspace,$pageId, $allTables=FALSE)
* 3391: function wsMapId($table,$uid)
* SECTION: Miscellaneous
* 3421: function typo3PrintError($header,$text,$js='',$head=1)
* 3465: function TYPO3_copyRightNotice()
* 3489: function displayWarningMessages()
* 3546: function getPathType_web_nonweb($path)
* 3558: function ADMCMD_previewCmds($pageinfo)
* 3580: function processParams($params)
* 3606: function getListOfBackendModules($name,$perms_clause,$backPath='',$script='index.php')
* (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval")
require_once (PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_loaddbgroup.php');
* Standard functions available for the TYPO3 backend.
* Don't instantiate - call functions with "t3lib_BEfunc::" prefixed the function name.
* @author Kasper Skaarhoj <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage t3lib
final class t3lib_BEfunc {
* SQL-related, selecting records, searching
* Returns the WHERE clause " AND NOT [tablename].[deleted-field]" if a deleted-field is configured in $TCA for the tablename, $table
* This function should ALWAYS be called in the backend for selection on tables which are configured in TCA since it will ensure consistent selection of records, even if they are marked deleted (in which case the system must always treat them as non-existent!)
* In the frontend a function, ->enableFields(), is known to filter hidden-field, start- and endtime and fe_groups as well. But that is a job of the frontend, not the backend. If you need filtering on those fields as well in the backend you can use ->BEenableFields() though.
* Usage: 71
* @param string Table name present in $TCA
* @param string Table alias if any
* @return string WHERE clause for filtering out deleted records, eg " AND tablename.deleted=0"
public static function deleteClause($table,$tableAlias = '') {
global $TCA;
if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['delete']) {
return ' AND '.($tableAlias ? $tableAlias : $table).'.'.$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['delete'].'=0';
} else {
return '';
* Gets record with uid = $uid from $table
* You can set $field to a list of fields (default is '*')
* Additional WHERE clauses can be added by $where (fx. ' AND blabla = 1')
* Will automatically check if records has been deleted and if so, not return anything.
* $table must be found in $TCA
* Usage: 99
* @param string Table name present in $TCA
* @param integer UID of record
* @param string List of fields to select
* @param string Additional WHERE clause, eg. " AND blablabla = 0"
* @param boolean Use the deleteClause to check if a record is deleted (default true)
* @return array Returns the row if found, otherwise nothing
public static function getRecord($table, $uid, $fields = '*', $where = '', $useDeleteClause = true) {
if ($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'uid='.intval($uid).($useDeleteClause ? t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($table) : '').$where
$row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
if ($row) {
return $row;
* Like getRecord(), but overlays workspace version if any.
* @param string Table name present in $TCA
* @param integer UID of record
* @param string List of fields to select
* @param string Additional WHERE clause, eg. " AND blablabla = 0"
* @param boolean Use the deleteClause to check if a record is deleted (default true)
* @return array Returns the row if found, otherwise nothing
public static function getRecordWSOL($table, $uid, $fields = '*', $where = '', $useDeleteClause = true) {
if ($fields !== '*') {
$internalFields = t3lib_div::uniqueList($fields.',uid,pid'.($table == 'pages' ? ',t3ver_swapmode' : ''));
$row = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($table, $uid, $internalFields, $where, $useDeleteClause);
t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL($table, $row);
if (is_array ($row)) {
foreach (array_keys($row) as $key) {
if (!t3lib_div::inList($fields, $key) && $key{0} !== '_') {
unset ($row[$key]);
} else {
$row = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($table, $uid, $fields, $where);
t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL($table, $row);
return $row;
* Returns the first record found from $table with $where as WHERE clause
* This function does NOT check if a record has the deleted flag set.
* $table does NOT need to be configured in $TCA
* The query used is simply this:
* $query = 'SELECT '.$fields.' FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$where;
* Usage: 5 (ext: sys_todos)
* @param string Table name (not necessarily in TCA)
* @param string WHERE clause
* @param string $fields is a list of fields to select, default is '*'
* @return array First row found, if any, FALSE otherwise
public static function getRecordRaw($table, $where = '', $fields = '*') {
$row = FALSE;
if (FALSE !== ($res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($fields, $table, $where, '', '', '1'))) {
$row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
return $row;
* Returns records from table, $theTable, where a field ($theField) equals the value, $theValue
* The records are returned in an array
* If no records were selected, the function returns nothing
* Usage: 8
* @param string Table name present in $TCA
* @param string Field to select on
* @param string Value that $theField must match
* @param string Optional additional WHERE clauses put in the end of the query. DO NOT PUT IN GROUP BY, ORDER BY or LIMIT!
* @param string Optional GROUP BY field(s), if none, supply blank string.
* @param string Optional ORDER BY field(s), if none, supply blank string.
* @param string Optional LIMIT value ([begin,]max), if none, supply blank string.
* @param boolean Use the deleteClause to check if a record is deleted (default true)
* @return mixed Multidimensional array with selected records (if any is selected)
public static function getRecordsByField($theTable, $theField, $theValue, $whereClause = '', $groupBy = '', $orderBy = '', $limit = '', $useDeleteClause = true) {
global $TCA;
if (is_array($TCA[$theTable])) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
$theField.'='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($theValue, $theTable).
($useDeleteClause ? t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($theTable).' ' : '').
t3lib_BEfunc::versioningPlaceholderClause($theTable).' '.
$whereClause, // whereClauseMightContainGroupOrderBy
$rows = array();
while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$rows[] = $row;
if (count($rows)) return $rows;
* Returns a WHERE clause which will make an AND search for the words in the $searchWords array in any of the fields in array $fields.
* Usage: 0
* @param array Array of search words
* @param array Array of fields
* @param string Table in which we are searching (for DBAL detection of quoteStr() method)
* @return string WHERE clause for search
* @deprecated Use $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->searchQuery() directly!
public static function searchQuery($searchWords, $fields, $table = '') {
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->searchQuery($searchWords, $fields, $table);
* Returns a WHERE clause that can find a value ($value) in a list field ($field)
* For instance a record in the database might contain a list of numbers, "34,234,5" (with no spaces between). This query would be able to select that record based on the value "34", "234" or "5" regardless of their positioni in the list (left, middle or right).
* Is nice to look up list-relations to records or files in TYPO3 database tables.
* Usage: 0
* @param string Table field name
* @param string Value to find in list
* @return string WHERE clause for a query
* @deprecated Use $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->listQuery() directly!
public static function listQuery($field, $value) {
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->listQuery($field, $value, '');
* Makes an backwards explode on the $str and returns an array with ($table, $uid).
* Example: tt_content_45 => array('tt_content', 45)
* Usage: 1
* @param string [tablename]_[uid] string to explode
* @return array
public static function splitTable_Uid($str) {
list($uid, $table) = explode('_', strrev($str), 2);
return array(strrev($table), strrev($uid));
* Returns a list of pure integers based on $in_list being a list of records with table-names prepended.
* Ex: $in_list = "pages_4,tt_content_12,45" would result in a return value of "4,45" if $tablename is "pages" and $default_tablename is 'pages' as well.
* Usage: 1 (t3lib_userauthgroup)
* @param string Input list
* @param string Table name from which ids is returned
* @param string $default_tablename denotes what table the number '45' is from (if nothing is prepended on the value)
* @return string List of ids
public static function getSQLselectableList($in_list, $tablename, $default_tablename) {
$list = Array();
if ((string)trim($in_list)!='') {
$tempItemArray = explode(',', trim($in_list));
while(list($key, $val) = each($tempItemArray)) {
$val = strrev($val);
$parts = explode('_', $val, 2);
if ((string)trim($parts[0])!='') {
$theID = intval(strrev($parts[0]));
$theTable = trim($parts[1]) ? strrev(trim($parts[1])) : $default_tablename;
if ($theTable==$tablename) {$list[] = $theID;}
return implode(',', $list);
* Backend implementation of enableFields()
* Notice that "fe_groups" is not selected for - only disabled, starttime and endtime.
* Notice that deleted-fields are NOT filtered - you must ALSO call deleteClause in addition.
* $GLOBALS["SIM_ACCESS_TIME"] is used for date.
* Usage: 5
* @param string $table is the table from which to return enableFields WHERE clause. Table name must have a 'ctrl' section in $TCA.
* @param boolean $inv means that the query will select all records NOT VISIBLE records (inverted selection)
* @return string WHERE clause part
public static function BEenableFields($table, $inv = 0) {
$ctrl = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'];
$query = array();
$invQuery = array();
if (is_array($ctrl)) {
if (is_array($ctrl['enablecolumns'])) {
if ($ctrl['enablecolumns']['disabled']) {
$field = $table.'.'.$ctrl['enablecolumns']['disabled'];
$query[] = $field.'=0';
$invQuery[] = $field.'!=0';
if ($ctrl['enablecolumns']['starttime']) {
$field = $table.'.'.$ctrl['enablecolumns']['starttime'];
$query[] = '('.$field.'<='.$GLOBALS['SIM_ACCESS_TIME'].')';
$invQuery[] = '('.$field.'!=0 AND '.$field.'>'.$GLOBALS['SIM_ACCESS_TIME'].')';
if ($ctrl['enablecolumns']['endtime']) {
$field = $table.'.'.$ctrl['enablecolumns']['endtime'];
$query[] = '('.$field.'=0 OR '.$field.'>'.$GLOBALS['SIM_ACCESS_TIME'].')';
$invQuery[] = '('.$field.'!=0 AND '.$field.'<='.$GLOBALS['SIM_ACCESS_TIME'].')';
$outQ = ' AND '.($inv ? '('.implode(' OR ', $invQuery).')' : implode(' AND ', $query));
return $outQ;
* Fetches the localization for a given record.
* @param string $table: Table name present in $TCA
* @param integer $uid: The uid of the record
* @param integer $language: The uid of the language record in sys_language
* @param string $andWhereClause: Optional additional WHERE clause (default: '')
* @return mixed Multidimensional array with selected records; if none exist, false is returned
public function getRecordLocalization($table, $uid, $language, $andWhereClause = '') {
$recordLocalization = false;
if (self::isTableLocalizable($table)) {
$tcaCtrl = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'];
$recordLocalization = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField(
'AND '.$tcaCtrl['languageField'].'='.intval($language).($andWhereClause ? ' '.$andWhereClause : ''),
return $recordLocalization;
* SQL-related, DEPRECATED functions
* (use t3lib_DB functions instead)
* Returns a SELECT query, selecting fields ($select) from two/three tables joined
* $local_table and $mm_table is mandatory. $foreign_table is optional.
* The JOIN is done with [$local_table].uid <--> [$mm_table].uid_local / [$mm_table].uid_foreign <--> [$foreign_table].uid
* The function is very useful for selecting MM-relations between tables adhering to the MM-format used by TCE (TYPO3 Core Engine). See the section on $TCA in Inside TYPO3 for more details.
* DEPRECATED - Use $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_mm_query() instead since that will return the result pointer while this returns the query. Using this function may make your application less fitted for DBAL later.
* @param string Field list for SELECT
* @param string Tablename, local table
* @param string Tablename, relation table
* @param string Tablename, foreign table
* @param string Optional additional WHERE clauses put in the end of the query. DO NOT PUT IN GROUP BY, ORDER BY or LIMIT!
* @param string Optional GROUP BY field(s), if none, supply blank string.
* @param string Optional ORDER BY field(s), if none, supply blank string.
* @param string Optional LIMIT value ([begin,]max), if none, supply blank string.
* @return string Full SQL query
* @deprecated
* @see t3lib_DB::exec_SELECT_mm_query()
public static function mm_query($select, $local_table, $mm_table, $foreign_table, $whereClause = '', $groupBy = '', $orderBy = '', $limit = '') {
$query = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->SELECTquery(
$local_table.'.uid='.$mm_table.'.uid_local'.($foreign_table?' AND '.$foreign_table.'.uid='.$mm_table.'.uid_foreign':'').' '.
$whereClause, // whereClauseMightContainGroupOrderBy
return $query;
* Creates an INSERT SQL-statement for $table from the array with field/value pairs $fields_values.
* DEPRECATED - $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->INSERTquery() directly instead! But better yet, use $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery()
* @param string Table name
* @param array Field values as key=>value pairs.
* @return string Full SQL query for INSERT
* @deprecated
public static function DBcompileInsert($table, $fields_values) {
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->INSERTquery($table, $fields_values);
* Creates an UPDATE SQL-statement for $table where $where-clause (typ. 'uid=...') from the array with field/value pairs $fields_values.
* DEPRECATED - $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->UPDATEquery() directly instead! But better yet, use $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery()
* @param string Database tablename
* @param string WHERE clause, eg. "uid=1"
* @param array Field values as key=>value pairs.
* @return string Full SQL query for UPDATE
* @deprecated
public static function DBcompileUpdate($table, $where, $fields_values) {
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->UPDATEquery($table, $where, $fields_values);
* Page tree, TCA related
* Returns what is called the 'RootLine'. That is an array with information about the page records from a page id ($uid) and back to the root.
* By default deleted pages are filtered.
* This RootLine will follow the tree all the way to the root. This is opposite to another kind of root line known from the frontend where the rootline stops when a root-template is found.
* Usage: 1
* @param integer Page id for which to create the root line.
* @param string $clause can be used to select other criteria. It would typically be where-clauses that stops the process if we meet a page, the user has no reading access to.
* @param boolean If true, version overlay is applied. This must be requested specifically because it is usually only wanted when the rootline is used for visual output while for permission checking you want the raw thing!
* @return array Root line array, all the way to the page tree root (or as far as $clause allows!)
public static function BEgetRootLine($uid, $clause = '', $workspaceOL = FALSE) {
if (is_array($GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['BEgetRootLine_cache'][$uid][$clause][$workspaceOL?1:0])) {
return $GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['BEgetRootLine_cache'][$uid][$clause][$workspaceOL?1:0];
$pid = $uid;
$loopCheck = 100;
$theRowArray = Array();
$output = Array();
while ($uid!=0 && $loopCheck>0) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'uid='.intval($uid).' '.
t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('pages').' '.
$clause // whereClauseMightContainGroupOrderBy
if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()) {
debug($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error(), 1);
if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
if($workspaceOL) t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('pages', $row);
if (is_array($row)) {
t3lib_BEfunc::fixVersioningPid('pages', $row);
$uid = $row['pid'];
$theRowArray[] = $row;
} else break;
} else {
if ($uid==0) {$theRowArray[] = Array('uid'=>0, 'title'=>'');}
if (is_array($theRowArray)) {
$c = count($theRowArray);
while(list($key, $val) = each($theRowArray)) {
$output[$c]['uid'] = $val['uid'];
$output[$c]['pid'] = $val['pid'];
if (isset($val['_ORIG_pid'])) $output[$c]['_ORIG_pid'] = $val['_ORIG_pid'];
$output[$c]['title'] = $val['title'];
$output[$c]['TSconfig'] = $val['TSconfig'];
$output[$c]['is_siteroot'] = $val['is_siteroot'];
$output[$c]['storage_pid'] = $val['storage_pid'];
$output[$c]['t3ver_oid'] = $val['t3ver_oid'];
$output[$c]['t3ver_wsid'] = $val['t3ver_wsid'];
$output[$c]['t3ver_state'] = $val['t3ver_state'];
$output[$c]['t3ver_swapmode'] = $val['t3ver_swapmode'];
$output[$c]['t3ver_stage'] = $val['t3ver_stage'];
$GLOBALS['T3_VAR']['BEgetRootLine_cache'][$pid][$clause][$workspaceOL?1:0] = $output;
return $output;
* Opens the page tree to the specified page id
* @param integer Page id.
* @param boolean If set, then other open branches are closed.
* @return void
public static function openPageTree($pid, $clearExpansion) {
global $BE_USER;
// Get current expansion data:
if ($clearExpansion) {
$expandedPages = array();
} else {
$expandedPages = unserialize($BE_USER->uc['browseTrees']['browsePages']);
// Get rootline:
$rL = t3lib_BEfunc::BEgetRootLine($pid);
// First, find out what mount index to use (if more than one DB mount exists):
$mountIndex = 0;
$mountKeys = array_flip($BE_USER->returnWebmounts());
foreach($rL as $rLDat) {
if (isset($mountKeys[$rLDat['uid']])) {
$mountIndex = $mountKeys[$rLDat['uid']];
// Traverse rootline and open paths:
foreach($rL as $rLDat) {
$expandedPages[$mountIndex][$rLDat['uid']] = 1;
// Write back:
$BE_USER->uc['browseTrees']['browsePages'] = serialize($expandedPages);
* Returns the path (visually) of a page $uid, fx. "/First page/Second page/Another subpage"
* Each part of the path will be limited to $titleLimit characters
* Deleted pages are filtered out.
* Usage: 15
* @param integer Page uid for which to create record path
* @param string $clause is additional where clauses, eg. "
* @param integer Title limit
* @param integer Title limit of Full title (typ. set to 1000 or so)
* @return mixed Path of record (string) OR array with short/long title if $fullTitleLimit is set.
public static function getRecordPath($uid, $clause, $titleLimit, $fullTitleLimit = 0) {
if (!$titleLimit) { $titleLimit = 1000; }
$loopCheck = 100;
$output = $fullOutput = '/';
while ($uid!=0 && $loopCheck>0) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
(strlen(trim($clause)) ? ' AND '.$clause : '')
if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('pages', $row);
if (is_array($row)) {
t3lib_BEfunc::fixVersioningPid('pages', $row);
if ($row['_ORIG_pid'] && $row['t3ver_swapmode']>0) { // Branch points
$output = ' [#VEP#]'.$output; // Adding visual token - Versioning Entry Point - that tells that THIS position was where the versionized branch got connected to the main tree. I will have to find a better name or something...
$uid = $row['pid'];
$output = '/'.t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs(strip_tags($row['title']), $titleLimit).$output;
if ($fullTitleLimit) $fullOutput = '/'.t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs(strip_tags($row['title']), $fullTitleLimit).$fullOutput;
} else break;
} else {
if ($fullTitleLimit) {
return array($output, $fullOutput);
} else {
return $output;
* Returns an array with the exclude-fields as defined in TCA
* Used for listing the exclude-fields in be_groups forms
* Usage: 2 (t3lib_tceforms + t3lib_transferdata)
* @return array Array of arrays with excludeFields (fieldname, table:fieldname) from all TCA entries
public static function getExcludeFields() {
global $TCA;
// All TCA keys:
$theExcludeArray = Array();
$tc_keys = array_keys($TCA);
foreach($tc_keys as $table) {
// Load table
// All field names configured:
if (is_array($TCA[$table]['columns'])) {
$f_keys = array_keys($TCA[$table]['columns']);
foreach($f_keys as $field) {
if ($TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['exclude']) {
// Get Human Readable names of fields and table:
$Fname = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sl($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['title']).': '.$GLOBALS['LANG']->sl($TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['label']);
// add entry:
$theExcludeArray[] = Array($Fname, $table.':'.$field);
return $theExcludeArray;
* Returns an array with explicit Allow/Deny fields.
* Used for listing these field/value pairs in be_groups forms
* @return array Array with information from all of $TCA
public static function getExplicitAuthFieldValues() {
global $TCA;
// Initialize:
$adLabel = array(
'ALLOW' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sl('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.allow'),
'DENY' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sl('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.deny'),
// All TCA keys:
$allowDenyOptions = Array();
$tc_keys = array_keys($TCA);
foreach($tc_keys as $table) {
// Load table
// All field names configured:
if (is_array($TCA[$table]['columns'])) {
$f_keys = array_keys($TCA[$table]['columns']);
foreach($f_keys as $field) {
$fCfg = $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['config'];
if ($fCfg['type']=='select' && $fCfg['authMode']) {
// Check for items:
if (is_array($fCfg['items'])) {
// Get Human Readable names of fields and table:
$allowDenyOptions[$table.':'.$field]['tableFieldLabel'] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sl($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['title']).': '.$GLOBALS['LANG']->sl($TCA[$table]['columns'][$field]['label']);
// Check for items:
foreach($fCfg['items'] as $iVal) {
if (strcmp($iVal[1], '')) { // Values '' is not controlled by this setting.
// Find iMode:
$iMode = '';
switch((string)$fCfg['authMode']) {
case 'explicitAllow':
$iMode = 'ALLOW';
case 'explicitDeny':
$iMode = 'DENY';
case 'individual':
if (!strcmp($iVal[4], 'EXPL_ALLOW')) {
$iMode = 'ALLOW';
} elseif (!strcmp($iVal[4], 'EXPL_DENY')) {
$iMode = 'DENY';
// Set iMode:
if ($iMode) {
$allowDenyOptions[$table.':'.$field]['items'][$iVal[1]] = array($iMode, $GLOBALS['LANG']->sl($iVal[0]), $adLabel[$iMode]);
return $allowDenyOptions;
* Returns an array with system languages:
* @return array Array with languages
public static function getSystemLanguages() {
// Initialize, add default language:
$sysLanguages = array();
$sysLanguages[] = array('Default language', 0);
// Traverse languages
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid,title,flag', 'sys_language', 'pid=0'.t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('sys_language'));
while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$sysLanguages[] = array($row['title'].' ['.$row['uid'].']', $row['uid'], ($row['flag'] ? 'flags/'.$row['flag'] : ''));
return $sysLanguages;
* Determines whether a table is localizable and has the languageField and transOrigPointerField set in $TCA.
* @param string $table: The table to check
* @return boolean Whether a table is localizable
public function isTableLocalizable($table) {
$isLocalizable = false;
if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'])) {
$tcaCtrl = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'];
$isLocalizable = (isset($tcaCtrl['languageField']) && $tcaCtrl['languageField'] && isset($tcaCtrl['transOrigPointerField']) && $tcaCtrl['transOrigPointerField']);
return $isLocalizable;
* Returns the value of the property localizationMode in the given $config array ($TCA[<table>]['columns'][<field>]['config']).
* If the table is prepared for localization and no localizationMode is set, 'select' is returned by default.
* If the table is not prepared for localization or not defined at all in $TCA, false is returned.
* @param string $table: The name of the table to lookup in TCA
* @param mixed $fieldOrConfig: The fieldname (string) or the configuration of the field to check (array)
* @return mixed If table is localizable, the set localizationMode is returned (if property is not set, 'select' is returned by default); if table is not localizable, false is returned
public function getInlineLocalizationMode($table, $fieldOrConfig) {
$localizationMode = false;
if (is_array($fieldOrConfig) && count($fieldOrConfig)) {
$config = $fieldOrConfig;
} elseif (is_string($fieldOrConfig) && isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$fieldOrConfig]['config'])) {
$config = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$fieldOrConfig]['config'];
if (is_array($config) && isset($config['type']) && $config['type']=='inline' && self::isTableLocalizable($table)) {
$localizationMode = (isset($config['behaviour']['localizationMode']) && $config['behaviour']['localizationMode'] ? $config['behaviour']['localizationMode'] : 'select');
// The mode 'select' is not possible when child table is not localizable at all:
if ($localizationMode=='select' && !self::isTableLocalizable($config['foreign_table'])) {
$localizationMode = false;
return $localizationMode;
* Returns a page record (of page with $id) with an extra field "_thePath" set to the record path IF the WHERE clause, $perms_clause, selects the record. Thus is works as an access check that returns a page record if access was granted, otherwise not.
* If $id is zero a pseudo root-page with "_thePath" set is returned IF the current BE_USER is admin.
* In any case ->isInWebMount must return true for the user (regardless of $perms_clause)
* Usage: 21
* @param integer Page uid for which to check read-access
* @param string $perms_clause is typically a value generated with $BE_USER->getPagePermsClause(1);
* @return array Returns page record if OK, otherwise false.
public static function readPageAccess($id, $perms_clause) {
if ((string)$id!='') {
$id = intval($id);
if (!$id) {
if ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin()) {
$path = '/';
$pageinfo['_thePath'] = $path;
return $pageinfo;
} else {
$pageinfo = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord('pages', $id, '*', ($perms_clause ? ' AND '.$perms_clause : ''));
if ($pageinfo['uid'] && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isInWebMount($id, $perms_clause)) {
t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('pages', $pageinfo);
if (is_array($pageinfo)) {
t3lib_BEfunc::fixVersioningPid('pages', $pageinfo);
list($pageinfo['_thePath'], $pageinfo['_thePathFull']) = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordPath(intval($pageinfo['uid']), $perms_clause, 15, 1000);
return $pageinfo;
return false;
* Returns the "types" configuration parsed into an array for the record, $rec, from table, $table
* Usage: 6
* @param string Table name (present in TCA)
* @param array Record from $table
* @param boolean If $useFieldNameAsKey is set, then the fieldname is associative keys in the return array, otherwise just numeric keys.
* @return array
public static function getTCAtypes($table, $rec, $useFieldNameAsKey = 0) {
global $TCA;
if ($TCA[$table]) {
// Get type value:
$fieldValue = t3lib_BEfunc::getTCAtypeValue($table, $rec);
// Get typesConf
$typesConf = $TCA[$table]['types'][$fieldValue];
// Get fields list and traverse it
$fieldList = explode(',', $typesConf['showitem']);
$altFieldList = array();
// Traverse fields in types config and parse the configuration into a nice array:
foreach($fieldList as $k => $v) {
list($pFieldName, $pAltTitle, $pPalette, $pSpec) = t3lib_div::trimExplode(';', $v);
$defaultExtras = is_array($TCA[$table]['columns'][$pFieldName]) ? $TCA[$table]['columns'][$pFieldName]['defaultExtras'] : '';
$specConfParts = t3lib_BEfunc::getSpecConfParts($pSpec, $defaultExtras);
$fieldList[$k] = array(
'field' => $pFieldName,
'title' => $pAltTitle,
'palette' => $pPalette,
'spec' => $specConfParts,
'origString' => $v
if ($useFieldNameAsKey) {
$altFieldList[$fieldList[$k]['field']] = $fieldList[$k];
if ($useFieldNameAsKey) {
$fieldList = $altFieldList;
// Return array:
return $fieldList;
* Returns the "type" value of $rec from $table which can be used to look up the correct "types" rendering section in $TCA
* If no "type" field is configured in the "ctrl"-section of the $TCA for the table, zero is used.
* If zero is not an index in the "types" section of $TCA for the table, then the $fieldValue returned will default to 1 (no matter if that is an index or not)
* Usage: 7
* @param string Table name present in TCA
* @param array Record from $table
* @return string Field value
* @see getTCAtypes()
public static function getTCAtypeValue($table, $rec) {
global $TCA;
// If no field-value, set it to zero. If there is no type matching the field-value (which now may be zero...) test field-value '1' as default.
if ($TCA[$table]) {
$field = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['type'];
$fieldValue = $field ? ($rec[$field] ? $rec[$field] : 0) : 0;
if (!is_array($TCA[$table]['types'][$fieldValue])) $fieldValue = 1;
return $fieldValue;
* Parses a part of the field lists in the "types"-section of $TCA arrays, namely the "special configuration" at index 3 (position 4)
* Elements are splitted by ":" and within those parts, parameters are splitted by "|".
* Everything is returned in an array and you should rather see it visually than listen to me anymore now... Check out example in Inside TYPO3
* Usage: 5
* @param string Content from the "types" configuration of TCA (the special configuration) - see description of function
* @param string The ['defaultExtras'] value from field configuration
* @return array
public static function getSpecConfParts($str, $defaultExtras) {
// Add defaultExtras:
$specConfParts = t3lib_div::trimExplode(':', $defaultExtras.':'.$str, 1);
$reg = array();
if (count($specConfParts)) {
foreach($specConfParts as $k2 => $v2) {
if (ereg('(.*)\[(.*)\]', $v2, $reg)) {
$specConfParts[trim($reg[1])] = array(
'parameters' => t3lib_div::trimExplode('|', $reg[2], 1)
} else {
$specConfParts[trim($v2)] = 1;
} else {
$specConfParts = array();
return $specConfParts;
* Takes an array of "[key] = [value]" strings and returns an array with the keys set as keys pointing to the value.
* Better see it in action! Find example in Inside TYPO3
* Usage: 6
* @param array Array of "[key] = [value]" strings to convert.
* @return array
public static function getSpecConfParametersFromArray($pArr) {
$out = array();
if (is_array($pArr)) {
while(list($k, $v) = each($pArr)) {
$parts = explode('=', $v, 2);
if (count($parts)==2) {
$out[trim($parts[0])] = trim($parts[1]);
} else {
$out[$k] = $v;
return $out;
* Finds the Data Structure for a FlexForm field
* NOTE ON data structures for deleted records: This function may fail to deliver the data structure for a record for a few reasons: a) The data structure could be deleted (either with deleted-flagged or hard-deleted), b) the data structure is fetched using the ds_pointerField_searchParent in which case any deleted record on the route to the final location of the DS will make it fail. In theory, we can solve the problem in the case where records that are deleted-flagged keeps us from finding the DS - this is done at the markers ###NOTE_A### where we make sure to also select deleted records. However, we generally want the DS lookup to fail for deleted records since for the working website we expect a deleted-flagged record to be as inaccessible as one that is completely deleted from the DB. Any way we look at it, this may lead to integrity problems of the reference index and even lost files if attached. However, that is not really important considering that a single change to a data structure can instantly invalidate large amounts of the reference index which we do accept as a cost for the flexform features. Other than requiring a reference index update, deletion of/changes in data structure or the failure to look them up when completely deleting records may lead to lost files in the uploads/ folders since those are now without a proper reference.
* Usage: 5
* @param array Field config array
* @param array Record data
* @param string The table name
* @param string Optional fieldname passed to hook object
* @param boolean Boolean; If set, workspace overlay is applied to records. This is correct behaviour for all presentation and export, but NOT if you want a true reflection of how things are in the live workspace.
* @param integer SPECIAL CASES: Use this, if the DataStructure may come from a parent record and the INPUT row doesn't have a uid yet (hence, the pid cannot be looked up). Then it is necessary to supply a PID value to search recursively in for the DS (used from TCEmain)
* @return mixed If array, the data structure was found and returned as an array. Otherwise (string) it is an error message.
* @see t3lib_TCEforms::getSingleField_typeFlex()
public static function getFlexFormDS($conf, $row, $table, $fieldName = '', $WSOL = TRUE, $newRecordPidValue = 0) {
global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
// Get pointer field etc from TCA-config:
$ds_pointerField = $conf['ds_pointerField'];
$ds_array = $conf['ds'];
$ds_tableField = $conf['ds_tableField'];
$ds_searchParentField = $conf['ds_pointerField_searchParent'];
// Find source value:
$dataStructArray = '';
if (is_array($ds_array)) { // If there is a data source array, that takes precedence
// If a pointer field is set, take the value from that field in the $row array and use as key.
if ($ds_pointerField) {
// Up to two pointer fields can be specified in a comma separated list.
$pointerFields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $ds_pointerField);
if(count($pointerFields) == 2) { // If we have two pointer fields, the array keys should contain both field values separated by comma. The asterisk "*" catches all values. For backwards compatibility, it's also possible to specify only the value of the first defined ds_pointerField.
if($ds_array[$row[$pointerFields[0]].','.$row[$pointerFields[1]]]) { // Check if we have a DS for the combination of both pointer fields values
$srcPointer = $row[$pointerFields[0]].','.$row[$pointerFields[1]];
} elseif($ds_array[$row[$pointerFields[1]].',*']) { // Check if we have a DS for the value of the first pointer field suffixed with ",*"
$srcPointer = $row[$pointerFields[1]].',*';
} elseif($ds_array['*,'.$row[$pointerFields[1]]]) { // Check if we have a DS for the value of the second pointer field prefixed with "*,"
$srcPointer = '*,'.$row[$pointerFields[1]];
} elseif($ds_array[$row[$pointerFields[0]]]) { // Check if we have a DS for just the value of the first pointer field (mainly for backwards compatibility)
$srcPointer = $row[$pointerFields[0]];
} else {
$srcPointer = $row[$pointerFields[0]];
$srcPointer = isset($ds_array[$srcPointer]) ? $srcPointer : 'default';
} else $srcPointer = 'default';
// Get Data Source: Detect if it's a file reference and in that case read the file and parse as XML. Otherwise the value is expected to be XML.
if (substr($ds_array[$srcPointer], 0, 5)=='FILE:') {
$file = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(substr($ds_array[$srcPointer], 5));
if ($file && @is_file($file)) {
$dataStructArray = t3lib_div::xml2array(t3lib_div::getUrl($file));
} else $dataStructArray = 'The file "'.substr($ds_array[$srcPointer], 5).'" in ds-array key "'.$srcPointer.'" was not found ("'.$file.'")'; // Error message.
} else {
$dataStructArray = t3lib_div::xml2array($ds_array[$srcPointer]);
} elseif ($ds_pointerField) { // If pointer field AND possibly a table/field is set:
// Value of field pointed to:
$srcPointer = $row[$ds_pointerField];
// Searching recursively back if 'ds_pointerField_searchParent' is defined (typ. a page rootline, or maybe a tree-table):
if ($ds_searchParentField && !$srcPointer) {
$rr = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($table, $row['uid'], 'uid,'.$ds_searchParentField); // Get the "pid" field - we cannot know that it is in the input record! ###NOTE_A###
if ($WSOL) {
t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL($table, $rr);
t3lib_BEfunc::fixVersioningPid($table, $rr, TRUE); // Added "TRUE" 23/03/06 before 4.0. (Also to similar call below!). Reason: When t3lib_refindex is scanning the system in Live workspace all Pages with FlexForms will not find their inherited datastructure. Thus all references from workspaces are removed! Setting TRUE means that versioning PID doesn't check workspace of the record. I can't see that this should give problems anywhere. See more information inside t3lib_refindex!
$uidAcc = array(); // Used to avoid looping, if any should happen.
$subFieldPointer = $conf['ds_pointerField_searchParent_subField'];
while(!$srcPointer) {
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
'uid='.intval($newRecordPidValue ? $newRecordPidValue : $rr[$ds_searchParentField]).t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause($table) ###NOTE_A###
$newRecordPidValue = 0;
$rr = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
// break if no result from SQL db or if looping...
if (!is_array($rr) || isset($uidAcc[$rr['uid']])) break;
$uidAcc[$rr['uid']] = 1;
if ($WSOL) {
t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL($table, $rr);
t3lib_BEfunc::fixVersioningPid($table, $rr, TRUE);
$srcPointer = ($subFieldPointer && $rr[$subFieldPointer]) ? $rr[$subFieldPointer] : $rr[$ds_pointerField];
// If there is a srcPointer value:
if ($srcPointer) {
if (t3lib_div::testInt($srcPointer)) { // If integer, then its a record we will look up:
list($tName, $fName) = explode(':', $ds_tableField, 2);
if ($tName && $fName && is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$tName])) {
$dataStructRec = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord($tName, $srcPointer);
if ($WSOL) {
t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL($tName, $dataStructRec);
$dataStructArray = t3lib_div::xml2array($dataStructRec[$fName]);
} else $dataStructArray = 'No tablename ('.$tName.') or fieldname ('.$fName.') was found an valid!';
} else { // Otherwise expect it to be a file:
$file = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($srcPointer);
if ($file && @is_file($file)) {
$dataStructArray = t3lib_div::xml2array(t3lib_div::getUrl($file));
} else $dataStructArray = 'The file "'.$srcPointer.'" was not found ("'.$file.'")'; // Error message.
} else $dataStructArray = 'No source value in fieldname "'.$ds_pointerField.'"'; // Error message.
} else $dataStructArray = 'No proper configuration!';
// Hook for post-processing the Flexform DS. Introduces the possibility to configure Flexforms via TSConfig
if (is_array ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_befunc.php']['getFlexFormDSClass'])) {
foreach ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_befunc.php']['getFlexFormDSClass'] as $classRef) {
$hookObj = &t3lib_div::getUserObj($classRef);
if (method_exists($hookObj, 'getFlexFormDS_postProcessDS')) {
$hookObj->getFlexFormDS_postProcessDS($dataStructArray, $conf, $row, $table, $fieldName);
return $dataStructArray;
* Caching related
* Stores the string value $data in the 'cache_hash' table with the hash key, $hash, and visual/symbolic identification, $ident
* IDENTICAL to the function by same name found in t3lib_page:
* Usage: 2
* @param string 32 bit hash string (eg. a md5 hash of a serialized array identifying the data being stored)
* @param string The data string. If you want to store an array, then just serialize it first.
* @param string $ident is just a textual identification in order to inform about the content! May be 20 characters long.
* @return void
public static function storeHash($hash, $data, $ident) {
$insertFields = array(
'hash' => $hash,
'content' => $data,
'ident' => $ident,
'tstamp' => time()
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_DELETEquery('cache_hash', 'hash='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($hash, 'cache_hash'));
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('cache_hash', $insertFields);
* Returns string value stored for the hash string in the table "cache_hash"
* Can be used to retrieved a cached value
* IDENTICAL to the function by same name found in t3lib_page
* Usage: 2
* @param string Hash key, 32 bytes hex
* @param integer $expTime represents the expire time in seconds. For instance a value of 3600 would allow cached content within the last hour, otherwise nothing is returned.
* @return string
public static function getHash($hash, $expTime = 0) {
// if expTime is not set, the hash will never expire
$expTime = intval($expTime);
if ($expTime) {
$whereAdd = ' AND tstamp > '.(time()-$expTime);
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('content', 'cache_hash', 'hash='.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($hash, 'cache_hash').$whereAdd);
$row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
return (is_array($row) ? $row['content'] : null);
* TypoScript related
* Returns the Page TSconfig for page with id, $id
* Requires class "t3lib_TSparser"
* Usage: 26 (spec. in ext info_pagetsconfig)
* @param integer Page uid for which to create Page TSconfig
* @param array If $rootLine is an array, that is used as rootline, otherwise rootline is just calculated
* @param boolean If $returnPartArray is set, then the array with accumulated Page TSconfig is returned non-parsed. Otherwise the output will be parsed by the TypoScript parser.
* @return array Page TSconfig
* @see t3lib_TSparser
public static function getPagesTSconfig($id, $rootLine = '', $returnPartArray = 0) {
$id = intval($id);
if (!is_array($rootLine)) {
$rootLine = t3lib_BEfunc::BEgetRootLine($id, '', TRUE);
ksort($rootLine); // Order correctly
$TSdataArray = array();
$TSdataArray['defaultPageTSconfig'] = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['defaultPageTSconfig']; // Setting default configuration:
foreach($rootLine as $k => $v) {
$TSdataArray['uid_'.$v['uid']] = $v['TSconfig'];
$TSdataArray = t3lib_TSparser::checkIncludeLines_array($TSdataArray);
if ($returnPartArray) {
return $TSdataArray;
// Parsing the user TS (or getting from cache)
$userTS = implode($TSdataArray, chr(10).'[GLOBAL]'.chr(10));
$hash = md5('pageTS:'.$userTS);
$cachedContent = t3lib_BEfunc::getHash($hash, 0);
$TSconfig = array();
if (isset($cachedContent)) {
$TSconfig = unserialize($cachedContent);
} else {
$parseObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TSparser');
$TSconfig = $parseObj->setup;
t3lib_BEfunc::storeHash($hash, serialize($TSconfig), 'PAGES_TSconfig');
// get User TSconfig overlay
$userTSconfig = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->userTS['page.'];
if (is_array($userTSconfig)) {
$TSconfig = t3lib_div::array_merge_recursive_overrule($TSconfig, $userTSconfig);
return $TSconfig;
* Updates Page TSconfig for a page with $id
* The function seems to take $pageTS as an array with properties and compare the values with those that already exists for the "object string", $TSconfPrefix, for the page, then sets those values which were not present.
* $impParams can be supplied as already known Page TSconfig, otherwise it's calculated.
* More documentation is needed.
* Usage: 1 (ext. direct_mail)
* @param integer Page id
* @param array Page TS array to write
* @param string Prefix for object paths
* @param array [Description needed.]
* @return void
* @internal
* @see implodeTSParams(), getPagesTSconfig()
public static function updatePagesTSconfig($id, $pageTS, $TSconfPrefix, $impParams = '') {
$id = intval($id);
if (is_array($pageTS) && $id>0) {
if (!is_array($impParams)) {
$impParams =t3lib_BEfunc::implodeTSParams(t3lib_BEfunc::getPagesTSconfig($id));
$set = array();
while(list($f, $v) = each($pageTS)) {
$f = $TSconfPrefix.$f;
if ((!isset($impParams[$f])&&trim($v)) || strcmp(trim($impParams[$f]), trim($v))) {
$set[$f] = trim($v);
if (count($set)) {
// Get page record and TS config lines
$pRec = t3lib_befunc::getRecord('pages', $id);
$TSlines = explode(chr(10), $pRec['TSconfig']);
$TSlines = array_reverse($TSlines);
// Reset the set of changes.
while(list($f, $v) = each($set)) {
$inserted = 0;
while(list($ki, $kv) = each($TSlines)) {
if (substr($kv, 0, strlen($f)+1)==$f.'=') {
$TSlines[$ki] = $f.'='.$v;
$inserted = 1;
if (!$inserted) {
$TSlines = array_reverse($TSlines);
$TSlines[] = $f.'='.$v;
$TSlines = array_reverse($TSlines);
$TSlines = array_reverse($TSlines);
// store those changes
$TSconf = implode(chr(10), $TSlines);
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery('pages', 'uid='.intval($id), array('TSconfig' => $TSconf));
* Implodes a multi dimensional TypoScript array, $p, into a one-dimentional array (return value)
* Usage: 3
* @param array TypoScript structure
* @param string Prefix string
* @return array Imploded TypoScript objectstring/values
public static function implodeTSParams($p, $k = '') {
$implodeParams = array();
if (is_array($p)) {
while(list($kb, $val) = each($p)) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$implodeParams = array_merge($implodeParams, t3lib_BEfunc::implodeTSParams($val, $k.$kb));
} else {
$implodeParams[$k.$kb] = $val;
return $implodeParams;
* Users / Groups related
* Returns an array with be_users records of all user NOT DELETED sorted by their username
* Keys in the array is the be_users uid
* Usage: 14 (spec. ext. "beuser" and module "web_perm")
* @param string Optional $fields list (default: username,usergroup,usergroup_cached_list,uid) can be used to set the selected fields
* @param string Optional $where clause (fx. "AND username='pete'") can be used to limit query
* @return array
public static function getUserNames($fields = 'username,usergroup,usergroup_cached_list,uid', $where = '') {
$be_user_Array = Array();
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($fields, 'be_users', 'pid=0 '.$where.t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('be_users'), '', 'username');
while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$be_user_Array[$row['uid']] = $row;
return $be_user_Array;
* Returns an array with be_groups records (title, uid) of all groups NOT DELETED sorted by their title
* Usage: 8 (spec. ext. "beuser" and module "web_perm")
* @param string Field list
* @param string WHERE clause
* @return array
public static function getGroupNames($fields = 'title,uid', $where = '') {
$be_group_Array = Array();
$res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery($fields, 'be_groups', 'pid=0 '.$where.t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('be_groups'), '', 'title');
while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$be_group_Array[$row['uid']] = $row;
return $be_group_Array;
* Returns an array with be_groups records (like ->getGroupNames) but:
* - if the current BE_USER is admin, then all groups are returned, otherwise only groups that the current user is member of (usergroup_cached_list) will be returned.
* Usage: 2 (module "web_perm" and ext. taskcenter)
* @param string Field list; $fields specify the fields selected (default: title,uid)
* @return array
public static function getListGroupNames($fields = 'title, uid') {
$exQ = ' AND hide_in_lists=0';
if (!$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin()) {
$exQ.=' AND uid IN ('.($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['usergroup_cached_list']?$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['usergroup_cached_list']:0).')';
return t3lib_BEfunc::getGroupNames($fields, $exQ);
* Returns the array $usernames with the names of all users NOT IN $groupArray changed to the uid (hides the usernames!).
* If $excludeBlindedFlag is set, then these records are unset from the array $usernames
* Takes $usernames (array made by t3lib_BEfunc::getUserNames()) and a $groupArray (array with the groups a certain user is member of) as input
* Usage: 8
* @param array User names
* @param array Group names
* @param boolean If $excludeBlindedFlag is set, then these records are unset from the array $usernames
* @return array User names, blinded
public static function blindUserNames($usernames, $groupArray, $excludeBlindedFlag = 0) {
if (is_array($usernames) && is_array($groupArray)) {
while(list($uid, $row) = each($usernames)) {
$userN = $uid;
$set = 0;
if ($row['uid']!=$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid']) {
while(list(,$v) = each($groupArray)) {
if ($v && t3lib_div::inList($row['usergroup_cached_list'], $v)) {
$userN = $row['username'];
$set = 1;
} else {
$userN = $row['username'];
$set = 1;
$usernames[$uid]['username'] = $userN;
if ($excludeBlindedFlag && !$set) {unset($usernames[$uid]);}
return $usernames;
* Corresponds to blindUserNames but works for groups instead
* Usage: 2 (module web_perm)
* @param array Group names
* @param array Group names (reference)
* @param boolean If $excludeBlindedFlag is set, then these records are unset from the array $usernames
* @return array
... This diff was truncated because it exceeds the maximum size that can be displayed.