


Bug #15697 ยป class.em_soap.php

Administrator Admin, 2006-02-21 21:02

/* **************************************************************
* Copyright notice
* (c)
* (c) 2006 Karsten Dambekalns <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!

* Enter description here...
class em_soap {
* valid options passed to the constructor :
* wsdl : The WSDL location, can be a local file location or
* an URL.
* soapoptions : Associative array of SOAP options to be passed to
* the SOAP implementation constructor, only used for
* the phpsoap implement.
* authentication : method of authentication :
* 'headers' soap headers are used
* 'prefix' function prefixes are used
* prefix : optional prefix to be put in front of all methods.
* implementation : Which type of soap implementation to use :
* 'detect' automatically detect an implementation.
* 'phpsoap' PHP builtin SOAP module
* <>
* 'nusoap' NuSOAP class
* <>
* 'pearsoap' PEAR SOAP class
* <>
* format : Which type of return structure :
* 'object' PHP objects
* 'array' PHP arrays, default
var $options = array();
var $client = false;
var $error = false;

var $username = false;
var $password = false;
var $reactid = false;

* Enter description here...
* @param array $options
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
function init($options=false, $username=false, $password=false) {
global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
if ($username !== false) {
if ($password === false) {
$this->reactid = $username;
} else {
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;

if (!$options['implementation'] || $options['implementation'] == 'detect') {
if (defined('SOAP_1_2')) {
$options['implementation'] = 'phpsoap';
} elseif (class_exists('soapclient')) {
$options['implementation'] = 'nusoap';
} elseif (class_exists('SOAP_Client')) {
$options['implementation'] = 'pearsoap';

$options['format'] = $options['format'] == 'object' ? 'object' : 'array';

if ($options !== false) {
$this->options = (array)$options;
$proxyServer = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlProxyServer'];
if ($proxyServer) {
$arrProxyServer = split(':', $proxyServer);
$proxyHost = $arrProxyServer[1];
$proxyHost = str_replace('//', '', $proxyHost);
$proxyPort = $arrProxyServer[2];
$proxyPort = str_replace('/', '', $proxyPort);
$proxyCredentials = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['curlProxyUserPass'];
if ($proxyCredentials) {
$arrproxyCredentials = split(':', $proxyCredentials);
$proxyUser = $arrproxyCredentials[0];
$proxyPass = $arrproxyCredentials[1];

switch ($this->options['implementation']) {
case 'nusoap':
$this->client =& new soapclient($this->options['wsdl'], true, $proxyHost, $proxyPort, $proxyUser, $proxyPass);
case 'pearsoap':
$arrProxy = array();
$arrProxy['proxy_host'] = $proxyHost;
$arrProxy['proxy_port'] = $proxyPort;
$arrProxy['proxy_user'] = $proxyUser;
$arrProxy['proxy_pass'] = $proxyPass;
$this->client =& new SOAP_Client($this->options['wsdl'], true, false, $arrProxy);
case 'phpsoap':
$this->client =& new SoapClient($options['wsdl'],(array)$options['soapoptions']);
$this->client = false;

* Enter description here...
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @return mixed false on failure, $reactid on success
function login($username, $password) {
$reactid = $this->call('login', array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password));

if ($this->error) {
return false;

$this->reactid = $reactid;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = false;

return $reactid;

* Enter description here...
* @return unknown
function logout() {
$this->reactid = false;
if ($this->error) {
return false;
return true;

* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $func
* @param unknown_type $param
* @param unknown_type $username
* @param unknown_type $password
* @return unknown
function call($func, $param=array(), $username=false, $password=false) {
if (!$this->client) {
$this->error = "Error in Webservices.class.php: No soap client implementation found. ".
"Make sure a SOAP library such as 'NuSoap.php' is included.";
return false;

if ($username !== false) {
if ($password === false) {
$this->reactid = $username;
} else {
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;

if ($this->options['authentication'] == 'prefix') {
$param = array_merge(array('reactid' => $this->reactid), $param);

if ($this->options['prefix']) {
$func = $this->options['prefix'].ucfirst($func);

$this->error = false;

switch ($this->options['implementation']) {
case 'nusoap' : return $this->callNuSOAP($func, $param); break;
case 'pearsoap' : return $this->callPearSOAP($func, $param); break;
case 'phpsoap' : return $this->callPhpSOAP($func, $param); break;

return false;

* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $func
* @param unknown_type $param
* @return unknown
function callPhpSOAP($func, $param) {
$header = null;
if ($this->options['authentication'] == 'headers') {
if ($this->reactid) {
$header =& new SoapHeader(
(object)array('reactid' => $this->reactid), 1
} elseif ($this->username && $this->password) {
$header =& new SoapHeader(
'username' => $this->username,
'password' => $this->password
), 1
$this->password = false;

$result = $this->client->__soapCall($func, $param, NULL, $header);

if (is_soap_fault($result)) {
$this->error = $result;
return false;

if (is_a($this->client->headersIn['HeaderAuthenticate'],'stdClass')) {
$this->reactid = $this->client->headersIn['HeaderAuthenticate']->reactid;

return $this->options['format'] == 'object' ? $result : $this->object2array($result);

* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $func
* @param unknown_type $param
* @return unknown
function callPearSOAP($func,$param) {
if ($this->options['authentication'] == 'headers') {
if ($this->reactid) {
new SOAP_Header(
'HeaderAuthenticate', NULL,
array('reactid' => $this->reactid), 1
} elseif ($this->username && $this->password) {
new SOAP_Header(
'HeaderLogin', NULL,
'username' => $this->username,
'password' => $this->password
), 1
$this->password = false;

$result = $this->client->call($func, $param);

if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
$this->error = $result;
return false;

if (is_a($this->client->headersIn['HeaderAuthenticate'],'stdClass')) {
$this->reactid = $this->client->headersIn['HeaderAuthenticate']->reactid;

return $this->options['format'] == 'object' ? $result : $this->object2array($result);

* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $func
* @param unknown_type $param
* @return unknown
function callNuSOAP($func,$param) {
$header = false;
if ($this->options['authentication'] == 'headers') {
if ($this->reactid) {
$header = (
"<HeaderAuthenticate SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand='1'>".
} elseif ($this->username && $this->password) {
$header = (
"<HeaderLogin SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand='1'>".
"</HeaderLogin>" //HeaderLogin
$this->password = false;

$result = $this->client->call($func, $param, false, false, $header);

if ($this->error = $this->client->getError()) {
return false;

// nusoap header support is very limited
$headers = $this->client->getHeaders();
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('~<([a-z0-9]+:)?reactid[^>]*>([^<]*)</([a-z0-9]+:)?reactid>~is', $headers, $matches)) {
$this->reactid = $matches[2];

return $this->options['format'] == 'object' ? $this->array2object($result) : $result;

* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $object
* @return unknown
function object2array($object) {
if (!is_object($object) && !is_array($object)) {
return $object;

$array = (array)$object;
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$array[$key] = $this->object2array($value);
return $array;

* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $array
* @return unknown
function array2object($array) {
if (!is_array($array)) {
return $array;

foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$array[$key] = $this->array2object($value);
return (object)$array;

* Enter description here...
* @return unknown
function lastRequest() {
switch ($this->options['implementation']) {
case 'nusoap' : return $this->client->request; break;
case 'pearsoap' : return $this->client->__getlastrequest(); break;
case 'phpsoap' : return $this->client->__getLastRequest(); break;

return false;

* Enter description here...
* @return unknown
function lastResponse() {
switch ($this->options['implementation']) {
case 'nusoap' : return $this->client->response; break;
case 'pearsoap' : return $this->client->__getlastresponse(); break;
case 'phpsoap' : return $this->client->__getLastResponse(); break;

return false;

* Enter description here...
* @return unknown
function getFunctions() {
switch ($this->options['implementation']) {
case 'nusoap' : return array_keys($this->client->operations); break;
case 'pearsoap' : return false; break;
case 'phpsoap' : return $this->client->__getFunctions(); break;

return false;
