


Bug #16447 » 4000.patch

Administrator Admin, 2006-08-08 16:23

View differences:

typo3_src-4.0/typo3/mod/user/ws/index.php 2006-08-03 15:26:33.249834917 +0200
// Include libraries of various kinds used inside:
0 => $LANG->getLL('filter_all'),
'display' => array(
0 => '[Live workspace]',
-98 => 'Draft Workspaces',
-99 => 'All',
0 => '['.$LANG->getLL('shortcut_onlineWS').']',
-98 => $LANG->getLL('label_offlineWSes'),
-99 => $LANG->getLL('label_allWSes'),
-1 => '[Default Draft]'
'diff' => array(
$menu.= t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncMenu(0,'SET[diff]',$this->MOD_SETTINGS['diff'],$this->MOD_MENU['diff']);
if ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace!==0) {
$menu.= t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck(0,'SET[expandSubElements]',$this->MOD_SETTINGS['expandSubElements']).' Show sub-elements - ';
$menu.= t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncCheck(0,'SET[expandSubElements]',$this->MOD_SETTINGS['expandSubElements']).' '.$LANG->getLL('label_showsubelements').' ';
// Create header:
$description = '';
switch($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace) {
case 0:
$title = t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage('sys_workspace', array(), $this->doc->backPath, ' align="top"').'[LIVE workspace]';
$title = t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage('sys_workspace', array(), $this->doc->backPath, ' align="top"').'['.$LANG->getLL('shortcut_onlineWS').']';
$description = $LANG->getLL('workspace_description_live');
case -1:
$title = t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage('sys_workspace', array(), $this->doc->backPath, ' align="top"').'[Draft workspace]';
$title = t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage('sys_workspace', array(), $this->doc->backPath, ' align="top"').'['.$LANG->getLL('shortcut_offlineWS').']';
$description = $LANG->getLL('workspace_description_draft');
case -99:
<td class="bgColor2" nowrap="nowrap"><b>' . $LANG->getLL('label_status') . '</b>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="bgColor4">Access level: ' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('workspace_list_access_' . $wsAccess['_ACCESS']) . '</td>
<td class="bgColor4">'.$LANG->getLL('label_accesslevel').' ' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('workspace_list_access_' . $wsAccess['_ACCESS']) . '</td>
</tr>' : '').'
* @return array Table rows, see displayWorkspaceOverview()
function displayWorkspaceOverview_list($pArray, $tableRows=array(), $c=0, $warnAboutVersions=FALSE) {
global $TCA;
global $TCA, $LANG;
// Initialize:
$fullColSpan = ($this->showWorkspaceCol?9:8);
$diffCode = '';
list($diffHTML,$diffPct) = $this->createDiffView($table, $rec_off, $rec_on);
if ($rec_on['t3ver_state']==1) { // New record:
$diffCode.= $this->doc->icons(1).'New element<br/>'; // TODO Localize?
$diffCode.= $this->doc->icons(1).$LANG->getLL('label_newrecord').'<br/>'; // TODO Localize?
$diffCode.= $diffHTML;
} elseif ($rec_off['t3ver_state']==2) {
$diffCode.= $this->doc->icons(2).'Deleted element<br/>';
switch($vType) {
case 'element':
$swapLabel = ' [Element]'; // TODO Localize?
$swapLabel = ' ['.$LANG->getLL('label_element').']'; // TODO Localize?
$swapClass = 'ver-element'; // Do not translate!
$warnAboutVersions_nonPages = $warnAboutVersions_page; // Setting this if sub elements are found with a page+content (must be rendered prior to this of course!)
case 'page':
$swapLabel = ' [Page]'; // TODO Localize?
$swapLabel = ' ['.$LANG->getLL('label_page').']'; // TODO Localize?
$swapClass = 'ver-page'; // Do not translate!
$warnAboutVersions_page = !$this->showWorkspaceCol; // This value is true only if multiple workspaces are shown and we need the opposite here.
case 'branch':
$swapLabel = ' [Branch]'; // TODO Localize?
$swapLabel = ' ['.$LANG->getLL('label_branch').']'; // TODO Localize?
$swapClass = 'ver-branch'; // Do not translate!
$warnAboutVersions_next = !$this->showWorkspaceCol; // This value is true only if multiple workspaces are shown and we need the opposite here.
// Create version element:
$versionsInOtherWS = $this->versionsInOtherWS($table, $rec_on['uid']);
$versionsInOtherWSWarning = $versionsInOtherWS && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace!==0 ? '<br/>'.$this->doc->icons(2).'Other version(s) in workspace '.$versionsInOtherWS : '';
$versionsInOtherWSWarning = $versionsInOtherWS && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace!==0 ? '<br/>'.$this->doc->icons(2).$LANG->getLL('label_otherversions').' '.$versionsInOtherWS : '';
$multipleWarning = (!$mainCell && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace!==0? '<br/>'.$this->doc->icons(3).'<b>Multiple versions in same workspace!</b>' : '');
$verWarning = $warnAboutVersions || ($warnAboutVersions_nonPages && $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['versioning_followPages'])? '<br/>'.$this->doc->icons(3).'<b>Version inside version!</b>' : '';
$verElement = $icon.
* @return string HTML content, mainly link tags and images.
function displayWorkspaceOverview_stageCmd($table,&$rec_off) {
global $LANG;
switch((int)$rec_off['t3ver_stage']) {
case 0:
$sId = 1;
$sLabel = 'Editing'; // TODO Localize
$sLabel = $LANG->getLL('stage_editing'); // TODO Localize
$color = '#666666'; // TODO Use CSS?
$label = 'Comment for Reviewer:'; // TODO Localize
$titleAttrib = 'Send to Review'; // TODO Localize
$label = $LANG->getLL('label_commentforreviewer'); // TODO Localize
$titleAttrib = $LANG->getLL('label_sendtoreview'); // TODO Localize
case 1:
$sId = 10;
$sLabel = 'Review'; // TODO Localize
$sLabel = $LANG->getLL('label_review'); // TODO Localize
$color = '#6666cc'; // TODO Use CSS?
$label = 'Comment for Publisher:'; // TODO Localize
$titleAttrib = 'Approve for Publishing'; // TODO Localize
$label = $LANG->getLL('label_commentforpublisher'); // TODO Localize
$titleAttrib = $LANG->getLL('label_approveforpublishing'); // TODO Localize
case 10:
$sLabel = 'Publish'; // TODO Localize
$sLabel = $LANG->getLL('label_publish'); // TODO Localize
$color = '#66cc66'; // TODO Use CSS?
case -1:
$sLabel = $this->doc->icons(2).'Rejected'; // TODO Localize
$sLabel = $this->doc->icons(2).$LANG->getLL('rejected'); // TODO Localize
$sId = 0;
$color = '#ff0000'; // TODO Use CSS?
$label = 'Comment:'; // TODO Localize
$titleAttrib = 'Reset stage'; // TODO Localize
$label = $LANG->getLL('stage_label_user_comment'); // TODO Localize
$titleAttrib = $LANG->getLL('label_resetstage'); // TODO Localize
$sLabel = 'Undefined'; // TODO Localize
$sLabel = $LANG->getLL('label_undefined'); // TODO Localize
$sId = 0;
$color = '';
if ($raiseOk && $rec_off['t3ver_stage']!=-1) {
// TODO Localize
$onClick = 'var commentTxt=window.prompt("Please explain why you reject:","");
$onClick = 'var commentTxt=window.prompt("'.$LANG->getLL('explain_reject').'","");
if (commentTxt!=null) {window.location.href="'.$this->doc->issueCommand(
// Reject:
'<a href="#" onclick="'.htmlspecialchars($onClick).'">'.
'<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->doc->backPath,'gfx/down.gif','width="14" height="14"').' alt="" align="top" title="Reject" />'.
'<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->doc->backPath,'gfx/down.gif','width="14" height="14"').' alt="" align="top" title="'.$LANG->getLL('label_reject').'" />'.
} else {
// Reject:
$pArray[$pUid] = $cEl['title'];
// If there are elements left in the root line, call this function recursively (to build $pArray in depth)
if (count($rlArr)) {
if (!isset($pArray[$pUid.'.'])) $pArray[$pUid.'.'] = array();
* @return string HTML content.
function subElements($uid,$treeLevel,$origId=0) {
global $TCA;
global $TCA, $LANG;
if ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace===0 || !$this->MOD_SETTINGS['expandSubElements']) { // In online workspace we have a reduced view because otherwise it will bloat the listing:
return '<br/>
<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->doc->backPath,'gfx/ol/joinbottom.gif','width="18" height="16"').' align="top" alt="" title="" />'.
($origId ?
'<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($this->doc->backPath.t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('version').'cm1/index.php?id='.$uid.'&details='.rawurlencode('pages:'.$uid).'&returnUrl='.rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'))).'">'.
'<span class="typo3-dimmed"><em>[Sub elements, click for details]</em><span></a>' :
'<span class="typo3-dimmed"><em>[Sub elements]</em><span>');
'<span class="typo3-dimmed"><em>['.$LANG->getLL('label_subelementsdetails').']</em><span></a>' :
'<span class="typo3-dimmed"><em>['.$LANG->getLL('label_subelements').']</em><span>');
} else { // For an offline workspace, show sub elements:
$tCell = array();
* @return array Generated record (see <code>sys_workspaces</code> for structure)
function workspaceList_createFakeWorkspaceRecord($uid) {
global $BE_USER;
global $BE_USER, $LANG;
$record = array(
'uid' => $uid,
'tstamp' => 0, // does not really matter
'deleted' => 0,
// TODO Localize all strings below
'title' => ($uid == 0 ? '[Live workspace]' : '[Draft workspace]'), // TODO Localize this!
'title' => ($uid == 0 ? '['.$LANG->getLL('shortcut_onlineWS').']' : '['.$LANG->getLL('shortcut_offlineWS').']'), // TODO Localize this!
// TODO Localize all strings below
'description' => ($uid == 0 ? 'Live workspace' : 'Draft workspace'), // TODO Localize this!
'description' => ($uid == 0 ? $LANG->getLL('shortcut_onlineWS') : $LANG->getLL('shortcut_offlineWS')), // TODO Localize this!
'adminusers' => '',
'members' => '',
'reviewers' => '',