


Bug #16459 ยป 0004022.patch

Administrator Admin, 2007-02-13 02:20

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_loaddbgroup.php (Arbeitskopie)
$this->secondTable = key($this->tableArray); // If the second table is set and the ID number is less than zero (later) then the record is regarded to come from the second table...
// Now, populate the internal itemArray and tableArray arrays:
if ($MMtable) { // If MM, then call this function to do that:
if ($MMtable && $MMuid) { // If MM, then call this function to do that:
} elseif ($MMuid && $conf['foreign_field']) {
// If not MM but foreign_field, the read the records by the foreign_field
// If not MM but foreign_field, the read the records by the foreign_field (IRRE)
$this->readForeignField($MMuid, $conf);
} else {
// If not MM, then explode the itemlist by "," and traverse the list:
foreach($tempItemArray as $key => $val) {
$isSet = 0; // Will be set to "1" if the entry was a real table/id:
// Extract table name and id. This is un the formular [tablename]_[id] where table name MIGHT contain "_", hence the reversion of the string!
// Extract table name and id. This is in the form "[tablename]_[id]" or only "[id]" where [tablename] name MIGHT contain "_", hence use the reversion of the string!
$val = strrev($val);
$parts = explode('_',$val,2);
$theID = strrev($parts[0]);